
China does not need ballistic missiles in South America to hit USA

 Truth be said, China does not even need to attempt to station ballistic missiles in South American countries to pose a threat to USA, like what the Russians did in Cuba. Intercontinental ballistic missiles with longer range capabilities can do the work as well, and hypersonic missiles are unstoppable. 'Iron Dome' defense are now a broken myth.

Let us not kid anybody that USA mainland would be safe just because China and Russia have no close base to site those missiles and therefore cannot do any harm to the USA. This is not the era of WW2 where USA distance advantage is a factor that prevented it from being targeted by enemies.

What about nuclear submarines that can also get close to the USA? They can provide retaliation in case of a first strike that managed to take out land-based missile launchers. And not every land-based missile launcher can be taken out all at the same time.



Anonymous said...

Try telling this to our minister of defence the "chicken". Do we need all those expensive F16/F35/Submarine, also paying high rent to park those toys in foreign land. Modern war is base on long range strike/remote control aircraft(drone)/robot. We just need to keep a few fighter aircrafts for display during national day celebration, just to keep sillyporean ego high. Perhap mr "chicken" should use his skill future fund to upgrade his knowledge about modern warfare. Imagine the amount of money we could save from defence budget each year & use it on our own citizen to make life better.

Anonymous said...

It is true that they really need skillsfuture for upgrading. Cotton from sheep is a good example. And these are all Western educated elites, supposed to be the top of the crop in intelligence and knowledge. I rest my case!

Anonymous said...

Without upgrading his modern warfare knowledge, how safe is Singapore going forward realistically?