
Graduated to Unemployement...and disappointment

'It is such a crying shame if many of our PEI graduates eventually end up as another private car driver or “protection officers” who are really just security guards. These is a grim situation against a backdrop of thousands of foreigners who are holding Employment Passes and S-passes in Singapore
Singaporeans must pay dearly in different ways when they elect an incompetent government that is unable to create any more opportunities for its people. Our citizens must by now realised that there are heavy prices that they must pay for electing a useless PAP government who cannot fly any higher or any further anymore.'

The above pic and comments were in an article posted by Simon Lim in TRE.

The Graduation Ceremony used to be the pride of parents and their children, the event to ended a regime of self sacrifices, regimentation and financial expenses and the beginning of hope of a better future.

Is this true today? How many of the graduates are walking into the adult's world armed with their degrees and diploma and hope of a good job and better future and to doing their parents proud?

How many would be wallowing in self pity, loss of confidence and in financial straits, unable to repay their loans or their parents for paying for their expensive tertiary education when funny graduates from cheap funny universities overseas are beating them to the valued jobs and leaving them jobless? Who is to be blamed for their plight, the highly disturbing CECA, or the people that signed the CECA or allowed it to happen to seal the fate of our young people?

What do you think? Do our young deserve this bleak future, when Graduation Day is the day they graduated to join the ranks of the unemployed? How pathetic can our young be? Who cares, who did they vote for to deserve this?


Anonymous said...


very very very simple lah!

ask them who did they and their family members voted for at the last GE?

who will they vote for at the coming-soon GE?

no point just kpkbsssssssss now! what for? really no point! waste time!

just do it!


Anonymous said...

Sudan Military Council Arrests Former Government Members

Sudan's transitional military council has arrested members of the former dictatorial government, in power for more than 30 years.

Months of protests in Sudan led to the ouster and arrest of long-time leader Omar al-Bashir on Thursday (11/04/2019).

A spokesman said that the military will not disperse the protesters, and urged the Opposition to pick the next Prime Minister, and vowed to implement their choice.

Protesters and demonstrators have vowed to stay on the streets until there is an immediate move to civilian rule.

A sit-in is continuing outside the Ministry of Defence in the capital Khartoum.

In a press conference on Sunday (14/0/2019), spokesman Maj Gen Shams said that the Military Council was "ready to implement" whatever Civilian Government the opposition parties agreed upon.

"We won't appoint a PM. They'll choose one," he said, referring to Opposition and protest groups.

He also said the Army would not remove protesters from their sit-in by force, but called on protesters "to let normal life resume" and stop unauthorised roadblocks.

"Taking up arms will not be tolerated," he added.

The Military Council (comprised seasoned fighters, not paper generals) also announced a raft of decisions, including:

1. New heads of the army and the police,
2. A new head of the powerful National Intelligence and Security Service,
3. Committees to fight corruption, and to investigate the former ruling party,
4. The lifting of all media restrictions and censorship,
5. The release of police and security officers detained for supporting protesters,
6. A review of diplomatic missions, and
7. Dismissal of certain Sudanese Ambassadors who are pro-CIA.

What will happen if PAP fell? Is it possible that the above might also be implemented by a Military Council (of elite paper generals)?

Anonymous said...

As far as my circle of friends are concerned, all their kids are working overseas including mine. I have told them not to come back as chances of unemployment is very high. All of them are holding high paying jobs so why risk it? So only the old folks couple remained. Though the pain of separation is high but with financial stability, we all make frequent visits to met them and take it as a holiday as we are all retirees.

It's a shame but I Guess majority of sinkies are not affected cause if they are, they would not get 70% of the votes.😰

Anonymous said...

@RB, @All,

This is semi-fake news (or semi-real news).

This problem is mainly for those private degree grads. 27% of those pte degree graduated last year are still unemployed or forced to work in gig jobs or freelance or temp jobs. Even for those employed in full-time jobs, the average salary is only $2.6K --- about the same as Diploma graduates with better diplomas & grades.

In other words, most of the Diploma grads are better off focusing on working smart & doing well in their jobs than to waste money going for private degrees. Private degree industry is one of the most useless, scam, and waste money activity in Singapore (as well as most parts of the World).

If you're good, you don't need a degree to climb & earn big bucks in the private sector. Or in the govt sector, good Dip holders will be given sponsorship opportunity for full-time degree course --- often good overseas Uni with full salary + Uni fees + living allowances for rental, food, transport, living expenses etc.

For those recent graduates from the semi-govt Unis like NUS, NTU, SMU, SUSS, SUTD etc, 90+% are in full-time employment with average starting salary of $4K.

Only a small minority end up with useless private degrees. These are usually those without critical thinking skills & lack wise informed advice. Majority of Sinkies are doing OK. Hence PAPies will still get 65%-70% of the votes next GE.

Anonymous said...

Hi 927 & 955

Bingo! Both of you are 1o8% correct!

Anonymous said...

At least 60% of Suckies are okay because they are already sucked for good/bad (committed to 30-year HDB monthly installment payments to "Pay And Pay" and they themselves sucks.

20% of Suckies are always anti-government (same as every other countries).

20% are the fence-sitters or swing-voters. These are the voters, the ruling party must "buy" over.

That's why PAP will continue to get at least 60% to 80% of votes.

Anonymous said...

Hapless marginalized Sinkies can only curse at the highly-paid PAP elites . . .

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:17am

///Hapless marginalized Sinkies can only curse at the highly-paid PAP elites///

Not unless you buy war stocks.

Then you can laugh together with elites at other sinkie idiots.

Anonymous said...

If all Sinkies are encouraged to buy war stocks, then the prices of war stocks go up.

If everybody is discouraged to buy war stocks, then the prices of war stocks will go down.

That is the understanding of a gambler in the financial markets.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:47am

War stocks will go down when there's no more humans left. Sweet deal for me!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I've mentioned this several times before. Because of the mad paper chase many "conservative" societies --- of which Singapore is one --- one can observe the "knock-on effect" (unintended consequences) of DEGREE INFLATION, or rather an explosion in the requirement for "qualifications" as an "entry permit" into the local job market.

Every mother-son and their dog can set up a "learning institution", and that's exactly what's happened. Not to be outdone, the well-resourced and govt-backed institutions have also had their budgets increased so that they now offer all sorts of "degrees", post-grad and Ph.D. courses in every imaginable area of study. You can get a well-planned route to a PhDs in "gender studies" or "mass communications", "the history of feminist thought" or some other type of NO MARKET-VALUE BULLSHIT anyone can go to the library to learn on their own.

Employers are stewards of capital (at least the good ones are). They have to be able to justify deploying capital to get some form of return. The last thing they want is to lose money by employing someone with paper qualifications but sub-par productivity. What's the point of paying some fuck-wit-waste-of-oxygen $4k if they only generate $2k of productivity or cost the company negative $1k?

If you experiencing getting knocked-back, chances are you are not being perceived as having any market value. So there are really only a few options. Either find out what the market wants, and become that person, or look at a different market---even overseas---and work that market.

Or you can become like a few smart Singaporeans like Condo Guy, Macro Guy and War Stocks Guy and start YOUNG AND EARLY IN YOUR 20s building up a nice income generating and growth portfolio which will allow you to retire before your 40th birthday, although you will have to cut your spending to the bone and live very frugally for many years. But although you cannot see it, you will still be young enough in your mid to late 30s to enjoy everything you might have to "sacrifice" now to get fucking rich. This is known as delayed gratification and along with grit (mo tuc ting attitude focusing on your own best self-interest firstly and foremostly) are 2 of the most important traits for eventual "success" (whatever that means to you). This is not "fairy tales". The importance of these traits is backed up by several longitudinal studies, which don't "prove" anything (science cannot "prove" anything), but do suggest that delayed gratification and "grit" are crucial.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


But it looks like a paradox: doesn't delayed gratification and grit --- the action attitude based on ones best self interest seem to conflict? Not at all. We are all SELFISH. We want our "happiness" now, and tend to eschew anything we perceive as "suffering". Won't selfish people immediately grab what they want? That depends on what type of "selfishness" you mean. Rational selfishness means you focus on your best LONG TERM interest, even if you need to 'sacrifice" in the short term. The other types of selfishness are based on short-cuts, impatience, and immediate gratification.

Critical thinking skills are a necessary TOOLBOX for rationally selfish people. If you don't have those skills, you will end up believing BULLSHIT --- the same bullshit THE HERD believes, and you will end up as one of the cattle in the herd. And cattle eventually GET SLAUGHTERED.

If you don't make your own plans and go after them like an obsessed person, some other cunts will come along and take over your life, and make decisions for you, for THEIR benefit. having critical thinking skills, and emotional equanimity act as "armour" against these threats to your ONE-AND-ONLY LIFE.

Had these PEI "graduates" did some critical analysis before they wasted their families money and their own time, maybe the disappointment of being jobless after graduating could have been avoided. Instead, they could have gone into the workforce 3 0r 4 years ago, and even at a low-starting job have already started building their investments...little by little, keep on adding bit by bit, and watching the compounding-effect do its "magic".

Anonymous said...

Quite true. In fact, it's absolutely true for Singaporeans .

Just look at your so-called "leaders". What are the criteria factors required of them?

1. 4 or 5 Asses in A level exams.

2. President or SAF Scholarship, or better stiil both at the same time, like your present PM.

3. Preferably SAF Fast-Track Boyish-looking Generals churned out thru' the incubator under safe environment.

4. No need political nor real work experience; just rope them down from the air by using helicopters, by-passing all those deputies, who slogged for years hoping to reach the top one day but never will be, because of these white winged-horses.

5. No responsibility for any bungle that they have made or any neglect to supervise and ensure their subordinates don't bungle-up. Anything went wrong, just put some subordinates to become scapegoats to shield them from blame.

6. Every month just collect their huge pay and laughing all the way to the banks.

Anonymous said...

@ April 15, 2019 9:55 am

// This problem is mainly for those private degree grads.
27% of those pte degree graduated last year are still unemployed or forced to work in gig jobs or freelance or temp jobs.
Even for those employed in full-time jobs, the average salary is only $2.6K
--- about the same as Diploma graduates with better diplomas & grades. ///


Indian PMETs with degrees from Indian universities have no problems finding employment in Singapore.

Singaporean parents should send our children to Indian universities ... so that our children can find employment in Singapore ... just like all our PMETs from India.

If we want the same high salaries enjoyed by our PMETs from India ... we must send our children to Indian universities.

Anonymous said...

@ April 15, 2019 9:55 am

/// If you're good, you don't need a degree to climb & earn big bucks in the private sector. ///


This is why we should discontinue all scholarship programs like "President scholar" and "SAF scholar".

If the student can score 4A's ... we should straight away promote them to General or Minister.

If the students still insists on a degree, we should send these President and SAF scholars to Indian Universities instead.
- so that they can better understand the Indian economy and culture ... so that they can re-engineer the Singapore economy to help Singaporeans achieve an Indian standard of living.
- Forget about the Swiss standard of living.

Anonymous said...

Hi 132

Can recommend a few Indian universities here as a guide for sg parents?


Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:42pm

Just go for any of the top 20 indian medical colleges for best bang for the buck.

S$50K all in, 5.5 yrs, tuition fees, accomodation, meals.

Recognised in S'pore (even before CECA 2.0). Just need to go thru 1 year supervised residency in S'pore hospital. Now with new CECA lagi more recognised.

Btw I worked in govt hospital from 2013 to 2016 -- 40% of the doctors were india indians. From fresh resident recruits all the way to A/Prof senior consultants.

Anonymous said...

Protests In Albania

Thousands of protestors surrounded Albania's parliament building in the capital Tirana on Thursday to demand the government steps down over claims of corruption and links to organised crime.

The Opposition has asked for the resignation of the present the Prime Minister and the Elections Commission and demanded that fresh elections be held.

This is the 9th protest since 16 Feb 2019.

Albanian PM refused to resign and said there will be no fresh elections.

The US Embassy in Albania has encouraged the Opposition to continue peaceful protests and asked the Albanian police and government to practice restraint.

Anonymous said...

"40% of the doctors were india indians. From fresh resident recruits all the way to A/Prof senior consultants."

Now I understand why medical tourism failed in the Little Red Dot. Foreign patients need not come here. They can go direct to India.

Anonymous said...

Lee Wei Ling's Facebook post in full:

“Media reports have continued to repeat Loong’s false and dishonourable allegations that Yang somehow swindled our father to get more in his final will. This is a lie.

In one will in 2012, my father did give me a little more than my brothers but he decided to revert to EQUAL shares in 2013 for his final will. Equal shares was always our parents intention and agreement between them and with the children.

Kwa Kim Li was retained as our father’s lawyer for all his wills save the first (drafted by our mother, for which she was the principal beneficiary). Kim Li wrote to all three of siblings in Jun 2015 that our father “was aware that it was intended/agreed that he would divide his entire Estate into 3 equal shares for the 3 children” The final will provided for this. Each of us received equal shares in the estate, no more, no less.

Kim Li herself advised our father to go to equal shares. In an e-mail to me, she wrote: “I told him …. when he instructed me to divide the estate unequally, that it was already decided that the estate was to be divided equally.” This is exactly what was reflected in his final will.”

Anonymous said...

Hi 302

Be vv careful!

Copy also can be invited to lim-kopi?

Anonymous said...

Like Mr Leong?

Anonymous said...

How to be careful hah? Already posted. Alamak! jia lat liao! Why you never say earlier leh? Like that how hah? Say SORRY SORRY SORRY one ten thousand times can or not?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Private sector

Lazy, stupid, arrogant, etc... lose money, epic fuck-up: company suffer financially, you get fired. Tomorrow public announcement: earnings downgrade.

Government sector

Lazy, stupid, arrogant, etc... lose money, epic fuck-up: cuntry suffers financially, you get PROMOTED, then transferred. No public announcement, tomorrow business as usual.

Anonymous said...

Hi 515

No worries!

The most they ask you to stand under the sun at HLP!


Anonymous said...

5.15pm anon, sorry also too late Liao as once posted Kena already. Suggest u spend your effort doing the preparation like wearing few layers of pants to discourage the tuakee as preventive measure. Also buy cream as mitigating measure in case tuakee cannot tahan and u Kena sodomized, at least less painful for u. The side effect of course tuakee will have more pleasure so he may sodomize u more than once. Bo Bian one😀

Anonymous said...

"Can recommend a few Indian universities here as a guide for sg parents?"
April 15, 2019 1:42 pm

"Every school is a good school"
- PM Lee, 2013

"Every Indian university is a good university"
- Kong Simi Lancheow, 2019

Anonymous said...

What do you think? Do our young deserve this bleak future, when Graduation Day is the day they graduated to join the ranks of the unemployed?

Graduated to join the ranks of the unemployed?

They must be a minority lah, maybe less than 30% of graduates.

If 70% can be employed, very good already, as PAP could get 70% votes, which was probably what happened in GE 2015.

Also not to forget that PAP won because majority Sinkies think the Sinkie opposition will be worse as govt since they are not even united and ready, even though they think PAP govt is bad.

RB, u need to see the big, overall picture to understand why PAP always win big one.

Anonymous said...

Who is to be blamed for their plight, the highly disturbing CECA, or the people that signed the CECA or allowed it to happen to seal the fate of our young people?

I admit CECA can be bad for some Sinkies lah. I say some hor, not all, OK?

But not to have CECA will be even worse for PAP, Sinkieland and all Sinkies.

So PAP want CECA as the lesser evil lah, just as Sinkies choose PAP as the lesser evil to be govt.

Anonymous said...

For those recent graduates from the semi-govt Unis like NUS, NTU, SMU, SUSS, SUTD etc, 90+% are in full-time employment with average starting salary of $4K.
9:55 am

Seriously, I think u are exaggerating lah.

Anyway it is OK lah, since RB allow TCSS comments in his blog and not delete them unlike some other big time bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays when I think PAP, I think CECA.

CECAPAP ! India ! India ! India !

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:13pm

Ehh I just quote from the latest local Uni survey. Maybe they bluff lah.

But anyway a lot of the degrees actually even higher starting salaries $4.5K -- those IT, computer engineering, accounting, finance etc.

$4K starting salary is for those not so hot degrees, like Bachelor of Nursing is $4K starting --- underpaid lah, stressful n dirty job.

Anonymous said...

$4K starting pay for a fake, imitation, half-baked or fixed-brain degree is quite good already. Not too long ago, it was $3500. Before that, it waa $3000; $2500, $2000 .....

Anonymous said...

Fake degree - India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, USA.

Imitation degree - Philippines, Taiwan, HK.

Half-baked degree - China, Burma, Vietnam.

Fixed-brain degree - Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

China has conducted a full scale military exercise, involving land-air-sea firces, in the Taiwan Straits.

Taiwan Tsai kpkb that it is against status quo.

US kpkb said it is coercion and threaten stability in Taiwan Straits.

China said it is normal routine and USA is the one threatening the stability in Chinese affairs and in the world.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:28am

$2K starting pay is when policeman wear shorts. Now wear long pants so starting pay also lengthen to $4K.

Next time robocop starting pay will be $10K and toilet cleaner will be $3K.

Anonymous said...

in any condition is happy,
is successful in
What's money You cannot spend to enjoy Yourself and die regretting having too much of it.
some successors fight and kill amongst themselves for inheritance ?
Plenty of such tragedies and they are ongoing throughout history.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ "tok kok" 1057

"Money might not guarantee 'happiness', but it makes being MISERABLE a lot more COMFORTABLE".

Anonymous said...

@ 2019 8:22 am

"$2K starting pay is when policeman wear shorts. Now wear long pants so starting pay also lengthen to $4K."

Probably when policemen wore shorts you were still swimming in your father's testicles. At that time the starting pay for degree holders were $360. For A level, it was $240.

Don't just regurgitate what you've heard from others. You are a typical product of today's failed education system.

Anonymous said...

5.40am u very funny leh but u need to be sodomized for making fun of that dude.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:40

///At that time the starting pay for degree holders were $360. For A level, it was $240///

U either swam into wrong tube in your mother's cervix or they drop u on ur head when u baby lar. Those kind of starting salaries already police wear long pants. 1970 prices lar.

Policemen wear shorts in the mid 1950s & earlier. Starting pay less than $100 lar.

Anonymous said...

10.21pm anon, u another funny guy lar. I think 5.40 Kena make fun of enough Liao. U also need to be sodomised lar😀

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

1969 I was still in Special Constabulary, PRU at Queenstown, first batch SC National Service. I was still wearing shorts.

Anonymous said...

They are wearing
shorts and teeshirts nowadays.