

Johor 'Sell it to Singapore!' A tongue-in-cheek solution from a Malaysian. Fun to read. The Anti-jihadist. Oct 24, 2007 Ladies and gentleman, Malaysia is facing a cash crunch. The oil, lifeblood of the Government's treasury, is running out. Hugely expensive programmes such as NEP and subsidies are politically untouchable, so hence must run in perpetuity. And of course Malaysia will in the future need more massive Merdeka parades, more shiny new Russian jets to overfly said parades, and more spaceflight participants to consume teh tarik and commit khalwat in orbit. So many expenses and dwindling income. What to do? Simply put, Malaysia seriously needs a lot of cash...and the little cash-loaded red dot to our south (which need not yet be named) needs real estate and resources. So my friends, with my tongue placed firmly in cheek, I would like to offer this simple answer for Malaysia's impending financial woes. Let's sell Johor to Singapore!.... The Anti-Jihadist http://pedestrianinfidel.blogspot.com/ This is part of an article I pulled from littlespeck.com. It is a post good for reading on a Sunday morning and let the imagination runs wild. Look at the possibilities for economic growth. And I think Singaporeans would not mind having the Sultan of Johore installed as the ceremonial ruler for life. And the Sultan will have achieve his dream of Singapore returning to Johore. This is just my personal view. In commercial terms it is called reverse takeover.


Anonymous said...

I love the quote they have on their site:



Anonymous said...

i dun mind a reverse takeover or whatever, but i do mind living with the malaysians. i am a singapore chinese and not particularly fond of malaysian chinese; they are slow and totally DIFFERENT from our kind here.

Anonymous said...

Wat the f### u mean by slow u cocky fools? The Malaysians can be just as fast under the right environment. They went to space, did you?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i also agree that the malaysians are not slow. there are many very able malaysians in the island. but 20 or 30 years down the line, i am not sure.

going to space is like taking a taxi and paying thru the nose. it is a very expensive ego trip to try to pull teh tarik in space. i don't mean to be rude, but that is exactly what it is.

the pride is the technology to bring people to space and not in being a paid space traveller.