
The Parliament Glare

On the first day of Parliament Low Thia Khiang popped the cheeky question to Kan Seng on whether the rumour that Mas Selamat was already dead. All he got was a glare. And he conceded and answered his own question, that Mas was not dead. Yesterday he was asking Hsien Loong about accountability and suggesting that Kan Seng should resigned. He got a Hsien Loong glare. And he kept quiet when Hsien Loong asked him if Kan Seng should resign. At the rate that it is going, the glare will be so blinding that Parliament need not switch the lights anymore.


Anonymous said...

Thia Khiang is lucky the glare did not come from the immortal one. Otherwise the whole PAP cabinet will be glaring and blaring as well.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Wah, now got "staring incidents" in parliament? Pai Kia? Fight!!

Lost4ever said...

So bananaland is now gangland also!!! way to go!!! we are bad to stoneage like what a GCT once said... worst still its now from top down... expect more violence on the street, as staring and glaring is happening at the TOP for all to see thru the media... LOL....

Anonymous said...

Sometimes words cannot convey the message as much as something as telling as a glare. If looks at kill, I think Low would have been dead right there and then. Just like his famous statement "Fixing the opposition", that is a Freudian slip. Mind you, that is definitely not a slip of the tongue and neither is the glare that he gave to Low. It was an unconscious act in an unguarded moment.

This is "democracy" Singapore style where the opposition is the "enemy" and should be obliterated. Singaporeans need to be more discerning and make wise choices in the way we should be govern. We need opposition voices to air our grievances and for more transparency.

I must add that Mr.Low is not very good in making repartees in response to his challenge. We deserve better than what has been dished out to us.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

we need to raise the mp allowance for opposition mps. that is the only way to get better quality opposition mps into parliament.

Anonymous said...

Was Thia Khiang and other MPs given the COI report earlier, ie before Monday 21st, so that at least he could go through it before he is able to know what questions to ask.

There and then, it would be unfair to say that Thia Khiang had few questions to ask. After all, I do know that when certain MPs want to ask a minister about certain issues they have to let the minister know in advance so that the minister can prepare the answers. Likewise, Thia Khiang must be given ample time to study the COI report and prepare the questions.

PM Lee was also reported to be unhappy that Thia Khiang was raising the issue of whether WKS should resign with him, and not with WKS himself a day earlier. Now, the fate of WKS does not rest with WKS himself. It is the PM who decides WKS fate, and isn't it proper that Thia Khiang should throw this question to PM about whether WKS should resign.