
SGX – Global Exchange of the Year

In November, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s put Noble’s BBB rating under review for downgrading to junk status, ie untradeable. Noble’s share price has since plunged to below 40c. Today (16 Dec) the share price moved up to 43c on news of Cofco wanting to buy up the remaining 49% of Noble Agri.

The important point is that at 40c, Noble is at risk of being downgraded to junk stock. What about the hundreds of stocks in the SGX that are trading below 10c or below 1c?  Are these junk stocks as well? Or can they be having a better rating than Noble’s BBB?

Anyway, with so many junk stocks in the SGX, it did not affect the quality of the
Exchange and SGX has been named the Global Exchange of the Year by a derivative magazine Futures & Options World.  According to Business Times, ‘It was lauded for growing its offshore Asian equity derivatives suite, broadening its commodities clearing and over the counter business and continuing to expand its currency futures portfolio and turnover, SGX said.’

What more can you say about the SGX? The award speaks for itself. Everything is fine, perfectly fine. This is the best stock exchange in the world.

Ok, the award is all about derivative trading, commodities and currency futures. I am not sure if SGX would get what kind of award if it is assessed with the hundreds of penny stocks in the main board.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

What do you think?

I think RB should think PAP. Anyway, with so many screw ups by PAP govt as often posted by RB on his blog, it did not affect negatively at all on PAP during elections. On the contrary, PAP even got a whopping 70% of votes in GE 2015 and thus given a even stronger mandate by majority voters than in GE 2011.

Anonymous said...

RB, how's business as a remisier? Maybe care to blog about it?

Or do you know how to beat SGX at their own game so as to make money in spite of the conditions of SGX that you described?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Business is so bad that many broking houses are starting to downsize and many remisiers are leaving the industry for good.

But the most important thing is that we have the best stock exchange in the world. Reminds me of the high rankings of our universities but producing duds that are unemployable. The rankings are the most important. See, we are Number One.

Anonymous said...

Rb //Reminds me of the high rankings of our universities but producing duds that are unemployable. The rankings are the most important. See, we are Number One.//

Secret formula to success?

Papigs number 1 in sincity?

Like Young Lions also number 1 ( albeit domestically )?

Anonymous said...

"The rankings are the most important."
RB 9:20 am

Tiok. And rankings are most important to our universities what elections are most important to a political party.

Anonymous said...

Like the best athletes?

Best in sinkieland?

But cannot even get a medal in SEA GAMES?

Anonymous said...

Own self "bluff" own self?

Anonymous said...

Can only hoodwink the daft?

Anonymous said...

Including those 70%?

Anonymous said...

FED raised rate ( 25 basis points ) and major exchanges shot up ......

Can last?

Sinkieland hardly moves ..... (for now at least )?

Anonymous said...

Like Matilah Singapura said,
Sin MUST be Nombor One and

Who knows Sin better than
Matilah Singapura?

Anonymous said...

PBOC cuts rates market also goes up?

Up or down rates market also up?

But sinkieland interest-rates taker?

Anonymous said...

Another plp?

Wrong ball-lah lah?

Anonymous said...

MS knows Sin well
ver well.

Amos Yee knows
Sin Rulers well and
he declared that he
will reveal more.
He said the Sin PM
is making his tits
tingling and his balls

MS's heart rate must
be racing.

Anonymous said...

Both "so well must run overseas"?

Anonymous said...

Mati "double head snake"?

Personally he quitted?

But publicly he trumpeted sycophantic "lies" to tinkle his masters tit tit and reverberate their balloons?

Anonymous said...

Property mkt how?

Anonymous said...

Sincity interest rate taker?

Mortgage rate .....?

Oh ....... omggggggggg?

Anonymous said...

Property sector ( inflated and ) driven GDP-growth gone for good for the foreseeable future?

Anonymous said...

70% kongcum-ed and daft-ed by the system?

Anonymous said...

In 2010, when sin city economy was red hot, GDP grew at almost 15% and needed high interest rate, it was near zero .....

Anonymous said...

Botak " kooning ", "pretend act blur", and let big balloons built up?

Anonymous said...

Now casino factor gone?

Anonymous said...

Export-led sector gone?

Anonymous said...

GDP up 15%, how many months of bonuses?

Anonymous said...

Construction sector going into sun set?

Anonymous said...

Now economy badly needs boost but interest rate creeping up ....?

Anonymous said...

Who let balloons inflated so big in 2010-2013 till too late?

Anonymous said...

Somemore Botak got global FIN meanstir award in 2013?

Anonymous said...

For ( doing ) what?

Anonymous said...

Now how?

Anonymous said...

Coordinate to "find scapegoats and excuses"?

Anonymous said...

At low tide, people can see ( botak ) swimming naked?

Anonymous said...

Shipping sector gone?

Anonymous said...

O & G sector gone for now?

Anonymous said...

Bring on more vice sectors?

Anonymous said...

You see how quickly PAP government can work with a 70% mandate.
Within a few months of a 70% mandate, SGX is the Global Exchange of the year.

With an 80% mandate in GE 2020, SGX will become the Galactic Exchange of the Year.
And LKY will become the Founding Father of the Universe.


Anonymous said...

Everywhere in the world, the price of oil is at a record low ... except Singapore


the oil exporting countries should send all their cheap oil to Singapore.
record high prices for oil in Singapore.
also record high prices for politician salaries.

Anonymous said...

Hypothetically, somebody can buy over or start a magazine, say in Africa and name RB Blogger of the Year?

Anonymous said...

There are some SMEs that like to collect accolades this and that but in the end business also went bust?

Anonymous said...

And also some individuals collect this title and that but in the end .......?

Anonymous said...

// SGX is the Global Exchange of the year.//

Botak also voted best Fin Meanstir last year?

Did MRT trains stop breaking down?

Did things stop getting worst?

Anonymous said...

The point is does it matter at all?

Does it change a thing?

Does it improve the masses lives?

Anonymous said...

Bottom line:

Did it cost taxpayers any $$$?

How much?

Anonymous said...

"record high prices for politician salaries."

O.6 month bonus for rank and file but .....

How many months for ( parachuted ) parrots?

Anonymous said...

rank and file civil servants are not politicians.
Civil servants are not considered politicians in most countries.

Anonymous said...

Bring in more vices ?

No nid la, just enlarge those existing will do.

Maybe there's need for more pimps and
prostitutes to cater to the 70%.

Anonymous said...

Enlarge Geylang to the entire GRC to pump-prime the GDP?

Anonymous said...

Data y they never get 20+ months bonuses?

Ha ha ha .....

Anonymous said...

Who is paying for all the I T mess?

Taxpayers or the superscale JLBS?

Anonymous said...

Who is in charge?

The lowly rank and file?

Anonymous said...

Or the "leeches" sucking taxpayers "blood "?

Anonymous said...

Driving flashy/ big cars?

Anonymous said...

Staying in pte luxurious homes paid with ("own self pay own self" obscene) salaries at taxpayers expense?

Anonymous said...

Only know how to talk "nonsense"?

Anonymous said...

And make a (blardy) fool of themselves?

Anonymous said...

The "leeches drawing obscene salaries" got no idea how to run and improve the economy except "own self pay own self fat cheques", go for expensive holidays, drive big expensive cars, live decadently in super oversized, super expensive, super opulent "palaces, mansions and penthouses", indulge in ( super ex ) fine-dining ( each meal easily costing a full month salary and more of a rank and file work force )?

Anonymous said...

That's why
Amos fucks
those Sinners.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha

Now the hotel sin city concept also not effective liao ....?

What next?

Anonymous said...

A vicious downward spiral?

Anonymous said...

When ( kongcum ) started the economy on "steroids", it is the road of no return?

Anonymous said...

Rb // The award speaks for itself. Everything is fine, perfectly fine. This is the best stock exchange in the world. //

Ya lah?

Like the universities rankings?

But past MOM 1 star parachuted paper generalissimo said sinkies cmi?

And some more the past MOE promoted?


Anonymous said...

Rb // I am not sure if SGX would get what kind of award if it is assessed with the hundreds of penny stocks in the main board. //

Own self award own self?

Ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

// What more can you say about the "SGX"? //

It is an outdated car plate series?

Issued in 2007 ....?

Lao pok kar liao?

Anonymous said...

Oso car plate with letter "X" "super bad luck"?

Anonymous said...

Which Chinese parent ever named their children with the letter "X" in front ( except HanYuPinYin )?

Anonymous said...

Probably. ....?

Anonymous said...

"Global penny stocks Xchange award"?

Anonymous said...

Hu is rt?

Anonymous said...

To grow a "vice-infested" economy, YEW need more and more vices for the economy to continue to grow?

Anonymous said...

Is it sustainable?

Anonymous said...

What is the end game?

Anonymous said...

Like "macaw"?

Anonymous said...

Eventually, 90% of its GDP linked to "vice-trades: casinos, loan sharking, prostitution, drugs, porno, pimps, sex credit, sex debts, vice centric education, vice centric training, vice related service industries ..... "

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pimp And Prostitution

Anonymous said...

The 70% ( kongcum?) should cooperate with the "black turtle head" .....

.... to make it happen. ....

.... GDP growth at all costs?

Anonymous said...

Hu said "easy growth" no have liao?

Anonymous said...

Many Chinese named their children