
Global war for talent

There is a big conference in Kuala Lumpur to extol the importance of chasing after global talents. This craze for global talents started initially in the banking and finance industry where the crooks went around the world cheating and selling fraudulent products to make huge profits for themselves, and if they made any losses the banks would have to pay for it. Many high net worth people and institutions lost big when the first bubble burst. But the scam continues today as the greed for more easy money by cheating the rich guys who think they are smart enough to make money but did not realize that they were stupid enough to be conned by these global financial talents and losing the money they made themselves.

this notion of global talents is spreading into other industries. The hype cannot be stopped as it is painted as the in thing, to compete for that global talents or the organization or country will lose out. It is like keeping up with the Joneses, they bought foreign talents so you too much buy some. They bought a few exotic pets, quickly get some too.

How many organizations really need global talents and can benefit from hiring these talents? Take the SMRT as an example, it is a local public transport company. Does it need to hire foreign talents and for what? I think the management is smart enough not to go down that road. There is no need for silly global talents to run a domestic public transport company. In fact you need local talents and local knowledge. I will fall out of my chair if they think it is necessary to put up an angmoh face to front their PR office. So far so good, that the top management are locals.

Even for organizations that need to compete in the international market, how many jobs really need to be filled by global talents and can benefit from their knowledge of the international scene?

Say for companies that operate internationally, like SIA or PSA, how many foreign talents are needed? Oh, may be the CEO needs an international team to work with him. So? Should the CEO and his top management team be forever filled by global talents? And how are the global talents made and how come global talents are always from overseas and we cannot produce our own global talents? The danger of a foreign CEO and his foreign team of top management is a recipe for disaster and forever dependent on this team. They will be entrenched and cannot be removed. Only silly shareholders will allow such a development to take place, when foreigners took the plum jobs and weed out the locals who would never be able to replace them.

Would our civil service and ministries benefit from having more global talents? Seriously I doubt so except to pay through their noses for talents and skills that are not needed but good to have. You want a Greek god to sit at the reception to impress the women? The other part is to deprive good jobs that should go to Sinkies. Why is there not a need to consider global talents for political office? It would be the most stupid thing to do. Only morons will flirt with such a thought and to consider having foreign talents as our national leaders, even if they are given pink ICs at the last minute to claim that they are citizens.

There are many GLCs that do not need foreign or global talents when the services and their products are domestic. As for the marketing of townships, do we really need global talents when most of the skills and knowledge were developed by our very own locals?

Oh yes, we need foreign talents for sports, for all the trophies and glories. Well, as long as we have all the more to splurge and the daft Sinkies do not protest for throwing good money for fake glories, let it be.

We are not what we are today because of flooding the island with foreigners. The present day foreigners are mercenaries that are here to pluck the fruits that our forefathers planted. We were selective in the past in our choice and numbers of foreigners needed. We were not so daft to take in all and sundry, fake and half baked, as our saviours. Who is the daft one?


Anonymous said...


There you go again wanna world class, first....blah, blah, blah

Have you not learn after being screwed again and again?

I would prefer a livable place free from all the maddest of life. I had worked and lived in M'sia from time to time and was there last, last year. I was not too happy as I see the rapid development in JB. However up North Perak still plenty of the madest in KL and JB.

You seem to be more or less like PAP supporters as I said many times about Sinkies. Oppose the PAP but like their agenda. There are prices you will have to pay for Swiss living....

Anonymous said...


"I was not too happy as I see the rapid development in JB. However up North Perak still free from the madness in KL and JB."


Anonymous said...

Sinkieland needs global talents for sure.

Because firstly, there are not even enough Sinkies, let alone talented Sinkies. I am sure RB, being an ex PM (Personnel Manager, not project manager or Prime Minister) will also agree on this.

Secondly Sinkieland can only get what is best available to Sinkieland.

Just as Sinkies can only choose what is the best available party, which is the PAP, to be govt.

But is PAP good, you tell me lah?

And so are some of those foreign talents available good, you also tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

if we want to be a global city rather than a regional centre then every jobs must be globalised and should get the best talents in the world to do the jobs.....

that will include all our ministerial and political and the govt positions......

with that then you can call yourself truly globalised......

Anonymous said...

My gut feeling is that real world class foreign talents, even those from India and PRC, prefer to emigrate to Western countries rather than Sinkieland.

And I believe real world class Sinkies also want to emigrate out of Sinkieland.

So any wonder the type of calibre of our cabinet ministers? Not everything can be bought with money, I mean high salary.

Anonymous said...

We must truly be globalised. We are the world.

Don't be so small, always talk about only company level globalisation.

We must talk about globalisation at national level. People from all over the world can form political parties just before our GE and should any global party wins the majority they can have the PM and other ministerial positions.

How about this suggestion? WHAT DO YOU THINK?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC, no need to go up so far north. Kluang, Segamat, Batu Pahat are all very liveable place.

As for this crazy thing called global city, then we should scrap calling ourselves a Republic, scrap citizenship, scrap NS, then sell out the whole island and share the loot among the ex citizens. Then they can globalise to whatever they like.

Anonymous said...

RB, the day they open out the political office for FT competition, I will buy the crap about global city and talent. With a world population of 6.6 billion, are u telling me we can not find someone more talented? U tell me lar

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> The present day foreigners are mercenaries that are here to pluck the fruits that our forefathers planted. <

I see nothing wrong in that. They cannot just "pluck", they have to work for it :-)

Also, our forefathers are long fucking dead, mostly forgotten. You have no claim on anything after you become worm-food.

Our forefathers also came to Singapore for their own economic self-interests. Many did exceedingly well. They didn't "pluck" anything either...they had to work and build.

Anyway, look at it from the perspective of the young buggers who grew up with the borderless internet as a "norm" in their lives. They are prepared to travel and relocate. Their friends do it -- all over the place, but connected to each other 24/7 on Facebook and other social networks.

Their world-views are radically different from their parents and grandparents. Their values are different, and dare I say they are much better educated and mature at younger ages than most of their parents who still cling to their old, outmoded, irrelevant ways.

Because of globalisation (i.e. national borders are becoming less important), there is stiff competition for talent and ability. Therefore, unemployed or overtaxed and underpaid techhies in California, for example, can easily relocate to the Far East where there is high demand for their skills.

Free and open labour markets make for better efficiencies and allow enterprises to compete better, creating wealth, especially amongst the young folks who are going to inherit a disastrously indebted and insolvent world.

I am an oldie, but I really like what is happening. Look in your own backyard -- Singapore. Have a look to see how the young entrepreneurs are doing -- the one's I've come into contact with are going gang busters -- i.e. highly motivated, hard working and damn bloody successful, or well on their way.

Malaysia, despite its chapalang political economy, does indeed offer lots of opportunity. They are well aware of the fact that they have to attract talent too, or they will sink into oblivion.

Got globalised spirit?

Anonymous said...

Wonder no more why wise matilah singapura is called superficial and shallow.
He just failed to support his own fucking idea. Many here are in agreement with him, sinkies want talents, top global talents to run Sg. Not just to manage businesses.

Get it or not? Mr Matilah.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, this island does not belong to you any more. You are irrelevant to us.

Wee Cho Yaw will jump out of his grave if a foreigner is put to run UOB and the fucker claimed UOB is what it is because after one year UOB makes more profit, real or imaginary or by pure cooking the book to make sure it looks that way.

UOB is what it is because of Wee Cho Yaw and his peers. Today the newcomers would just go with the flow and take a ride on the gravy train just making sure it doesn't over turn. Just like some young punks claiming that they built Singapore and must be rewarded with millions.

Anonymous said...

Matilah, a piece of good news for you. Singapore has lifted the ban on import of Thai chicken.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Matilah, this island does not belong to you any more. <

It never did, you dumb fuck :) I'm quite happy with it being a Hotel, and I just "pay-as-I-go", much like Disneyland.

>> You are irrelevant to us. <

Quite alright. There are people (many people) who will accept my money and give me service. Thank you. I have all my needs provided for. Whether I am relevant or not to you, or vice versa is an unimportant issue.

Anyway, I wish any foreigner well in their endeavors. As long as they don't break laws and initiate violence, they are welcome to buy as much property as they like -- from guess who?...the Singaporeans who will SELL them stuff.

The bid for talent is a market process, where those who embrace MERITOCRACY get to play a FANTASTIC GAME. (it's all a game folks, nothing too serious here. Just play and enjoy the experience)

To me Singapore is AWESOME. To you, you walk around with dark clouds of doom over your heads.

No prizes for guessing which one of us is having a SPECTACULAR day?

Anonymous said...


I was lucky to live and work in many places (countries) before the "Swiss gracious living, first world Parliament. Love the rural beautiful undeveloped places in Singapore - Changi, East, West Coast with bicycle power, my late humble classmate Ong Tjin An aka Ong Kar An, former Chairman of Ong and Company and Singapore Stock Exchange took few of us for a trip around Singapore and an island. We were closed-classmate.

You too like the many places mentioned from your beautiful pictures. Massive developments have turned into "fake" scenic encroached by ever expanding cities everywhere with animals on two legs. Global City? There is nothing free. Future generations and your children will pay for it. In the end you all lose.

In your heart, like many oppositions, really love the 6.9millions, but not the massive FT, PR....? Learn to live with it and the price to pay.


Anonymous said...

Matilar, if u find that sinkie land is awesome, then what the fuck u migrate to australia? It can not be for the white chicken right as they are now also readily available here. Plus now as an outsider why u comment so much for what as it has got nothing to do with you mah knn right or not.

Why don't u just bend over and open your mouth big big, hehe

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC. all the artificial construct are obscene, ugly and very costly. Everyone has to pay for their construction and pay to visit or see them. What the fuck.

Our beautiful islands all turned to money making fake objects for the woohs and aahs. My god the billions they have spent and more billions to spend some more.

Our idyllic islands, the Malaysian islands in the Mersing Tioman area are so commercialised. They forgot what tropical paradise is all about.

Anonymous said...


Yea, everyone (40%) including you has much to say on FT, PR, MRT, Public transport, Ministers pay, sports, trophies, glories, healthcare....blah, blah, blah... At the same time without thinking the impact on this small island, even with the present 5.2 millions is unsustainable.

It makes me laugh whenever, I saw..."Before it too late”, “Think of your children”, “2016" “future generations”, with posters’ handles... "True-blue”, “Native Singapore”, “Singaporeans”, “antiPAP”..... Did these clueless include Gintai foresaw what will happens in their lifetime?


Anonymous said...

Jc, I think u and matilar is a good match lor

Anonymous said...

Maybe the truth is;
Only PAP needs foreign talents.
Because Singaporean talents don't want to work with or work for the PAP gahmen.
But like this maybe very malu.
Cannot admit.
So have to wayang and say "Singapore needs foreign talents."
When maybe the truth is only "PAP needs foreign talents".

Anonymous said...

The morons knows that it is only a matter of time that they become national leaders, and its not rocket science base on what we already have.

And who's that idiot, anon 9.07am, that wrote, "real world class talent", how, on earth is one able to judge that, base on the paper that they brought, "talent", is tattoo on their forehead???? or maybe you're psychic?.
There are too much trash already brought in, just look at the ping pong and swimming, "nearly there's", the world cup hopefuls in soccer, what did they actually gave us???? not saying the amount of money that had been drum rolled in for them. Throwing them away, would we have fair any better?

JC, since when was the people ask when tax payers money was use in monkey domes and durian buildings, if for an instant those money was given to Red Bean for his health care facilities, the billion dollars would have come to better use, the worst he can do is kill a few of us which we die anyway in the streets more frequently nowadays.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC, your comments about whether Sinkies saw it coming is a bit unfair. Till 15 or 20 years ago, things were looking good, good leaders, good policies, Sinkie lives getting better, getting richer, aiming forward to a period of golden years with super talented leaders deserving millions and millions. Sinkies were not complaining.

No one could really complain and saw it coming then unless he is psychic. Who knows instead of apples we got lemons and now it is spiralling downwards.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2013 1:17 pm

"I think u and matilar is a good match lor"

I pick my fren and who I votes carefully. Unlike you and many Sinkies, blindly and clueless vote for any tom, dick and harry that sing your songs.

Not me! You voted for them. I didn't. Now, unhappy! Out from the horizon a "savior - TJS" blasted his way with help of TRE and other socio-political sites. In no time the 20% opposition (former die-hard PAP) begging TJS to run or form his own party. Down the road a repeated of the past again.


Anonymous said...


"JC, since when was the people ask when tax payers money was use in monkey domes and durian buildings, if for an instant those money was given to Red Bean for his health care facilities...."

When you voted for them, with over 80% in certain GE.

Unlike you and many Sinkies, I dun trust politicians. I will never give any parties or persons more than 50% even if that person claimed he is "god" or his fren is "god".

There you go again! Redbean your "saviour" now cuz he sing your song?


Anonymous said...


Bro, I off you an opportunity to retract your statement below, before I blast you. You are a nice guy and choose NOT to hurt your feeling. :-)

"JC, your comments about whether Sinkies saw it coming is a bit unfair. Till 15 or 20 years ago, things were looking good, good leaders, good policies..."


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It makes me laugh whenever, I saw..."Before it too late”, “Think of your children”, “2016" “future generations”, with posters’ handles... "True-blue”, “Native Singapore”, “Singaporeans”, “antiPAP”..... Did these clueless include Gintai foresaw what will happens in their lifetime?


In the above you presume Sinkies or Gintai are prescient to the future. No, everyone is human. No one has that kind of foresight. Hsien Loong also admitted so.

Thank you for saying I am a nice guy. Now what do you want to blast me for?

Anonymous said...

Correction typo error...

Bro, I offer you an opportunity to retract your statement below, before I blast you. You are a nice guy and choose NOT to hurt your feeling. :-)

Further, if anyone treat me well, like KING and if I come to know and believe he never treat his frens, workers, maids, etc. fairly and honestly. I will not hesitate to humtum him.

I cannot be bought. Not at any price.


Anonymous said...

Let see.. 15 to 20 years.....

Did it ever occur to you how Loa Gow and Loa Lee treats the oppositions... remember JBJ, Francis Seow...? Going way back into the past, even as I do not supports the commies, how on earth can anyone shut down the Newspapers, jails without a day it courts like the USA doing today?

Many clueless uses’ excuses "level playing field" on opposing views. I use the same level playing judging "everyone", including myself - regardless, PAP or oppositions, even if you sings my song.

You cannot be blinded, just b'cus you are OK 15 - 20 years ago. All the while the PAP brutally oppressed others. Are you creditable? Are you any different from the 20% clueless Sinkies? They "love" you cuz you sing their song.


Anonymous said...

Never put all your eggs into the same basket, this analysis is not without truth, agreed with you, that, but sorry to burst your bubble? what and how many opposite do we actually have that you can carefully choose to vote?????

The opposition is not without flaws, but if you scratch their column, does it not mean that you have voted for him/her?

With so much arrogance being displayed by the ruling, there will not be a surprise if many will swing off them.


Anonymous said...


"everyone is human. No one has that kind of foresight. Hsien Loong also admitted so."

Since independent, how much do you know what this brutal regime did to so many people. So long you got you meals and money, who care, right? “No one” - are you sure, how about the consistence 20% (plus or minus) oppositions?

"To Err is Human,” I agree, but should we as human point out the mistakes, correct it or stop it? Has it ever occurred to you one day this may happen to you? Does it mean Oh, he is Lee Kuan Yew, he did more good than bad? What if you are the victim, who will speak for you? Are you really that clueless and never think of others? You really think you are can tailor a Universal Healthcare, with you know it all attitude?

I repeat many here. I preach and practice the golden rule. No exception!


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Heheh, I dunno when you started to doubt this govt and their policies.

I am not going tell you how far back I have made up my mind.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to say you did't burst my bubble Kaki. You are very smart, you know their arrogance and brutally and

"what and how many opposite do we actually have that you can carefully choose to vote?????"

Came across this lame excuse millions times!

How many intelligent people willing to come out and be slaughters? Remember JBJ, Francis Seow, Tang Liang Hong and many more.... what happens to them? Not forgetting Dr. Chee being ridicules and Tan Wah Piow "runs" away.... Comparing these people (not that I think they are good or better) to the PAP like MoBoTan, Loa Gow...... so these PAP were better, right?

Why complain now if they are good? Remember, you voted for them, I didn't and I have the right to disagree, you don't! You voted for them! :-)


Anonymous said...

Alamak JC,

Told u twice liao, this time 3rd time, i did not vote for them.

Ok, i fin work liao, going to pub.
Nice day.


Anonymous said...


Sorry bro, oldman sometimes forget, especially when you said I blew my bubble and watch my eglish and tyoo errors.

Have a good one!


b said...

Global or not global talents does not matter. They are still humans and not perfect and so will fail. Many great leaders like LKY also made many mistakes in his work. Many great global talents like Madoff are big cheats in real life. Importing global talents is just another zero sum game and an easy solution. The rulers are just too lazy to design proper system to train and develop own people to perform properly. Do you think those succesfful people who owned those mega companies like Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, WBuffet, Koch operated outside their own countries before becoming successful? They are able to make it big because their native countries do not bother to import but rather give a lot of chances for their own people to succeed.

Anonymous said...

Yep, English think no problem. It's the eyes and that thing between the ears. Getting rusty and musty. Can't see well and can't think well.

b said...

Everytime they import one foreign alien to perform a top job, they will kill one local person from developing into a talent.

Anonymous said...

How daft can the govt be?

Anonymous said...

Seah Chiang Nee's Saturday column

[Boycotting for change]

"A NEW trend may be establishing itself in Singapore’s current affairs.

Impatient citizens who feel the authorities are too slow or reluctant to act strongly against discriminating employers
are attempting consumer boycotts to speed up changes.

The mass action is aimed at recruitment advertisements that discriminate against Singaporeans in favour of foreigners.

This time, the govt, which generally tries not to upset investors,
has moved a bit faster to confront the problem.

Under pressure from the public, the govt is generally making it more difficult to hire foreign workers
like slapping higher fees on employers in some sectors
and lowering the percentage of new service workers from 45% to 40% of the workforce.

Will the measures work in significantly reducing the foreign inflow?

“Unlikely”, remarked some analysts."


Anonymous said...

Anon 9.06 am: // slapping higher fees on employers in some sectors //

Slapping higher fees on employers for hiring workers in certain sectors is like slapping COEs on vehicles.

This G policies are full of hypocrism. A crocodile tearing after its victim in its stomach getting digested. Putting it another way is letting the cats look after the rats or wolves shepherd the sheep. The intent is to look at them as preys and eat up them eventually.

When a G treats its citizens like domesticated poultry such as chicken and pig to be reared and slaughtered for tax revenues like leeches sucking blood, it is high, high time for bold change.

Short term there will be suffering. Just like a patient undergoing operation and recuperation stage. Temporary short term pain, cost and discomfort for long term health. No pain no gain

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think getting a foreign mistress to boot and flash around would be safer and cheaper than buying foreign talents when many are fakes or no better than the locals.

Can you imagine that this is a fab, a hype, in corporate top notch thinking?

Anonymous said...


I hope your FT mistress will have fake breasts and a male genital.

Good luck


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC, you have wild desires. I am straight.