
Singaporeans lack talent, not creative, not innovative, unemployable...despite world best education system

 This is not what Lawrence Wong said about Singaporeans in his National Day address. This is the narrative being spread by foreigners and foreign HR agencies that are involved in the placement and selection for hiring in the private sector, especially top positions. The foreigners may also be engaged to recruit for the ministries and GLCs. The foreigners have hijacked the hiring and selection process by worming themselves into HR positions in many companies or in headhunting agencies...and they call the shot.

For a long while, these foreigners with their fake degrees or funny degrees from funny universities that are hard to verify, have been spreading this toxic narrative against Singaporeans in the job market. And in their recruitment and placement process, they would favour foreign talents and dismiss Singapore talents in a 'self fulfilling prophecy' way. 

As they keep on passing negative remarks against Singaporeans while praising foreigners, and when the Singapore authority allows this to go unchallenged, the end results, foreigners really think they are the real talents and Singaporeans begin to think they have no talent. And with each failure to get employed, they get demoralised, get to loose their confidence. The whole process becomes a vicious cycle against Singaporeans and destroyed their chances of getting employed. Can't imagine the morale of the banking and finance industry if the next DBS CEO is not Su Shan but another foreigner with funny degrees from funny universities.

The picture of Singaporeans having no talent, not creative, and not innovative, is the total opposite of what Lawrence Wong said about Singaporeans, about the high quality Singapore education system, from young to university levels. Singaporeans went through a very thorough education system with the finest teachers, finest processes constantly being reviewed and upgraded along the way that would put many foreign education systems to shame. A lot of thoughts and hardwork have gone into our education system. And Singaporean students have often come up tops in international competitions, judged by international judges and competing against the best of the foreigners for their maths and science knowledge and for being innovative and creative.

How then did this negative narrative about Singaporeans come about and being taken as the truth to the detriment of Singaporeans?  And seeing many top jobs being offered to foreigners, with foreigners finding it so easy to get full time employment here while many Singaporeans with good qualifications find it so hard to land a full time job and ended in the gig industry?

The problem lies in the hiring process when the selection committee, the interviewers, were mostly foreigners, some now carrying pink ICs, the same bunch of people with fake or funny degrees from funny universities but arrogantly condemning Singaporeans as no talent and unemployable. If this recruitment and hiring process is not address, and foreigners continue to dominate the selection and hiring positions, the excellent Singapore education system and its products, the well trained students, would not stand a chance against a system controlled and rigged by foreigners, with some now calling themselves Singaporeans but with their empathy and biases in favour of people from their former countries.

Not only Singaporeans were sidelined and by passed in hiring, when hired, they are often ostracised and victimised in the office by the foreign gangs and eventually forced to leave, appearing like incompetents.

Lawrence Wong and the MOM must take a serious look into the hiring and recruitment process, to drain the swamp of foreigners in positions that could discriminate against Singaporeans. A pink IC does not change a foreigner into a Singaporean overnight. Their hearts, emotions and loyalties are still somewhere out there. They are closer to their former countrymen, relatives or villagers than to Singaporeans.

Honestly, how many first world countries have an education system on par with Singapore's system? Then again, it is a no brainer to equate the education systems of third world countries to that of the Singapore education system. The third world fake talents with their fake or funny degrees must not be allowed to denigrate and discredit the Singapore education system and its products from their high horses. They must be taken down before more damage is done to harm our Singapore talents and our education system. Ya, it is a joke to be a product from the world's best education system but unemployable vis a vis third world products with funny degrees from funny universities...and in home ground, in Singapore! This is a sick joke. And the joke is on the stupid Singaporeans from the best universities and world best education system.

Who's fault is it to allow this negative narrative, and plight of Singaporeans, to go on for so long, unprotested, and to allow so much harm to fall on Singaporeans looking for a full time job but ended up the losers, while fake and funny foreigners could be hired so easily over Singaporeans, as better and more talented than Singaporeans?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

"they are often ostracised and victimised in the office by the foreign gangs and eventually forced to leave, appearing like incompetents." - very true! Instead of using English for work, they use their native language . . .

Anonymous said...

What is real in Singapore versus what is ideal in Singapore. It is easy to paint a beautiful picture on canvas, picking only the beautiful but ignoring the warts and moles.
It is easy to talk about beautiful dreams but very difficult to make right the pains and sufferings of those affected.
It is easier to ignore the defects and pretend they did not exist, all is fine.
The tough part is to work on the details, the nitty gritty to make things right.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies deserve to be in such situation, as this is what they voted for. LW is just another koyo seller from papies. The whole problem started when the country begin it "outsourcing" way of doing things. Perhap we could also consider to outsource our PM role, to ensure we get value for money.

Anonymous said...

Agree, outsource the entire cabinet for cheaper and hungrier third world talents. Can outsource the entire civil service also.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkies are too naive and timid to right all these nonsense.

Most simply boh chap, boh hew and I ok why bother and worry for the others ah?

Also better chance for me to be secure.

You die your business ah@

Competition already so tough with all these special privileges foreigners why should I care for my fellow Sinkies ah?

One's tragedy mine comedy!

Less Competition.

So much foe ONE Singapore.

One Singapore is $$$$

Anonymous said...

Outsource to India and enjoy the living conditions of India.

Anonymous said...

Good Idea as Indians already have good knowledge of living conditions in Red Dot. Bringing it down is easier than bringing it up.

Anonymous said...

Singapore would become a very exciting place with Indian hygiene and cleanliness, crime rate, quality of life, great infrastructure, great train system, an Indian style parliament with Indian MPs that were criminals. And Bollywood would be in town to give it a bolly spin. And all the Indian talents can replace all the no talent Singaporeans. Wow, wow wee.

Anonymous said...

I do not want to sit on top of trains. I am an old man. Sitting on top of trains is for young and brave men.

Anonymous said...

Then great crime rate will also come to Red Dot. They even rape doctors. Be careful those who have daughters, even though they are not doctors. No wonder they call India the rape capital of the world.

Anonymous said...

If we want cheap, outsourcing the Government to India is the perfect choice. I believe India is ready for that. After all, India wants to make the rupee popular and accepted internationally. Singapore must accumulate more rupees to pay for the talents from India running the Government. It will be a win-win situation.

Anonymous said...

They are already importing Chickenkunya this season.

Anonymous said...

LW's job will be targeted next.

Anonymous said...

LW is not Indian, right? All not Indians have to step aside when big brother India starts calling the shots. Even the name' Singapore' may need to be changed to 'Indiapore'.

Anonymous said...

What about 'Indiapore Airlines'? Development Bank India?

Anonymous said...

If that is the case, Piyush Gupta may be back at DBI and Tan Su Shan will be targeted as well.

Anonymous said...

The safest job? That will be reserved for Tharman Shanmugaratnam's Istana Deity's job. The topmost and the safest job when India rules.

Anonymous said...

Bollywood can give Red Dot a spin. Just getting sick and tired of 'Money not Enough' nonsense.

Anonymous said...

PM's salary converted to rupees should attract lots of Indian talents for the job. Rishi Sunak may already be filthy rich but may be suitable for Red Dot. USA is getting ready for an Indian President, so an Indian PM for Red Dot is good for relations. USA, India, Singapore make a nice trio.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is encouraging entrepreneurship, to be self-employed, like food deliverers, food court stall holders, taxi drivers. Jobs are for foreign talents. Hell, are we being treated like the Whites treating the Chinese to be just cooks and laundrymen?

Anonymous said...

Singapore's world best education system would be choked to death when Singaporeans cannot find meaningful employment at the mercy of foreigners doing the selection and hiring.

Virgo49 said...

Singapore to create jobs and professions in the hundreds of thousands for the young generation with their laborious education from the kindergarten to the Polys and Unis and ITEs must industrise to the high tech manufacturing sectors and engineering constructions.

Not still depend on the old sunset servile service industries of tourism and logistics.

How long can this economy lasts?

Once an epidemic or pandemic you are Dead.

How many Swift Tailors to alter your pants you can bring to Sinking Land?

Like GKS the Papies have to persuade the young to venture into all these sectors.

Learnt from the now MRT Contractors if not constructions at least maintenance.

Should have started decades ago and now a Construction Force of Brigades to contend with in local constructions and also overseas contracts.

Thesw would raise the living standards and high incomes for our own.

Must cajole and persuaded the young to change their mindsets.

How many White collared jobs and professions you can create years after years?

It's be saturated and the jobs be shrunk.

The worse is that many goes to the foreigners.

Own own in menial low paying jobs in our own land.

Sas sad indeed.