
Jobless Singaporean's letter to Hsien Loong

Dear Honourable Prime Minister,

In the spirit of Smart Nation, I recently pursued a digital innovation subject, from Berkeley University, one of the top 10 in USA; and returned back to Singapore in Nov 2018, excited to serve my country with my upgraded skillset; seeking a job; but I am not given a chance. Just because I am now an “old PMET” in my mid40s.

I really want a chance to contribute to building Singapore’s digital economy with my ICT-cum-Business Project Management skillset but nobody in the past 5 months is interested. I do have this skillset required to contribute to the success of Digital Transformation projects, as certified by Berkeley University. If a decent qualified and proven skilled PMET jobseeker cannot find an entry-level PMET job, what more for those less qualified and skilled? I reach out to you because I deeply believe in the government systems. In my mid40s now with no job, how to sustain with no job until the new retirement age endorsed in our National Day Rally Speech?....

The above is part of an article posted in TRE under this title,  Prof Tommy Koh's Article on SG PMETs: My Personal Encounter on....

I am at a complete loss of what Singapore has become and would appreciate your guidance here. Many Thanks, Mr Prime Minister.
Yours faithfully,
xxxxx (author’s name removed)

Singapore Democrats

The above is part of an article posted in TRE under this title,  Prof Tommy Koh's Article on SG PMETs: My Personal Encounter on.... Such pathetic predicaments are affecting more and more Singaporeans even as young as 40+ and no one seems to care except to give lip service support. At 40, this is not even at the prime of his age and with another 40 more years to live, how is this person going to finish his life journey? This is a common and pitiful story affecting more and more Singaporeans.

When looking at the first paragraph of his letter about Berkeley as one of the top universities in the world, it quickly struck me that this was his first mistake. He should not have gone to study in the USA. And he should not waste his time in Berkeley. He should have gone to India instead and enrol himself in Uptron, or Ultron private schools or something like that. Then his future would be brighter. He could then look forward to becoming an MD in some American MNCs in Singapore. Berkeley is a definite no.

Another big minus in his resume is that he is a Singaporean. Singapore has no value in Singapore. Singaporeans are seen as lazy and stupid and unemployeable in Singapore, both by Singapore and foreign HR people. It would be better if he take up a PR in India, taking advantage of the favourable CECA, then return to Singapore as a foreign Indian talent. His chances of being employed would more than doubled or tripled.

Singaporeans are really stupid and after so many years still cannot see through the mist and myths in the job market in Singapore. Singaporeans are at the bottom of the wanted list. Stop bragging about good degrees from Singapore's world best universities or from American world best universities. The best and most marketable university degrees in Singapore are from India and from degree mills.

No degree is better than having a degree if one can do the job. A degree is a piece of waste paper. A degree from top universities is as good as an expensive piece of waster paper, like this Berkeley degree.

Wake up Singaporeans. Stop wasting money getting a good degree from a good university. Any degree will do. The faker or fakest degree would have a better chance to get one a good job, maybe a MD or CEO of a MNC, if you call yourself a foreign talent.


Anonymous said...

I will be sending my three boys to India to pursue their fake Medical Degrees and fake IT Certificates. Also to get fake fantastic testimonials there. Some more cheaper and save time than spending a bomb and waste 4 to 7 years in difficult-to-get-in local universities with places reserved for foreigners (free-loaders).

Anonymous said...

Also 8.58am teach how to collect more $.

Anonymous said...

The PMET who wrote the personal letter to the PM must be highly intelligent but not smart.

The fact that he wrote the letter to the useless per aim shows that he is stupid. Wasted his time and effort.

He should have made a video clip and post it on YouTube. Or make use of Facebook.

Anonymous said...

""..maybe a MD or CEO of a MNC, if you call yourself a foreign talent

But then if you are removed as MD/CEO/MNC, you call yourself fallen talent?

Virgo 49 said...

How's about those went of all places to Ah Nehs Unis as Chancellors and got fired?

Last time they have a Chancellor Emporium in Outram Park.Better go there and sell women's panties better

Unfortunately had closed down and demolished.

Also one Minister who quitted. Poor Guy also Kena like the Rest of Sinkies PMETs. Cannot find gainfully employment and back to Godfather's as Ambassador.

So even Sinkies Elites also Kena the CECA curse.

Wah lao eh, soon many will also joined the Old RTS- not Radio and TV Singpore but Roam The Streets

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Virgo, please avoid using the term 'ah neh'. Not politically correct.

Do not forget that Singapore's new god father after Trump distanced from us is India. Singapore would be falling all over to bring in more Indians and Indian companies here to keep our 1% GDP growth.

If we cannot become the 52nd state of the USA, who knows we can become another state of India at the rate we are going. We have been helping India to solve its unemployment problem at the expense of our PMETs who are now good enough to be cab and Grab drivers to drive these new 'talents' around and carry their luggages and occasionally got to put up with their abuses like the security guards.

Anonymous said...

Hi good morning everyone...

Once again, there is really really no point kpkbssssssss about foreigners coming here stealing jobs from local PMETs.

No matter what happens the masses don't know why will die die die die die die die die vote for pap!


Anonymous said...

Look at the SMALL crowd at HLP protest yesterday! The masses bo-chup! Correct?

imho said...

The banking cartel has controlled almost every gov in this world. jobs are not given to above 45yo cos they do not need a mortgage. only casual, gig, short term jobs possible for them. unless people voted for more social gov that are anti banking cartel, this horrible state will continue.

Anonymous said...

Hong Lim Park speakers, yeaterday, are mainly oldies who cannot speak impressively. Most of them like primary school kids learning how to read. How to influence others???

Virgo 49 said...

Right Mr RB. Will do.

Like in yesterday's Gibert Rally, he emphasised that we can be kena sued for using terms that hurt their GodChildren.

India for all nations LKY seeks help to build our SAF.

If SAF really trained by the Indians then we be using canes to whack the masses like chasing sheep.

See I told you so. The what's RECP NOT successful right.

You can never have any agreement with the Indians without advantage to them.

So Ah Sian Leaders don't be daft like our Sinkies Leaders.

Sinkies can use hor?

No kena sue right?

Taiwanese even called their President by any obnoxious names and never kena sue like Sinking Land.


Was rejected by them.

Virgo 49 said...

At least the Oldies have the hearts to speak for you dafts.

Thinking themselves with lots of papers and Invincible.

RTS soon.

It's not how smart you are in Sinkieland, its how well connected you are and how many balls you have to carry to have a slavery supposed to be well off status and liviehood.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

In an archive box in my storage unit, there are ~500 rejection letters for various positions I've applied for around the 1989-1991 Australian recession. It was AWFUL. Back then, there was no internet, no social media or Linked In, forums, etc etc...all the fantastic tools available on pocket-sized smartphones now.

I was on a course in NYC having a grand old time, blowing my dough socialising at night. As I was finishing the course, and looking at ways to stay in NYC, that fucker Saddam Hussein attacked and annexed Kuwait! My parents frantically called me and pleaded with me to return to Australia. All hell was breaking loose in the US, and it was clear they were going to go to "intervene" to "help" their oil-rich Kuwaiti "friends". I relented, and "obeyed my parents like a good little Asian kid" and returned to Australia in the midst of a HORRIBLE recession.(a mistake)

The company I worked for went into liquidation, leaving me holding my balls without job. I refused to go on the dole (a stupid ego-driven mistake)...even though when working, I was paying 48% marginal tax rate.

In those days, you couldn't email your resume to hundreds or thousands of people, or post on job-search/ recruitment websites because there were no such things. You apply, one job at a time. Then you WAIT. It was one disappointment after another. Money was running out. I had spent nearly $30k in the States , and another 15k on AMEX.

I was royally FUCKED...up, down sideways in every hole. To date, it was the worst period in my life. I keep those 500 or so rejections as a reminder...for the idea that no matter how shitty it is, you cannot give up. Always push FORWARD, because bad times will eventually pass. All you have to do is to keep pushing and STAY ALIVE. (That said, good times don't last either. So it is wise to PREPARE for the worst as best you can)

I don't have any advice to the unemployed PMETs. But I can appreciate all the terrible emotions they do experience. I also don't credit myself with any "special skill set" which help me get out...except one: 关系 Guanxi

Then a Singaporean mate “rescued” me. A position in his firm was open. Thinking I would be a "good fit”, he called me. This was NOT advertised. The opportunity was a direct result of Guanxi . I had to fly up to Singapore for the interview....my cash was running low. I scraped together some dough, got myself a couple of Valentino suits (Guanxi again. I ‘m mates with the wholesaler), flew to Singapore, did the interview process, got hired!

I may be a banana, but there's one thing CLASSICALLY ASIAN about me: Guanxi. It's not what you know but WHO you know. If people know and like you, they will WANT to do things to make you "happy", because they believe you will do the same for them.

That is how the REAL world WORKS, because real flesh and blood humans, who want to be appreciated and acknowledged, who have EMOTIONS and are guided by them even if they claim to be "rational"...these are the people, just like everyone of us...who run the world....all doing their part...big or small, doesn't matter...we ALL work, so that others can live...and we are rewarded so we live as well.

Experiment: Take out your phone, and go to you Contact List. How many people of influence are there? How's your relationships with them? How often do you get together on a social basis? How often have you assisted people, helped them out of a situation...maybe even at your expense?

Got 关系 Guanxi? No? Maybe…return to the ROOTS OF YOUR CULTURE, and train up you Guanxi Kung-fu! 💪🏽👍🏻

Pop Quiz: How to punch above your weight and beat others even though you are just "average"? GUAN XI 🥊🥊

Anonymous said...

Cannot find a suitable position?

Very very very very very common in Sg lah.

Many many many many many people are also looking for full time jobs.

The economy and employment seem to be ok leh!

Everywhere you go you can see people mountain people sea! Where got problems!!! Long Qs, oversubscribed or flooded by buyers!

So...... everything is ok in Sg!


Anonymous said...

Over the weekend 216 units were sold by a new SK Development at an average of 1700psf!

Got problems? Recession?

You tell me lah!

Anonymous said...

@all, @rb,

First of all, I seriously doubt the "Berkeley University" is referring to UCB, and most likely a sub-standard for-profit organisation capitalising on the name e.g. Berkeley City College or Berkeley College (NY & NJ), that's not even in the top 500 universities & colleges.

Secondly a mid-40s with supposedly solid IT project management & development background complaining about unable to get "entry level" IT jobs?!?!?! WHO THE FUCK IS SHE TRYING TO BLUFF?!?!?! LOL!!! This person wouldn't be able to program her way out of a paper bag or to save her life.

A 20-yr old S'pore Poly or Ngee Ann IT diploma graduate will be a 100X better risk-reward prospect than this writer. SERIOUSLY.

And she's asking for $3.5K starting salary for an entry-level job. The whole thing just stinks of BS. No wonder no govt official or civil servant bother to reply.

rb, you said 40 is not even in the prime of her life. HUH?!?!? The prime years are between 30-40!!!! This 10-year period SETS THE STAGE & WILL DETERMINE how successful & how high you will go in life!!! 90+% of successful people made their mark in their 30s. There are late-bloomers e.g. KFC founder Col. Sanders, but these people are in the small minority.

If by 40 you are just so-so in your career & living an average life .... chances are the rest of your life will also be just so-so.

PS: War stocks & US stocks cheonged again on Fri night. Together with the short-term positive chiong in Asian markets today, I'm looking at extra $35K profits in just 2 days. Anyway markets are like that .... +35K can become -50K overnight LOL!!! It's the growing annual dividends & the multi-year performance that counts!

Anonymous said...


Sinkie winners go where the money is.

Temasek GLC invests $34M into India proptech company.

Millions is when we just want to try-try & test out. If really got potential & $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is coming in, we'll go in with Billions!!! LOL!!!!


Virgo 49 said...

That's why Sinkies are also called Sheepies.

They commit suicide you also want to follow them.

Sinkies are easily conned and jumped into bandwagons with their light ears.

DBS made billions out of you Fools by their mortgages loans and fire sales businesses.

All in league with the property developers and their agents who made piles out of you dafts.

Buying a property is easy but servicing it is difficult

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> There are late-bloomers e.g. KFC founder Col. Sanders, but these people are in the small minority. <<

Col Sanders of KFC was a startup entrepreneur, not a wage earner although he was working all his life before he created KFC.

As you've shown us, Singapore is THE HAVEN for young millennial entrepreneurs. However, the young wage earner is shovelling shit and has no guarantee fo "job security", so they are in a constant state of anxiety. There's no security in entrepreneurship but those folks HATE working for a wage anyway, and probably don't "play well" in teams working like sleep-deprived slaves to make bosses and business owners RICH. 😂

Singapore is GREAT for entrepreneurs. OK, rentals and labour can be pricey, but as far as business infrastructure goes...it's fucking MAGIC compared to other "developed" cuntries.

Anonymous said...

WSG, you are just a stubborn ass. This Berkeley is one of the top USA uni,

'In the spirit of Smart Nation, I recently pursued a digital innovation subject, from Berkeley University, one of the top 10 in USA;...'

Anonymous said...

Typical daft Sinkie.

1.First mistake.
- he returned back to Singapore
- he should have stayed in USA and gotten a job in USA

2.Second Mistake
- "he wanted to serve my country" (Singapore)
- PAP is not interested in "his service"
- where does he gets this dumb idea that the PAP is interested in "his service"
- PAP has already identified all the Singaporeans they want via the scholarship schemes.
- if PAP wants you, they will call you.

Anonymous said...

Hi 229pm

U are 108% correct!


Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:26pm

Your stupidity has no bounds LOL!!!

"spirit of smart nation" --- #TryingToBluff2YrOld .... what the fuck is this?!?! Further education??!? At 40++ yrs old?!?!? LOL!!! Trying for career change?!?! Escaping from previous shitty job??!?!?! Real advice: Escaping from a shitty life or shitty job by going for "re-skilling" or "career change" often does NOT work!

"digital innovation subject" --- #TryingToBluff2YrOld .... What the kaninabehchaocheebye is this?!?!?! Is it a Masters?!?!? A Bachelors?!?!?! Some postgrad dip?!?!?! Or a 1 week certificate of attendance?!?!?!

"berkeley university" --- #TryingToBluff2YrOld .... People who had really studied at UCB will call it by it's formal name in a letter or resume: University Of California, Berkeley. In casual communication, they will call it UCB or UC Berkeley or just Berkeley. Calling it "berkeley university" is a DEAD GIVEAWAY that you've never studied at the real UCB.

Worst of all, the writer NEVER gave any examples that showcased REAL WORLD cases of her abilities e.g. internships during her studies & what she contributed to the companies??? Or even what relevant IT achievements she accomplished in previous jobs E.g. Planned & executed a digital marketing campaign in the last year that led to 30% increase in sales & 10% increase in profitability.


patriot said...

One who succeed via inheritance and connection/关系 should not boast too much of ones capability. lt is no different to Cronyism.

Virgo 49 said...

One fine example of the PAP indecisive lots of mororns making decisions that affected the lives of Singaporeans.

The EScooter Saga.

Have many Singaporeans suffered injuries ans DEATH before they ban them.

So, Sinkies gonna suffered greatly with these incompetent lots.

Greater issues affecting their lives.

Anonymous said...

V49 535pm

Yes! Yes! Yes!

You may be 108% correct BUT please believe me, the masses will STILL die die die die die die die die die die vote for pap!

This is Sg! Sg is like that!


Anonymous said...


Singapore acted faster than many other countries already. France had to reach a stage of over 150 escooter accidents PER DAY and over 10 escooter related deaths before they banned escooter from pavements.

Too bad S'pore didn't follow 100% UK traffic laws. It's still illegal to ride escooters in public areas in UK due to an old 19th century law hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Rb go India also no use lar unless you have an Indian name. Otherwise go suck egg

Virgo 49 said...

These are the cocks new Minnenials WHO just followed whatsoever new inventions that their own cocks invented.

Must have lives and limbs lost and many fires in flats before they realised that these are useless harmful gadgets.

Common sense will let you know that it is farking dangerous to allow these speeding machines and also even bicycles to share pedestrians foot paths or ways.

GKS and old Guards will slapped you for your stupidity.

Especially now the ageing pop in Sinkieland is tremendous.

Virgo 49 said...

India, the most Protective Country that do not open their economy to anyone unless it benefits them.

One of the Most Protectionist Country.

You want to do businesses with them.

They have the preservance and patient to make sure that the terms are beneficial to them before they sign the dotted dots.

Who ever able to win the Snaxcckes

Anonymous said...

Singapore would be falling all over to bring in more Indians and Indian companies here to keep our 1% GDP growth.
RB 9:42 am

What to do.

Because Indians and Indian companies are the best available ones to keep our GDP growth, even if it is only 1 %. Without them, our GDP growth will be even worse than 1%.

Pathetic this may be, but this is the harsh reality facing PAP and Sinkies.

Chee Soon Juan can promise SDP will do this and that for Sinkies, but can he even become PM in order to do this and that when SDP can only contest 10 or so seats? And the other Sinkie opposition parties also cannot do much better.

So vote in these not ready and not united Sinkie opposition clowns as govt, u think they can do better than 1 % GDP growth?

Anonymous said...

Worst of all, the writer NEVER gave any examples that showcased REAL WORLD cases of her abilities e.g. internships during her studies & what she contributed to the companies??? Or even what relevant IT achievements she accomplished in previous jobs E.g. Planned & executed a digital marketing campaign in the last year that led to 30% increase in sales & 10% increase in profitability.

November 04, 2019 4:20 pm

You silly twit. You expect the writer to write a book to explain his position and life story to you?

Anonymous said...

Blame Sinkies for not being talented enough to form IT support companies like those Indian companies.

Sinkies only want to work for other people, and not capable enough to form companies to become bosses to employ fellow Sinkies.

So cannot really blame Indian companies and bosses who obviously will employ their fellow village Indians lah. It is only natural.

And PAP need these Indian companies for GDP growth because Sinkie companies are not available to do that.

Hope Sinkies understand this harsh reality and not just kpkb which is no use one.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies only want to work for other people, and not capable enough to form companies to become bosses to employ fellow Sinkies.
11:03 pm

The Sinkie opposition (made up of Sinkies) is not even capable to be united, so how to expect Sinkies to be capable to form companies?

And blame PAP for Sinkie opposition not being united? LOL

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:58pm

You're as hopeless & retarded as the writer. The writer was writing to Ah Loong & can't even sell her abilities. Which means she doesn't have any. That's why even entry level job also can't get.

With the same level of mentality, when you lose your job you'll be in the same position as the writer.

Play Bazaar city said...

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