
Unnecessary death of NSmen

In Parliament yesterday, Eng Hen spoke about the death of two NSmen while under training. Pte Dominique Lee died from inhaling smokes from smoke grenades. Third Sergeant Tan Mou Sheng was pinned down by a jeep. Both accidents were unnecessary and caused by lapses in safety procedures. “Any commander who ignores safety regulations, whether wilfully or negligently, puts his soldiers at risk and is not fit for command,” said Dr Ng. “These two deaths could have been avoided if safety instructions had been followed”. Is that all Eng Hen could say? How much compensation is enough to the parents of these young NSmen for the loss and grief of their precious sons? No amount is enough for such unnecessary death. Mindef was not born yesterday. The SAF is a highly professional army with more than 50 years of history and training accidents to remind and caution every officer in the field not to make silly mistakes. And silly mistakes are still being made with the lost of lives. Unbelieveable! Unacceptable. What is in it for the NSmen to risk their lives for? Relating the account of Pte Lee's mother, Felicia Seah, when the death was told to her was heart wrenching. The Minister should be on his knees to beg for forgiveness. This is not a case of sorry not enough. Explanation also not enough.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone care about the soldier who died? Or are they more intersted in ensuring KPI is met? RB, if they would not reveal the cost of buildinga HDB flat, would they tell you how much was compensated? Tang Ku Ku

Anonymous said...

[todayonline: Many unanswered questions, says Mum]

'The mother of Private Dominique Sarron Lee, Mdm Felicia Seah, felt there are still "many unanswered questions" over her son's death.'


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I don't think any amount of answers would be enough. Nothing can bring back Dominique and Sgt Tan to life.

My condolence to their families.

Anonymous said...

GE 2016.
Is a Pro Singaporean government of Patriots better than a Pro Alien government of Traitors?
Choose carefully.
Vote wisely.

Anonymous said...

For sons of some, they've the white horse system to prevent the unnecessary

Anonymous said...

Our sons are fighting for the country.They are now fighting for a job with foreigners.Terrible country.

Anonymous said...

Why 6 grenades when two grenades were the safety limit? Why?

Anonymous said...

[tatler: Why Was My Son There?]

"This is one post that has to be simple, in case someone misses the point. Private Dominique Sarron Lee was put in harm's way unnecessarily, and he died. Let's make it clearer, he was killed."


Anonymous said...

It is high time to rally for National Service to be abolished.
National defence is better serve by professional fighters augment by hi tech weaponry.

Anonymous said...

Fifty years of National Service in Singapore.We do not have a single war.How many innocent lives were wasted because of unsafe training ,As in a dictatorial regime,the books will not be opened,and for those who give their young and vibrant lives in the defence of the country will remain insignificant to the regime.
It is indeed the saddest part of Singapore history.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but the whole true has been out. Really????

patriot said...

National Service im Singapore is a bad joke.
The SAF is more likely to be used in a Freak Election Result as said by the Founding Father Of Sin than to defend a tiny piece of barren land nobody will ever want.
Anyone with pea brain will not waste anything to want a liabillity.


patriot said...

To add to my Above Comment.

I am 100 and one percent sure that others have better thing to do anytime than to come to occupy this tiny useless rock.


Anonymous said...

Not sure about that.

Anonymous said...

When the PAP people make a mistake, sorry is enough because every mistake they make is an honest mistake.

When the opposition make an honest mistake, sorry is not enough hor, but must also explain.

Don't ask me why. It is the PAP's law hor, which all Singaporeans must uphold and respect.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought. What if it happens to the army boy who is the only child and the question behind the parents will be who will be looking after them when they aged???

Anonymous said...

Abolish National Service.
And save a Singaporean son today.
Vote out the Pro Alien Traitors.

Anonymous said...

If ever Felicia Seah wants to sure the government for culpable homicide, i will gladly donate to the cause.

Anonymous said...

A vote for the Pro Alien Traitors
Is a vote for National Service/Slavery of your sons.
Why any parents would endanger their sons by voting for the Pro Alien Party in GE 2016, I will never understand.

If you voted for the Pro Alien Party in GE 2011.
Do you not think you have some responsibility in putting Private Dominique Sarron Lee in harm's way?

Anonymous said...

Now that we have a low birth rate and fewer NS men enlisting, the Defence Minister came out to say that we are depending on technology to make up for the manpower shortage.

To take this point further, why not make total use of technology, since that sounded enticingly logical, and enlist fewer Singaporean sons sacrificing for nothing to defend the country for the rich and lesser blue Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

[The Void Decker: Saving future Private Lees and Third Sergeant Tans]

"Five NS-related deaths this year come as quite a shock, but just as shocking is Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen’s reply when asked about the safety culture in the SAF:..."


patriot said...

I surmise that our super talented leaders can easily form one of the most elite army made up of professional fighters.
The SAF can be an attractive employer to those with soldiering ambition. It can also provide jobs to those without occupation as a viable option.
Like as said by Minister Ng Eng Hen, the SAF can be lean and effective with less manpower.

Singaporean parents should rally and petition for National Service to be abolished.

Anonymous said...

"Singaporean parents should rally and petition for National Service to be abolished."

No need to rally and petition.
Just tell your Pro Alien Millionaire.
Abolish National Service by 2014 OR
We Vote Opposition in GE 2016.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Unavoidable FACT: There are going to be accidents and casulties during training.

FACT: Shit can happen for NO REASON.

FACT: Parents/ loved ones of soldiers killed in training or action are seldom "satisfied" with any explanation. Why? They are human, and suffer terribly at the loss of someone close.

PArt of this suffering is anger, and the reaction to strike at (usually) authority for answers, and assign blame.

Burying a child is a parent's worst nightmare.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Would you just shut up and read the facts can? You are splurging rubbish and trying to look smart and everyone knows that you do not know what you are talking about.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Parents will feel the pain if their children are killed in an accident. It is not acceptable if it is the result of negligent, breaching safety rules, allowing one with no licence to drive.

These are not accidents and the deaths are avoidable. Someone was shouting homicide.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean is incredibly bitchy today.

His haemorrhoids must be playing up ;-)

"Unavoidable" deaths during military training? Which part of dreamland are you living in?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You still did not get the picture didn't you?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I absolutely get it: you live in dreamland. You expect:

1. Humans not to make mistakes or be negligent, despite them knowing the rules, procedures...what-not.

2. Government officials to actually give a shit...unless their head is on the block, or to "apologise" (for what, exactly?)

3. That government is "responsible" for conscripts (slaves) killed in training or battle

Enjoy your dream lah!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You still didn't get it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Parents give their only son, or sons to the govt. Why are they not coming home?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean is still in dreamland:

Parents don't "give" their sons for NS. Their sons are REQUIRED BY LAW to enlist --- under the threat of punishment by jail and/or fine.

i.e. The State requires males to enter into military service (i.e. "dangerous activity"-- dealing with legalized death and destruction), and put the boys if necessary in harm's way, where there is a distinct possibility of death or permanent injury. In other words, those boys DO NOT OWN their own lives (conscription is a form of slavery), and if necessary are FORCED TO DIE for their Mother Cuntree.

The fact that they come home is largely a matter of LUCK.

No, the minister is not to blame for the deaths nor is he "obligated" in any way to the families of the fallen.

Get out of dreamland much?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anyone agree to what Matilah said?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Like I even give a shit if you agree or not.