
Singapore China relations – who is being simplistic

I read this first paragraph from an article by Dotseng aka Darkness in his blog titled “Why Mr Chee Hong Tat is simplistic and flawed in his conclusion”.

Chee Hong Tat recently blasted critics who suggest that Singapore should align more closely with China so it would stop investing in competitive projects in neighbouring countries are drawing “a simplistic and flawed conclusion”, Mr Chee pointed out that Beijing is making investments in the region to enhance its connectivity and energy security, and that these decisions are based on China’s own national interests. What is your take on that?

Darkness went on to ask many more questions and provided his own answers on why it was Chee Hong Tat that was simplistic and flawed rather than those who wanted Singapore to align closer to China to benefit more from the better relationship.

In Chee Hong Tat’s comment that China was doing it all for its own interests as if this is something unusual and unacceptable. It also kind of implies that other countries were doing things not for their own interests and securities but more for altruistic reasons or for the interests of other countries. And I presume it also applies to Singapore, that Singapore did things, said things not for its own interests or security? Do I make sense?

What is so wrong about China or any country doing things for their own interests and security? And for all the projects that China has embarked, be they bilateral trade agreements or investments or the OBOR and AIIB, the countries that participated in these agreements or in OBOR and AIIB cannot be doing them for the sake and interests of China but definitely more for their own interests.

Would Singapore be silly enough to participate in such ventures and agreements not for the interests of Singapore and for Singapore’s security? Did Singapore built Suzhou Industrial Park, Tianjin Eco City and now another city in Szechuan not for Singapore’s interests? Should Singapore be chided for doing all this for the interests of Singapore?

What is new? What is new is to say something that is nothing new as if it is new. What is new is to say something that is the norm and to put a slant into that it is not right to do so.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Nothing new. Countries all round the world do things basically for their self interest. If by doing so, it benefit some countries, then that is a bonus. In any project, some will benefit from it and some will lose. Project needs is based on criticality. If China deem trade route is being threatened, they will have to think of other viable solutions. That is so simple.

Anonymous said...

//Would Singapore be silly enough to participate in such ventures and agreements not for the interests of...//

Sinkieland Garmen not only stupid not once but thrice ...isn't foolish to help China after failing the SIP project? Or is it wanna creates jobs for the Sinkies property developers? Ownself got its problems but go n help others? Isn't it stupidity has no cure in Sinkieland or wat?

Anonymous said...

Uncle RB,

Below is an extract from an editorial post in JOC.COM on global ports written by a senior editor in Jan 2017:


"Adding heavily to the dynamism of port activity in Southeast Asia, China at the end of 2016 announced it was investing $1.9 billion to build a new port on the Malacca Strait. From a capacity and commercial perspective, the need for an entirely new development on the busy waterway is dubious, and the move is a strong example of how geopolitics can overshadow market and commercial forces in port development.

The Melaka Gateway port is in fact one of several projects China is undertaking with the goal of decreasing risk related to its energy and trade shipments through the strait. China is also investing in Tanjung Sauh Port on Indonesia’s Batam Island, located at the mouth of the strait, close to Singapore. Despite the ample container capacity on offer in the region, this is planned as a container-focused facility and its first phase is to offer 4 million twenty-foot-equivalent units of capacity.

Other facilities under development in Malaysia include the Chinese-invested Kuantan Port on the east side of peninsular Malaysia facing the South China Sea; and Samalaju Industrial Port, also on the South China Sea, with a focus on dry bulk business."


Read the last sentence of the quoted 1st paragraph + the entire 2nd + 3rd paragraphs .......

Seems quite clear what this veteran shipping senior editor thought was driving the dynamics of the ports in this region .......

Virgo49 said...

Just follow Duarte non hypocrisy.Called a spade a spade. This Chee is a CB. Now those young Ministers think that they are SMART being groomed to be the next Generation Leaders.

Like TCJ, that Desmond, Law Ran, Kee Chui and that CB.

They are gonna being the demisei of SINKIE land soon.

The sinkies deserved their fates to elect them. Let them undergone like the 60s with half filled stomachs to wake up.

Karma, Karma.

Anonymous said...

Virgo49 9.27am //Like TCJ, that Desmond, Law Ran, Kee Chui and that CB.//

When at an eatery in town sometime back and siam garmen officials from AXX or XXC or XGX were heard talking with 1 of them still having his pass on, they were heard hurling obscenities and vulgarities lah at some pple ......

& at least 2 of them in the list of 5 u mentioned ......

Some of the words they used blasting these 2: " ..... Mxtxxr Fxxkxr ......" ..... some other obscenities they used not "printable" in msn lah .....

Ps: After that particular incident, was thinking bery hard why siam of these garment pple were lambasting so vehemently against siam of the pple Virgo mentioned ........

The chn has a phrase "no wind ..... no wave ....." means "got wave confirmed got wind" .....?

Anonymous said...

What Chee Hong said has helped to confirm and cement our observations, analysis, conclusion and belief that the Lee-Ho Self-Proclaimed Natural Aristocracy is running and controlling Singapore and Singaporeans NOT in the interests of Singapore and Singaporeans.

Thank you Chee Hong for enlightening all of us with your single-minded simplified confirmation on the way Singapore is being run and controlled!

Thank you Darkness for your article!

Thank you RB for bringing forth the information.

Thank you All Sinkies for continuing to be as DAFT and SPINELESS as always.

The Old Emperor is Dead! Long live the New Emperor and Empress Dowager!

Anonymous said...

Another one not in the list of 5 u mentioned but his name got a same word as the name mentioned here ......

Anonymous said...

Singapore is known as yellow skin black heart from China perspective. We Kena toast already.

Anonymous said...

Please lah, the interests of Singapore and for Singapore’s security may not necessarily be in the interest of ordinary Sinkies lah.

Take NS for instance, and which no doubt is in the interest of Singapore's security.

But which idiot will say it is also in the interest of male Sinkies, please kee chiu?

So it depends for whose interest mah, be it PAP, country, or individual citizens.

Even individual Sinkie also depends whether it is new Sinkie or local Sinkie.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I will write something about this 'yellow skin black heart' video that Virgo sent me and put the link up for you guys to view if you have yet to do so. It is in mandarin though and the message is stunting to say the least.

Anonymous said...

PAP and elite Sinkies interest come first, then country, then new Sinkie and lastly daft, money no enough and suffering Sinkies, in that order.

But of course there is mobility upwards for daft, suffering Sinkies when they become smart, rich and the so called elite Sinkies lah.

Anonymous said...

We think that the self-aggrandizing PAP elite is doing all the pro-foreigner things in Singapore for its own interests and harming Sinkies' interests !

Anonymous said...

RB, I have watched the video. Quite a harsh attack on Singapore. The straw that breaks the camel's back is the Naval Exercise in South China Seas. Neither India nor Singapore has a claim over the disputed islands but both conducted the exercises there? Strange and unexplainable. India's interest should be the Indian Ocean which is on the other side of the continent.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In today's paper, India rejected Australia's participation in a naval exercise in the Indian Ocean for fear of antagonising the Chinese. India is starting to show some sensitivity.

What about Singapore? Is Singapore tua kee so no need to show sensitivity to China? Singapore boleh! Freedom of navigation in the SCS!

Anonymous said...

Neither India nor Singapore has a claim over the disputed islands but both conducted the exercises there?
10:27 am

Maybe it is big brother America that ask India and Singapore to conduct naval exercise there?

India is very close and friendly to America, u know. The CEO of Microsoft and Google are from India. Microsoft also hires many Indians, the more talented ones lah.

Singapore is also very close and friendly to America, u know. And for obvious security reasons why PAP allow Changi Naval Base as host to US aircraft carrier and their Asia Pacific fleet.

So like that ah, if America ask, how to say no? And if this being the case, how to expect PAP to explain it like this to Sinkies, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

And if this being the case, how to expect PAP to explain it like this to Sinkies, u tell me lah?
10:42 am

Why would PAP need to explain anything to Sinkies? Explain or no explain, PAP will still win elections, tio bo?

PAP can even talk nonsense to bluff Sinkies and will still win election, u know.

Goh said...

Dun understand why pick on Hong Tat.
What he says make sense.

Anonymous said...

Is Singapore tua kee so no need to show sensitivity to China?
RB 10:36 am

Not tua kee, but rather keh tiok (caught in a difficult position) like what anon 10:42 am explained so clearly.

Just like majority voters also keh tiok when it comes to voting for the best Sinkie political party to be govt during election.

Virgo49 said...

What "Kek Tiok" Boh lan par said boh lan par.

DONT give the excuse no choices. Just said too afraid of changes.

Some bros here got template replies of PAP still wins elections so what the big deals of doing what they like. No need to explain Tiok Boh? ?

Wah PAPies parrots. One postings earned five SINKIE dollars.

Anonymous said...

What "Kek Tiok" Boh lan par said boh lan par.
Virgo49 11:29 am

Aiyo Virgo49, your lan par very big, is it?

Then why u neber contest the last election against PAP hah?

And only know how to kpkb in RB blog like those boh lan par?

And u sure they are PAPies parrots and one postings earned five SINKIE dollars?

Food cannot anyhow eat and words cannot anyhow say, u know. I know u are old but still got a lot to learn, u know.

Anonymous said...

Sg has the most powerful airforce, navy and army in south east Asia so sg can show China our might so that China better diam diam macham no balls when confronted by sg. Long live sg.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 11.52

No need to contest against the PAP then have guts.

Just simply vote for change and not lead lives like leashed dogs by the PAP means got guts.

70percent Dafts simply feared being unleashed and rather be slaves to be leashed by them giving the excuse boh piang or kek Tiok.

Till doomsday, then when seeing their coffins then they start to weep.

Goh said...

Aiyo uncle Virgo
Talk as if all sinkies like you got big house in matland.
You can kpkb cos you rich mah.
If I anyhow kpkb,kena bankrupt no pigeon hole to stay are you going to provide me a hut to stay .
Majority here are 30 %,but not everyone can afford to offend the You Know Who so not becos they bolanpa but they smart,not anyhow goo thow long kow.

virgo49 said...

Ahgongkia, you think just because you voted against them, they threw you in jails??

Cannot blame the Dafts as the fear factors already in their spines since fifty years been trained by Master Dogs Handler with not leash, but Choke hold.

If the dafts were to wake up, then don't have to take cover in Melaka sanctuary to to avoid the onslaught of Nanking the Second by the Black Ants.


Goh said...

Adoi,lao chek
No one will be thrown in cell for voting against them but one can be thrown in for kpkb-ing anyhow.
Many here can even sing praises but come to voting ,they vote opposite .
But who cares?You got your litter hut ready for me?
Built another one for our patriot uncle here:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Chua
Thanks for reminding me about Dotseng.
I've not read his blog for quite a long time.

I like his hands-on approach to life and getting things done.
Direct and straight to the point.
And if the approach is wrong, you will know straight away
(Unlike "our" investments in stocks like ABC Learning and UBS).

Reminds me of the pioneering Singaporeans in the 1960s and 1970s.
They were definitely not mental masturbating Millionaire paper Generals.

Anonymous said...

/// Take NS for instance, and which no doubt is in the interest of Singapore's security. ///
June 01, 2017 10:10 am

NS is in the interest of the PAP government.
It is not in the interest of Singaporeans or Singapore.

Because Singaporeans = Singapore.
PAP government = PAP.

Anonymous said...

"Majority here are 30 %,but not everyone can afford to offend the You Know Who so not becos they bolanpa but they smart,not anyhow goo thow long kow."
June 01, 2017 2:04 pm

Vote Opposition only lah.
Why should You Know Who get offended?
Why should we fear going to jail because we voted Opposition?
Is this a democracy or a military dictatorship?

Anonymous said...

@ June 01, 2017 8:59 am

Looks like someboXi somewhere does not want to become too dependent on someboLee in the Straits of Malacca.
This must be the much touted "special relationship".

Anonymous said...

" A new breed of Singaporean men would need to be sent to the outer reaches of the known world where the new land and maritime routes of OBOR run to gather information.
They need to be able to identify the most suitable parcels of land that has the highest economic growth potential
– all this needs to be done surreptitiously in absolute secrecy so as to not to alert the competition. "


So who is going to volunteer?
Which Millionaire PAP General wants to go?
Which "sex in small space" PAP Minister wants to go?
kee chiu.

Do you think our PAP government is willing to pay a million dollar salary to dotseng to go?

b said...

Sg is silly to invest so much in marxist chin but should invest in friendly Oz. Marxists are dangeorus people who attack, loot and kill even their own family members (eg. revolution in chin/russia/east germany).

Anonymous said...

/// Sg is silly to invest so much in marxist chin but should invest in friendly Oz. ///

Do you think Singaporeans are even more silly to invest so much time & money in: CPF, National Service and HDB flats?

Anonymous said...

A country will never let wealth b

Taken out of its own country.

Can only put profit in other projets or

can only take our producing gds.eg sour oranges

Never monies!

Anonymous said...

From the invasion of Manchuria in 1931 until their surrender in 1945, Japan engaged in germ warfare, slave labour, mass rapes and dissection of live bodies for medical research. Some scholars say 15 million Chinese died as the direct result of Japan’s invasion.

Anonymous said...

Commenter b may not be a Chinese.
lf he is, he could be a pro Taiwan Chinese, a Falungong member or a banana.
There is no reason for him to be so anti communism unless he had suffered from communist before.

Anonymous said...

Commenter b may not be a Chinese.

Anon June 01, 2017 10:59 pm

"b" for bombay lah !

Anonymous said...

a sg newspaper ,founded n named after colonial legacy of English straits settlement of Singapore Penang n Malacca invasion., had 3 articles today calling for USA hawks to patrol within the 12 nautical miles of Island in south China seas n so called navigation in conjunction with the security diAlogue here which is back by...

denk said...

'sg takes no position on scs'

it used to be white men speak with forked tongue, ask the native americans who almost got wiped out.

now we've indian [of south asia variety] speaks with knotted tongue !


b said...

June 01, 2017 10:17 pm

The west killed others. Marxists killed their own kind including family members. Intensity is the difference here. Marxism is pure evil. Its an ideology worse than radical islam. Its extreme capitalism.

b said...

Marxism makes followers 六親不認. Beware.

Anonymous said...

Marxism is when the government works with workers to screw the companies/employers.

Fascism is when the government works with the companies/employers to screw the workers.

Anonymous said...

This b chap is talking like a primary school kid, so shallow.