
China still refuses to learn...and looking sillier by the day

 China sent a friendly signal for talks between Chinese and US defense ministers when US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin took up his post on January 22, but this was never met with a response, and Austin later requested to meet with another leader in the Central Military Commission, which is an unprofessional and unfriendly act of disregarding diplomatic protocol and international common practice, a Chinese source said on Monday, in response to a recent media report claiming China rebuffed Austin's requests for high-level military talks.  Global Times

The above is another example of Chinese stupidity in thinking that the devil could become good and decent and would come to the negotiating table. The stupidity of the Chinese govt is unforgiveable after being ill treated, bullied and kicked around by the Americans and the West for two centuries...and still not learning, refusing to learn.

When would the Chinese learn to accept that the White men would always treat them as enemies? Every move, everyday, is an aggressive move against China, an act of war. They are willing to spend US$300m annually to conduct psywar, propaganda war, misinformation and spread fake news against China! And China still thinks that the beast can be tamed, can become friendly. The longer China indulges in this delusion, it is like smoking opiate and having hallucination, the more the white men will continue to bully and abuse China and treat China as a useless country that they could push around, and tempted to start another Opium War. Weakness and being meek are never respected by the White men.

The latest, 3 senators visited Taiwan on a military plane and China did nothing.  Putin would have shot it down. When the enemies are punching China in the face, China has to punch back and not look away. Acting meek is an invitation for more aggression and violation.

Wise up China. The beast is a beast and you will have to deal with it as a beast before it tears you to pieces. China needs to start to carry a big stick and use the stick to whack the beast real hard and stop being foolish and wasting all the effort and resources to try to be nice to the beast. See how the snake bites back despite China sending so much aid to India during this pandemic. The beast, the snake, would always behave like beast and snake.

The earlier the Chinese understand this, the better for them and the world. There is no way for a compromise.  The clash of civilisations will come to blows in a matter of time. Be prepared, be ready and start kicking asses. See how every little silly and poor European countries would stand up to poke at the eyes of the dragon! 

China, for goodness sake, wise up and face the hard reality. Stop being nice and polite to the beast. It only makes China not only look silly, but hypocritical. China must stop behaving like Ah Q.  All the talks and excuses are meaningless when dealing with the beast. The beast could not appreciate kindness and decency and would lie and lie to get its way.

For a start, isolate and stop trading with UK, Australia and Canada, the 3 weeny rascals of the 5 eyes countries. Make them bleed. Close down HSBC or make sure no Chinese companies use its services. For Canada, hang the two Michaels. No need to wait anymore. The only reason to wait is to put blood in the hands of the little boy PM, for him to send Meng Wanzhou to the USA, then immediate announce the death sentence and execution. Australia's economy is collapsing. Many of their businessmen are crying and will go bankrupt in a matter of time.

China, just do it instead of talking cock to the beasts and snakes.


Anonymous said...

China must build up the size of its nuclear arsenal to match that of the US and its allies and make white people shiver.

Anonymous said...

China, being too diplomatic, is taken for granted and viewed as weak and allowing the USA to project themselves in a position of strength. Since that approach on January 22 and the subsequent undiplomatic response from Austin, I believe the Chinese have hardened their stance substantially at the meeting in Alaska on March 18 and 19.

That was when China really lost it's diplomatic patience with Blinken and openly show their resentment and browbeating the USA for trying to project it is in a position of strength by dictating terms to China. It worked and Blinken was stunned and the USA amazed by the changed stance of the Chinese. Going forward, the relationship would not be that diplomatic any more.

China really has to put it's foot down when dealing with gangsters and lawless renegades who thinks everyone must follow their dictates. In the face of the mercurial Putin, the USA showed an element of fear and humility and usually have to back down under the most trying situation. They even begged for a meeting between Biden and Putin to resolve their differences.

It all shows their slithering behavior in the face of hard headed leaders like Putin and Kim. A snake rears it's head posing for a strike, but is actually a defensive stance to put the enemy in fear. When the enemy is fearless, it usually retreats and slithers away.

Anonymous said...

A bully needs to have people around to protect him in a fight. Alone, he is just a coward. The USA is a perfect example, using cronies and allies to give them courage to face up to Russia and China.

In anything, from trade wars, to Huawei, to South China Sea, to vaccine diplomacy, it is always needing back stage support. Is that what a beacon of this and that stands for? Bullshit stuff to fool the world.

Queen of Hearts said...

All these while, Xi Jingping has been using diplomatic ways to climb up the Chinese power hierarchy, to where he is today. As a result, he thinks that his diplomatic style can be applied for international relationship too.

That's why he has forgiven Ah Loong, despite Ah Loong having repeatedly insulted and belittled China and Xi's leadership openly in the US and in Japan.

That's why the Western powers, especially France, UK and US see Xi Jingping as a weak leader.

That's why the Taiwan issue is being challenged more strongly by the days. Even the One-China Agreement has been trampled upon so many times.

In fact, the Western Powers are now ganging up in preparation for war with China.

Probably using the claims of China spreading the Covid-19 pandemic and seeking indemnities, as in the Opium War, and if China refuses to pay the compensations, then that will be used as an excuse to launch an all-out, full-scale military invasion of China.

The Evil Forces are now in full swing preparations for war with China.

Xi Jingping had better wake up. Time is running out.

Anonymous said...

Racist white Australian PM Morrison visiting Singapore tomorrow to rope in the tiny city state to fight China.

Anonymous said...

The dog pack getting together is up to something bad.

Anonymous said...

Right Virgo. Putin is White too and knows white aggressive mentality. That is why he is fighting fire with fire. The USA knows what he is made of, the same tit for tat approach with no quarters given.

Asians are different, except maybe the Japs, whose Samurai spirit reacts differently. But the Japs are now a colonised race, neutered, although they still harbour hidden intentions to rearm. The Chinese, since the days of Cheng He, are diplomatically more docile, otherwise the Chinese would be ruling Asia now. They would not act aggressively, not until they are forced into a corner. Then their reactions will be different.

Compared to the USA, China still needs to beef up it's military strength to be really compatible and that calls for time and patience. Fight a war with victory relatively even, not one with uncertainty that provokes hesitation. Losing the war and be humbled for good and be colonised like the Japs is no comfort.

Anonymous said...

EU, US to end trade tariffs, call for new study into Covid-19 origins
JUN 9, 2021 04:53 PM

[BRUSSELS] The leaders of the European Union (EU) and the United States are set to commit to lifting steel tariffs before Dec 1, 2021 and avoid any further transatlantic trade disputes, according to a draft statement prepared for a June 15 summit in Brussels.

The draft, seen by Reuters and which will be discussed by EU ambassadors on Wednesday, also commits to ending a long-running spat over subsidies to aircraft makers before July 11.

Both sides will agree to cooperate on facing China's economic, political and military rise policy and also call for a new study into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, first detected in China.

"We call for progress on a transparent, evidence-based ... study on the origins of Covid-19, that is free from interference," the draft said


Queen of Hearts said...


China must stock up maximum number of nuclear weapons and stealth missiles as fast as possible. To discard this warning is to forego the limited precious time still available and to forsake the 1.7 billion Chinese People in the World today and the countless future generations in time to come.

Whether China and the Chinese Leaders like it or not, WAR with the USA and its Axis of Evil is UNAVOIDABLE.

WAR will be forced unto the hands of the Chinese Leaders by the unscrupulous and devilish leaders of the UK, by the demonic leaders of EU and by the satanic leaders of USA.

Although Tsun Tze had said: If you want peace, be prepared for war." What he did not say but also true is," If you want war, be prepared for peace!"

So, if the Chinese People and Leaders have been enjoying a good time over the last 60 to 70 years in peace and preparing for peace, that means it is inevitable that war will come to their doorsteps. It is not a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN.

THEREFORE, it is time to wake up. It is time to launch a full-scale Emergency Preparation for an Unavoidable Ultimate War with the Hitler-like USA and the Nazi-like White Powers. And don't forget the treacherous Russians and atrocious Japanese, who are always ready to take full advantage of China's predicaments.

In preparation for the eventual war - a full-scale nuclear war - it is not just the hardware but also the software, human-ware, cyber-ware and space-ware. It is not only the strategies and tactics to fight and win the war, but also the aftermath of the war - how to survive the nuclear holocaust for the next fifty to hundred years.

Numerous leaders, on thinking of the nuclear holocaust of a full-scale nuclear world war, immediately chicken out and brushed aside the possibility of a nuclear world war. These cowards are always quick to say:

"No, it won't happen. There won't be any nuclear war. It is unthinkable. It is so horrendous and unimaginable. It means the end of human-kind and the end of the world. No! It won't happen!"

That kind of attitude and behaviour will simply let the guards down. Once you let your guards down, you won't be preparing for the nuclear war. So, when it ultimately happens, you are caught with your pants, underwear and panties down. You are going to die. Your families are going to die. Your country folks are going to die. Die a horrible death. Some instant deaths. Most suffering lingering deaths. That is really unimaginable, and no words can express their true agonising sufferings. Do you want that?

If you, especially the national leaders, do not want that, then be prepared. Be prepared for the nuclear war, and the nuclear holocaust thereafter, not in terms of days but in terms of decades.

Therefore, China must beef up her nuclear arsenal to match the US, UK, France, Russia, India, Israel, Japan, Brazil and Pakistan combined. Short, medium and long-range nuclear missiles and warheads, all of these and more must be stocked up and deployed tactically and strategically across the surface of the world, under the seas and oceans and in the space high above.

China must also prepare her people psychologucally, physically and morally for the ultimate, all-out, full-scale nuclear war.

China must also prepare the ground and infrastructures to withithstand the nuclear bombardment and the holocaust. And food, water, medical and energy supplies, of course.

China must aim to destroy, or at least cripple, all the enemies communications and command centres and military headquarters in the 1st Strike, or at least in the first Counter-Strike.

China must cater for nuclear strikes on all US nuclear bases or deployments on land, in the sky and under the oceans.


Queen of Hearts.

Queen of Hearts said...


These targets must be totally destroyed: Okinawa, Diego Garcia, Guam, Hawaii, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, in the earliest possible window of engagement. This will cripple the enemies' military capabilities tremendously. The people killed on these places are unavoidable and must be considered as collateral damage. They know it well in advance. They asked for it. Therefore, No Love Lost.

China's stealth nuclear submarines must be organised into at least four groups, as follows:

1. The 1st Group is to surround Continental USA and deliver counter-nuclear strikes onto all US nuclear bases in Continental USA, automatically without orders, the moment any nuclear weapon is launched from Continental USA to strike other countries or China.

2. The 2nd Group is to follow and tail all the US, UK, Japanese and French Aircraft Carriers or nuclear warships. This group is to be armed with tactical nuclear weapons to sink the aircraft carriers and destroy the warships and logistical supports.

3. The 3rd Group is to engage targets of opportunity. This group is to be armed with both short-range and medium-range nuclear weapons. They will deal with any unforeseen and unplanned eventualities.

4. The 4th Group is to serve as a Reserve, with the view of doing mop-up operations, to destroy the remnant of any Enemy Nuclear Threats.

China's main nuclear arsenal, deployed on the main land have to be well protected, and must be readily aimed at all the strategic targets at all times. These do not only include US targets, but also all other countries that have nuclear arsenals.

Last but not least, the Chinese population must be prepared and trained to produce food, water, energy and medical requirements on a wartime basis and after the nuclear bombardments, for decades into the future.

Be warned, be prepared, be one step ahead, be safe!

Queen of Hearts.

Anonymous said...

A nuclear war will turn everything into charcoal and crude oil, to become the fossil fuel for the next cycle of human existence. The future humans will dig, discover today's monuments, do the same stuff of inventing things, accumulate wealth, the powerful will enslave and colonise the meek, create the bomb and eventually self destruct.

SSO said...

A nuclear War will turn the Earth uninhabitable. The radio-active radiation will be in the air, in the water, in the soil. Nothing grows. Nothing lives. Even coronavirus dies, extinct.

Everything goes back to square one. At the beginning of time. But will not be like before.

It may take millions and millions of years before life forms start to take root.

Even then the radiation may still lingers on in certain parts of the Earth.

May be the Earth will be barren just like many other planets.

Moreover, the numerous nuclear explosions may throw the Earth off-orbit - either away from the Sun or nearer to the Sun. Or it may collide with the Moon, or other planets.

The consequences will be beyond human imagination. Anything can happen. That is the beauty and ugliness of a Nuclear War.

Anonymous said...

We only talked about the devastation and radiation issues. Soil will be contaminated and nothing grows, water undrinkable and air will no longer be breathable.

A full scale nuclear war will probably generate enough heat to melt the poles and sea levels will rise by hundreds of metres. Can life exists? After that the dust will cover the sky and there will have a nuclear winter where everything turns to ice. Can life exists?

Do not think about it. Instant death is preferable than a living hell.

Do watch this video on Youtube - 'The Most Radioactive Man In History - Hisashi Ouchi', a Japanese technician working in a nuclear facility and got caught in a nuclear accident. He suffered the most painful and horrifying trauma, with skins falling off and body functions all destroyed. That is probably what a survivor of a nuclear war will encounter. But only worse, with no hospitals and doctors to turn to.

Anonymous said...

China Is Fast Narrowing the Semiconductor Gap - China Daily June 10

Over the years, China has relied heavily on imports of high-end chips as it followed the rules of globalization and a natural division of labor across different economies in the world. High-end semiconductor chips involve significant inherent risks, and the industry requires huge upfront investment. Therefore, a division of labor across the world with key parts of the value chain concentrated in the hands of a few players in specific geographies makes sense.

However, the US sanctions on chips supplies to China have disrupted these fundamentals. China has realized that self-sufficiency in core technologies such as semiconductors will be critical going forward.

China's move toward self-sufficiency in semiconductors raises new questions on the future of existing global players. Peter Wennink, CEO of ASML, a leading manufacturer of lithography equipment for the production of computer chips, recently told news outlet Politico that Europe should not restrain exports to China, like the US has done. Beyond exports, foreign players also need to integrate with China's ecosystems, with a local presence.

The push for self-sufficiency by China, the world's largest chips buyer, is driving further advancements in new technologies. The semiconductor industry has become a national top priority. The 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) calls for an increase in research and development spending of more than 7 percent annually in those five years, focusing on key technology areas, including semiconductors.

Under the nation's Made in China 2025 industrial plan, 70 percent of the semiconductors it uses are to be produced domestically by 2025.

China is making progress in technology and innovation. The Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics reported a breakthrough in laser lithography technology last year, which is expected to lead to domestic production of advanced lithography machines. However, this is still at an early stage and years away from commercialization.

In May last year, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp began mass production of Kirin 710A chips for Huawei, and now Huawei builds hardware with a foundry other than Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. In October, SMIC said it would soon produce 7-nanometer wafers for the Chinese market. In addition, China Electronics Technology Group Corp has developed a series of homegrown ion implanters, enabling production of 28-nanometer wafers, a crucial industry component.

Industry experts are expecting the US share in the global semiconductor market to drop about 10 percent and revenue to decline more than 20 percent in the next three to five years.

Anonymous said...

Perseverance is the secret to success. Just do it China, like the space station and Mars landing. Then they can never claim it was through their help that China succeed.

When China succeed in high end chips, it will be self reliant and no more held to ransom. It is just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

India dumps China's Li Ning as uniform sponsor for Olympics

Move to drop apparel company comes amid strained ties with Beijing


Anonymous said...

Indians can dump themselves into the Ganges. Who really cares? Is India the only sponsor of Li Ning or what? How many athletes are they sending to the Olympics? How much money will China loose? You think this will sink China?

Indians are shooting themselves in the foot by following the West. Just because they have a half Indian as VP of USA does not even make them 'sedikit atas'. Please spare us the time wasting useless antics.

Anonymous said...

Uniform sponsor for Olympics? How many uniforms needed? Isn't the uniforms free from Li Ning as a sponsor? So what is the big deal if they dump Li Ning? Money saved for Li Ning.

Why the Jap's Nikkei need to highlight it? When they hear a pooping sound whenever China farts these poodles will make it into a big story.

Anonymous said...

India dump their unemployed nationals in Singapore via CECA . .

Anonymous said...

China's Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law Effective From Today

China Spokesman:

This new legislation passed by National People’s Congress Standing Committee will become a powerful tool in China's future legal fight against foreign sanctions and interference, and foreign forces' attempts to use their "long-arm" Jurisdiction.

The latest law is about sanctions. Its "anti-foreign" characteristic highlights that it aims to safeguard China's rights and dignity. It also aims to protect Chinese institutions and individuals from the suppression and bullying of foreign forces. This law is a legitimate self-defense law for the country and is anti-hegemonic in nature. It enables China to stand with all countries and peoples of the world who suffer from hegemony.

The US is currently a hotbed of hegemony. It is obsessed with imposing various sanctions indiscriminately, and as a result, the EU and Russia have developed their blocking statute and anti-sanctions law. China passed similar legislation in response to the urgent situation where the US and its allies apply sanctions against Chinese institutions and individuals on trumped-up charges as well as the growing pressure to defend national interests through international legal struggles. The passage of the law is right in place and effective in terms of politics, legislation, and strategy of struggles. It will be very useful and effective in hitting the sore point of hegemony.

The new legislation will provide a series of strong anti-sanctions tools. It will also act as a deterrent not only to foreign governments that plan to continue sanctioning China illegally, but also to relevant foreign institutions and individuals that push or participate in the sanctions against China. Under the new law, they will become the target of China's retaliatory anti-sanctions, if they stubbornly go their own way.

We do not start any trouble, but we will not hesitate to fight back against the forces that brutally attack us. We will continue to fill up our toolbox for legal struggles. The new Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law has once again declared China's position.

China is strong enough to make this legislation a tiger with teeth and make the targeted foreign forces pay the price. China's strong legal enforcement power will definitely break the long arms of hegemony. Behind this law are the country's enormous economic and political resources, as well as its people's strong will and fearlessness in fighting against aggressive forces. Moreover, all righteous nations and peoples of the world that oppose hegemony will also support this law. Those who challenge the law personally will immediately have a bad taste in their mouths because of their malicious acts that jeopardize China's interests.

China is growing stronger, remains friendly to the outside world and stands on its own. If one seeks mutual respect and cooperation with China, the revenue margins will be wider. If one engages in malicious games or even confrontation with China, the losses will be infinite. China is the road to wealth and the bridge to profit, but it will also be the mountain that blocks evil ambitions. Don't make enmity with a rejuvenated China in civilization. This is our advice to those naive people.

China has already woken up, and China's enormous potential is growing at an accelerated rate. The time of the endurance of Chinese civilization is hundreds of thousands of years, and virtue acts as a go-between. Hegemony from the US is ridiculous to Chinese people. China has woken up and is moving forward steadily. The pillars of US hegemony are rapidly collapsing and festering over time. Washington should have retrieved the moral ground that has been lost when they were eaten up with pride.

The Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law boils down to one sentence: Chinese people respect you, but you must also respect the Chinese people.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China should pass a law on Taiwan. Taiwan is a part of China and any country signs defence related treaty or sells arms to Taiwan will be violating Chinese laws. The treaty or agreement will be void, illegal and a violation of Chinese laws.

China can take legal action against the party or country involved, including arresting the people signing the treaty or agreement or selling arms to Taiwan as interference of Chinese sovereignty and a terrorist act to support secessionism.