
China's battle againt the Wuhan virus - Leishenshan Hospital built in 10 days

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEVkVdlNaxk, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVHxmWTMUdk

Above are two short videos of the construction of the 1,600 bed hospital in Wuhan to house the patients infected by the Wuhan virus. The engineers and construction workers worked non stop for 10 days, day and night, to get the hospital up and operational at unprecedented time. Another few hospitals will be converted from existing buildings to house another 10,000 patients are also being built and to be completed in a matter of days. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnUPbhLVbfM

This is how China battles this virus epidemic, mustering all the manpower and resources available with meticulous planning, coordination, management and supervision, bringing together logistics and engineering expertise, to make such medical facilities available at such a short span of time.

All the buildings, beds and equipment will be useless without the medical personnel to use them. Here comes the PLA medical teams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnUPbhLVbfM  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfD94aSMBJQ

And the factories manufacturing the medicines and drugs and medical supplies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NztC2ovIDAI

The Chinese people have all come together, united as a people, to fight this plague with all they have, to win this battle.

Let's hope a vaccine is quickly developed to stop this plague from growing and causing more harm to human lives in China and around the world.

Below are some comments supporting these frontline warriors risking their lives to save lives.

Doctors, nurses are the real soldiers in this battle.
Viruses don't differentiate colour, race or religion. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. We are after all one big family. Love and support from France
Soldiers: fight for only one country Doctors: fight for HUMANITY
These guys are like soldiers, going head first into battle against the virus outbreak.
We must respect doctors ...
China shall overcome this, all our prayers and well wishes to the people of China especially those in Wuhan. Stay strong
Doctors across the country are heading to Wuhan to help. Respect
We must appreciate them more since these calls to work are not voluntary, my retired 70 year old relative has to go to Wuhan because he was a lung specialist, even though the main group of patients are of his age, we worry about his health since he just recover from a bad infection and now involuntarily being sent into what is basically a health disaster with poor immune system.
What's scary is that these soldiers don't get to see their enemies, it's an unfair fight to began with. Hope they get out of this unscathed
I’m crying. Bless him and I wish everything will be okay soon.
You got to admire that man and others like him  for their dedication to helping others.
Respect to all the medical staffs! Hopefully they stay safe and non of them dies. Please return back safely!


Anonymous said...

A taxi driver and a private hire driver now kena.

I'm starting to panic! Maybe I should stock up and stay indoors whatever the official alert level !

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ The virus is spreading

A truly impressive achievement and the CCP is milking the opportunity to show the world what a marvellous job they're doing...APPEAR TO BE doing. Ultimately the CCP are to be blamed for this mess, silencing the people who raised the alarm. Had the Chinese and Wuhan governments acted sooner instead of censorship, cover-ups and lying to "save face", they could have stopped it already.

Because of their ineptitude and callousness for the rest of the world, many people in China are now unemployed as the place is being locked down. The virus aside, not having an income really sucks balls, especially during CNY when everyone is wishing each other "health and prosperity"...now sadly lacking in China.

Hopefully, they will build more hospitals, because the numbers of infected and critical cases are grossly understated, if you take account of the "unofficial reports" by China's healthcare workers on the frontline.

The Chinese people are brave...the ones who dare to speak out, even more so. The CCP are craven cowards who need a solid dose of KARMA (which I don't believe is a real thing) to even te balance.

Anonymous said...

MS is saying what his white masters wanted him to say about the CCP.

Good job. Now fetch.

Anonymous said...

According to ST, Lee Hsien Loong says: "If the numbers keep growing, at some point we will have to reconsider our strategy. If the virus is widespread, it is futile to try to trace every contact. If we still hospitalize and isolate every suspect case, our hospitals will be overwhelmed," he said.

At that point - provided the death rate remains low - Singapore should shift its approach. Those who have only mild symptoms should see a General Practitioner (GP) and rest at home, instead of going to the hospital.

Hospitals can then focus on the most vulnerable groups - children, the elderly, and those with medical complications."

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virgo 49 said...

If any Virus were to happen in UAssA as the Original Source, at least a million of them would ve dead by now.

You think the Americunts have the disclipine and obedience and cooperation like the Chinese people?

There be Riots all over their decadence Continent and their National Guards would be on the streets shooting them down.

Unable to control their barabarians genes fighting cannibals.

You think their Congress will do as what the CCCP doing down.

They be sipping their champagne in their Ivory Towers as they are immune to their peoples sufferings.

Any epidemic or pandemic in the UASsA had hundreds of thousands of DEATH and casualties.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ commie luvverr 934

Sure why not? In this instance, your wish is my command, mate. I shall reign holy jihad on the CCP, watch for daily updates. 🤣 You just continue sucking commie dick OK? Now suck, goddamnit! 👍🏻🏆

Virgo 49 said...

Just to add

Simply see their own killings and shootings on the streets and roads.

Their policemen gunning down helpless wheelchair innocents for not obeying their orders.

Wondering why these stupid dafts still wants to migrate to this deacdent Country where the President is the greatest LIAR and laughing stock of the World.

China Assembly Members do NOT bring such shames to their country.

Always behaved dignified.

Anonymous said...

Hi good morning everyone.

The figures keep increasing!

Very very very very very very very very Siong lah!

Not to spread fear here on a Sunday morning.

There are now people kena until they don't know how they kena!

This is very very very very very very very eat strength!

Does it means that everyone have chances of striking TOTOooo?

WSG so so rich, made so so much recently best to stay at home to avoid kena the virus!

Indeed very very very very very very very very Siong!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Latest bad news: nCov2019 is airborne. Now's the time to get those masks happening.

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon 10.10

Men proposes but Heavens disposes.

You can run, you can hide but when your time is Up, your Time is Up.

You think those with Riches around them are immune.

All is fair in War, Love and Epidemic.

Viruses don't only select the POOR and helpless.

This is the natural purging by Heavens.

Already too crowded and yet stupid beans wanted more POP just for their Wealth sake.

Heavens knows when to purge and eliminated the daft beans

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The truth is every available space has been converted to a hospital but of course, telling the hole world you've built hospitals in 10 days, make you look like a "hero". Unfortunately, social meida...especially Chinese social media is not buying it. People are trusting their non-elected govt LESS

CCP has started to implode. Now what needs to happen is the PLA standing with the people, and turning their guns on the CCP, and the supreme commander of the PLA...Xi.


Anonymous said...


Very very very very very very very very Siong.....

Five Brists staying at a ski chalet with visitor to Sg kena infected!

This news is very very very very very very very very Siong! Don't know how the visitor to Sg kena! Siong lah!


Virgo 49 said...

Xi is investigating when and how the Americunts had sabotaged China with their imported Virus.

Whether their troops specially had themselves with the virus and start spreading before they returned safely within then incubation period to have their vaccines cures.

You never know how this Evil Empire with their equally evil agencies worked their grounds.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Here's the report: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3049623/coronavirus-hubei-province-reports-81-new-deaths-and-2841

If this is true, it'll be hell. Markets could become very cheap 👍🏻 What is bad news for many, offers the opportunity for the few.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.....is it safe to take taxi or grab now? Mrt or buses?

Anonymous said...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The truth is every available space has been converted to a hospital but of course, telling the hole world you've built hospitals in 10 days, make you look like a "hero". Unfortunately, social meida...especially Chinese social media is not buying it. People are trusting their non-elected govt LESS

CCP has started to implode. Now what needs to happen is the PLA standing with the people, and turning their guns on the CCP, and the supreme commander of the PLA...Xi.

February 09, 2020 10:49 am

This Chap Cheng American lackey is so proud to do the work for his masters to attack the CCP. They said, no matter how, your skin colour will show that you are not white and not one of them. What is the colour of a chap cheng? Definitely not white.

Only good to be used by the Americans and to be disposed off when the time comes.

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon 11.55

My ex business partner famous quote to the Chiap Cheng:-

Your hair is NOT blond,
Your eyes are NOT blue

What's the fark you want to be fake ang mohs.?

Nowadays many insane Asians coloured their hair blond or blonde or Blondie and contact lenses with their colours.

Thinking they are Superior Beings behaving like Ang Mohs.

They have not seen their idols ang mohs begging in their own countries.

Virgo 49 said...

Also slurred like them like with bananas in their mouths and unable to speak properly.

Maybe, they ate too many live bananas that now they speaked like their idols.

"O" Level or All levels, JC, Polys though less and Unis undergarments, oops undergrads spoke like them.

Unable to decipher what's they mumbling.

Don't they know that the Whites envied Asians especially the PRCs newsreaders and hosts for speaking clearly in their prefect language without sounding like their inaudible mumblings

Anonymous said...

Japan + Diamond Princess = 89
(25) + (64) = 89

In first place is Japan
25 infected inside Japan
64 infected on board the cruise ship outside Japan

At number 2 is Singapore.
- 40 infected inside Singapore

Singapore has the highest infection rate outside of China.
- and not Japan

Japan has a bigger population than Singapore.
Japan is nearer to China.

Hong Kong is #5 most infected country outside of China.
- 26 infected
- 1 dead
Hong Kong is nearer to.China.
And has a bigger population than Singapore.

- What happened???
- why so many infections?

Virgo 49 said...

North Korea- NIL

Handsome Kim closed all doors.

No in and No Out.

He do not believe in what's wrong with making more monies syndrome.

Eat less and live without fears

Anonymous said...

Just went to NTUC Xtra hypermarket to stock up.

Too late!

All the pasta spaghetti sold out at NTUC Xtra hypermarket.

Even NTUC online indicates pasta spaghetti all out of stock.

Anonymous said...

@ 1.13pm
// All the pasta spaghetti sold out at NTUC Xtra hypermarket.//

PAP & LHL - What happened?
- I thought you you say you already learn your lessons from the SARS outbreak 16 years ago?

Anonymous said...

PM Lee says Singapore 'better prepared' for another virus after SARS outbreak


Is this another PAP fairy tale?

Anonymous said...

Hi 1254pm

If $g is number one outside China, China will ko-lian $g and may give more bu$ine$$e$ to $g in future lah. Friend
Friend lah! Correct?

imho said...

Maybe pap will learn from sars and corona virus that having too many people in a small island is asking for trouble.

imho said...

Maybe pap will also learn that it will be a bio war, no need NS. Conscription is a slavery.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

WSG, you asshole, if you don't stop spamming in this blog I will make a police report against you for harassment.

Don't forget, I have your old comments here and can easily trace who you are.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I can easily dig out your IP address.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

These few days Matilah Singapura has been furiously trying to defend his American masters and at the same time smearing China, CCP and Xi, and in the process let down his guts and exposed where he is coming from. I knew this long ago but kept him in check whenever I have to.

I am not going to confirm who he is and whether he is a chap cheng or not as many of you have been calling him. What is clear is that his relationship with the Americans and the West is not normal. From what he posted and what he has been doing you can make your own conclusion about him and his intent and motive.


Anonymous said...

A sick folk is on the Loose here with nothing better to do.

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB.

This WSG and Matilah are attention seekers with Sick Minds.

Wonder they are in league or the same?

Really hijacked your Blog with their Wild imaginations of their showing off their kuching kurap WEALTH and intellect.

HongKongers called them.chee sin.

Brains wires already electrocuted.

Anonymous said...

Ya agreed. He needed to be sodomized

Anonymous said...

Matilar u Come suck my dick lar

Anonymous said...

RB for an incest guy don't waste too much ti.e on him

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Commentary on kiasu-kiasi Singaporeans citizen jounalism 😂

Redbean ululated:

>> These few days Matilah Singapura has been furiously trying to defend his American masters and at the same time smearing China, CCP and Xi, blahdy blah blah[..shit 💩💩👆🏽deleted .] <

Get fucked, grandpa 👆🏽👆🏽...do your worst 🤣

Anonymous said...

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fake China Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Or shall I called you Matilah?

Anonymous said...

This dude had lost his mind and ripe to be sodomized by matilar

Anonymous said...

He is in the American payroll.