
GE2020 - The myth of foreign talents - Singaporean Lives Matter

Singapore does not owe any foreigner a living. Singapore does not have to provide jobs for the unemployed of other countries.  The responsibility of the Singapore govt is first towards Singaporeans, providing every Singaporean with good jobs and a decent standard of living. Any govt that thinks it is their responsibility to provide jobs for foreigners is not pro Singaporeans and does not deserve to be voted to form the govt. Our govt does not have to solve the unemployment problems of other countries at the expense of Singaporeans.

How many jobs are there that really need to be filled by foreigners that Singaporeans cannot fill them?  As I said many times, many jobs in Singapore are nothing like selling chicken rice to Singaporeans. The market is domestic, the consumers are Singaporeans. You do not need international experience or exposure or foreign talents for these jobs. At a glance, many jobs in the administrative area, like HR, admin, PR, sales, bank managers, research analysts, transport operators, postal services, do not need foreigners to do a better job. They are local in nature and there is no difference for one Singaporean to be competing with another Singaporean. What is the point of having a foreigner to compete against a Singapore in a local business with local consumers?

There are some jobs, highly technical and highly specialised that an organisation may not be able to find the expertise locally. They are some jobs that are international in nature, competing in the international market for business when international experience and exposure are not only useful but necessary. Such jobs could be better served with some foreign talents but not all. If all such jobs must need foreigners, then what is the point of having a Singapore work force, having citizens?

Having said that, all those jobs that can be done by Singaporeans must be reserved for Singaporeans first. The govt owes it to the people, the citizens. Offering such jobs that can be done by Singaporeans to foreigners is selling out the interests of Singaporeans and is traitorous. Charity begins at home. 

There are a few hundred thousand such jobs that are now given to foreigners. This is unacceptable.  Who is responsible for such irresponsible policy of giving jobs to foreigners and leaving Singaporeans unemployed or under employed? It is a very depressing and painful experience for Singaporeans not able to find jobs in Singapore when there are a few hundred thousand foreigners working here happily in jobs that Singaporeans can do. It is terribly demoralising and humiliating to hear of foreigners, fresh graduates, half past six qualifications, fake degrees, funny degrees, to walk in and land a job here within days while our own citizens can be banging their heads for months and years and cannot land a decent job.  What the hell is going? Doesn't anyone know that this is wrong and unacceptable?

If the govt is really pro Singaporean, make it a point that HR jobs must go to Singaporeans. Employment agencies must be run by Singaporeans. There is a need for a little protectionism, a bit of Singaporean first. Even the USA is doing so. Singapore is the silly copycat that everything the USA does, Singapore will follow. Let's follow this American First policy by having a Singaporean First policy for Singaporeans. Your American masters cannot fault you for doing that. They have started it.

The GE must all be about Singaporean First. The govt has for the last two decades been moving towards foreigners first resulting in millions of foreigners here and taking away many good jobs from Singaporeans. Any joker still screaming about hiring foreigners and not taking care of Singaporeans should be voted out. And taking care of Singaporeans is not training the highly qualified to lower paying jobs while opening the door widely to foreigners.

This must be the message for all political parties to be talking about, top in their agenda. Singapore is for Singaporeans.  Do not sell out the interests of Singaporeans to foreigners. That is treason!

The main agenda for GE2020 must be Singaporean First. Do not let this be distracted. Do not let rogue leaders to set a different agenda against the interests of Singaporeans. The need to hire foreigners as needed talents must be clearly defined with clear criteria and conditions, not a blank cheque. We have too many wildlife and foreign shits here being called foreign talents when they were either cheats, fakes or unemployable in their countries. And many came from bullshit universities that are no better than degree mills.  And we called them talents.  And don't listen to idiots that said can work ok oredy, no need degrees. What a load of rubbish.  This is a crime against our own citizens.

Would Singaporeans want to vote for a party that hires foreigners to replace them, make their children unemployable, at the mercy of foreign HR staff who preferred to bring in foreigners from their villages?  Do you think the MOM should be sacked for allowing this to go on and on for years? Vote for the party that puts Singaporeans interests first instead of foreigners. If a govt does not think it is its responsibility to uplift the life of its citizens, it must be voted out.

PS. Most if not all the jobs in the ministries, stats boards and GLCs do not need foreigners and should be reserved for Singaporeans.  In Malaysia, they are reserved for bumiputras. Why is the Singapore govt giving such jobs to foreigners and not to Singaporeans and leaving many Singaporeans crying for jobs?

I am very sad and disappointed to have to write about this. It pains me to see our PMETs and our young graduates suffering and struggling to find a decent job in our own country, and at the mercy of foreigners and our very own people favouring foreigners. Is this still a nation of people or a hotel without owners? If we don't stop this trend, we are doomed as a people and a nation.  We have misplaced priority!  We have lost our way.


Anonymous said...

I will vote Opposition because I want my daughter to have a job when she graduates this academic year.

Vote out PAP to create more jobs for Singaporeans.

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB.

Singapore First for Singaporeans by Mr Tan Jee Say had been deregistered and gone into oblivion.

Sinkies are too daft to appreciate the efforts of those who fought on their behalf.

Still in their stupors electing the traitors that sold them wholesale.

Daft Sinkies are too kiasi, kaisui and Kai Cheng hoo to make a change.

They would not dare to take a risk and plunge into a challenge to free themselves for a better future.

All been brainwashed and fed till zombies just to follow their masters.

They are already evolved into brainless digits to be use for others advantages.

Cannot even differentiate the good men from the Traitors who played them out.

Applicable also to our weak and incompetent so called Majority Members of Parliament who are been used as Puppets by their cunning ones to control the daft majority who only cares of themselves.

Not knowing that a nightmare would be unfolding to be like the Blacks in UAssA.

Think this GE, the majority daft Sinkies would be too frightened to lose their mirage everything and will have another five years of slavery and their eventual perpetual slavery.

Virgo 49 said...

Right Anon 9.18

Now PAP with their so called highly intelligent entitled candidates had so many unseen bad traits in their behaviours.

Even boasting their what's achievements and claiming others credits by ballooning themselves. Even lies like Dotard Trump.

See our Lee Bee Lian. NOT so highly electrocuted but at least honest and sincere in their genes.

Was offered a NCMP for been one of the best losing candidate in the last GE. She rejected the appointment..

As do not want to be a hypocrite and gian png just to be in as a namesake MP.

This is what's Voters must look for in their MPs.

NOT just mesmerized by their what's educational and other achievements which they themselves are just aiming to add to their glories and egos.

Daft Sinkies are too blind to see their difference.

Anonymous said...

PAP = Prata AhNeh Party

Anonymous said...


It is getting more and more and more interesting and exciting.....

Every GE is Sama Sama!

A lot of kpkbss$$$$$$ssss and TCSSssss$$$$$$$!

Anyway...it is good it is good! Once every five years!


Anonymous said...

All the NCMPs have failed to speak up for the people on vital issues. Waste of time and taxpayers money.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Listening to Chan CS and Heng SK talk makes me literally tear my hair out. They go on and on about how we have kept our side of the bargain with international investors by keeping the international supply-chain open during the pandemic and it will go down favorably with them, how we need to bring in foreign PMETs to complement the local workforce and the need to attract more foreign startups to create more jobs for Singaporeans.

It gives me a distinct impression that they think foreigners are more capable and superior than Singaporeans. Worse still, I sense a lack of pride and an inferiority complex. I think they should have more faith in their fellow Singaporeans. Yes, for the longest time, Singaporeans have been both mollycoddled and beaten down by him and his peers, but given time and a level playing field, Singaporeans may even surprise these two, and their fellow disbelievers.

The other thing that pisses me off is they are ever so keen to listen to the voice of the business community; echoing their call for a continued reliance on foreigners and invoking the usual scare tactics of an ageing population and Singaporeans shunning blue-collar jobs. Instead, have they ever listened to the voice of the Singaporean worker? Does he want more foreigners? Does he care for an ever expanding GDP when it barely trickles down to him? Does he want more congestion? What about work-life balance? It’s high time they talk to real Singaporeans. (Our Singapore Conversation don’t count)

CCS, HSK et al, should stop thinking they know best and listen to the voice of the people.

Foong Swee Fong

Above post from TRE

KT said...

That is why the current ruler is called: Parti Against Peoples. They are against employing our citizens, and allowed thousands of Foreign Thrashs (FTs) to steal our citizens' rice bowls. In this coming GE, our citizens must vote for non-Papaya parties, otherwise our citizens will have to suffer another 5 loong, loong years. Do not let them control our lives, and show them Singaporeans Lives Matter !!!

Anonymous said...

Vote out the white uniformed bastards and their foreign talents.

Virgo 49 said...

Aiyo, add insults to injures, most of them are chosen by them.

You think they will bring up Real issues that concerned the lives of Singaporeans?

Only there to add prestige to their Ego.

One crippled NMP even spoke for them that CPF is not your monies.

Anonymous said...

Yuan Shi-kai the most powerful warlord in China 1912 to 1916 and whom Dr. Sun Yat Sen gave way and made him the president of the First Republic of China was too corrupted and ambitious.
Eventually all the Republic's army generals turned against him and so he lost power and died a few months later in June, 1916 in disgrace. Chiang Kai-shek who usurped the presidency of the Republic of China after Dr. Sun Yat Sen's death in 1925, was even more corrupted. Chiang and his his Kuomintang ( KMT ) were corrupted to the core that eventually he lost the support of all Chinese society. His army generals eventually could not stand his high treason to China that they revolted and went over to support the cause of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ).
This in a way helped Chairman Mao and his CCP to win the Civil War and to drive out all the foreign imperialists powers of England, United States, Japan, Russia and Germany. It is the righteous Chinese Communist Party that has restored Chinese pride, honour, self-respect and dignity and make China a glorious, rich and powerful country. Today the over 1.4 billion Chinese people in China are proud of the CCP and are enjoying a better life than any other country in this world including the US and all the fake Western corrupted democracies.

Every country must stop insidious cancerous corruption in high places in all government ministries, departmments and agencies.

Anti fascist corrupted western style pseudo democratic government.

Save the people, save the country.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yes, Singaporean Lives Matter!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Just amended the heading of this post, adding Singaporean Lives Matter.

Anonymous said...

Singaporean Lives Matter.
To hell with the foreigners.
To hell with the garment that feeds foreigners and dumps Singaporeans.
To hell with pro foreigners Party.

Anonymous said...

Paying themselves millions of dollars in sinful salaries and high perts is all legalised.

What happened to Yuan Shi-kai and Chiang Kai-shek ? What damage they had done to China and the Chinese people. Good riddance to them at last when the CCP won the final glorious victory to establish a proud, rich, respectful and dignified China.

Virgo 49 said...

Wow Singapore TOP Digital Advanced Nation.

Cajoing even hawkers to go digitals.

Own Papies Leaders and stooges so difficult even to scan their Safe First at the Nomination Centres.

Lau kweo ah!

Draw 10 dollars ATM also take half hour.

Anonymous said...

Remember Ramesh? He new citizen can vote and sure vote for u know who. How many Rameshs are there in this GE2020?

Virgo 49 said...

SDP strategies now contesting mostly SMCs.

That's good as more chances and also able to get elected.

Had a feeling that LHY is in Tg Pagar GRCs.

One PSP ordinary member pulled out.
Together with heavyweight Wendy and Michael Chua.

Definitely will vote for PSP.


imho said...

Papists treat sinkies like trash,
prefer to train foreigners to takeover sinkies than to give sinkies any good opportunities. prefer sinkies to be train as taxi drivers, security guards or jobs with low wages.
this is pap.
they will up gst and treat people like trash after winning election.

Virgo 49 said...

Aljunied PAP washouts!

No heavy weights too scared.

One even speak Indians lingo.

Pro Ahnehs Party

WP home run again.


SSO said...

Singapore's Vital Issue - A Serious Lack Of Leadership

Singaporeans do not really have a government in its truest sense. What Singaporeans have is a group of self-important and self-assured administrators (read Admin Service), co-ordinators (read Civil Service) and regulators (read Law Enforcement Personnel) who manage the city state (not a country) like their own multi-national corporation.

At the top of this Pyramid of Self-Agrandisation, is a tiny group of closely-knitted self-enriching and self-glorifying elites, who are ruthlessly quick and effective in suppressing and stifling local talents from rising up in the hierarchy of leadership.

In short, in all the past 54 years, there has been a relentless and vicious systemic series of actions taken to discourage, prevent, obstruct and stifle leadership growth, as long as they are not working for the interests of the Pyramid of Self-Agrandisation (PSA).

In any uprising, there is always present a group of good and effective leaders. Without such leaders, no uprising can even dream of beginning. Likewise, for any alternative political party to be able to topple the incumbent ruling political party, it needs a group of leaders who are much more better, wiser and courageous than those in the ruling political party.

Therefore, if potential Singaporean leaders are not nurtured, groomed or allowed to flourish easily and freely, the incumbent ruling political party would always have the freedom and upper hand to dictate the national agenda and so undermine the aspiration, feeling and thinking of the whole nation.

The relentless and purposeful import of more and more foreigners from the whole world to compete in all fields, in whatever forms, against local Singaporeans is one of such deliberate ruthless actions that stifle the growth of local Singaporean leaders in all fields, at all fronts.

The other such deliberate ruthless action that stifles the growth of local Singaporean leaders is the Education System.

The third such deliberate ruthless action that stifles the growth of local Singaporean leaders is the Political System.

The fourth such deliberate ruthless action that stifles the growth of local Singaporean leaders is the National Service.

Those four deliberate ruthless actions are the four foundations that nailed the Coffin of Leadership Growth in Singapore.

That's why, today, even within the ruling political party, there is a serious lack of good leadership!

Self-Destruction will be the final result, if such deliberate ruthless actions of stifling the growth of local Singaporean leadership continue unabated.

Anonymous said...

@ 1.28pm

The only defence against PAP's anti-Singaporean policies is to "anyhow just vote Opposition."

Virgo 49 said...

Wow Jalan Besar Josephine Teo shouted " Majullah Singaputri."

Later Majuallah Singapura.

Wow too much AhNeh salivia.

Virgo 49 said...

Thinks she referring to Ramesh
As posted by Anon 11.54

Anonymous said...

To have any chance of ridding India CECA, Sinkies must vote for opposition candidates even if they are four-legged.

Anonymous said...

After nomination, many people forecasted that pap to win ALL GRCs and ALL SMCs! 100%!


SSO said...

Lee Hsien Yang Chicken Out with mumbo jumbo excuses. A typical trait of long-time indoctrinated kiasi and kiasi mentality. Too much thinking and calculation usually lead to non-action.

Highly disappointed and loss of respect. I will just write him off as a hopeless case of lack of leadership. A typical follower, not a leader who dares to take the plunge and rise to the occasion.


SINGAPORE — Progress Singapore Party (PSP) member Lee Hsien Yang did not file papers to be fielded as a candidate in the General Election (GE) on Nomination Day on Tuesday (June 30), putting to rest speculation that had been brewing since Parliament was dissolved last week.

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon

These people must be daft, deaf and dumb and blind.

HSK chaibok to East Coast thinking it would be a safe haven.

JT and company gonna be defeated by Kim Tean of PV.

Even Aljunied, they just put s token team against the WP.

This shown that they voters still strongly support the WP.

West Coast GRC will be PSP - Tan Cheng Bok. That's why they have that Iswaran choose Nokia's as 5G. Knew be knock out as ITE liao.

Bukit Batok will go to CSJ with his Chairman taking the other SMC seat.

Hopefully SengKang GRC also fall to the Opposition.

Wished that Edwin Tong and that How Lian Chee and also that What's Jinx in MP also suffered defeats.

Wow so have more than 32 seats to repeal and stop lawless bills into laws.


virgo49 said...

Tanjong Pagar 50-50 against Cotton Chan.

Anonymous said...

The island in the sun is the only country in the world where the winning party pay themselves and their cronies millions of dollars in sinful salaries and high perks while at the same time keep on burdening the people with ever increasing high taxes every year. They can't eat all those ill acquired dollars and neither can they take it to their graves. Why don't they do the right good thing by paying the workers a fair salary. No politicians in power should be paid more then twenty to thirty thousand dollars a month. Shame on them for being so thick skin and lack of conscience and fair play with the citizens.

A victim of the system

Anonymous said...

Afraid of elder brother exposing his past juicy secrets?

SSO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SSO said...

No politicians should be elected to position of power over the Citizenry if he/she has no conscience, no ethical self-restraint, low moral standing and being too smart and cunning for his own selfish personal interests, under the guise of wanting to serve.

The question is wanting to serve who?

1. Himself?
2. His Master?
3. His Inner Circle.
4. His Political Party.
5. His Supporters.
6. Last, or never, his countrymen and women.

In that sequence or order of priorities.

It is only natural. It is human nature - being born with unshakable desire, greed, jealousy, hatred and selfishness.

Virgo 49 said...

Wow Bukit Batok MP Murali and his Papies now felt how painful what they did to CSJ previously by slandering all sorts of scandals agsinst him.

Now his son a Victim of a Scandal and he is serving time!

A victim also serving time?

What's a joke. Trying to still White wash. A crime is a crime.

If not won't be serving time.

So after David Ong's PAP scandal and the dafts still voted another PAP.

See how dafts these Bukit Batok voters are. No wonder called Batok. Cough cough.

Stupidity really no cure.

Virgo 49 said...

Now daft Sinkies can see the true colours of NOT White of the PAP Ministers, their MPs and their candidates.

But dirt.

Teo Chee Hean also shown his true colours by reprimanding a Singaporean who understands wore a mask bearing down with PAP.

He felt slighted.

Wow oh wow. Feeling the heat of the Oppositions challenges with their already fat fat ex Ministers and MPs deserting them knowing their time is up.

Better run before they get grilled in Parliament their past affairs.

And maybe also joined Murali's son as victims in serving time.

Anonymous said...

But mainland China foreigners ARE more capable and superior than Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Your assertion is a sweeping statement. There are smart Prc chinese and there are dumb ones too. Just like there are smart Singaporeans and dumb ones. The point should not be about who is smarter, it is very unecessary emotional question. The point instead, should be on how to make singaporean smarter, through on job training, joint ventures etc. For example, in the 60s did Singaporeans know how to handle oil refineries or build and plan viaducts and run airports? We probably did not, but opportunity was given to intelligent interesested locals, and we learn and we became good at it. No one is smart all the time. Deserving locals must be given an opportunity. The new Pap is killing sg's because it denies deserving Singaporeans the chance to learn, instead relying immediately on foreigners who had already learned (in their own countries), flooding our market and displacing locals. This is detrimental to national unity, and hypocritically idiots like Heng Sk still talk about uniting Sg . They stab us from behind the back. Why do they still get voted in? Insane.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

If the silly buggers keep on thinking of hiring the best from the world to replace Singaporeans, based on unrestrained meritocracy, there are 7b of talents out there to replace every Singaporeans if citizenship is not material, not important, has no meaning....

Anonymous said...

Those buggers are not "silly". They know precisely what they are doing. The plan to flood the country has many many reasons other than killing Sg jobs. One popular reason is to get new citizen votes. Another reason is to convert Sg into a Company rather than country, a company look at quick results which brings returns to the company Directors, social issues are not their concern. A third reason is to prevent bank collapse... they know very well the enormous number of vacant properties and the only way is to let in foreigners to support rental and mortgage payments of many many Sg who borrow from banks beyond their means hoping to chase the property flips/rent income. If there are enough defaulters and bad debts, even big banks here will collapse. So. The papayas are not silly, just too smary for us expendibles.