
Silly woman judge nailed Fauci as the engineer of this pandemic but blamed China

Listen to this silly woman that is supposedly to be pretty smart, or at least she called herself a judge or was appointed a judge. A judge cannot be so stupid or so biased with the facts she had.  She could not think straight but to push a hate agenda. This is the quality of American judges. Her hate China and hate Chinese mindset took over and overruled her ability to reason. She knew that Fauci knew about this pandemic in 2017. She knew that Fauci was in charge, in control and the likely engineer, or involved with some evil men to start this pandemic. But she kept blaming China for it. Her used of CCP revealed that she was part of an evil gang, a conspiracy, to smear and demonise the CCP as an evil organisation when she was part of such a hate organisation.  She and her evil racist gang think that by using CCP they could disguise their hate for the Chinese people. The Chinese people are almost 100% behind the CCP, the best political party of the 20th and 21st centuries for giving them a better life, a future to look forward to and freedom to be the best they can be.  attacking the CCP is attacking China and the Chinese people!

In her naivety she also believed that CCP/China would create this virus to kill Chinese people. Can you believe that? She is deranged. That is how thick she is. China and the Wuhan Lab were convinced by Fauci, with American govt funds, to conduct gain of function research to prepare for a pandemic. The pandemic, when and where it is going to start, was in the hands of Fauci, who talked about it in a news interview in 2017. If China knew what Fauci was up to, to kill Chinese and using Wuhan Lab to do it, why would China go along with Fauci, representing the American govt?

From the emails and Fauci's speeches, it was very clear that Fauci was in the thick of things that both the Chinese and American govts did not know. That is why everyone is saying Fauci has a lot of explanation to do.

But these hate China, hate Chinese racist Americans, including this silly woman, just want to put the blame on China which they called the CCP even they knew Fauci is the devil. And they continued with the narrative that Fauci was working with China to create this pandemic! What is the benefit for China to want to start a pandemic to kill Chinese people?

Fauci lied to the Americans and also to the Chinese. Fauci was the mastermind in this whole thing. Period. How could Fauci blame China as demanded by the China/Chinese haters? China would have a lot of mails from Fauci to show how Fauci convinced China to do gain of function research in Wuhan. What were the reasons Fauci used to be allowed to do his research in Wuhan?

And in all her attacks, like the racist Americans in Washington and Capitol Hill, they conveniently refused to mention what happened at Fort Detrick, the likely origin of this pandemic with Fauci in the thick of things. That is how untruthful these evil men and women are.

China must take this as a bitter lesson. Never trust the Americans. The Americans have banned China from participating in many projects, including space and ISS. When the Americans came with an olive leaf and called for cooperation, joint projects, China must immediately say NO.  The Americans are up to no good. China must NEVER, NEVER, trust the evil Americans. 

The native American wisdom that the white men spoke in fork tongue is a truth carved in stone. Not believing in this wisdom is a sign of stupidity and will bring harm to the non believers.


Anonymous said...

Fauci is definitely working with a gang of conspirators to make a lot of money, but definitely China is not one of them. They have their vaccines ready to make billions from this tragedy and would not allow anyone to buy Chinese vaccines to keep China from making money out of it.

Don't forget, their primary target was the killing of hundreds of millions of Chinese. How could China be in the know, be a part of this hellish scheme?

Only the evil white men around Fauci are behind this.

Anonymous said...

Trump and his allies try to rewrite, distort history of pandemic while casting Fauci as public enemy No. 1 - The Washington Post June 06

Donald Trump and his Republican allies have spent the last few weeks trying to rewrite or distort the history of the pandemic, attempting with renewed vigor to villainize Anthony S. Fauci while lionizing the former president for what they portray as heroic foresight and underappreciated efforts to combat the deadly virus.

They have focused on the early moments of the coronavirus response and the origins of the virus, downplaying any role they may have played and casting others in the wrong, at times taking comments out of context and at others drawing conclusions that are unproved.

At a time when the number of vaccinated people continues to rise and deaths are at one of their lowest levels, it has placed the coronavirus back at the center of the political debate. Trump is planning to make it a chief argument in a reputation rehabilitation effort. Republicans are also making it a centerpiece of their midterm election campaigns, pledging to hold congressional investigations if they win back the House majority.

“Now everybody is agreeing that I was right when I very early on called Wuhan as the source of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus,” Trump said in a recent statement. “To me it was obvious from the beginning but I was badly criticized, as usual. Now they are all saying ‘He was right.’ Thank you!”

The central argument from Trump and his allies is that the possibility that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan or was manufactured there — a claim for which there is no public evidence — as opposed to spreading from an animal to a human, was unfairly dismissed or covered up by scientists and media organizations bent on destroying the former president.

But to believe some of the claims from Trump and Republicans, one would have to imagine that President Barack Obama in 2014 helped seed money into bat research, which within several years would result in a global virus that escaped from a lab — either as a bioweapon or by accident — and spread around the globe.

One would have to come to the firm conclusion that not only was the virus developed in a lab — something experts have said is nearly impossible given the virus’s features — but that Americans helped cover it up and that President Biden is now aiding in the effort.

But more significantly, the focus on where the virus came from appears to be an attempt to distract from the chief failure of the Trump administration — its uneven and chaotic response to the outbreak once it began spreading within the United States.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the local telcos continue to carry Foxnews in their package. It doesn't contribute to any enlightened political discourse. The channel strives in sowing hatred, lies and conspiracy theories. The hosts are racists,rude, hostile to those not in agreement to their views like all the Murdoch owned media. The Govt has kicked out Al Jazeera for bias should do the same to Foxnews for being worse and shaping far right views on innocent minds.

Anonymous said...

America in its dying days is being led by a bunch of crooks that are only good at lying, many of them are lawyers, good at making inflammatory speeches but with no real substance when the hard sciences and engineering disciplines are concerned. And to top the icing is that among all the crooks and lawyers, the best men they could find to be the president of America, is a clown, a congenital liar.

Can America really be great again? The game is set to fasten the pace for the collapse of this evil Empire when no good and talented men would come forward to serve but charlatans passing themselves off as wise men and leaders.

These are the signs of end days for the evil American Empire. Lying is now the order of the day.

Anonymous said...

If Govt kicked out Al Jazeera for bias, it should also ban the Hindustan Times, but never as love affair with India very intensified.

Anonymous said...

And more anti China news.

Anonymous said...

Chiat kong tau.

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates has been involved too.

From very early, about ten years ago, it was a project to de-populate the world. There were a series of secret meetings at Hindenburg. President Obama sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to attend those meetings.

Henry Kissinger was also present at one of those meetings, the first one.

Facebook Chief was involved too.

Anonymous said...

Who is that Facebook Chief?
The CEO or Mark Zuckerberg?

Anonymous said...


"Hindenburg" should read as "Bilderberg".

The Bilderberg Meeting (also known as the Bilderberg Group) is an annual conference established in 1954 to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.

The group’s agenda, originally to prevent another world war, is now defined as "bolstering a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe."

Members include political leaders, leaders from industry and technology, bankers, academic researchers and media tycoons.

The total number of members is kept secret. However, it is estimated to be about 100 to 120 people.

Attendees are entitled to use information gained at meetings, but not attribute it to a named speaker.

This is to encourage candid debate, while maintaining privacy – a provision that has fed conspiracy theories from both left and right.

Anonymous said...

Bilderberg Group Conspiracy Theories

Partly because of its working methods to ensure strict privacy and secrecy, the Bilderberg Group has been criticised for its lack of transparency and accountability.

The undisclosed nature of the proceedings has given rise to several conspiracy theories. This outlook has been popular on both extremes of the political spectrum, even if they disagree about the exact nature of the group's intentions.

Some on the left accuse the Bilderberg group of conspiring to impose capitalist domination, while some on the right have accused the group of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy.

In 2005, Davignon discussed accusations of the Group striving for a one-world government with the BBC:

"It is unavoidable and it doesn't matter. There will always be people who believe in conspiracies but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion. ... When people say this is a secret government of the world, I say that if we were a secret government of the world we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves."

"Ashamed of ourselves" for what?

In a 1994 Report "Right Woos Left", published by the Political Research Associates, investigative journalist Chip Berlet argued that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about the Bilderberg group date back as early as 1964 and can be found in Phyllis Schlafly's self-published book "A Choice, Not an Echo", which promoted a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberg group, whose internationalist policies would pave the way for World Communism.

In August 2010, former Cuban President Fidel Castro wrote an article for the Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma in which he cited Daniel Estulin's 2006 book "The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club", which, as quoted by Castro, describes:

"Sinister cliques and the Bilderberg lobbyists manipulating the public to install a world government that knows no borders and is not accountable to anyone but its own self."

Proponents of the Bilderberg conspiracy theories in the United States include individuals and groups such as the John Birch Society, political activist Phyllis Schlafly, writer Jim Tucker, political activist Lyndon LaRouche, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and politician Jesse Ventura, who made the Bilderberg Group a topic of a 2009 episode of his TruTV series "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura".

Non-American proponents include Lithuanian writer Daniel Estulin and British politician Nigel Farage.

Concerns about lobbying have arisen.

Ian Richardson sees Bilderberg as the transnational power elite, "an integral, and to some extent critical, part of the existing system of global governance", that is "not acting in the interests of the whole".

An article in The Guardian in June 2017 criticized the world view expressed in an agenda published by the Bilderberg group as sinister.

Anonymous said...

“Depopulation through Forced Vaccination”

Bill Gates has been credited with his quote:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

Bill Gates has been labelled as “Billy ‘the kid killer’ Gates”.

Anonymous said...

The question of why would the Chinese create this pandemic to kill all Chinese really does not square off on all counts of the Western narrative of trying to push the blame to China. Isn't it self defeating for China to create the virus to kill it's own people so as to help the Whites? It does not make any logical sense.

The closure of Fort Detrick and recall of the epidemic expert from Wuhan and the timing of the spread right before the Lunar New Year and after the Military Games, are all well planned and executed. The only snag was that the Chinese managed to nip the spread in the bud. It backfired on the USA badly when they confidently tell the world that the virus would not threaten them, the Whites. What happened?

China is firing on all cylinders to overtake the USA within a couple of years, in GDP and many other fields, so why would China be so dumb as to undo all these advantages and let the USA continue to berate China? Isn't it stupidity really has no cure?

In fact the real stupidity is on the other side. The USA thinks trade wars are easy to win. What happened? They shot their own feet. They now sabotage the EU's trade agreement with China, but the EU needs China more than the other way round. Let's see who gets the wrong end of the stick.

This continued narrative of trying to stick the blame on China will eventually backfire and come back to haunt the USA like the initial outbreak. It will fail despite using all the US$300 million a year propaganda effort to smear China.

Anonymous said...

Why tell the whole world about the US$300 million a year smear campaign against China? It really is a slap on their own face that they need such a campaign to win the hearts and minds of the global community. Keeping quiet would have serve them better in the eyes of the world. Revealing that is a sign of the USA weakness in needing such a vile effort to undermine China. They could not do it otherwise and needs subterfuge to attain their goals. Shameful!

Anonymous said...

Putin was spot on. Those that did it will accused others of doing it. So, who really created this pandemic? Putin will tell you straight in the face based on his 'who done it before'.

Anonymous said...

White men out to decimate the world. To know the whole story, put Fauci and Bill Gates on trial.

Anonymous said...

A judge is supposed to be learned and wise. No wonder the country is silly with silly judgements made by silly judges. If she had not opened her mouth we would not know she is in fact silly. So, if judges are silly, what about the rest?

But then, I must say, we cannot ignore the fact that they also have silly and blur Presidents. It continues on and on, but then no one is wise enough to complain. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Seeing her yakking in the clip, no difference from that mindless Trump or Pompeo or any Fox News quacks.

Anonymous said...

Australia May Try to Drive a Wedge Between Singapore and China

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison will have to clear a COVID-19 test on arrival at Singapore’s Changi airport before a flying visit to meet counterpart Lee Hsien Loong in the city-state on Thursday.

Morrison is stopping in Singapore en route to the G7 summit in the UK where he is expected to have his first face-to-face meeting with US President Joe Biden.

Lee will greet Morrison despite announcing on Sunday that he was “taking a short break” until Friday.

Morrison’s visit carries additional significance as it is the first at leadership level to Singapore since the onset of the pandemic.

Regional issues such as the rise of China and Australia’s links with ASEAN are likely to be on the agenda.

Morrison’s visit comes after China and ASEAN’s foreign ministers met on Monday in Chongqing, China.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

No need to worry about Morrison. A person can be drunk without drinking alcohol when he chose to be drunk. Just like Jiang Tai Gong fishing without hooks. The fish will hook itself.

姜子牙 Jiāng Zǐyá or 姜太公钓鱼,願者上鉤. The willing does not need any convincing or pushing from anyone to do what he wants to do.

Anonymous said...

The Lizard will meet the Mole's Son, even if he is on official leave. The Leedership is always ever-ready to be a sheep when White Men visits. He is so grateful for the Whites at Oxbridge to have given him the "education" that he so badly needed. The banana is a banana, through and through. The brain-wash was so thorough and effective that 45 years later, it is still so glaringly intact.

PS: In Hokkien, "hsein loong" means lizard.

Anonymous said...

‘Hardly any data’ on Sinovac’s potency against Covid-19 variants, unlike mRNA vaccines which are proven effective: NCID director

In his post, Dr Lye noted that mRNA vaccines are among the most effective Covid-19 vaccines available today.

They reduce symptomatic Covid-19 by 95 per cent, reduce hospitalisation for severe Covid-19 by more than 90 per cent and prevent transmission by more than 60 per cent, he said.

“There is a wealth of data from the United States, United Kingdom and Israel on their safety.

“Importantly, mRNA vaccines are effective against the UK B117 (93 per cent), South African B1351 (75 to 90 per cent) and B1617.2 (88 per cent) variants. There is hardly any data on Sinovac against the variants.”

Laboratory studies showed that Sinovac may not work well against the B1128 variant that originated in Brazil or B1351, he added.

“Although these doctors claimed Sinovac is superior to mRNA vaccines against variants, there is little data to confirm it is effective for B1617.2, and there is data to suggest it is less effective against other variants.”


Anonymous said...

Complete lies. Note the name of the single doctor who tries to lie. Dr Lye = Dr Lie.

Anonymous said...

Easy to say there is no data because he doesn't have to substantiate with data. The data is out there but he was euther too lazy to find them or he has deliberately refused to find them because he had already made up his mind to demonise the Chinese vaccines. That is his obvious motive.

Moreover, the Dr Lye is probably not a real person. It could be a fictitious name invented by the reporter.

He can be anybody paid to say things that his handler wanted him to say.

Or he could be blackmailed or coerced into saying untruths which he would normally not say.

Anyway, take note:

One swallow does not a Summer maketh.

Only gullible fools fall for this kind of trap.

Anonymous said...

First, the self-declared "Expert Committee" has lost its credibility long ago already, when it advised the public


Such an advice would not even be made by any health conscious persons, let alone "Experts".

What are they expert in really?

Experts in telling the public what their Master wants them to tell?

Experts in deception?

Experts in covering up?

Experts my foot!

Anonymous said...

Why is the so-called expurts going all out to shoot down the Sinovac?

This is very suspicious.

Their motive is highly questionable.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Matlilah, the Australian-CIA spy is busy at work, sneaking into Ubcle RB 's blog again while Ubcle RB is asleep.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The way this debate or one sided debate is going on the merits and demerits of mRNA versus traditional method vaccines is scary. It is no longer a case of experts presenting their cases but one side trying to talk down the other.

There is a saying, do not argue with someone carrying a gun and ready to shoot at you.

There is also a saying, the one that is carrying a gun is always right...even if he is wrong.

Who are the experts and who are the expurts, only time will tell. You can bluff people only for a while. The truth will surface and can be very painful and deadly.

Anonymous said...

The believers would only want to believe what they want to believe selectively.

Hear the good stuff. But this is more sinister than just being a believer.

The arrogance of power is everywhere. Given the backing of authority, see how they act as if they are gods.

Anonymous said...

What is there to believe, when you know those write ups are part of the smear campaign funded by the US$300 million a year to be spent by the evil empire loud and clear. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

On MSM, the whole world seems populated by experts, all giving bias or slanted views in one way or another.

How many times have we been duped by experts giving glorified reports in areas like food and medicine, only to find those views walked back after some years, when the real situation is revealed.

Let me just say that the real unpleasant truth only comes out after the manufacturer's have made their money and laughing all the way to the bank. How do most experts earn their keeps? Using their mouths to say the things they are paid to say, not what they are supposed to say according to their moral compass.

Anonymous said...

If one chooses to read those write ups, do take them with spoonfuls of salt. That is one useful lesson I have learnt.

Anonymous said...

This Expert Committee is the same as the Presidential Committee selected to verify whether Halimah Yacoob is Indian or Malay. It only says things that the man holding the big gun wants to hear.

Both of them are appointed Comedians, not neutral Committees.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone still pay for the craps from the ST? The fact they are hiving out from SPH to get govt subsidies should send a message. If anyone still craves for their content occasionally, one can get them free on the NLB portal. The Hindustani link is to serve the increasing number Indian nationals,PR and new citizens here inclusing those in the SPH.

Anonymous said...

Committees are made up of 'kaki nan' who tow the line. What decisions they make are all pre-destined. When a committee is formed that serves no useful purpose, they may then allow an opposition party member to participate. Otherwise no way an independent thinking individual will be part of the committee. Call such committees a 'rubber stamp' to legitimise a proposal. That is the reality.