
F1 final curtain call?

11 races gone by and nearly $2b spent with the govt footing 60% of the bill, would the F1 race continue for another chapter? No doubt there are values generated from such high profile event to add some oomphs to this once labeled dull and lifeless city. With the changes in govt policies and the two casinos, cruise centres, Sentosa, the Zoo and Night Safari, would there be a need to continue to splurge a few billions for an event that, based on the latest race, losing its glitters? Attendance had fallen to a record low of 73,000 from its height of 219,000.

The bill of $150 million to organize such an event is real. The returns of $150 million incremental receipts is as good as extrapolation from a lot of intangible accounting. How much of the receipts would be translated to actual profits to offset the $150m of cost has yet to be added up. Assuming 30% was profit, that was only $45m, a far cry from the cost of $150m. A $150m receipt is NOT $150m profit!

The Singapore Race is now dubbed as the ‘crown jewel in F1’ by Ecclestone. Iswaran added that ‘there is a clear appreciation of the value that Singapore brings to F1, not just as a venue but in terms of the larger position of the sport and also as a business…’

Singapore has added value to the F1 event. There is no other place like Singapore to hold such a glamour event, safe, clean and efficient and convenient. Should not the F1 organiser be paying Singapore a fee instead of Singapore paying them a helfty $150 million? The big question should be who needs who more, who contributed more to the success of the event?

It is time Singapore appreciates its own value and not continue with the self deprecating thought and policy that we need them, like the foreign talent myth, that Singaporeans are daft, and trust that they need us more. Just hang up the phone and wait for them to call back. The worst case scenario is for Singapore to save $150 million that could be used for better things.

What do you think? Should Singapore continue to behave like the unthinking glory seeking adolescent, begging to be invited in, to be given a seat, and to pay whatever they asked, because papa got money to throw?

Grow up Singapore. You are not a third world little country that needs to pay for superficial glory, for a bit of noise on the streets. It is $150m a race to organize. It is public money that must be accounted for and carefully spent.


Anonymous said...

I vote for NO MORE F1 racing unless we do not need to pay for it. It is a bad time for business and bad time for employment. Throwing money on F1 that hardly generate profit to the country is a bad decision. We may as well use the money to offset retailers like hotels, eateries, taxi companies and others on tax rebate.

Anonymous said...

Worry not! Worry not!

We have lots lots lots money!

Our money we have "eat-cannot-finish"....so worry not!

The money we "throw" in organising F1 is small change....."sub-sub-water"!

F1! F1! F1!


Anonymous said...

Money aside

it also caused

much incovenience

to motorists.

Anonymous said...

/// Should not the F1 organiser be paying Singapore a fee instead of Singapore paying them a helfty $150 million? ///

What about PAP?
Should the PAP government be serving Singaporeans with greater humility instead of taking us and our votes for granted?

Anonymous said...

/// The big question should be who needs who more, who contributed more to the success of the event? //

Yes indeed.
The big question should be who needs who more, who contributed more to the success of Singapore?
PAP or Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

/// It is time Singapore appreciates its own value and not continue with the self deprecating thought and policy that we need them, like the foreign talent myth, that Singaporeans are daft, ... ///

Do you think it is also time Singaporeans appreciate our own value and not continue with the self deprecating thought that we need PAP and their Millionaire Generals and that Singaporeans are daft?

/// Just hang up the phone and wait for them to call back. ///

Just vote Opposition and wait for the pigs to crawl back.

Anonymous said...

don't play play don't play play......

do you know WHO originated the idea of organising F1 in Singapore......

do you want to sleep peacefully at night......

if yes...................don't play play don't play play......

Anonymous said...

Just hang up the phone and wait for them to call back.

Tiok. But too bad RB, you are not Hsien Loong or Iswaran.

You did not even want to fight PAP in an election!

So like that how to expect PAP to respect you, let alone listen to your opinion?

Anonymous said...

You did not even want to fight PAP in an election!
Anon 10:00 am

Problem is, majority voters have no respect for those who want or dare to fight PAP in an election.

That's perhaps why RB, being a smart old Sinkie, did not want to fight PAP in an election. Blog or write to earn some kopi money is better, at his age. I would have done the same too, if only I could write as well as him, or got the stamina to do it everyday.

Anonymous said...

Reported in ASS that the train service between Sixth Avenue station
and King Albert Park station had been suspended and may affect the
primary school students on the way to their PSLE exams.


Anonymous said...

Reported in ASS that the train service between Sixth Avenue station
and King Albert Park station had been suspended and may affect the
primary school students on the way to their PSLE exams.
Anon 10:10 am

Sixth Avenue? King ALbert Park? PSLE Exams? Why you worry for rich kids? Do they even take MRT?

Veritas said...

It is like we are overpaying cronies through legalized corruption. How can some car running around existing road cost $150 million to organized?

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, Singapore got so much money, no need to account, just spend, spend, spend. Shiok man, spending other people's money and get all the glory for doing it.

Unknown said...

Hey Veritas i came across an interesting google community. Nat Soc Chinese patriots you ought to join. They are a bunch of pan Chinese nationalist.


Unknown said...

-poke Veritas

Veritas said...

In Singapore today, Malay and Indians are forever victims and there are always a lot of victims of Chinese racism in Singapore.

Why there are so few victims of Chinese racism in China? Mongols, Manchus, Korean, Vietnamese, Hmong, Kachin, Thai.... in China, all never complaint racism.

Why why why Singaporean Chinese are sooooooooooo fucking racist..?

Anonymous said...

Singapore has to much money to give away. Giving scholarship to foreign students is S$360millions every year, as per announced in Parliament few years ago. This F1 yearly S$150millions is another free sum for the foreigners. I can guess, giving S$ away free can be easily S$3 billions yearly without a trace as some we dont read on msm but actually was given free like the annual scholarship S$360million asked by a nmp Yee of WP.
When the welfare subsidies reached S$100million, i remember a minister incharge was making lots of noise in parliament. I can safely say Singapore govt are all out to please the foreigners similar to what RB described in po. It time to change the fixed minded voting pattern as this new team is pushing citizens into corner, and it is irreversible.

Irreversible? Dont believe me? Click on the worlddebtclock Singapore. The domestic debt is S$404 billions. More than the GDP about S$340billions. Of course, people borrow to buy things, such as LV bags, Ferrari, and properties.
To me: it means these people cannot get out until they pay off the debt S$404 billions.
Rich citizens or not? Depend if they can get cash when needed. RB s po on CPF kena tankap is not joking. I see the worst will come when the buyers of more expensive flats and condo need to pay off using CPF, while their salaries are stagnated at S$3000-6000pm. The govt will make sure salary will not go up similar to their minister salary speed. So over the years, bad news will cloud the economy.

And the govt is owing CPF money to repay: in 2014 was 99% GDP, and 2015 was 106%GDP. 2016 will be higher %. I bet. In other words, govt has no ability to reduce the debts as those free money giving away is already a habit cannot do without. The CPF minimum sums will raise, when govt want to slow down paying back CPF ie curbing withdrawals. Remember CPF minimum sums are subject to "inflation".

Yesterday we have worked out a simple flat purchase S$350000 will demand a CPF member to keep $800000 in CPF. Can anyone calculate how much cpf he gets for working at S$5000pm at peak time till retirement? How much?

So the way the govt giving away jobs ie citizen s CPF to foreigners and PR, will kill the new generation s chance to clear the S$404 billions private debts.
U need to vote for another team. As this team even kill the tourists inflows by having emptied shops around. Even those cheap cheap shops from Thailand are closing at Hdb estates. We can imagine how many shops will be emptied in near future. F1 visitors will be further reduced from 70000 to 50000 next year. F1 will most likely kept for reason they know themselves. But it is an irritating block to businesses in town keeping customer away to town to spend during F1 time.

Anonymous said...

/// Reported in ASS that the train service between Sixth Avenue station
and King Albert Park station had been suspended and may affect the
primary school students on the way to their PSLE exams. ///
October 04, 2016 10:10 am

Until the train breakdowns start to affect our elite children and the elite institutions;
- nothing will change

Aedes mosquito is responsible for both dengue fever and zika virus
- dengue is a 30 year old problem ... cannot solve
- you think the zika problem can be solved?

When a Millionaire has a baby born with an extra small head due to zika ... do you think then the problem will be solved?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, just deleted one of your posts and a post by the resident racist. Please tone down on what you are writing. Not only the racist will accuse you of racism, I also kena accused of being a racist.

Be sensitive. Real racists no need to, they will get away with their racism by accusing others of being racists.

Veritas said...

Today the tribe that contribute a lot of manpower to ISIS to fight for a world of sex slave, genocide, beheading accuse Chinese as racist.

They are the same people who keep on trying to bomb Singapore, most notably in Yishun.

Then they accuse Chinese as racist.

I think we should expose these people RB.

patriot said...

The Chinese is great civilizatipn simply
because the Mainlander Chinese are
always ready to rid China of tyrant,
dictator, despot etc, collectively known as evil regimes, themselves.

lt had repeatedly happened throughout the Long Chinese History.
The Chinese(PRCs) do not accept leaders lacking in propriety and humanities for long. Those Dynasties that lasted long were of benign and benevolent regimes.

New generation Sinkies Chinese are of different breed from the Pioneer Immigrants who must have all expired. Those Pioneers despite having ran away from China due to internal strife or poverty, their loyalty to their Motherland never wavered.
The Pioneer India Indian Migrants too behaved similarly.

Are Sinkies less loyal to Sin than their Ancestors?
The Answer is a DEFINITE YES.
ln a latest Survey, over 40% wish to migrate.
The Question has to be WHY.
Personally, me thinks Sinkies do not have confidence in the Leadership.


Anonymous said...

U need to vote for another team.
11:04 am

Another team? Which team? Teochew Ah Hia's not ready to be govt team? Don't say not ready to be govt, not even ready to manage a GRC Town Council!!

And if Ah Hia's team being the strongest among opposition is not even ready, who is ready? Aung Juan Soon Chee?

Aung Juan Soon Chee even lost to a Ah Neh in a by election for a Chinese majority SMC some more, so where got hope?

So like that how to vote for another team?

Anonymous said...

So like that how to vote for another team?
Anon 1:35 pm

That's why no hope lah. No wonder in a latest survey, over 40% wish to migrate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:35pm
If someone tell u someday u will have your body put into ash, will u think that is impossible? If someone tell u German bank like Deutsch might go belly up, you will not agree.
Your mind is only fine weather days and these fine weather is Pap to you.
There is no change in this world as far as you are concern. I will not want to spoil your laughable inner world.
I look forward to change in election. Many do too, similar to those voted UK to be out of EU to avoid the mass immigration inflows. Upto now, i still admired UK voters wisdom. I also think that Singapore voters can be tired of foreigners taking away their lunches and dinners. The piling up debts will wake up those masturbating every days thinking it was real, someone like you. The real thing are not you look for. Correct? Indeed the real thing needs to accompany with responsibility. There will be better opposition in the coming election. I believe it, for the good future of citizens, similar to the UK Briexit. Briexit has lots of uncertainty, similar to Singapore s opposition. But that is the best choice. I hope the majority will be brave to go for the real thing and not masturbating like you.
Kaki song ok liao. U are useless to Singaporeans lah.

Anonymous said...

U are useless to Singaporeans lah.
Anon 2:52 pm

So u are useful meh? Or sama sama?

Or when will you be announcing that you are a leader of a political party ready to replace PAP as govt?

Or just hot air like me?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Just because you have different viewpoints, do you have to be personal?

b said...

The gov discouraged people from driving cars citing air and noise pollution as reason. Same goes for F1. Its all about pollution and transferring of public monies into a few chosen subcontractors, hotels, airlines pockets.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:04pm

I said you are useless to Singaporeans. It is the truth to the reality. You do not like WP or SDP. I fully comprehended. Why should you, correct? However, you did not support Pap by writing why Pap must take away citizen s jobs to give them to foreigners.

I took the time to explain to citizens on the price of flat and the current salary structure, fully depressed by foreigners S pass and E pass. That is the reason behind the Pap s population policy. They want to see the salary low, so that firms can save costs. Firms are their supporters. So Pap reciprocates. This is the relationship we all know. But it has been bias too long to the employers advantage. Singaporeans are heavily indebted because of the stagnated salaries, and their losses of jobs to foreigners.

I said vote for another team. This has to be the reality. But you came out what LTK said not ready, and what wp was not good enough to you on tc management. You also insulted Chee by calling name. You discouraged people if they vote for opposition but pretends that you are supporting opposition by saying opposition is no good.
It is like masturbating right? You want to have the real thing, change, yet you dare not to go for the real thing but keep shaking your little brother.
I saw your posts in the past, You kept saying the same old things about opposition. I would recommend you create your value as IB. Write something good about Pap so that i can think if i was wrong in my view. Not discrediting opposition in a naive way. U wasted your time to read the posts and wrote the nonsense, keep repeating the same old posts, insanity is a possibility, one scientist said this, not from me.

Anonymous said...

Shake little Brother feels good mah and it's free, Tio bo?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:26 pm

Aiyo, why u argue until using vulgarities like masturbating and little brother? No standard lah, like that. And don't forget ladies also read RB's blog, u know.

I am sure RB will not tolerate such things on his blog. RB, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

One who grows up with the need for feel good feelings, even after got married twice and have two wives and five children, and in the zenith of power, still panders for the glamorous feeling. What is throwing away $150 million? It is not his money. It is taxpayers or other people's money. This elitist spendthrift and spoilt brat has never had to worry about money all his life. Easy come easy go. What is $150 million???

Anonymous said...

$150m a year, $750m for 5 years and the whole world know Singapore is such a fun city. Cheap price to pay. Or else no one know where is Singapore.

Anonymous said...

/// Cheap price to pay. Or else no one know where is Singapore. ///
October 05, 2016 9:06 am

if dunno where is singapore.
also dunno who is emperor tio bo?

Anonymous said...

No wonder the CPF money is in jail house rock. Can see cannot touch.

patriot said...

l suspect that Lee Hsien Loong has got his Calculus wrong in many aspects. And it is all due to his readings of living solely relying
on money.
He and his team seem to take money
as tge Only Purpose in life at the Expense of emotional wellbeing. One area where the Sin Cabinet seems to
manifest is no money no talk.

The Biggest Problem in Sin is money not enough to most Sinkies BUT, the Rulers and their Cronies are paid sinfully, just for sweet big talks.

Lee Hsien Loong is a Mathematician
or so as said and reported.
For an oldie lower secondary school dropout to say he(Lee Hsien Loong) has got the Calculus wrong could be too much.
l like to say balance is the Most Important Criteria in Living.
No society can enjoy peace and prosperity when:
too few people take too much money from the masses. The Society gets badly divided by the Wealth Gap.

Unfettered authority to implement policy and law without referendum and approval from the People is an anathema to a good and cohesive society.

A poorly run country can be easily detected when crimes increased.
Suicide rate is one good barometer that the Society has gone awry.

Finally but not last,
when the People hurl expletives at Rulers and invoke the divine to punish them(the Rulers) due to their(thePeople) own impotence to take charge of their(people's)fate,
the Country is cursed.

Calculus is not pure mathematics, calculus is more a foresight weighs on ones' understanding of living.
Calculus has an INSEPERABLE EMOTIONAL DIMENSION to its meaning.


patriot said...

'just for sweet big talks.'
to be amended to
'just doing sweet big

My apology


patriot said...

My bad for failing to mention the Numerous breakdowns in infrastructures and tge Lapses in the Administration of the Infrastructures are all signs of a
crumbling state.
