
American terrorists spreading lies, fear and threats to attack countries

 In the debate with Trump, Biden lied that Russia is going to take over Ukraine, Poland and all European countries. So Russia must be stopped and defeated in Ukraine. On the other hand, the American terrorists have been openly calling for the breaking up of Russia, to remove Putin, and to take over all the lands of Russia.

Similarly, the American terrorists have been calling China a threat, that China is going to take over the whole world. On this alone, the Americans have started all kinds of wars against China, sanctions etc etc. Even building a port for Peru is called a threat to the Americans. China going to the moon is a threat to the Americans, that China want to colonise the moon. China is a threat to Mongolia, to the Pacific Islands, to the Philippines etc etc.

What about the 800 American military bases all over the world? These are terrorist camps of the Americans to control the countries that they now occupied and to threaten the neighbouring states. The whole of Europe is now under the control of these American terrorist bases, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines as well. The presence of these American terrorist bases mean that these states are now effectively under the control of the Americans, and the Americans will decide who will be their leaders. Any leader that is not pro Americans would be removed, assassinated under the phrase 'regime change'.

In the Arab and Muslim world, the Americans invented the WMD threat to invade Iraq, Muslim terrorist threats to invade Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco. And coerced the Saudis, Jordanians, to have American terrorist bases in their countries to control these states, now effectively colonies of the evil American Empire. 

The American terrorists called Iran a threat, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela etc etc a threat and sanctioned them, threatening to invade them.

Whenever the American terrorists called a country a threat, it is a licence for invasion, or to sanction them. The evil American Empire has been playing this mischievous game for too long, to control the world, to be the dominant evil American Empire. 

Is China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc etc conducting wars or threatening any countries? Russia was being threatened by the expansion of NATO, with the dire prospect of having nuclear weapons on its doorstep. And Russia has to stop the expansion of terrorist NATO and the genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians by moving in to stop the murderers in Kiev. Russia is a victim of American and NATO terrorism but was branded a threat to Europe?

The world must stop the lies of the American terrorists, spreading their lies through western media and the media of their cronies. The American terrorists are the real threat to the rest of the world.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Recent there is a report that now liquid in bottles no need to be discarded upon checking in the planes.

Frankly, the Americunts are just plucking all the imbeciles who believed in them.

What's nonsense from their arse smelly mouths that their intelligence had reports that the terrorists are storing explosive liquids that shall exploded in the planes.

One time, when checking in, I told that damn idiot that this is water and I can.drink in front of him and he said No!

Took out our shoes.

Damn, why? Hide explosives inside smelly feet ah?
Regulations are regulations.

Also back from Matland at KLIA brought some their Tok Kong chilli sauce and confiscated by their Security smiling tonite my Mrs had free chilli sauce.

All these hambug BS so many cry wolves items that the so called Terrorists invented are all from their smelly mouths just to make lifes difficult for us air travellers.

The damn Americunts made so many enemies that we had to suffer for their consequences of been marked for revenge.

Last time sending goods to their damn country paying with their toilet paper currency had to be surveyed by their appointed SGS surveyors b4 can be shipped there.

All the countries extra costs and work just for their damn security.

Now tradw with them going to be zero as their useless currency is no longer valuable then China can demand to the Americunts that goods to their country be survey by Sino China b4 can be shipped to them.

All the daft countries had to obey the Americunts stupid nonsense rules and regulations.


Anonymous said...

The genocide of the Palestinians has confirmed to the world that the real evil tribes on Earth are the Americans, the Israelis and the Brits!

Anonymous said...

The new UK prime minister Keir Starmer has a half-Jewish wife, so he hate antisemitism and is very pro-Israel . .

Virgo49 said...

Right Anon 7.04

That's why George Galloway warned the electorate that this joker is going to lead the country to another war and that their children are in a way be pushed to die if they are enlisted.

Aiya Daft voters everywhere.