
How many missiles and drones the Houthis fired at American warships?

The western media are not reporting much about the fireworks in the Red Sea as if nothing much is happening there. Occasionally there will be a short article about a ship being hit, but nothing really serious. And there is absolutely no reports of American or western warships being hit or damage, as if the Houthis' missiles are all duds or inaccurate. Oops, so far only reports of one or two American warships being hit.

How serious is the daily attacks by the Houthis on the ships in the Red Sea? There is a report on the successful hits by American pilots operating in the region. One American fighter aircraft has plastered itself with signs of 15 missiles and 6 drones, bragging that it had shot down 15 missiles and 6 drones by that aircraft/pilot. This number can be used to extrapolate the intensity of the warfare in the Red Sea, assuming that the Americans are not lying.

An aircraft carrier like Eisenhower can carry about 36 fighter aircraft. Assuming that 30 are serviceable and operational and were engaged in intercepting Houthis missiles and drones. And assuming that each aircraft would have hit an average of 10 missiles and 3 drones, very likely not every aircraft would be so successful to have killed 15 missiles and 6 drones. 30 fighter aircraft would hit a total of 300 missiles and 90 drones. These would be the minimum number of missiles fired and drones flown by the Houthis.

It is not expected that the Americans are so good that they could hit every missile and drone fired by the Houthis. A generous assumption is for a 50% killed rate, could be even only 30% as intercepting a missile in the air, or a very small drone, is not that easy. At 50%, it would mean the Houthis would have fired 600 missiles and 180 drones so far. The real numbers could be much higher.

What these meant is that the Red Sea is a very busy area with missiles and drones all over the airspace, day and night. But main media reports so far said only a handful of ships had been hit, and very few American or allied warship were hit. This could mean that the Houthis were firing duds or their missiles and drones were totally useless, unable to hit their targets, with at least a 1000 pieces being fired.

What is the truth?

The American aircraft carrier and several warships had to replenish their weapons on board after firing all at the Houthis missiles and drones. The aircraft carrier had returned to base, either finishing all their weapons and ammunition or for repairs after the report of being hit but denied by the Americans.



Anonymous said...

Russia plans to arm Yemen with the deadly P-800 Oniks anti-ship cruise missile with a speed of Mach 2.6 - Newsweek

Anonymous said...

Well, let us go back to Ukraine. Zelensky always claims his side shot down more missiles than what the Russians launched. Funny right?

So, just take that claim by the USA pilot as a joke. All we have to remember is that lying, cheating and stealing is in the DNA of the USA people.

The Houthis are doing great in disrupting global trade through the Suez Canal and the oil trade in the Gulf. This means products going to Europe are affected with escalating costs and time delays.

You see, it sometimes is funny that big countries failed to see the woods from the trees, when a small country like Yemen only just have to cripple shipping through the Red Sea with a little adjustment in its strategy, and that is costing so much damage to Europe and the West.

No expensive aircraft carriers and support ships to carry out blockades of the Red Sea or the Gulf. Just cheap missiles and drones did all that is necessary.

Russia is also warning Israel that if it expands the war into Lebanon, Russia is going to step in. So far, the Russians have laid off in Gaza. When Putin says he will support Lebanon, the Israelis better believe that.

Now, it is officially known that Israel's intention all along is indeed looking to expand its seizure of Palestinian land to build more settlements. So, chasing the Palestinians out was never about destroying Hamas. It was to commit genocide to get rid of Palestinians in order for Israel to expand. By forcing the extinction of Palestinians in Gaza using genocide, it serves the purpose just like what the Anglo-Saxons did to the Native American Indians in North America, with no chance of Palestinians regaining their land.

Anonymous said...

Israel just approved the seizure of 12.7 square km of land in the Jordan valley. The war was NEVER about militants or terrorists. It's about conquering land. What did Hitler do wrong?

Anonymous said...

If the Arab countries still don't act to stop the expansion of Israel, one by one would be carved away to be part of Greater Israel.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of additional Afghan fighters from the Fatemiyoun Brigade have arrived in Syria to bolster Hezbollah's ranks if needed .