
The dramatic runaway price increase of cylinder gases

                                Runaway price increase of cylinder gas and petrol

Motorists would have noticed the creeping silent increase of petrol prices in petrol kiosks this year.  And now housewives have to worry about the sudden dramatic increase in prices of cylinder gases. Can you imagine just within a period of over a month a canister of 12.7KG CYLINDER GAS increase steeply by about ten dollars. Just around the 5th of november a 12.7KG CYLINDER GAS  cost twenty-nine dollars. It was increased to thirty-two dollars around 26th of November. Hardly half a month past it is now again increased  by four dollars to thirty-six dollars. And according to dealers the price may yet increase again. This quirk increase in prices within a short period of less than two months has a hard impact on the poor and the middle class citizens.

The people demand to know what is the underlying cause or causes of this sudden price increase. May be the government has something to say or explain about this price increase phenomina. The people are speculating that it is due to high ministers'pay , the  insane COEs, the illogical and indiscriminate  ERPs as well as the punishing GSTs. The impact is felt even harder because of the lesser earning power of the people which is caused by the mad influx of foreign work force that has not only depressed wages substantially but also result in unreasonable and unconscionable retrenchments of SINGAPOREANS.

THE GOVERNMENT needs to take immediate action to relieve the people's pain without further delay. When the people are driven financially against the wall the consequnces may be heavy and unprictable for there is always a price to pay for government's inaction.



Anonymous said...

Government talks issues we are not interested but play dumb when come to price increase. Not only gas price, taxi price rises yesterday too. WTF, con't wait for 2016

Anonymous said...

G had already announced the bonuses for the civil servants. The money has to come from somewhere.

patriot said...

Price increases in goods and services have become LAWLESS in recent years.
It is a very great worry that it may cause similar situation similar to that taking place in Thailand.Jlmine

Anonymous said...

Are the salary increases of the 60% who voted PAP more than the increases in prices, so the price increases remain affordable?

If yes, then they will be happy and satisfied to continue to vote for PAP, since the opposition is still not ready to be govt. And this is what really matters to PAP in a one man one vote GRC system.

Anonymous said...

Govt need so much more S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
if they buy f-35.

Anonymous said...

Taxi fare to increase AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

"Are the salary increases of the 60% who voted PAP more than the increases in prices, so the price increases remain affordable?"
Anon 12:38 pm

I would think so. Because PAP being a competent govt (which even the strongest opposition acknowledged) is definitely able to create the conditions for this to happen.

Or else how could PAP remain in power for so long and still so strong, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

/// THE GOVERNMENT needs to take immediate action to relieve the people's pain without further delay.///
As long as businessman can make money good enough already lah!
Only the rich people are people.
Poor people don't matter.

/// When the people are driven financially against the wall the consequnces may be heavy and unprictable for there is always a price to pay for government's inaction.///
Yawn. Yawn.
When the poor people start voting Opposition then wake me up ok?
Otherwise, please keep your background noise to yourself.

Anonymous said...

STI and other boards gives employment of about 1/3 of the population, with these said, how many ppl do you think will vote for them, you dun hv to be a math genious to figure that out, lots of companies have some sort of linkage, either thru' as vendors or suppliers.

With the influx of ft's to sinkies, they can hv another 15%, now tell me, how can they be voted out!!!!

Mr. Chua, is what i hv written making sense????,
Anyone knows, cause i'm writting rubbish anyway, right?

Anonymous said...

They can develop all sorts of schemes like the GRC, profit sharing schemes, the importing and giving of foreigners citizenships to vote for them and so that the can enjoy ten times the salaries of the Nordic countries, yet they locked up people CPF for life, which they earlier promised to return to others by 55, people too hope for better life like them, not all are so stupid as them think, some can manage well their money?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Rubbish or gold depends on who is reading it? Don't worry, everyone has a view on what things are. Like I told Matilah, I wrote shit for him, but others read them and got different perspectives of things.

oldhorse42 said...

It is true that price of cylinder gases have shot up. The cost of the cylinders have got up. Manpower and transport are required to deliver the cylinder gases and these have shot through the roof. The price of vehicle and coes have hit all time high.
Don't like it? Don't buy lo! Buy Govt gase or PUB gase, lo.
The Govt gas is supplied by City Spring which is owned by Tamasek.Spring

Anonymous said...

If cannot afford to buy cylinder gas, use piped gas lah. If still cannot afford, don't use gas lah.

Anonymous said...

With the right electrical appliances, you can steam, fry, boil, stew, barbecue and bake. What else you want?

Why need gas, you tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

Whether use electricity or gas, it still cost money.

Therefore most important is to make money. Lots of it.

That's what smart, happy and satisfied Sinkies do. And they did!

Anonymous said...

Where do u think the bursary for students cUm from? Ministoons personal pockets?

b said...

Governments everywhere are the same. They only want to screw their own people.

Anonymous said...

@December 12, 2013 2:46 pm

how about harvesting biogas from ah neh talents here?

knnccb ....

Anonymous said...

KNNBCCB my property tax increased 15% over last year. Kena squeezed left right and centre by this blood sucking govt. I resolve to VTO come 2016. SDP should revive the "Tak Boleh Tahan" campaign.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Many retirees and children of the old rich who are unable to make big money will be hard hit by the high property prices ending in high property taxes. Thus downgrade is the only way.