
KRI Usman Harun - Indonesia’s Yasukuni Shrine

The Chinese and Koreans are incensed whenever the Japanese paid tribute to their war heroes enshrined in the Yasukuni Shrine. To the Chinese and Koreans, and this should also apply to all the Southeast Asian states, the war criminals in the Shrine were criminals and nothing else.

The Indonesian marines that bombed MacDonald House in 1965 killing 3 and wounding 33 Sinkies were terrorists as far as Singapore is concerned. To the Indonesians, the marines were their heroes. And they are naming a naval frigate KRI Usman Harun in their names to honour their heroic act.

This has drawn immediate reactions from Chee Hian, Eng Hen and Shanmugam who called their Indonesian counterparts to register our misgivings. The Indonesian stand, across their leadership, is consistent. It is their right to recognize their heroes who died in the course of duty to country even if it meant bombing and killing people in enemy countries that are now friends.

The KRI Usman Harun will be a rude reminder of what the Indonesians did to Singapore like the Yasukuni Shrine is to the Chinese and Koreans. We do not see or feel the significance of the Yasukuni Shrine and the visits by Japanese leaders to the Shrine and its implications. Other countries too would not understand or appreciate why we were aggrieved by the naming of KRI Usman Harun. It would become extra sensitive if this ship were to visit Singapore waters or if our naval ships were to engage in joint military exercises with the Indonesians.

Now we have a sore wound to rub with the Indonesians whenever KRI Usman Harun is seen or heard just like what Yasukuni is to the Chinese and Koreans. Maybe we can now appreciate why the Koreans and Chinese reacted that way and the mindset of the Japanese for their unfriendly and insensitive ways, like what the Indonesians are doing in this case.

No doubt they have the right to honour their heroes that are terrorists and executed by us after their attacks on our soil. The Indonesians have said the protest by Singapore is noted and the case is closed. Let’s move on.

How would Singapore react to this insensitivity of the Indonesians and our sensitivity to the act going forward? Should we erect two stones at the site of MacDonald House for Sinkies to throw stones at them?


Anonymous said...

How many of our forefathers were killed by the japenis invaders?

did local japenis running dogs ever felt remorseful about those cold bloody murdered n graves remained unknown.

Ever imagined the despair n pains of their loved ones?

Are they still honoring their japenis god emperor n those japenis scams whenever they honor these bastards?

knnccb... long live kuan yew

Anonymous said...

according to indo media reports, these new indo naval frigates are british-made.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with the Indonesian decision... well done

I be happier if they decide to stencil these names on their international bound commercial aircrafts

Knnccb.... heroes should be honored, traitors should be demonized, who r heroes? Who r traitors?

Anonymous said...

At least the Indonesians remember and honour their heroes who fight for Indonesia.

PAPigs do not seem to honour any Singaporean heroes other than Lee Kuan Yew and his extended familee.

Lt Adnan.
Lim Bo Seng
Elizabeth Choy

PAP government does not honour them ... is it because they are not PAP members?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a political party founded by a Chinese guy who worked for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two?

Most PRC Chinese in World War Two would declare any Chinese working for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two as traitors or collaborators.

Anonymous said...

"Collaboration: Japanese Agents and Local Elites in Wartime China"


Anonymous said...

Sleeping with the enemy: How 'horizontal collaborators' in Paris brothels enjoyed a golden age entertaining Hitler's troops

This newspaper article is about French prostitutes collaborating with the German Invaders.
Will this be a source of inspiration for our SPG girls and PAP government?


patriot said...

Maybe traitors and betrayors should be remembered indefinitely by the people, generation after generations.
And only to be honoured by their successors, no matter how evil their forebears were.


Anonymous said...


Under impression from your articles that Indonesia and Malaysia are very friendly, so no necessity for NS armed forces,etc, only need police and coast guard.

impressive dichotomy ie reversal of opinion now.

Anonymous said...

/// Under impression from your articles that Indonesia and Malaysia are very friendly, so no necessity for NS armed forces,etc, only need police and coast guard. ///

A PAPig declaring Indonesia and Malaysia to be enemies of Singapore.
We must alert PM Lee, PM Najib and President SBY for comments.

patriot said...

Me has the Impression that Singapore is close and friendly with every country. Especially with our Rulers having Adek Beradek Rulers in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Such that huge spending on defense may not be neccessary and National Service certainly should be done away with.


Anonymous said...

Collaborationism is cooperation with enemy forces against one's country.

Stanley Hoffmann subdivided collaboration into;
- involuntary (reluctant recognition of necessity) and
- voluntary (an attempt of exploiting necessity).

According to him, collaborationism can be subdivided into servile and ideological,

The former is a deliberate service to an enemy, whereas the latter is a deliberate advocacy of co-operation with the foreign force which is seen as a champion of some desirable domestic transformations.

In contrast, Bertram Gordon used the terms "collaborator" and "collaborationist" for non-ideological and ideological collaborations, respectively.

Legally, it may be considered as a form of treason.

Collaborationism may be associated with criminal deeds in the service of the occupying power, which may include complicity with the occupying power in murder, persecutions, pillage, and economic exploitation or participation in a puppet government.


Anonymous said...

PAP Political Joke
Q: What do you call a Chinese guy working for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two?

A: We call him Prime Minister.

Anonymous said...

That is PAP Political Joke 1959-1990
Another PAP Political Joke 1999-2011 is
Q: What do you call an Indian guy working for the Japanese Imperial Army in World War Two?

A: We call him Mr President.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> How would Singapore react to this insensitivity of the Indonesians and our sensitivity to the act going forward?

With a light touch and humour. Let it go lah...why so sensitive?

>> Should we erect two stones at the site of MacDonald House for Sinkies to throw stones at them?

Also can, but I can tell you most Singaporeans won't bother.

I have another suggestion: Build a few public toilets with the pictures of the 2 soldiers/ saboteurs and Soekarno nicely printed into the ceramic of the urinals and toilet bowls. Then locals can piss and shit on these icons, and this is on-going "entertainment value" which can last for generations.

Got shit-bomb Soekarno? Priceless lah

Veritas said...

These folks are hero to Indonesia but scum to Singapore. All Indonesian intellects I met still harbor the dream of Nussantara, while a minority even Maphilindo.

That is the reason Indon folks in PDF are worshiping these terrorist 007 as heroes. Neither Singapore's POV that these are terrorist is wrong. You cannot expect Indon or Singapore to change their own opinion.

One more alternative POV, Sukarno was especially aggressive to Malaysia and Singapore, more so even compared to Suharto.

Then the Borneo communist sponsored by Sukarno were fighting to take back Malaysia Borneo with the eventual target of conquering Malaysia and Singapore.

It was the ascend of Suharto,who kill kill kill, a lot of people and communist and Chinese that prevent Singapore and Malaysia went into war with Indonesia.

Do Singapore prefer to kill more Indonesian commandos, or do we celebrate that Suharto kill a lot of communist and Chinese?

Are there peaceful way out?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

How many of our maids, FWs and FTs are undercover agents of their countries and lying low as moles waiting for orders?

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

At least the Indonesians remember and honour their heroes who fight for Indonesia.

PAPigs do not seem to honour any Singaporean heroes other than Lee Kuan Yew and his extended familee.

Lt Adnan.
Lim Bo Seng
Elizabeth Choy

PAP government does not honour them ... is it because they are not PAP members?

You are wrong. PAP has made us remember these fake war heroes very hard. We are made to worship a lieutenant (anan and Lim Bo Seng) and a banana girl liza.

Who know Lim Bo Seng posthumous M General was not even conferred by British but by China KMT.

All the three folks do not contribute much to anti Japanese effort.

The real war hero are communist MCP even then, they do not contribute that much in influencing the situation, as by 1945, they only armed for 3 years. But nevertheless, MCP showed a lot of vibrancy and I hypothesized they may be able to challenge the Jap like Viet cong does to USA if Japan was still here by 1950.

While one remembered Liza was torture (was she raped?) because she was an English educated banana, no one remembered far more MCP cadre sacrifice their life in fighting as well as being tortured to death.

We own Chin Peng a recognition.

b said...

Will there be a market for carpets with LKY face printed on them?

Anonymous said...

Many must be waiting with bated breath for General Chan Chun Sing to say something about the Issue.

Anonymous said...

He spoke and warning the Indons not to destroy a good relations built over the years. I bet the Indons would show him the middle finger. Then what?

Anonymous said...

Selling toilet papers embossed with papigs images will be best sellers.... but

Sell them during election season

In the meanwhile, tissue papers embossed with kuan yew is a better bet, 50.1% will use it to dry their tears soon

Maybe another 30% will it to pui chao nua or wipe their scum

Knnccb ... better apply for copyrights, ipr but credit me,knnccb on those toilet papers n tissue

Anonymous said...

your article is flawed. when lee ky put flowers on the graves of the two executed bombers they were posthumously forgiven. they bombed sg but they were executed so the score is love-all o-0.
therefore there is not any reason why we make a big hoo ha over this. as a sgprean i dont feel one iota of feeling in this matter. shanmugam make such a disgusting ruckus when he himself said in usa sone years back that SINGAPORE IS NOT A COUNTRY.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Singapore is not a country is a fact. That is why foreigners are happily invited in hordes to replace the Sinkies and to take over the country.

When they became the majority, we will see the real intent of the foreigners and how 'nice' they will be to the Sinkies. We already have many rude reminders of the things to come.