
Is PAP commiting hara kiri?

Shortly after the debacle in Punggol East, the PAP lost no time to push out a very controversial White Paper in favour of a 6.9m population in the island. The negative sentiments and all the problems the people are facing are perceived as caused by the 5.3m population. The people are angry, very angry. Why would the PAP think it appropriate and timely to rush through a White Paper that is going to be badly received by the people? Why the urgency? Is it political naiveity, or are there more extenuating reasons that not pushing out this 6.9m population idea now would lead to some irreparable damages or grave consequences? Or as Vivian Balakrishnan said, ‘we are facing the crisis of our lifetime’?

There is absolutely no reason or urgency for the PAP to discuss this unpopular issue at this juncture. It is political suicide to do so. And the reactions by the people have proven that this is so. A long term projection of the country’s population need not be talked about now, it can be discussed in a more congenial time and conducive environment later.

What can be the compelling reasons for doing so? Is it that the PAP thinks that the people will be happy to go along with this projection? Is it that not doing now, not getting it passed in Parliament now may not be able to do so later on? Or is it that it has already decided and the PAP is just going through the motion of getting it passed in Parliament?

I am still baffled by the decision to push out this White Paper now. I can’t think of a good reason to do so. Is it that a few hundred plane loads of FTs are already in the pipeline and a quick decision is needed to let them in? There is just no sense at all. What is happening?

Ah, maybe the PAP knows best. They know that this is the best way to go forward for the good of the people and country. The people must be mad for not seeing the great benefits of this plan. So just act like deaf frog. Just get it done and the people will appreciate it later. The Govt must lead, make tough decisions, even if they are painful for the people and the people disagree.

I don’t believe that having more foreigners and new citizens is to buy votes for the next GE. The PAP cannot be so desperate to take such drastic measures for self preservation. And the people should not take AIM at anything or try to find a reason for it. It is something that will come true in the next 15 to 20 years. Talking about it now or then is just like crystal ball gazing. But implementing it is very serious.

Australia is a continent about the size of the USA. It has a population of less than 22m. And it is very careful not to increase its population and to preserve it as it is for its future generations. We are not even a quarter of Tasmania and we are already 5.3m and wanting to go 7m?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Maybe PAP knows that they may not get the 75% at 2016 GE so if they don't strike now, they will miss the opportunity. Who cares about how Sinkies feel. We have not care for them in the past, so why bother.

oldhorse42 said...

Hi RB,

I clicked a few of your adverts and that should be enough for a few cups of coffee to wake you and do the thinking for us!
Yes what is the rush to push through the population papers? You said it is not beause of votes, then what? The wise old man dying and want to see his plans in place?

The said...

Yes, they are committing seppuku.

As I said, I think the government has just given the GE2016 mandate to the WP.

Anonymous said...

Be suspicious of salesmen who rush you into making a BUY decision.

If it's a mistake then how?

The old man will come out and tell us "you went in with your eyes opened"?

They want our support ... okay ... but that comes with a price.

a. We want our CPF money all back by 55 years old. This is just asking them to keep their original promise.
Coming to think of it ... they have not kept some of their old promises have they?

b. An official statement from PAP that our National Pledge is not an aspiration.

c. GIC and Temasek to open their accounts for a review and audit by an independent 'Committee of Inquiry."

d. No more National Service. We install a professional army in place.

e. Reduce defence spending by 20%.

Please feel free to add to this list.

Anonymous said...

I can think of 2 reasons why they published the White Paper now and not later.

1. They are hoping that by GE2016 people would have forgotten about it.

2. The old man is on his last legs and this is for his benefit.

Anonymous said...

i think the old man is going soon, the useless son has to push out the paper before his "back mountain" is gone.

i still think the new citizens is his only guarantee for political survival when his mountain is gone.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Don't use Arse-traylah as an example please. I have lived there over 30 years now and never once have I endorsed a single government -- state, local or Federal. They are all FUCK WITS only interested in taxing and regulating the fuck out of people.

I would trade one money-hungry PAP govt for all the Aust govts combined since I started living there. All government is "bad". But the PAP, in global terms, IMO are the "least bad" -- despite their faults, which are more "annoying" than restrictive.

Anyway, back to your post:

>> What do you think?

I think the PAP are playing you, The People. They are massaging your emotions. Slowly slowly they'll take out the lube, and gently tease your sensitive anal area with their soft caresses.

They'll grease your asshole with the KY, and lovingly insert first one finger, then two, as you moan in sweet surrender.

Then when you're open and vulnerable, they will shove their big PAP COCK -- backed up by the judiciary, police, CPF/ HDB -- into your asshole and pump away violently until your entire bowels are torn asunder. They will cum all over your face and hair and treat you like the submissive slave-whores You The Sheeple are.

Lucky as a Singaporean, you always have tissue in hand to clean up any mess...or to "chop" seats at your local eatery.

The People Get The Anal Raping They Deserve!

Got regular bowel movement?

Anonymous said...

A mad rush to dilute the opposition tsunami?

Anonymous said...

"I don’t believe that having more foreigners and new citizens is to buy votes for the next GE. The PAP cannot be so desperate to take such drastic measures for self preservation. "

you must think out of the box. it does not have to be only one reason or another . It is the combination of many reasons on whole taken together to fit PAP's agenda.

Surely you heard about this idiom.

"Kill two birds with one stone"

for many PAP is

"Kill many birds with one stone"

First of all, nevertheless, one does not need rocket science to tell you that foreigners are more readily to vote PAP into power, just look at those 12,000 PAP voters that vote PAP in the punggol that does not tally with 500 figures in punggol. Ask yourself if you supporting your party, why didn't these people appear. At least, we expect 3000 at least. It shown among these could be foreigner-turn-citizens, and civil servant, business-man, or others feel one way beholden to PAP. Beside, it also help that foreigers will dilute the voice of true Singaporeans. Look around you, why didn't any foreigner-turn-citizens speak out sensibly in NATCON ?

In addition, these foreign citizen also become digit to become tax and money-generator to fuse the GDP that grow the PAP's coffers and MIW's salary, bonus, and familee's wealth.

I don't doubt Redbean can even illustrate more real life examples of how foreigner/PR/foreigner-citizens can help PAP.

Anonymous said...

No, I think their timing is smart.
If GS is soon, i agree that its hara kiri. But its a few years away. Boiling anger will have dissipated. People will be distracted by other issues.

If economy is gd before GE, they say..see! our policies worked!

If economy is bad, they can make a big show of more foreigners losing jobs than Sporeans through the work visa lever..

Sure win lah...

Raymond said...

There's no hidden agenda. The PAP is announcing this now because "now" is the right time to face those tough decisions. It's not about petty politics. It's about the survival of our nation. Maybe you could think about the bigger picture too... and quit thinking about self-interests or threats about GE2016.

Anonymous said...

"There's no hidden agenda. The PAP is announcing this now because "now" is the right time to face those tough decisions. It's not about petty politics. It's about the survival of our nation. Maybe you could think about the bigger picture too... and quit thinking about self-interests or threats about GE2016."

What nonsense is that ?
tough decision ? Not even transparent about the TH and GIC loss, and even damn to claim that they reclaim the loss, and even damn to do creative accounting as discovered by Christoper baldings, and AIMgate some more. Maybe that is what you call PAP's tough decision to do these screwYou act.

How can one even survive under PAP except PAP clowns ?

It is more like survival of PAP rather than nation.

Anonymous said...

"There's no hidden agenda. The PAP is announcing this now because "now" is the right time to face those tough decisions. It's not about petty politics. It's about the survival of our nation. Maybe you could think about the bigger picture too... and quit thinking about self-interests or threats about GE2016."

YOu sound like Pinky. Are you Pinky, please identify yourself if you are Pinky.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Raymond, welcome to the blog. We have some diverse views which are healthy. This is the real discussion that the people, every Sinkie, is talking about. The real natcon that matters.

At the end of the day, the Sinkies must make their position very clear, for or against the big population. Then we see.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Guys, Although it's not obvious to you -- you're being set-up and played.

Do not make the fundamental mistake of thinking your adversary (the PAP) "stupid" just because you don't like them. Negative emotions and FEAR are obviously clouding your judgement, and you're allowing your vivid fear-and-uncertainty-driven imaginations to run wild with baseless speculation.

Don't you think the government is AWARE that the issue of population and immigration are hot button issues? Did yu think the government expected a "oh that's a very good idea. What a caring government !!" response from The Sheeple when they released their White Paper?

OF COURSE NOT!! They expect Singaporeans to go absolutely bat-shit angry and swear to vote out the PAP in the next GE. They expect Singaporeans to blast the cyber-webs with complaints, grievances , threats, immediate support for "the opposition" -- ANY opposition -- just to "teach the PAP-led government a lesson".

You're re being manipulated , by expert bullies who have the upper hand and who understand the nature and psyche of Singaporeans far, far better than Singaporeans know themselves.

Those of you who have a background in the arts and sciences of "persuasion" (aka psychological manipulation) will know where I'm coming from.

Anonymous said...

stay clueless, stay foolish.. makes my decision making easier in 2016.. many ppl who do the same will have no regrets..

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