
Biden is a 'train wreck'!

 The Media is even more scathing, calling Biden's performance a 'train wreck', not just a 'car crash'. And many are distraught with the thought that this 'mumbling, stumbling and crumbling' old man is given the task of having his finger on the nuclear button. It is like giving a game control pad to a child!

But top Democrats are still adamant on keeping Biden, claiming he is the only one capable of defeating Trump. This is not 2020, four years ago, when he was still younger. Trump is three years younger and the difference it makes is undeniable, though Trump is starting to get foggy in some instances.

Biden's condition today, especially his health, cognitive function and memory have deteriorated day by day, and clearly visible with each appearance on the rostrum. For those who did not watch the debate to witness the decline, being fed videos of his appearance on TV ought to convince them that he is not suitable to do the job.

There are two wars to manage, conflict with China, fighting inflation and dealing with the USA's escalating debt. Is Biden able to handle that? Please do not talk about Kamala Harris giving him support. That woman is a liability yet eyeing the job for the next couple of months before November. She will really give the world a stomach-ache, laughing their heads off. These four years have proven her a complete disaster as the Vice President. 



Anonymous said...

If Biden is removed, Kamala Harris will take over as she is the second in line. That will be fun. What about her debating Trump in case she is the forerunner for the Democrats?

In a cackling and laughing debate, I think she could beat Trump hands down. After all, she is also well known for inventing 'word salads', her favorite recipe, when she cannot find an answer to sensitive questions.

There are much speculation swirling around about Michelle Obama being pushed out to replace Biden. Was this Barrack Obama's idea, knowing that he is the puppeteer behind Joe Biden. If that is true, it shows that the Democrats are not just scraping the bottom of the barrel but tearing out the base of the barrel to find a suitable candidate.

Anonymous said...

Car crash, train wreck or bloodbath?

Anonymous said...

Another bloodbath in the UK. Rishi Sunak Tory party lost. India is in mourning. No more boasting.

Anonymous said...

Torys suffered historic loss because white Brits cannot tahan having an unelected Indian as their overlord !