
No way the USA can win a war against China

 No way will the USA hope to win the war against China. The USA will also need to consider what part Russia or North Korea will play in any conflict with China. That is the unanswered mystery that the USA ultimately fears. Moreover, China's military expansion has been much faster and stronger by the day. As many commented, the USA's window of opportunity to win the war against China is already over.

The USA's military still depends largely on China for its ability to manufacture its weapons system without relying on supply chains from China. Even semiconductors for its aircraft carriers, fighter jets, missiles and drones have to depend on China, which is indeed really surprising for most people, amidst the talk of USA sanctioning China in chip development. Who is kidding who? China could literally stifle the USA's Military Industrial Complex in the event of a hot war. Then what can the USA do after exhausting its stockpile of weapons which it cannot replace?

But of course, the USA will not reveal to its citizens the real situation, preferring to deny and hope all problem just fade away. Just like the homelessness and drug problems. 


PS. American aircraft carriers and warships fled when China arrested Pinoy gangsters in the South China Sea. They know that the Chinese will sink every one of them if they dare to open fire.


Anonymous said...

No way will the USA lose the war against China. Same as no way Biden is going to lose the election to Trump.

Deny, deny, deny and wait for a miracle to happen.

Anonymous said...

Biden can win. Put Trump away. That is the plan.