
Aung Sang Suu Kyi – Did we learn anything from her visit?

She came and gone and left her fragrance behind. Some may find it a breath of fresh air, some may find it a little pungent, a little uncomfortable after taste. While she was here she must have learnt quite a fair bit of this little jewel city, with another jewel coming up at Changi Airport soon, a gleaming oasis of modern skyscrapers and facilities, the beautiful gardens and the F1 that she was shown and expected to be in awe. From her statements we all know what she had learnt and would pick up only the right or relevant things for her country.

Have we learnt anything from her visit? Learnt what? Are we supposed to learn from her, a third world country? No, she was here to learn, and we were there to teach her, to show her the way to a modern first world country, oops, I mean city.

I don’t think Singapore learnt anything from Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit. Our mindset was that we have it all and everything that Myanmar wanted. And we were so willing and eager to please her by offering our helping hand. We were so helpful. Shit, she did not seem to appreciate what we can do for her country.

But some Sinkies did learn a bit. Some are questioning whether this mad race to make more money to buy more things, to have more money in the bank accounts are all there is to life and living. Could we seek some balance in our life and live a little, smell the flowers, and sit on the sand along the beach, watch the sunset, play with the children. What is living all about?

Yes we all feel very rich, with all the modern convenience around us. Material life is good definitely. So?


Anonymous said...

What the great lady have money cannot buy. Dignity.

b said...

Singapore is a great place for educated swinging singles but not a place for people in the categories the family, elderly, kids, poor, uneducated.

Anonymous said...

So education taught us to be self-centered. I'll choose a caring uneducated person anytime.
What Ms Aung San Suu Kyi has is love for her people.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

No matter how smart a person is, if they are in politics not to look after the well being of people and country, they are doing the people a disservice and an injustice.

It may be a silly idealism to some. But not doing so but for self interests, the people can see and the trust will be not be there.

Anonymous said...

'the people can see ....'

- If people can see, they will not vote a party that worships 'Money'. Its the people choice and they should bear the consequence.

Anonymous said...

RB, from what I can read from the internet, the trust has been broken or at least for 40%. It's going to be really hard to win babk the trust. The country is deeply divided, it's very sad to get to where we are today, I weep for my country.

Anonymous said...

"Suu Kyi urges Myanmar diaspora in Singapore to return home"


Unlike PAPigs who keep telling Sinkies to emigrate if Sinkies do not like the way the PAPigs are running the country.

Does ASSK love her fellow countrymen?
Do our Singapore PIGS love Singaporeans?
Why do 60% of Sinkies keep voting for people who hate us?

Anonymous said...

"No matter how smart a person is, if they are in politics not to look after the well being of people and country, they are doing the people a disservice and an injustice."

This is very true.
I salute you.

Anonymous said...

i will categorised her along with lee kuan yew

maybe she learnt from my old fart idol and adapted it ...

kuan yew claimed he was an interpreter for the japenis invaders .... interpret shits???

aung sang pu ki licking up to the whites invaders that her illustrious father fought to removed

both .... knnccb

Anonymous said...

Some comments are best left to rot by not dignifying them with any further contention.

Anonymous said...

whether we learn from ASSK or not is not important....

rb has correctly stated that we are living in the mad race to make more money to buy more things and to have more money in the bank accounts......

we must slow down slow down slow down....

slow down does not means no growth, smaller growth.....

we have lost the meaning of living....

many are struggling day-to-day.....

many are being left behind.....

many are crying.....

many have lost their voices.....

Anonymous said...

Slow down? Dream on, it will give them more excuses to bring in more 'hard driving, go getting' foreign no-talents to replace you slackers. There is a pair of spurs ready to stick up your collective bum and knuckle dusters to keep you in your place.

Anonymous said...

@ Rb 3.30 pm "No matter how smart a person is, if they are in politics not to look after the well being of people and country, they are doing the people a disservice and an injustice."

Tiok! That's why we should send more different and potent voices into parliament to balance the papayas' monopoly grip on elitist self-serving unilateral policy making power that had greatly neglected the interests and well-being of the common folks, the old, the poor, the disadvantaged etc. It may make sense to send the likes of NS, KJ, CSJ, AJC, BP etc into parliament and loong chong ask probing questions and get papayas to provide accountability.

Anonymous said...

@October 04, 2013 4:31 pm

omfg .... m sorrlee u traumatised by my opinion

so .... DUN READ

so .... KEEP QUIET

so .... u not happy

let me guess ... u a americunt lover too

Anonymous said...

@ RB wrote : "the beautiful gardens and the F1 that she was shown and expected to be in awe."

Obviously after what she been through and for what she is and looking to learn, all these are shallow superficial fake artifices needed only by those who have deep seated inferior complex in their innate deepest soul. If one is rich in the heart and soul, he/ she need not display all these outward appearance outlandish stuff to try impress others. It would only earn more despise and disrespect for such insecure persons in the eyes of discerning beans.

Anonymous said...

@ RB // She came and gone and left her fragrance behind. Some may find it a breath of fresh air, some may find it a little pungent, a little uncomfortable after taste. //

She may have left some fragrance behind but many times while being shown around many fake superficial tax-payer hard earned money white elephant constructs and in the presence of all these detestable and abhorring self-serving elites, she must have to hold her nose very hard most of the time during such times and in the presence of such despicable and shallow beings. I think all these self-serving elitist money greedy disgraceful people are a total and utter disgrace to the pride and dignity of our mother nation. They should dig a very deep shit hole, jump in and stay there forever, only to come out when this world run out of any light and descend into total darkness.

Anonymous said...

@ RB /// Have we learnt anything from her visit? ///

Ha ha ha.

In the presence of a "Saint-Like" enlightened wise leader such as ASSK, how can SinkieLand's elites learn anything from her given their "stinkie" nature.

Likely, crime and vice infested red light Geylang back alleys are more likely the learning and training ground for SinkieLand's heartless and ruthless self serving money greedy yaya hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Half lion half fish constantly chundering up vomit. Made of fiberglass. How can anyone not be impressed?

Anonymous said...

Ngiam Tong Dow would share her agony for seeing so much good money wasted in such frivolous pursuit. Not much different from the Ah Soh who struck Toto and wanted to buy 1000 pairs of shoes coz Mrs Marcos also owned so many pairs.

Who has more dignity, that lady that did not have a big fat pay to boot or those who could spend a weekend in Paris without battling an eyelid?

Anonymous said...

Recommended reading: A Contrasting Personality by Singapore Recalcitrant.

Anonymous said...

SinkieLand fast sinking into a LIVING HELL! Now 5.4 m every weekend go out already nearly vomit blood. 6.9 m??? Think before SinkieLand even get near that figure, many Sinkies would likely get out of this STINKIE LIVING HELL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually in Sinkieland, many things are falling apart. Trust is one of them. It is invariably reinforced in MRT train rides every morning. The mounting hatred for the ruling elites. At 5.4m, the citizenry are already choking from the thick hazy crowds every day in the trains, buses, food courts, coffee shops, shopping centres, eateries, play grounds, parks, even in the public toilets. Such constant reminders are continuously being deeply ingrained in the minds and subconscience of many ordinary Sinkies. Maybe the end is near.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said...
October 04, 2013 10:51 pm

"....The mounting hatred for the ruling elites....."

Blaming the elites, why so, didn't you vote for them? I didn't!

I was stunned to read from a poster a few days ago, blaming all on Lee Hsien Loon, while praising the Old man. This poster still yearning the "good old days" when the Old man ruled with iron fists. Especially later Devan Nair exposed the Old man, "...I will make him crawl on his bended knees, and beg for mercy."

Why are you whinnying now? The elites are your creation. I didn't! You own a smart phone, expensive electronic tingy, leather goods, drink at Starbuck, watch football and World Cup...etc etc? Did you find out where these are made, the suffering souls that make them How many FT died for Qatar's world cup and 200 billions for the infrastructure? Do you know how you enrich the elites, knowingly or unknowingly?

You and the 20% of the oppositions are no different for the PAP, it's just that you can have the goodies and blame the elites.


Anonymous said...


Despite what you wrote, most of the time they sounded moronic with warp logic. You think you are damn clever. Why don't you volunteer yourself and run against the pigs than keep whining here and talking nonsense like most pappigs.

Anonymous said...

Pappigs, be ready for a Tsunami in 2016!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
October 05, 2013 3:15 am

Thanks for your comment. First, I dun whines, never once voted for the PAP. You can call them whatever you like. I accept majority voted and learn to live with it. I am not clever, survive, with or without. Running against them? Never! It's committing suicides, most Sinkies dun has a clue and is no different from the PAP. Sama sama.

Am I taking nonsense? Nonsense #1: watch World Cups or worshiping footballers. Gone are the days when you pay nothing during Kim Siong days, two bucks at most at Malaysia cup finals in the Stadium. Today is big time, who make the money, footballers, promoter, advertiser or owners? It's billions $$ food chains from small remote villages in Africa, Bangladesh, Brazil etc all the way to corrupt Liverpool, Zurich etc. Nonsense #2: Starbuck including Nestle, Wow! It billion $$ controlling the coffee beans and WATER! Nestle makes’ millions and billion paying $1 a day for ground water right and sell it to the upper class. The downright poor, who find themselves no water as the water level drop deeper.

I'm not clever, but different. I refuse to associate with clueless. I do research, read a lot and ask questions. Thank goodness for Internet (you can criminalize me for using Internet. I am guilty).

Are you any different for the "pappigs, did you ever vote for them? If anyone wants to take me on, make sure know your facts and can prove it. My Achilles heels are typos errors and English!


Anonymous said...

RB, why not start a thread on PWP?

We shall see how the response is?

MB can garner more support for the HLP event.

These are the little things we can contribute as concerned citizens to balance the excesses of million dollars talents in their policies.

Wishing all the best to those who worked hard, day and night for the well being, interests and collective good of the common folks, the old, the sick, the disabled, the unfortunate, the unemployed etc in our midst as well as the long term future of our little red dot.

Seems like at 5.5 m we can hardly breathe. That is about 7,600 persons per sq km. At 6.9 million, we are looking at another 30% mre or more than 2,000 more persons squeezed into every sq km every single day and moment.

Would there be enough oxygen and enough room to stretch our elbow or our swollen, tired leg from standing packed like squeezed sardines in a gigantic metal longish container called MRT train. The sauce inside are the sticky saltish sweat and arm pit smell. Odour would be the fart from some foul backside who may not have gone to toilet for days. Farting non-stop and trap inside sardine packed carriages middle of no where in underground tunnels. Such great policies and superb foresight by million dollars talent. Free fart to go along for every mrt ride in the morning. Lucky haven't eat breakfast! Pity those pregnant ladies. first thing out of train is to rush to toilet and throw out all their breakfast. Next trip babies in stomach have to go hungry for a while. Mummies can only eat after get out of train ride. Eating before train ride may not be such a good idea when you have potentially a week old fermented fart ready to be released by some inconsiderate soul and end up being inhaled deep into the lungs and blood stream of all helpless "sardines" in this giant longish mrt "can".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
October 04, 2013 8:29 pm

"Tiok! That's why we should send more different and potent voices into parliament to balance the papayas' monopoly grip on elitist self-serving unilateral ......common folks, the old, the poor, the disadvantaged etc. It may make sense to send the likes of NS, KJ, CSJ, AJC, BP etc into parliament and... probing questions and get papayas to provide accountability.

You said a lot (sorry, cut for brevity). Have you thought of the "monopoly" and the iron fits on the oppositions since the early 60s? Nope! I guess, right?

Now any tom, dick and harry will do just get them into parliament, right? What do you know about KJ (just pick one out of many). He is a hedge fund manager and own one. Do you know what is hedge fund and how it works? These hedge funds still unregulated after 2008. Go and find out more before you think of KJ or TJS!

Remember the 2008 financial collapse? What has it got to do with Singapore? If you have an inquisitive mind after discover the cans of worms, you will never vote anyone associate with Insurances and Financial services. They still makes trillions paying no interests and taxes!


Anonymous said...

October 05, 2013 5:00 am

"..Seems like at 5.5 m we can hardly breathe. That is about 7,600 persons per sq km. At 6.9 million, we are looking at another 30% mre or more than 2,000 more persons squeezed into every sq km every single day and moment..."

Is Singapore sustainable with the 5.5 millions not even 6.9 millions?

Beside the cramming, almost everything is imported. What if natural calamities occur in any countries regardless man-made or Mother natural?

Mid 2000 entrepreneurs start using corns, cheaply grown in the US Midwest turn into Ethanol, what happens after that? Abandon farms in Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas snapped up by big Corporations with Monsanto's generic seeds becomes hot potatoes. Bread once sold under US$1 becomes US$1.79. Thailand's fragment rice double. Texans, Arkansas and California where rice is grown, sold less than US$14 per 50lbs shoot up to over US$50.00. Do you still remember what happening to the Thailand in 2011 floods and Russian's Drought?

This is only an example. I pity the 20% former diehard PAP supporters. You got nowhere to run. I warned these fools in Newsgroups in Singapore Social Culture. "You will one day becomes boat people, like the Vietnamese.”

Looked like it may happen. Anyone wanna booked cheap boats trip to downunder?


Anonymous said...

A 'wise' old sage once said if there is any undesirable outcome in any GE expect an iron fisted response. So much for hoping for change. One can always dream instead.

Anonymous said...

Property developers and agents cannot be trusted too.

Anonymous said...

Similarly, magistrates, lawyers and some doctors are as unreliable and not trustworthy.
In short, most sinkies are sinful creatures.

Anonymous said...

Seah Chiang Nee's Saturday column

[Learning from Myanmar]

"Aung San Suu Kyi has stunned Singaporeans with her answers and fresh perspective during her recent trip to the republic....

Her departing words shook Singaporeans who had been led to believe in the superiority of the Singaporean development model for less developed countries."


Anonymous said...

Watching the antics of the current PAP government reminds me of a biblical question:
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?"
If we live for the wrong things in life, it will hurt us in our own heart, our own soul, and there will be no beauty in our character.


Anonymous said...

Her (ASSK) departing words shook Singaporeans who had been led to believe in the superiority of the Singaporean development model for less developed countries.

“I think we have much to offer you, come and find out,” Suu Kyi said.
“Perhaps Singapore could learn from us on how to have a more relaxed way of life.”

Maybe Singaporeans should try paraphrasing ASSK's words in GE 2016:

“I think we have much to offer you, come and find out,” says the Singapore Opposition Parties.

“Perhaps PAP could learn from us on how to have a more balanced way of life.”

Anonymous said...

The PAP Town Council in Tampines GRC seems to be "upgrading" carparks again.
Perfectly good car parks (last renovated 5 years ago) are being renovated again.

The number of car park lots remain the same before and after renovations.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Good morning. Are you guys still around? Didn't you guys need to sleep? Go and have kopi and breakfast. It is not healthy staying up all night.

Anonymous said...

@October 05, 2013 9:49 am

after the upgrading ... did the mp for the grc, conducted a ribbon cutting ceremony to grace this honorable and memorable upgrade of the grc by the irreplaceable pap

long live kuan yew