
Schools raise cut off points for admission

The PSLE result was so good that top secondary schools have to raise their cut off points for admission. Many PSLE graduates were disappointed after doing so well and thinking that they could get admitted only to be thwarted by the new cut off points. And at the other extreme, 7 schools need not raise their points and did not receive enough students to run their classes. Even if they were to lower their cut off points, it would not make any difference. The MOE is now having a different kind of headache on what to do with these schools. Should they be merged or close down?

The exceptionally good results of our students, and kudos to the schools and the teachers, are not a once off phenomenon. The trend has been consistent for the last 4 decades. The funny thing is that we have lost one whole generation of industry leaders. According to the foreign recruiting agents, not Singaporean recruiting agents, we don’t have talents and the only talents they could find are in the 3rd World villages. And if you want them to do any placement, they will go scouring the little villages where talents are plentiful, especially in banking and finance and also IT, to give you the best. They just can’t find the talents they need from the local cohorts that were famed for their straight As. I dunno what happened to these bright students when they grow up? Becoming part time employees or doing temp jobs?

And the loss of talents is not confined to just IT, banking and finance. It is across the board. Even top postman job must go to foreigners, top gardeners job, top animal keepers jobs, curators of junks, oops I mean antiques,  etc etc must also go to foreigners. And foreign talents are starting to fill the politicial positions as well. That is how good our education system has become. And not a single Singaporean dares to dispute this fact, that we don’t have local talents for top jobs. Maybe in 30 years time. They have just planted the shoots and waiting for the harvest in 30 years time. Yes, in 30 years time we will have local talents for top jobs. Don’t worry.

For those who just completed their PSLE, in 30 years time they will be about 40 years old, just about right. They will be just in time to be the top talents Singapore is waiting for.

Oh, what about the schools that cannot attract students and facing a bleak future of no students? Not to worry. I have several solutions. One simple one is to go to 3rd World countries and offer them scholarships to pick up the village best to be our future talents. There is only one problem, or maybe not a problem, only a paradox. These village talents will shine if they continue to stay in their village school system and when they graduated, they will be headhunted to be our foreign talents. But if they are to study here, in our world best education system, would they score straight As like our local students but ended up with no talent and unemployable like our local students?

The village talents must think very hard on which is the better system that will bring out their best. From experience and empirical data, it is better that they stayed in the village school system that will turn them into top grade foreign talents for this city state.  And they can say, cheap and good, a cheap education but with excellent results.

What do you think?


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Anonymous said...

Don't play play. Don't play play.

Do you know that every school is a GOOD school!

Indeed! Indeed! Indeed!

Every school is a GGOD school!

Merry Xmas.


Anonymous said...

Is it true?

Every school is a good school?
Every PAP Minister is a good Minister?
Every Lee is a good Prime Minister?

Anonymous said...

Let's hope our Singapore Olympics team is well insured
- are we putting them in harm's way?

None of that bodes well for the summer Olympic games in Rio.
As we’ve detailed in a series of posts dating back to July, Olympians will be forced to deal with some rather unpleasant circumstances including a lack of air conditioning and television in Olympic village and feces-ridden water.
And that assumes the games happen at all after longtime Olympic power provider Aggreko pulled out of a tender to supply generators.


Veritas said...

It is time to fuck MOE and their fucking teachers more. Over the years, MOE has become a den of crackpot, with highest occurrence of IMH patients. I was a teacher in MOE and to my surprise, the uncle and auntie, who seem so fuck up, so stupid, so helpful, so senile, so whatever it is--simply FUCKING evil.

Whenever you go to school, you will see some avuncular HOD, VP and Princpal always smile smile smile. In reality, 100% of them are maggots and their birth is due to their mother being raped by Satan.

And they are driving big big cars, drawing 16 months salary each year.

Why 16 months? THis is because PAP know that civil service sucks big time, and they are throwing monies at civil service, else civil service can only attract PSLE drop out.

Civil servant got 13 months, 1.5 month performance bonus and 1.5 month civil service bonus.

The civil service parasite need further discussion while I will now focus on MOE.

Anonymous said...

Talking about the "maggots", how abt the biggest 苍蝇 of them all that "spawn" and "supervise" the "maggots"?

Where is he(ng) now?

Is HE(NG) tasked to any important CON-MITTEE or before that any ( NATIONAL ) CON-versation?

Anonymous said...

If MOM does not tie its employment policies to MOE, all the good grades would be in vain, wasted time and money to end up no talent, unemployable.

Anonymous said...

Bcos what if ( inherently ) there are flaws in both MOE and MOM ( systems )?

Anonymous said...

Rb // The PSLE result was so good that top secondary schools have to raise their cut off points for admission. //

When comments are made without ( having access to ) the exact data, it "distorts reality"?

Anonymous said...

Just 3 years ago, the number of ( PSLE ) students were about 45,000.

10 years ago in 2005, the number of ( PSLE ) students were about 50,000

Now, can YEW re-read the cut off points trend with the ( PSLE ) student population trend?

Anonymous said...

The cut off points 3 years ago are of the 1 %-tile of say 5 classes of express stream?

Veritas said...

We need to implement a system to bankrupt schools and put MOE teachers in unemployment, make them foreclose the condos and make them miserable and become a loser in society. Basically there are too many fuckers in MOE drawing scandalous monies, creating evil.

Right now, MOE only close down schools and transfer the fuckers elsewhere. We need the schools to be bankrupt and teachers get thrown out of jobs.

The MOE schools need only mofos and has no room for meritocracy. Anything screw up and staff go into IMH, MOE will send them new 3 years BONDED teachers from NIE. The HOD bully these new teachers until the new teachers get crazy.

If the newbies are wicked enough, they will be allow to stay or they will be ask to leave using the 5% bell curve appraisal.

The schools dont care about students or results because the students can bail themselves out with tuition. The school leadership only care about their salary and how they are able to bully new teachers, as well as keep their jobs.

We need to fire these fuckers. No better than bankrupting schools and get rid of them. When other school leadership see that they can get out of jobs by playing politics and dragging the whole school down, the old fucking cabal will be subjected to meritocracy, and young teachers will be fairly treated.

Anonymous said...

Now the cut off points are of the 1 %-tile of the say 4 express classes?

Anonymous said...

What does this mean?

Anonymous said...

It means if each school maintain say the ( original 5 ) classes as in 2012 PSLE results/ secondary posting ( done due to about 12.5% lesser PSLE students between 2015 vs 2012 ), what would be the 1-%tile cut off points?

Veritas said...

Schools like Siling and Mcpherson is NOT shorting of students as per mentioned by ST. MOE can always post students to them and they are at HDB heartland. They are short of "EXPRESS" students. Siling has been running on ALL NORMAL stream for more than 10 years. Mcpherson is among the biggest ganster den school.

These school are typically useless and bail out by MOE, because MOE will forcibly post student there even no PSLE students choose them.

They are really piece of shit school and their managers are leaches and having wretch moral values. Is all other school better or worse? Basically EVERY single MOE schools are the same, like FUCK.

Is is because this is occupational hazzard that teachers must have a lot of politics. ABSOLUTELY NOT. All colleagues in international schools found the job satisfaction FAR higher and they enjoy there.

Anonymous said...

Does this not imply the cut-off points ( of the 1-%tile in each school ) in 2015 are about equivalent to the 20-%tile in 2012 )?

Say 4 classes of ( newly posted ) students in 2015 vs 5 classes of ( newly posted ) students in 2102?

Anonymous said...

In 10 years time ( 2025 ), the number of ( PSLE ) is likely to shrink to about 33,000 vs 39,800 ( in 2015 )?

Anonymous said...

So the current say 4 classes of express stream would likely be reduce to 3 classes by then?

Anonymous said...

Hypothetically, the cut off points in say 2025 of the 1-%tile ( of the 3 classes of say express students ) is technically equivalent to the 40-%tile in 2012 )?

Anonymous said...

Is it meaningful ANYMORE to say 2025 cut off points are so much higher than 2012?

Anonymous said...

To compare apple to apple, 2015 cut off should be compared to 2012 20%tile students results?

Anonymous said...

The cut off point for the number of PAP MPs in parliament should not be more than 51%.

Anonymous said...

In other words, how many classes on average were there in express stream in 2012?

How many are there in 2015?

If on average, schools HIVED OFF 1 class from 5 classes to 4, would not the cut off ( "naturally" ) be higher?

Anonymous said...

Bcos of the ( "failed" ) policies, the (eco) system is "warped"?

Anonymous said...

Who was in charge ( in MOE ) in the past few years ( 2011 to 2015 )?

Anonymous said...

What has he done ( in a single ministry ) to MITIGATE ( and make full use of ) the declining trend ( in PSLE students population )?

Anonymous said...

If he can't take advantage ( and make full use of ) SWOT in one ministry, what makes YEW think he(ng) can chart the city of sins economic future?

Anonymous said...

Btw, "SWOT" stands for "Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats" for the benefits of those are conversant with some ( management ) acronyms.

Anonymous said...

Between 2011 to 2015 when HE(NG) is in charge, given the trend ( and his access to all the data (and demography ) presumably ), could he NOT have reduced CLASS SIZE ( say from 40 pupils to 32 or 33 ) instead of reducing NUMBER OF CLASSES ( but maintaining at an ineffective class size of 40 students to 1 teacher )?

Anonymous said...


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Your numbers don't make sense unless you know the intakes of the top schools. If the intakes are bigger or the same, it will throw your argument off course.

Anonymous said...

YEW be the judge?

Anonymous said...

"SWOT" is just a small part to the entire equation?

There are a lot more to it?

If cannot do well in one ministry but can do well to chart the future of the ENTIRE ECONOMY ( with so many imponderables and far, far more complex permutations, combinations plus global, regional, trans-multinational players etc to contend with and not just some local ( and incompetent ) "maggots")?

Anonymous said...

Uncle across the board on average?

Anonymous said...

How would YEW tally and account for about 6,000 PSLE lesser students between 2015 vs 2012?

Anonymous said...

If YEWR version is correct, then would the ( relevant ) authority release exact ( official )figures between say 2000 to 2015 to tally the figure?

Anonymous said...

Uncle, btw, do YEW know the intakes in JCs on average ( across the board ) are shrinking?


Can YEW call up each JC and ask?

Anonymous said...

The (failed) stop at 2 policy is coming home to roost with all kinds of ramifications in the "economic, social etc system"?

Anonymous said...

The point is what are they doing about it?

Anonymous said...

Given the number of new born since 2012 is between about 32,000 to 34,000 each year which is another about 5,000 to 7,000 lesser than the 2003 babies ( which are the 2015 PSLE students ), are they going to do the same things as in the past 10 years?

Anonymous said...

Uncle, don't YEW know the intake in many secondary schools are reduced by about 1 class compared say 2012 vs 2015?

Anonymous said...

The trend has already cascaded to the JCs in recent years?

Anonymous said...

The whole point is why don't they make full use of the reduced numbers to reduce the class size?

Talk about SWOT in the entire economy but can't even do it in ONE SINGLE ministry, empirically speaking?

Anonymous said...

Frankly, all these kpkb is a waste of time?

Anonymous said...

Anyway if going by ( the late ) old man's longevity, many oldies ( in MSN ) will be around in 20 years time to witness the ( economic, social etc ) outcome ( of current ( "bochap" ) policies?

Anonymous said...

Time to join Virgo 49 in gotong ray?

Anonymous said...

Can't YEW "detect something not very right" in policies responses ( to the changing situation )?

In 2005, the number of PSLE students was about 50,000? In 2015, about 39,800?

With a reduction of about more than 10,000 students over a mere 10 years but class size ( student-teacher ratio per subject class ) in most primary and secondary schools are still at 40 to 1?

Anonymous said...

Donald Low with another 2 writers contributed an article about another 2 new areas that this sinking city can embark on .......

But one of the "pre-requisites" is innovative thinking and the ability ( and space ) to ask ( and raise ) questions.....?

Do YEW think the city of sins has eveb the pre-requisite ( of space to ask questions ) much less the pre-requisite of innovative thinking ( among its students and people)?

Anonymous said...

There are many things this "Veritas" wrote that are "controversial" etc ......

But his comment that:


"Over the years, MOE has become a den of crackpot, with highest occurrence of IMH patients."


is probably worth closer scrutiny?

Anonymous said...

His comment that:


"And they are driving big big cars, drawing 16 months salary each year."


is not without empirical truth?

virgo49 said...

Bro, GohTongJaya no primary, secondary, ITE or JC.
Only School of Casino.

Kong kong aiya in.a daze headache.leh.

Thought now got 1 to 2 millions new talented citizens, why birth rates still so low.

Maybe got to subsidises vigara, cilas or black beetles.

Scared lah even babies got TB and die in hospitals going there to get cured.

Better go Mahokta hosipital.

Also.can use medisave.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to count the number of foreign students here, with or with no scholarships but in govt schools.

Anonymous said...

Which ONLY ( civil service sector ) ministry ( education officers? ) got a pay raise before GE 2015?

And before that about 1.5 to 2 years earlier, which ministry other than home affairs ( after the LIR ) got about 10% pay raise?

If the (formal) school system has a "(teaching) problem", then ( in ECONOMICS, ) there is a serious problem in the delivery of (this) merit good ( education ) in an inherently capitalist system where such will be under consumed given the real and/ or perceived high costs?

Anonymous said...

What bout the cut-off point for PAP Ministers?
Has that been lowered or raised over the last 10 years?

Anonymous said...

On this point, Veritas commented on ( raised ) another very salient point :


"The schools dont care about students or results because the students can bail themselves out with tuition."


Anonymous said...

This point "BIG, BIG" problems and ramifications in the "social, economic etc ECO-SYSTEM"?


It means the policy of (gahmen) intervention for subsidised BASIC EDUCATION ( inherently ) failed ( at the very 1st, 2nd and 3rd hurdle in pri, sec and jc level respectively )?

Anonymous said...

What has HE(NG) done in his ministry between 2011 to 2015 to "intercept and nip this problem"?

YEW still think HE(NG) "has what it takes" to "re-engineer"/ "fortify"/ "re-chart" the ("faltering") economy of (the) sin(king) city?

Parents ( and children ) of arguably 4-room flats ( on the average ) profile would most likely have a hard time/ extreme difficulty forking out several hundreds and thousands of dollars each month for their kids monthly tuition?

Anonymous said...

What distortions would such create in the "social, educational, economic ECO-SYSTEM"?

YEW go figure out?

What about those at the very bottom?

Anonymous said...

The bottom 30%?

Anonymous said...

Who have problems making ends meet each month?

Where to find a few hundred or a thousand plus dollars each month for tuition?

What if they have more than one kid schooling?

Anonymous said...

And those borderline sandwich class neither here nor there?

Can they consistently fork out a few hundred dollars per subject per kid for their children's tuition each month?

For those ( education ) ministers who said no need tuition, the system is doing alright, are they prepared to make a statutory declaration ( SD ) that they did not send their kids for ( or their kids no need any ) tuition in any subject at any level from primary one to JC?

Anonymous said...


1) For a society's basic education for its population, where does the responsibility lie?

2) What happen to the about $13 billion or 20% annual budget allocated to the education ministry?

3) What are the economics, social, sustainability implications if the ( formal ) education system failed to deliver for at least 50% or more of each cohort?

Anonymous said...



Will check out Goh(Choke)TongLauya nonetheless. ....


Merry Xmas .....

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

Another place of horrible student admission is NUS/NTU engineering. Today, Electrical Engineering (my ala mata), among the most prestigious faculties and among the toughest discipline in other countries, is the 2nd most fuck up cut off points in NUS/NTU, even behind Arts Fac. NUS/NTU engineering should close down.

How such stupid students is going to take the rigor of the course? PAP has a good idea, just cut the syllabus, aka "teach less learn more".

The result is I found most of my juniors really "FUCK UP" and stupid. Their dire situation is compound by the fact that there is no additional head count in Singapore, to have some sort of apprenticeship. In the past, companies can just hire fresh but our business cost is so high that today, the headcount are lean.

THe future of our graudates are bleak.

Anonymous said...

THe future of our graudates are bleak.
December 24, 2015 1:28 pm

But didn't 70% say that it is okay?
Didn't they say as long as the future of PAP is bright, that's all Singaporeans really care about?

Veritas said...

Actually bleak is good or bad, I dont know. The reason is the university take in too much graduates and therefore, graduates nowaday deserve to be underemployed or unemployed. Alternatively, we can cut down the enrollment and many graduates will be meaningfully employed.

However, the way PAP run engineering schools is going to affect good quality students negatively, as syllabus is cut. The only way out is probably to set up another elite engineering school, apart from NUS/NTU, whereby employer can recognize the value of these students.

Anonymous said...

The 70% probably voted "correctly" in another perspective. .....

Look it this way .....

Whether in economics, education, public transport ( MRT ), ...... etc, the 70% have ( effectively and essentially ) told the gahmen, YEW are given an overwhelming mandate ( and there is no excuse should YEW fail )?

Anonymous said...

@ December 24, 2015 2:20 pm

I agree with you.
PAP asked for a strong mandate to solve all our problems.
PAP got the strong mandate (70%) that they asked for in GE 2015.
So let's see what other new excuses they will give for failing.

The list of failures since GE 2015 seem to include:
- SGH Hepatitis outbreak
- NUH TB outbreak
- KKH conjunctivitis outbreak
- continued MRT train breakdowns
... and the year 2015 is still not over yet

Virgo 49 said...

Aiya simple, Any government agency/statutory board screw up is called Administrative Oversight.

Others CBT.

Simple as That.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

Thks for your endorsement. .....

At the end of the day, all problems will be solved ..... the sincity way ....? Just throw ( gazillion ) $$$ at the problems lah ....?

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, all problems will be solved ..... the sincity way ....? Just throw ( gazillion ) $$$ at the problems lah ....?
December 24, 2015 3:13 pm

Has the incompetence of our PAP government reached such depths;
That even if they threw billions upon billions of dollars at the problem
(eg, MRT breakdowns)
- the problems will continue?

have we reached this level of incompetence yet?;
- when even money can no longer solve the problems?

Anonymous said...

"Over the years, MOE has become a den of crackpot, with highest occurrence of IMH patients."
Veritas 9:36 am

I also heard of that long time ago. Seems nothing much has changed for the better.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, to be fair, current ( perceived ) MOE problems should not be blamed on the 2 new acting ( parachuted ) greenhorns, who only took over about 100 days ago, tiok bor?

Anonymous said...

To confirm, just gather some feedback from GPs?

But doctors are under oath, cannot divulge?

Anonymous said...

But ground feedback all these years point to many instances of teachers having "tremendous mental stress on the verge of " ....?

Anonymous said...

Can lah?

Ask Ong Tua Kang propose subsidise tuition for the lower income school kids and families lah .....

Then "education field" make ( slightly ) more level again and thus lesser social stratification down the road ....?

Veritas said...

The teacher mental stress are not due to work related per se. It is created by the Principal, VP and HOD whose mother got fuck by Satan, and thats how they are born.

Right now I am holding some management or lead position on and off. The mental stress of subordinate is 90% due to managers. The work wont kill you. The managers are those who want to kill you.

The more tough the work is, it will build more commaradie among co-workers, if the managers are good man.

MOE job is not tough at all. The management pit A against B, created meeting, issue threats and insult, pushing blames, create tons of useless garbbage job to breakdown teachers, promote mother fuckers to help them torture good guys, promote morons..etc. My colleagues who ended up in International Schools say that it is way way way better and much more job satisfactions..etc

Anonymous said...

FTs good, Singaporean graduates bad. That is what the market thinks. Well Singaporeans, live with it. That is the way things are in Singapore.

Anonymous said...

3.41 pm // The management pit A against B, created meeting, issue threats and insult, pushing blames, create tons of useless garbbage job to breakdown teachers, //

This is the not the first time such things are heard?

Had been all these years but mostly from teachers?

And to share one (real) "incident", a parent of an undergrad in the teaching discipline said his son already going to get out ( of MOE ) after his 3-year "bond" with MOE upon his graduation, even in his FIRST YEAR in NTU/ NIE ..... ?

Anonymous said...

Even in the eyes of greenhorn trainees, the school system ( teaching profession ) already sucks big time?

Anonymous said...

How often YEW hear children relating how some of their teachers give them the idea that they "hate" themselves, "hate" the profession, their lives "sucked" .....?

Anonymous said...

And "plenty" of "errors" in school notes?

Anonymous said...

And some notes are "really substandard"?

Anonymous said...

Even in the eyes of greenhorn trainees, the school system ( teaching profession ) already sucks big time?
December 24, 2015 5:10 pm

was the biggest blow job ... cock sucking in record numbers ... did that happen when some one died this year?

Anonymous said...

And students have to live with it?

Anonymous said...

Even in the eyes of greenhorn trainees, the school system ( teaching profession ) already sucks big time?
December 24, 2015 5:10 pm

was the biggest blow job ... cock sucking in record numbers ... did that happen when some one died this year?

Anonymous said...

Students with financially well off parents are bailed out by supplementary tuition?

Anonymous said...

How about those bottom 50% whose parents are unable to fork out a few hundred extra $$$ per month per subject per child to bail their children out due to "substandard notes and teaching"?

Anonymous said...

Does this contribute to the widening gap?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everything is well and good and rosy?

Anonymous said...

Just (blindly) tell the children to (blindly) follow whatever "dished out" by the schools and "morale deflated" teachers and all will be well?

Anonymous said...

Are YEW referring to March 2015?

Anonymous said...

But one 16-yo refused to "sxxk oblxng dxcks" and .....

Anonymous said...

..... sthg happened?

Anonymous said...

Uniquely Singapore ... where 70% of the population are cock-suckers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I cannot understand why people are upset. This is pure:

1. Social engineering
2. Confucius-style meritocracy

These 2 fundamental concepts are what make Singapore #1. Short of direct genetic manipulation, this is a working version of top-down, centrally-planned, state-authorized EUGENICS.

Anyway, Merry Fucking Christmas, Happy Birthday Baby Geebus. Enjoy your celebration. I am going to catch up on my reading, especially the humorous stuff 😂

Anonymous said...

=> only 30% have 球 to show the 中间 finger?

Anonymous said...


That's why YEW never hear there are any 4th generation in their midst?

The "working version of top-down, centrally-planned, state-authorized EUGENICS" in ACTION?

Anonymous said...

Rb // The funny thing is that we have lost one whole generation of industry leaders.//

Previous MOE JLB: So?

Anonymous said...

Rb // And not a single Singaporean dares to dispute this fact, //


Anonymous said...

Christmas tomorrow.
I wonder how many PAPig babies will be born tomorrow?
Will the PAPig mummy's cheebye become more loose after child birth?

Anonymous said...

1721 ( tak boleh tahan ) days 5 ( torturing ) hrs and 35 ( agonising ) mins to new hope, new beginning, new future, "new democratic era" .......

Anonymous said...

5 more (unmerry) Xmas to "liberation" ......?

Anonymous said...


Tmr the farmers go to the sty to check .....

Then will know .....

Anonymous said...

Aiya ......

What will be will be .....

If it's NOT SUSTAINABLE, it's just that eventually.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

That's the assumption in the market and THE ( BIG ) MYTH .....

Is it not many FTs ( foreign trash ) are also struggling financially in this city of sins .......

In terms of drive, hunger for the job and stamina to stay the course, how long or how many years can each batch of FTs ( foreign trash ) lasts?

Is it not akin to some kind of "ponzi scheme" but only in terms of human resource instead of capital?

Anonymous said...

1.28 // THe future of our graudates are bleak.//

Has it not always been the case "YEW DIE YEWR BIZ"?

Anonymous said...

"What's wrong collecting more ( gazillion ) $$$ ( from the poor, the downtrodden, the destitute, the old, the disabled, the low income )"?

Anonymous said...

"What's wrong signing CECA and let unlimited Indian labour supply ( unfairly ) flooding the job market and depressing sinkies wages"?

Anonymous said...

@Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanDecember 24, 2015 11:27 am
Your numbers don't make sense unless you know the intakes of the top schools. If the intakes are bigger or the same, it will throw your argument off course.

Very well said?


Anonymous said...

That's why nobody ask such questions and get some answers in parleemad?

Anonymous said...

Many jobs now cardboard in city of sins?

Anonymous said...

Ubiquitous cardboards policemen?

Anonymous said...

How about cardboards MPs?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gooooooood idea?

Anonymous said...

Boleh jalan?

Anonymous said...

What do YEW think?

Anonymous said...

Got cardboards policemen, can have cardboards teachers also?

Anonymous said...

How about cardboards principals?

Anonymous said...

Cardboards HOD?

Anonymous said...

Cardboards DM?

Anonymous said...

Cardboards PE teachers?

Anonymous said...

How about cardboards prostitute and mei mei for mati and kongcumkia?

Anonymous said...

Great Singapore Mystery
Another Major Commodity Index Drops To 2009 Lows
- but our Singapore prices are at record highs.
- PAP Ministers ... can you explain please?


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

Maybe cardboards papigs can explain?

Anonymous said...

VeritasDecember 24, 2015 10:49 am
//We need to implement a system to bankrupt schools and put MOE teachers in unemployment, make them foreclose the condos and make them miserable and become a loser in society. Basically there are too many fuckers in MOE drawing scandalous monies, creating evil.//

Cannot be done said?

Anonymous said...


Should be

Cannot be better said?

Anonymous said...

How many students have ( innocently ) suffered ( under the fart up system )?

Anonymous said...

How many students even end up committing suicide ( over the years )?

Anonymous said...

Nobolee accountable?

Anonymous said...

Beside Veritas, how many think the ( education ) system ( and teaching profession ) sucks BIG TIME?

Anonymous said...

Pls kee chiu?

Anonymous said...

At most in 20 years time, the rot cannot be hidden anymore?

Anonymous said...

Probably earlier?

Anonymous said...

Through tree trunks still look ok from outside?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Should be

Anonymous said...

The tree trunks

Anonymous said...

look ok outside?

Anonymous said...

But inside. ....

Anonymous said...

...... termites infested .....

Anonymous said...

..... to the core?

Anonymous said...

A rotted tree ....

Anonymous said...

...... waiting to collapse?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Time to evacuate?

Anonymous said...

To Matland?

Anonymous said...

Goh Tong Raya?

Anonymous said...

And join Virgo49?

Anonymous said...

To build a sinkie network there?

Anonymous said...

And the old days kampung spirit?

Anonymous said...

What do YEW call "kampung spirit" in malay?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Look out for each other?

Anonymous said...

Watch over each other back?

Anonymous said...

Rb // The exceptionally good results of our students, and kudos to the schools and the teachers, are not a once off phenomenon. The trend has been consistent for the last 4 decades. The funny thing is that we have lost one whole generation of industry leaders. //

In the end, it is a matter of latent potential.

Anonymous said...

( The late ) Old man in his hard truths already said over one generation, the genetic won't change so rapid such that sinkieland bell curve move to the right and the proportion of smart people has tripled or quadrupled.

Anonymous said...

He has ( access to and worked with ) the real statistics spanning over more than 50 years from 1959 to 2011 when he published his last magnum opus The Hard Truths.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YEW need to reconcile what old uncle wrote:


" The exceptionally good results of our students, and kudos to the schools and the teachers, are not a once off phenomenon."


With what ( the late ) old man said .....

Anonymous said...

Who has more authority on this subject of genetics and more access to data?

Put aside old man, did RB track any student or a group of ( high performing ) students over different batches from secondary one to JC 2 and tabulate the statistical findings, say over 10 to 20 years?

Anonymous said...

The hard truth is epitomised in an old Chinese adage?

" 小时了了, 大未必佳 "?

So if YEW have tracked a group of ( high performing PSLE ) students over time, what have YEW got ( say after 10 to 20 years )?

Anonymous said...

Before going to that, how about some quite relatively ordinary students who later ended up in high post in the public sector?

Anonymous said...

According to one school of thoughts, in particular one propounded by a 16-yo in March 2015, he is of the view that if YEW care "to sxxk weird shape dxxk" such as those in the "oblxng" shape, it is just that ....?

Anonymous said...

Now back to possible reasons why old uncle is scratching his head:


" The trend has been consistent for the last 4 decades."


Anonymous said...

The thing is uncle may be a "noob" in the area of statistics?

Anonymous said...

There is such things called time series data?

Anonymous said...

So "mystery" solved?

Anonymous said...

Btw, further count down to "liberation" .....

Anonymous said...

For many people ( and probably the 30% ), it is another 1720 ( tak boleh tahan ) days 18 ( torturing ) hrs and 37 ( agonising ) mins to new hope, new beginning, new future, "new democratic era" ....?

Anonymous said...

..... and 4 more (unmerry) Xmas to "liberation" ( for many in the 30% ) ......?

Anonymous said...

Now to revisit a view point "threw up" the day before about comparison of cut off points in different years .....

Anonymous said...

To simplify the perspective, say in 2012 in an average neighbourhood school, the cut off point is that of 5 express classes.

Anonymous said...

But for some ( unknown reason ) the cut off points are raised by reducing the number of express classes from 5 to 4 in 2015.

Anonymous said...

To put it in absolute numbers in a hypothetical situation ( for illustration purpose )

Anonymous said...

In 2012, hypothetically there could be an intake of 200 students ( assuming an average class size of 40 x 5 ) at a cut off point of say "n".

Anonymous said...

In 2015, hypothetically the intake could be of 160 students ( again assuming an average of 4 classes x 40 students ) but this round, the cut off points are raised to " n + m " , m being the difference in cut off points between 2015 and 2012 .....

Anonymous said...

So it ended many students are caught by surprise. .... by the higher cut off?

Anonymous said...

Some may brush this as pure speculation but let's face the fact, in the face of hard facts ( dwindling student numbers ), cutting down on the number of classes in each school has to be carried out ( over time say every 3 to 5 or 7 years depending on the demographic distribution and numbers of new citizens, PRs and foreign students intake? ) in most if not all schools save the bottom few ....?

Anonymous said...

Another alternative possible reason is if YEW restrict comparison to class size instead of number of classes between successive years than over a period, the above phenomenon can happen too.

Anonymous said...

If the number of students to be allocated ( to each average school based on previous years of 40 to 1 ratio ) falls to between 3 to 4 classes ( of number of students ), then instead of 40 per class, they might reduce class size to say about 35 each?

Anonymous said...

So instead of getting hypothetically 160 students for their express stream, each school is allocated 140 students and cut off points based on ( the new reduced intake of ) 140 students instead of ( the larger intake of ) 160 students the previous years, hypothetically?

Anonymous said...

One way or another, more bottom schools would be "closed" each passing year if ( number of ) students intake are maintained in other ( better ) schools or less bottom school "closed" with reduced intake in other ( better ) school, thus cut off points ( statistically ) would drift up?

In the end, they have to come up with some ways ( different or same in different years ) to "massage" the students distribution or spread across the entire spectrum of "surviving" schools?

Anonymous said...

Of course the "disappearance" of some primary and secondary schools over time and going further back even previous pre-u centres have "implications" for the lower strata students?

Anonymous said...

But is it not the "modus operandi" has always been"

" YEW DIE YEWR biz"?

Anonymous said...

So down the years, it could be possible ah kow put in his resume xyz primary school and abc secondary school but both schools "non-existent" liao ......

And ah kow job competitors are some new FTs ......

Will ah kow be at ( a huge disadvantage ) in the eyes of a potential employer?

Anonymous said...

Would the current policy planners ( probably from the top elite schools ) care for what would happen to students like ah kow job prospects down the road 20 to 30 years time when they do the planning NOW?

What do YEW think given past experience and brush off with the ( elitist ) gahmen ( what's wrong collecting more $$$ )?

Anonymous said...

Now let's go back to the earlier "conundrum " rb brought up about high performing PSLE students not translating to "high performers" in the industry 30 years later ....?

Anonymous said...

YEW see, remember earlier what ( the late ) old man said about ( possible or impossibility of ) genetic change over one generation?

And the point about statistical time series data?

Anonymous said...

Btw, time check again ( for many in the 30% ) :

it is another 1720 ( tak boleh tahan ) days 17 ( torturing ) hrs and 42 ( agonising ) mins to new hope, new beginning, new future, "new democratic era" ....?

Anonymous said...

At PSLE level, it is possible for latent potential to almost max at 80% and get t score of say 260+ during PSLE exam?

Anonymous said...

( The late ) Old man wrote in his book that the top tier of a few % has remained relatively stable over the last 50 years ......

Anonymous said...

Just came back from Changing Village ( famous ) nasi lemask breakfast. .......

Now back to time series data .....

What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

Uncle do YEW know the difference between the data YEW are looking at now vs time series data?

Anonymous said...

This involves a data characterization process called DGP.

Anonymous said...

Not GDP ok?

Anonymous said...

Dun mix up .....

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