
Asean relations with Russia excellent except for Singapore

 Anwar's presence in the East Asia Summit in Vladivostok and made a keynote address said it all. He was there representing Asean as Chairman of Asean. And the gist of Anwar's speech confirmed that Malaysia was strongly against the Gaza Genocide committed by the Americans and the Jews. To top up the visit, Anwar, as Chairman of Asean, invited Putin to Kuala Lumpur in 2025 to attend the Asean Summit. Anwar's invitation must have the approval of the majority of Asean leaders.

What more proof is needed to say Asean's relationship with Russia is rock solid, not affected by the Ukraine War started by the Americans but blaming the Russians as the aggressor. Only American allies and cronies took the position that it was Russia that invaded Ukraine in 2022, not 2014 when the Americans mounted a coup and overthrown a popularly elected President in Ukraine.

Not only Laos and Vietnam are great allies of Russia. The Muslim states of Asean are strongly against the Americans and the Jews massacring the Palestinians in Gaza, their Muslim brothers and sisters. Therefore, they are more on the side of Russia than the Americans and the Jews.

In the G20 held in Jakarta, Jokowi stood against American pressure not to invite Putin to the Summit. Putin was invited. This is proof that Indonesia's relations with Russia is more than excellent to go against the demand of the Americans.

For Anwar to invite Putin to Kuala Lumpur in 2025, he is as good as showing the middle finger to ICC that wanted to arrest Putin for fabricated war crimes. The other Asean members are mostly neutral to Russia on the issue of Ukraine except for Singapore that condemned Russia and sanctioned Russia. The Philippines also did not sanction Russia.

There is no great division in Asean's relations with Russia. Singapore's position against Russia is the odd man out in Asean. For now, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand have confirmed interest in wanting to join Russian led BRICS and would be in Kazan, Russia, to attend the BRICS summit. Russia has set the condition that there will be no membership to BRICS for countries that sanctioned Russia. Vietnam is also a likely candidate after Lavrov's visit to Vietnam.

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What is the Philippines stance on Russia Ukraine war?
The Philippines evacuated 342 of its nationals by March 2022. Under Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines voted in favor of the United Nations resolution condemning the Russian invasion. Philippine Presidential candidate Bongbong Marcos has said: "“I don't think there is a need to make a stand.


Anonymous said...

On Friday, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin published the list of countries and territories that “implement policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes contradicting traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”

The list posted on the Russian government portal includes the following countries and territories: Australia, Austria, Albania, Andorra, the Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, the UK, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Micronesia, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Romania, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, the US, Taiwan (territory of China), Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan.

Anonymous said...

Anwar is also giving Pinky the middle finger by inviting Putin to visit malaysia. Wonder what our principled LW/Vivian will said if they go there next year or they will find an excuse to siam Putin when there..haha Strangely also, our principled Ghmen never condemn the terrorist Israel indiscriminately attack of Lebanon civilian.

Anonymous said...

LKY will be turning in his grave seeing what his beloved country is turned into.

Anonymous said...

LHL's third language is Russian because LKY saw the potential of Russia. Now Russia is enemy of Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Because LHL sanctioned Russia when it's none of his business. He was just being obedient to his master.

Anonymous said...

When you are a minnow, it is best to behave like a minnow. Do not try to wear big shoes. The rest of ASEAN, except the Philippines, have largely remained neutral.

By the way, that list put up by Russia does not include the Philippines. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Elites have put Singapore deep in US camp . . .

March 1 (Reuters) - Singapore will buy eight more F-35 stealth fighters, eventually replacing its older F-16s and putting the Singaporean air force "in the premier league" as regional threats (aka China ) grow, the city-state's defence minister said this week.

The purchase, and long-term replacement of its several dozen F-16s with F-35s starting in the mid-2030s, show the RSAF has noted the growing capability of China's People's Liberation Army Air Force, which has begun flying advanced aircraft such as the J-20B, said Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

"This elevates Singapore even further ahead of other Southeast Asian air forces," Davis said, adding that with Australia, South Korea, Japan and the United States also flying F-35s in the region, there were opportunities for common maintenance and support arrangements.

Anonymous said...

Would the F35s be kept in the USA? Singaporeans got chance to see them or not?

Anonymous said...

Of course, can see them when the minister visits the USA. Any other minister can visit every day to see them. It is there, do not worry.

Just like buying million-dollar diamonds and keeping them in a safe deposit box with a bank. Can visit the bank every day to look at it, right?

Anonymous said...

Buying and keeping the planes in the USA is the safest place. Everything in the USA is the safest. That is why countries keep their gold in Fort Knox. And that is why countries buy treasuries and keep them in the USA. Anything inside the USA and you can have peace of mind and sleep peacefully at night.

Anonymous said...

Philippines at the behest of its master is only bothering China.
They haven't done anything to Russia, probably too scared to do so. After all, Ukraine is the pawn used by the west against Russia. And Philippines is the pawn against China.

Anonymous said...

Buying F35 is like buying a car but cannot drive the car home, and must leave the car in the showroom in accordance with the seller's rules.

Anonymous said...

When you feel like driving the car, go to the showroom. It should be business as usual every day. But not the whole day. Certainly you cannot drive out at night.

By the way, you can save on parking, LOL

Anonymous said...

But do not antagonize the USA. They may just seize the planes like seizing Russian assets.