
Lim Swee Say – Job mismatch a serious problem

In an article in the Today paper on 11 Oct titled ‘Govt paints dire picture of mismatch between jobs and skills’, ‘…Lim Swee Say cautioned that the low jobs growth could persist and Singapore faces the prospect of rising unemployment if it does not minimize the job skills mismatch and strive for quality economic growth. With the number of locals seeking work far outstripping the number of jobs added by “many things” last year, Mr Lim stressed the need to “maximise the connectivity between job opportunities and job seekers.”’

What is the problem? Mismatch of job and job seekers? Why mismatch? Aren’t the job seekers the products of world best universities, top, top universities? Why got mismatch? Whose fault is it if top, top universities produced graduates that could not match the job opportunities in the market?

Why are the products from Indian universities got no problem with job mismatch? Should not the MPs raise this question in Parliament? Should not the MP recommend the closing down of our world best universities that are producing graduates that could not fit into the market, mismatch? Should not the MPs recommend that we send our young to be educated in Indian universities so that they would not be mismatched and be employable in our job market?

Who is at fault? Who is in charge and responsible for producing graduates that are needed in the market? No is one responsible? No one responsible for our world best university education with world best fees and ended up mismatched?

What is happening? Just shout job mismatch and no not my problem any more. Surely someone must answer to this fiasco. So much money wasted and so much time wasted and our young graduates at a lost, mismatch after spending all those years in the world’s best universities run by the best foreigners money can buy? Should someone be held responsible for ruining the lives of our young graduates, for ruining the hopes of their parents?


Anonymous said...

I dont think that the real problem is job mismatch.

I think the main problem is..........salary mismatch.

There is a "low-low" limit job seekers need to earn just to survive
in this extremely expensive city.

There is also a "low-low" salary limit the SMEs want to offer without
diluting their top mgt incomes.

How to match? You tell me!

End up, SMEs go for cheap-cheap sources!

Is this the real situation at ground zero?

The unemployment situation here exploding?

Dont just sit in your office! Check it up yourself!


Hermit said...

Agree that job mismatch is serious problem. Look at MRT's mess. You get an army boy who knows nothing about how public transport works to be CEO?

virgo49 said...

These Local Monster Employers wants to pay you peanuts but took for granted that you have to defend their families, WEALTH, businesses in time of need.

What bloody Nation? ? All for themselves.

One bro advised me not to waste time harping on these issues and gek sim for what these daft Sinkies, young and old.

Not grateful but traded insults to your concerns.

Let them taste the hard times and hopefully be wiser in the future which may be too late.

Just enjoy your sunset years and have another round of roulette.

jjgg said...

early morning n u kpkb without offering solutions..lss already got no solution n he so dependent on sage advice so that he can continue drawing his paycheck..I will help him...1) if education system don't fit economy..then economy must fit education 2) flowing on..if we produce too many lawyers..town councils n government related agencies must expand their legal services n sue more people..guarantee..with economy ...tanking..this will bring in big bucks..3) if we produce too many teachers..build more schools n reduce pupil to teacher ratio..preferably a ratio of 1:1 should be targeted..overnight u will screw all the private tuition agencies n what not..4) if u produce too many civil engineers..just dig more roads..do road widening..dig for the sake of digging..u know the drill..5) if architects n civil engineers out of work..just play with the plot ratio again...guarantee another round of tearing down new buildings to replace with newer buildings and last piece of advice before I go for breakfast..triple the size of PA..u have no idea how many social science people are out there dying to go for durian trips n overseas field trips...last..last advice..don't listen to JT..she'll add to student population if everybody start screwing all over the place.😊😊😊

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with LSS! All ministers jobs are also mismatched. I would say they are only the job training. So what is the problem?

Anonymous said...

Flood the rd wif all sort

Of fast moving machine.

Dat will likely to cause acdent.

Anonymous said...

The demand and supply of unskilled and skilled graduates in this country
is a total failure?

The demand is NOT talking to each other?

No one cares!

This is first world economy or genting's first world hotel.


Anonymous said...

The unthinking duds simply accept what the recruiters told them. What is real, what is the agenda of the recruiters? Why are some seen as got right job match and some don't?

Why are our top world class universities underperforming against third world no brainer universities?

There are too seow tin tongs in charge and not knowing what is happening.

Veritas said...

..3) if we produce too many teachers..build more schools n reduce pupil to teacher ratio..preferably a ratio of 1:1 should be targeted..overnight u will screw all the private tuition agencies n what not..4) if u produce too many civil engineers..just dig more roads..do road widening..dig for the sake of digging..u know the drill..5) if architects n civil engineers out of work..just play with the plot ratio again.

We can just nuke Singapore and rebuilt. i guarantee more economic growths. These are lies of capitalist invented to counter communism.

You do not get prosperity by redundant work. You get prosperity by technology advancement.

The USA economist need to find an excuse why war time economy is better than peace time. So they invented that by destroying things we have economic growth. That is not the case.

The reality was Roosevelt socialist policy of taxing the rich and use the monies for infrastructure and development.

In short, moving towards communism or equality create prosperity.

Anonymous said...

This is pushing blames to others and clean his hands off. Clever!

Anonymous said...

Its was Temasek decision to bail out. Nobody force them.

They can decline also, just let it close shop.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Lim Swee Say has a mismatch between his talents and his job requirements?

Anonymous said...

Do you think PAP Ministers job mismatches are a serious problem for the Singaporean economy?
Do you think PAP Generals job mismatches are also a serious problem for the Singaporean economy?

Are there significant differences between;
a) the "Singaporean" economy
b) the PAP-linked economy
c) PAP's Alien Talents economy

Which economy is doing very well?
Which economy is suffering?

Anonymous said...

Do you think there is a job mismatch between what Singaporeans need and what PAP and PM Lee can deliver?

Anonymous said...

Actually my kid working overseas in Asia and people outside said they never heard of our great university. Only two parties know that we have TOP Uni that is good that is the uni and the rating agency. Kid has to do a lot of studies outside the curriculum in order to land a job so the minister is telling the truth that there is a mismatch. But who is accountable is another story.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, the db guy already Kena kick out lar. Update FYI.

Anonymous said...

What mismatch???

If the offers are right.........

有钱能使鬼推磨! 有钱能使鬼推磨!


Anonymous said...

Do you think there is a perfect match between Alien Indians and PAP Ministers?
Is that why PAP Ministers is opening up the immigration criteria for Alien Indians?

Anonymous said...

Do we have a pro Alien Indian political party in Singapore?

Veritas said...

Today SIA only want India Indian pilot.

Singaporean chinese malay and Indians are no talent, no motivation, and not welcome. We have a job mismatch.

Pilot salary is so low that no Singaporeans want to apply and so, must find in India.

patriot said...

Simply put; the New University
Graduate are lost bcos they are taught by the Academics who are lost themselves bcos they are following the Instructions from the Lost Political Leaders.

But, the Teaching Staff and the Leeders are enjoying getting lost cos they are milking the Lost Sinkies and enjoying life of luxury and plenty.


Anonymous said...

Is there a serious job mismatch between what Singaporeans need and what PAP can deliver?

patriot said...

Maybe Sin Talents are
oni good at building
toilets leh.
Sin has a toilet specialist
or shit soecialist depending
on your fancy.


Anonymous said...

Rb //Just shout job mismatch and no not my problem any more. Surely someone must answer to this fiasco. So much money wasted and so much time wasted and our young graduates at a lost, mismatch after spending all those years in the world’s best universities run by the best foreigners money can buy? Should someone be held responsible for ruining the lives of our young graduates, for ruining the hopes of their parents?//


It is like dat what with scoundrels?

Got credit faster than Usain Bolt?

Got problem faster than zpeed of light?

70% shouted shiok in ge 2015 and asked for more screwing?


b said...

He has been in this job for so long and still did not solve this problem. Maybe he should resign and let someone more capable take his millions dollar pay day job. His KPI sucks.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, I have deleted several of your posts and replies to your posts. Your approach to the discussion is to provoke racial differences. That is not acceptable. Please discuss it in a more objective manner without playing up on race.

There are ways for a healthy discussion.

Anonymous said...

There is a serious job mismatch now between a minister job and the people who are ministers.

And the opposition is not even ready to be minister, let alone replace these jiak-liao-bee job mismatch ministers.

So like that how?

Anonymous said...

There are ways for a healthy discussion.
RB 3:26 pm

Tiok. Veritas like to talk about their bad toilets when talking about Indians.

Although it may be true to some extent, but it is not healthy and also unhygienic to talk so often about it. You know, I know, that's enough.

Anonymous said...

The Engineer feels
great that sinkies
can build toilets.
So build more toilets
More can work as toilet
cleaners in Sin.

Anonymous said...

What the minister basically said the local TOP Uni basically produced dud for the economy? Is that what he is saying or not?

AhKong65 said...

Job mismatach is a serious problem says our minister Lim Swee Say....I fully agreed .
Singapore has one of the best universities in the world and yet still not good enough as compared to some unknown universities in India .
We have job mismatch at all level in Singapore , from civil services to ministries and the ministers .

Virgo49 - 8:22 Real " gek sim " .

Anonymous said...

So what if the job mismatch is very very very serious!

What can you do now? Tell me! Tell me!

Please remember that 70% did said OK!

So what you want now?

Cry? Laugh? Kpkb!

What else?!


Anonymous said...

What the minister basically said the local TOP Uni basically produced dud for the economy? Is that what he is saying or not?

patriot said...

The Minister is admitting that
he is not able to solve the Mismatch
and so are the Other Cabinet Members.
He is implying that Sinkies will have to accept the Reality of the Mismatch and swallow it, like it or not.
He also means to say he and his fellow colleagues are not responsible for tge Mismatch.
You die your business, nothinģ to do with the Leeders.


Anonymous said...

What is the actual MISMATCH ?

Foreign workers cheaper -- match cost minimization of rational employers.

Singaporean workers more expensive -- mismatch cost minimization of rational employers.

Cheaper foreign workers match PAP's low-wage competitive economic strategy.

More expensive Singaporean workers do not match PAP's low-wage competitive economic strategy.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, you kpkb too much. Singapore is in safe hands. Please do not worry too much. Job mismatch is not the fault of the PAP government. It is definitely the result of Singaporean mentality. Singaporeans do not want to work in harsh environment, in the heat with no air-con, no weekend work and also want high pay. Parents only want their children to be lawyers, doctors and bankers. So please do not blame our efficient PAP government for this mismatch problem. All the blame should be shouldered by SINGAPOREANS.

Anonymous said...

U.K. citizens voted for BREXIT because of immigration and the devastating effect of globalization aggravating the income disparity between U.K. citizens, and causing U.K. citizens to lose jobs to cheaper foreigners.

Lim Swee Say is still talking through his anus to camouflage the PAP's pro-cheaper-foreigner policies . . .

Anonymous said...

Anon October 17, 2016 5:35 pm

You are soooo wrong. PAP is a caring government and I totally agree with Anon October 17, 2016 5:15 pm

Anonymous said...

Josephine Teo says fucking does not require a lot of space.
So how many PAP Ministers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Anonymous said...

Q: How do they say "fuck you" in Singapore?
A: I'm from PAP. I'm here to help Singaporeans.

AhKong65 said...

Vote PAP and we have this talented minister to serve you .

Anonymous said...

Job mismatch means a Singaporean graduate in electronic engineering work as taxi driver, a Singaporean graduate in law work as property salesman, a Singaporean poly diploma holder in marketing sells chao guo tiao, a Singaporean poly diploma holder in computer engineering works as events coordinator.
This is Singaporean fault? Or Governments fault? Trace the root cause of this ABSURD SITUATION. The govt allows the cheap labour from foreign country to snatch up all the positions. The worst is once the HR officer is a foreigner, the cancer is beyond control, foreigner emokoy foreigner. There should be a law, HR officer MUST be Singaporean.

AhKong65 said...

Totally agreed with you and I am just an ordinary layman....why our talented ministers doesn't know this root cause or they simply refues to be aware of it . Vote PAP and you will have this talented minister serving you .

Anonymous said...

In all rareness u can not blame him cause he is labour minister so he not education minister who produced the dud graduates that the job market does not want. He talking about it to show his frustration
. Some more now have two dudes running it that may made things worst cause prior Uni and Uni may also not match then Uni and work place does not match too. Alamak!

Anonymous said...

What is job mismatch? Just said salary mismatch will do, why bit around the bush. Can we kpkb salary mismatch to the none stop raising of living standard in this country. You will be labelled with attitude problem.

One's education back ground teaches us to learn and apply. Our accumulated knowledge and skill hence need only fundamentally match to the job applied, these can be pickup if an employment opportunity is given. There is no secret many FT also pick up knowledge and skill from their local senior, and they also created work mistakes, in a way created job for the local. And finally the local's rice bowl is broken, once knowledge and skills were transferred. These are salary mismatch, basic survivor problem.

AhKong65 said...

You are very right , seems like you have better analytical skill than our talented minister . Our dear minister only knows how to blame it to job mismatch and end of story....too simple for his job responsibility .

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