
Instant citizen, instant wealth

This must be the best slogan to attract PRs and foreigners to take up Sinkie citizenship. It is not only a very attractive choice, to live in the world’s riches country with jobs aplenty, there are also many advantages to being a citizen. Education subsidy, medical subsidy, govt hongbaos, priority for children education etc etc all comes attached to instant citizenship. But all this pales in comparison to the instant cash to be made in housing subsidy. But that is not all. Getting a flat directly from the HDB and selling in the resale market after 5 years is as good as being guaranteed a return of at least 50% to 100% of the purchase price, more likely to be more as prices of HDB flats have proven to go up in 5x, 10x, 15x and 20x.

The new citizens got the govt to thank for for this great opportunity to become a Sinkie and with instant monetary rewards in the hundreds of thousands, not $300 or $400. The govt has made it so easy for them to buy a flat at market subsidized price. The govt also ensures that there will be demands for these flats at market prices which often are several hundred thousands more. The PRs have no choice but to buy from the resale market. Then the silly Sinkies who were too hurried to sell for a small profit, and after two bites of the cherry would now have to buy from the resale market.

The most pathetic group would be those disqualified by the govt from buying direct from HDB. This group would have to pay more than double the price in the resale market for being citizens of Sin. And the new citizens must thank the govt for it, for this group of Sinkies to have no choice but to buy from them, to make them rich.

Instant citizen, instant wealth. Unfortunately some Sinkies will be intant poor, or robbed to pay for flats in the resale market. How not to attract the best FTs into Sin?


Anonymous said...

Singaporean are being "Raped" in their own turf.Thrashes after enjoying their spoilts will sell their HDB and go back to their own countries and reinstate back their citizenships. No wonder thrashes are so grateful to our leaders.

Anonymous said...

You guys should check out the SDP's new housing proposal. It's not without certain issues, but all in all a really good proposal to fix the public housing mess and runaway inflation.

oldhorse42 said...

I know some foreign trashes who have become SPR and promptly exercised theirs new found rights and bought HDB resale flats. They have left Singapore but continue to own their HDB flats which are now rented out with approval and collectng good rentals to support their life style back home.
This sort of loose policy allows HDB flats to appreciate 5,10,15 and 20 times over years as an ex PM has happily boasted!

Anonymous said...

HDB direct has an income ceiling. The benefit of being citizen is for lower income PRs and not for high income ones.

Anonymous said...

Daft sinkie mind is easy to programme to think what the govt wants them to think. They just can't think on their own.

Anonymous said...

High HDB prices?
Good. Serves you right for not doing your part to convert just one PAP voter into an Opposition voter.
60% of your friends & relatives voted PAP.
Blame them for the high HDB prices.

Anonymous said...

The quality of new citizens is poor in any standard. How can MOM sleep peacefully by bringing all these thrash? How can ministers sleep well with millions in the pay checks and not doing anything correct?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I sleep very peacefully knowing my cuntree's borders are defended, but free...free for individuals to exchange ideas, capital, goods and services...so that anyone motivated and serious enough can make a profit.

Got attitude adjustment?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In politics, it is all about people and country. But be prepared for the frauds and the fakes. They do appear from time to time.

The said...

And I always thought it is the other way round - instant wealth, instant citizen. You plonked in $2.5 million and you get instant PR (better than citizenship - you get all the perks without all the obligations).