
Every year on 4th July Native Americans mourn this date as the beginning of US systematic genocide of the natives of America.

 Every year on 4th July while the psychopath Anglo-Saxons  white American invaders celebrate this date as its independence day from UK, the native Americans would sadly mourn the date as the tragic beginning of US systematic genocide of the natives of America.                         

On this day all countries of the Free World and all countries of the South led by BRICS will mourn in compassion with our Native Americans on the savage and brutal massacre and genocide of the native Americans by the invading whites especially by the barbaric Anglo-Saxons Americans and their forebears the barbaric  British marauders and killers. In all during the last few hundred years from 1,600 AD to the present over one hundred and thirty million north American natives were senselessly  butchered and genocided. What is left of the native American population  now is the miserable number of about a hundred to two hundred thousand and they continue to be decimated by the cruel and merciless Anglo-Saxon invaders who forced them like cattle to be herded into native reservation areas being euphemisms for slave labour camps.

It is the compassionate duty and responsibility of all non-white countries and people of the South led by BRICS to help alleviate the further suffering and agony of their fellow native American brothers and sisters. To secure this mission to free the native Americans from further exploitation by the unwelcoming white savage invaders the free world of the non-white countries and the United Nations Organisation must work in solidarity with the native Americans to evict or get rid of the senseless whites especially the Anglo-Saxons marauders. The white and Anglo-Saxon bandits must eventually be evicted and forced to return to Englnd and Europe where they originallly come from.

Since both India and China had similarly suffered brutal invasion and merciless genocide by the West in which over 130 million Indians and over 150 million Chinese were senselessly and wantonly slaughtered from 1800s to 1940s, they will have better compassionate mourning spirit with the native Americans on this tragic disastrous date. This is the day and the date the whole free world must annually condemn in no uncertain terms the so-called-white Christian savage invaders for their brutal and merciless genocide of almost the entire native population of North America. This is the day and the date the whole free world and the United Nations Organisation must make a  solemn pledge and undertaking to found a solid independent native state or country for the native Americans in North America. Only in this way can the self-respect, honour and dignity of native Americans be more or less restored. The Whites especially the Anglo-Saxons invaders must henceforth immediately stop ill-treating the native Americans and see to their well-being and healthy development . 


Thursday, 4th July,2024

Thursday, 4th July, 2024.


Anonymous said...

China, Russia, DPRK, Iran and countries of the South must continue to strengthen their arms and grow stronger every day to confront the Evil Empire the US and its cohort of warmongers allies. The US and its Western allies only understand the raw power of their self-made enemies.

Sieh Ming Wen

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Sieh Ming Wen.