
Hsien Loong suing Leong Sze Hian for defamation

Leong Sze Hian is being sued by Hsien Loong for sharing an article in thestatestimes alleging that Hsien Loong is complicit in the 1MDB corruption scandal. Leong posted this in his Facebook,
‘According to The Straits Times, Leong shared the article “Breaking News: Singapore Lee Hsien Loong becomes 1MDB’s key investigation target – Najib signed several unfair…” and alleged that former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak had signed “secret deals” with Lee to launder money through Singaporean banks….

Both ST and TOC reported that on Nov. 12, Leong then received a letter from Drew & Napier, demanding that Leong make a public apology and compensate PM Lee for damages.’ Quoted from The mothership
Alleging or accusing someone of corruption, particularly politicians in office is a very dangerous thing unless one has all the evidence and the money to fight an expensive lawsuit. One can be sued until bankrupt or be bankrupted by the fees paid to lawyers even if one wins the case. Not many people have hard evidence to win such cases. Thus it is futile to make such allegations.

While we discuss and criticise govt policies and social, economic and political issues, please stay away from attacking anyone personally especially on corruption or abuse of power. It is not necessary to do so as we are just ordinary citizens and unable to pay the price of a legal tussle or to defend ourselves effectively when being sued. Remember what had happened in the NKF golden tap case. The first whistleblower had to pay damages and apologised even when he was right.

I hope this blog will continue without infringing such taboo areas. Otherwise we would have to abandon this blog for good. So post carefully and be critical on issues but stay away from trouble, from alleging anyone of wrongdoings. Do not be too personal. Don’t throw an egg against a stone wall. Know your limits and your proper place. You can’t punch above your weight as a nobody individual. Accept your fate. Don’t wanna be a dead or bankrupt hero.


Anonymous said...

The heroic City Harvest whistleblower on ConHe; kena tekan, apologized but in the end vindicated.
"Billy don't be a hero" by Paper Lace.

Anonymous said...

How about saying someone stupid or ah kua or pondan?

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Unless one is a brother or a sister, it is better to practise "discretion is the better part of valour". Using words to describe a political leader as a dishonourable son is tricky business for a peasant. Such juicy words are very expensive and can set a person back by thousands and thousands of dollars. The 1MDB is a scandal involving an ex-Malaysian PM. In the squeaky clean island of Singapore, it is perilous to indulge in mud-slingling. It is a hobby few can afford. Freedom of speech is well regulated in Orwellian Singapore.

Anonymous said...

A doctor whose skin is so thin that he cannot see patients.

Anonymous said...

Rb, i think Leong should just apologise Lor if not later drag Long Long lagi jialat. In sg it's good to be diam diam. If don't agree just exercise your vote once every 5 years.😝

Anonymous said...

Thot Shamu ever said u can scold someone an idiot but not corrupt ??

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Whilst I will uphold your conditions, since it is your blog, I beg to differ in your reasoning.

I am a Freedom of Speech ABSOLUTIST, meaning there is nothing you can't say, even if it is hateful, wrong, libellous,offensive, or just plain dumb. Even stuff which is "inciteful to action" falls within free speech absolutism.

There are many ways to argue and defend the position of free speech absolutism, but the easiest for a lazy beach bum like myself is that everyone is an autonomous being, with their own quirky brain, capable of processing, and capable of being correct and incorrect in its evaluation of stimulus, facts, bullshit and the emotions of others and one's own self.

Let's consider the scenario of Singapore where freedom of speech is stricly "regulated", mainly by the threat of going to jail or being bankrupted by the alleged "injured party". Restrictions on speech, even in Singapore simply DO NOT WORK, because people who have a burning need to express their point of view, absolutely will...as in the case of Amos, Roy, and now Sze Hian.

The answer to hate, offensive or in this case accusatory speech is MORE FREE SPEECH; meaning if the PM was anything resembling a "real man" with "real balls" he would respond to speech, with "cleverer" speech as one would expect a good leader to do.

Raymond Dalio who runs Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund is a free speech absolutist. The lowliest employee in his business can criticise Ray himself, as long as they do it to his face. All verbal engagements at Bridgewater are RECORDED for every employee to hear.

Free speech absolutism is THE BEST TOOL for transparency. If there is one thing every political system in the world could use is more transparency. Once you have the authority silencing dissent, you move toward the authoritity doing a "Jamal Khashoggi" on the dissident.

This PM, in my opinion has lost the character-test required to lead Singapore. The more he does a Khashoggi on his accusers, the guiltier he looks. People are sometimes stupid, but not all the time. Sometimes they are absolutely correct in their evaluation.

Singaporeans might be quiet. But the OPTIMIST in me believes that everyone has a limit. You can keep on pushing, until one day the TIPPING POINT arrives, and then there is no stopping what happens next.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, your views and stand are admirable. People who can practise what you preached must satisfy certain conditions or else would have to join Leong and Roy in bankruptcy.

Alex Tan is challenging Hsien Loong to sue him in AUSTRALIA. You can only speak freely against all odds if your are very rich or out of reach from Singapore.

Singapore has free speech like I can criticise leaders of other countries as much as I want with a few exceptions: )

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Leong is a prominent blogger who is a constant thorn in every PAP minister's side. He is getting his fix, courtesy of PM Lee. In his book, GCT wrote that a PM must have the ability to fight back. Even to the extent of getting a hatchet man to do it. Uncle Leong will be axed, not literally but financially. PAP bashing is akin to swimming in shark-infested waters. The swimmer can expect to get bitten anytime. Anyone who wades into Singapore politics must be prepared to end up as an unsung hero. His days are numbered.

Anonymous said...

NKF case proves that justice favours the rich and powerful.

I always believe: With money you can perverse justice. With power you can invoke justice.

If you are poor, you cannot afford to have justice. Just too bad you have to suffer the injustice and hope that, like the whistle-blower in the NKF case, someone with very deep pockets came in to prove clearly that justice had been perverted.

But do not expect apologies or remedial action. The poor whistle-blower still had to pay a price.

Anonymous said...

Matilar, if u truly believed in what u posted, u should post with your real name like Rb, rather than hide under matilar and using Rb blog to get him into trouble lar. If not at least let him sodomize u as compensation lor

Anonymous said...


very very simple lah......

胜 者 为 王 , 败 者 为 寇.......

what to say........

the world is like that.......


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 954

You make an excellent point!

I truly believe what I wrote, but the reality is that FoS is tightly regulated in Singapore. ie. it's a monopolistic/ controlled "market". Therefore even the "right" theory cannot function successfully in such a market.

One has to weigh the pros and cons of adhering to "theory", and accepting the disproportionately LARGE consequences, or come up with some other method of being heard and LIVING TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY.

When you engage in "battle", you have to pay attention to the environment, the threats and the extent to which you deploy your resources. You fight by using INTELLIGENCE, not theory or adherence to some principle which only works if your opponents agree to the same principle. It helps if that principle is grounded in the law of the land....like free speech is in the USA. You can call any politician anything, or accuse them of anything WITHOUT PROOF. And the best they can do is respond in speech. Everyone calls Trump a cunt. He just gets on Twitter and responds 10x worse. :-)) He definitely does'nt sue them or have them murdered.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

I am aware that people who practice their own unrestrained FoS get into really hot soup in Singapore.

They do it for their own reasons, so I don't judge. I also don't judge those who use the "Anonymous" (actually pseudo anonymous, Google actually knows who and where you are) tag to air their opinions. Everyone has reasons for doing what they do. I'm more interested in the quality of their CONTENT and their IDEAS.

Freedom of Speech is free. The value is in the freedom itself, but what is contained in it could be just rubbish. Therefore, content and ideas count. You can go ahead and scream "cunt" at a person all day long and label them a "bum", but after some point, your own character will be judged by others, unless you come up with content/ideas which are of some VALUE to them.

FoS is not a solitary thing in a vaccum. It needs other to also engage in FoS.

Anonymous said...

VERY very "siong" for the financial expert LSH!

He is a VERY very smart person!

Why ended up like that?

It is going to be a VERY very looo$$$$$$$$$ooooooong winding road for him!

Really VERY very "siong"!

Really VERY very "siong"!

We shall see.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

Anonymous said...

He is toast lar. By the way matilar, u never offered leh for Rb to consider though he may not be interested.

Ches L said...

Uncle Leong has been in PAP's gunsight for very long due to his critical blogs.
The latest just give them the golden opportunity to take action.
It is disgusting that the PM has to sue an ordinary citizen for his Facebook post.
Totally lost all respect for the man.

Anonymous said...

The suing is to formalize the quantum of damages .... usually done when informal offers of compensation deemed not enough. You saw exactly the same thing with Roy case --- his offer was rejected. PAPies modus operandi is to sue for 2X-3X a person's net worth, so that you end up having to sell house, sell pants, borrow money or steal money to pay, and still not enough.

Frankly the best type of people to challenge PAPies are those who have no money & no assets & no properties in S'pore, and any assets overseas are structured such that they are untouchable to any seizures. Of course can still be jailed. Safest will be people like Alex who has migrated overseas, but then much harder to have impact locally.

So far only 1 record of PAPies suing for defamation overseas --- against Devan Nair in Canada --- and they lost badly.

Anonymous said...

Hello 10.47am.

You dont know meh.....whether you like it or not.

Life is like that.

Especially in Sg......no point be a hero.

Just kpkb kpkb and kpkb. And be extremely careful! If not.......just shut-up!

At least your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ still in your pockets!


Titiana Ann Xavier said...

PM Lee lost a lot of face when he washed his family's dirty linen in public. He got Parliament to clear his name instead of suing his siblings. He should do likewise in Uncle Leong's case as a precedent has been set. But he wants his pound of Uncle Leong's flesh. Poor Uncle Leong's blood is not thicker than water. So a rubber stamp Parliament is superfluous. "Justice" is a double-edged sword in the Lee's heirloom.

Anonymous said...

No brother.sure got trouble.

Lucky got Newton law

Anonymous said...

As we head into the 2018 year end , 2019 seems like going to be a very very bad year for ordinary Singaporeans !

Many headwinds ahead in 2019 - be it political, geopolitical, financial, economical, etc etc !!

Anonymous said...

So can say that PAPpy is a bully at best & coward at worst for not suing Alex in Oz?!? Instead of going after Alex directly since he is the one who came up with the article, instead going after Leong who merely shared that article?? If it's the principle that counts then shouldn't PAPpy be already filing court case against Alex in Oz, even if chances of winning is only 50:50 and defamation damages in Oz is only a tiny fraction of S'pores?!? It's like still rewarding the general of SMRT with multi-million dollar salary while only focusing on punishing the "hokkien pengs" & corporals of SMRT. Too much of this behavior & PAPpy is creating a stench around themselves as a bully who only goes after those clearly at huge disadvantage, otherwise just ignore & act blur.

Anonymous said...


Don't spread fear leh.

Don't worry. We have the 4G lah.

You are in good hands.

The 4G will be there.

You will be ok.

So don't worry. 2019 will be ok.

Anonymous said...

Ah Longsan is collecting his debt with very high interest rate!

Now even Ah Leong apologise to Ah Longsan also no use.

Ah Longsan's father taught Ah Longsan that he must destroy his enemies morally, financially, politically and physically. NB: In Malaysia physically means 'sodomy'.

Ah Leong must now 'chau lor' or run marathon like Tang Liang Hong.

Anonymous said...

Leong is fixed !


Virgo49 said...

Hi All, the expected can turn out to be the unexpected.

Leong may fight his case with grounds that they might have consulted with well meaning lawyers.

Lim Tean may do pro bono for him.
Leong appealed for public funds just like the WP and the response could be overwhelming as blow to the other Lion's face.

They may also be afraid Of losing in an Election.Year.

If Judgement is unfair, it would be a politicial sucidide


Anonymous said...

Actually when I read the Defamation Act, quite tough for Leong to escape unless he can get himself certified retarded or insane and don't understand what he had shared or done.

Anonymous said...

Hi virgo 49

Haha, you seriously think ah leong San has a fighting chance?

Please ask around!


Anonymous said...

Leong got any last words?

George H.W. Bush's last words were: 'I love you, too.'

Virgo49 said...

Anon 6.41

Any court case three is always a Case to fight in any court case.

What's are lawyers for?

That's why sometimes I really wonder why the Die Hard Singapore Patriot's put their heads on the chopping blocks for all these Daft Sinkies who took delight as Cheering Fence sitters and clapped and cheered when these brave guys fought for their cause.

Majority Daft Sinkies are Notorious for these fun games of pushing others into the front lines and fight and die for their cause

If benefits them, even their ungratitude of not acknowledging them.

But when they are in shits troubles many will commented itchy backsides.

The Opposition and those well meaning guys should just simply leave the daft sinkies to their fates.

Now I already Cheng Sim with the dafts and better enjoy the remaining good times before Real Disasters strike.

Go to Netflix and have a Good Time seeing the American Drama "The Good Wire"

See how the Lawyers fought their cases and the Back stabbing of the American Elections of Senators etc.

Just completed their Seven Series.

Virgo49 said...

Shwould be The Good Wife"


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ what do they really mean by "defamation"?

It'll be interesting to see how the learned minds of the Singapore judiciary define "defamation".

I am going by what has been reported and said so far. By no measure can I verify that any of this is true...but anyway...

By what I understand, Leong posted an article written by someone else on his Facebook page. It is important to bear in mind Leong did not author the piece. Neither did he outrightly state that the PM was complicit in any of the 1MDB mess.

So you mean to say if any of us post these images, we too might be sued for defamation?

Your honour and learned counsels, officers of the court...Lick my arse, suck my balls and take my cock for a walk lah...😜🤣

Anonymous said...

Hi virgo 49

Hahaha.... agreed with you!

Cheng sim-ED long ago.

Now bo-chup! Entertain myself on Genting Dream Cruise most weekendS.


Anonymous said...

My former boss always bragged to us that lawyers told him he had a 50/50 chance and we can fight, whenever the company got sued for breach of contract. And as always, he trusted his lawyers, but I never ever seen him won a single case after throwing good money after bad. I think no lawyer will tell you that you have no chance, you will surely lose.

So, what are lawyers for? They make the money, whether you win or lose. Sometimes all that you win is not enough to pay them.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers are here to fighting cases.

Of course they will tell you 50/50!

That is marketing!

But they too work very very hard and very very long hours.

Want to be a lawyer?

Anonymous said...

Hi Virgo 7.04

You said 'the Opposition and those well meaning guys should just simply leave the daft Sinkies to their fates'. unquote

Very true. The dafts are already too drunk with greed and imbued with fear after years of brainwashing that they only worship the lightning logo religiously. Hence the opposition had been fighting a battle with only sporadic victories and nothing more, against the ruling elites who control all the organs of state as well as using the state's financial resources to further their objectives and use against the opposition.

How can the opposition possibly win big, without having the financial muscle to move the masses? They cannot even afford to throw chicken wings and lollipops before election time.

Even despite the hard pushing and squeezing, and even if this reach a tipping point, it will be hard to rely on such a complaint electorate to do a Harapan. The hope of doing that had long gone, because the control is already well planned, all embracing and absolute.

Virgo 49 said...

Laymen simplistic minds on herd hearsay and especially Sinkieland Politicial Secenario will said Court Cases against the PAP sure lose.

Eggs shells against the Rocks

Like Matilar said Defamation can be argued differently interpretations in the Court of Laws.

No such thing as aure lose.

Technicality interpretation can be twisted and turn by shcrewed lawyers.

Many intellectuals in Singapore and Worldwide wll be following the proceedings and if Judgement is clouded if the Defence puts up a Strong Case,there be disquiet.

See Dotard ban the CNN Correspondent and the whole Press protested still have to give way

Anonymous said...

Everytime wu end bor eng one willy old fox put his right thumb over his rt middle finger and diao ⚽⚽, sometimes use 🔌 。。。

Anonymous said...

After that, send one 🎄🎁⏰

Anonymous said...

With the current airspace and maritime squabble, mb better not to "get caught" and become unintended "collateral damage" by some "fanatic nationalistic fringe"?

Going to give Madhaterland a miss for the next few months ...

No more going for spending spree in Jln Fook Fook buying tons of 🍌🍰 or eat at the filthy OVER-PRICED/ OVER-HYPED/ OVER-TIME WASTING 2 hrs lo(ooooooo)ng Q curry 🐋 👹 restaurant or disappointing Cheebra Sinti Iron Mall or Paradox Half 1st world half 3rd world mall liao ... With wierd 10 storey multi carpark RAMP like navigating down China Bt WuDang giant stairs?

Also no more staying overnight to beat the custom jam and boost and stimulate LGE eCONomy and their 🏨industry?

Going to convert the S$2,000+ RM changed recently at Change Alley to Rupiah liao and spend the 💸💰💴💵💷💶in BarThumb instead 😜😝😛

If half of the shoppers stop going to Madhaterland, very soon it could be 1-to-4?

LGE everynight cannot zzz?

Their pile up merchanise could be maciam US soya bean piling up at the dock rotting or depreciating in value ...

virgo49 said...

Kam Long Ah Fook Curry middle portion skinny fish head at RM43.00.

Many Sinkies queue two hours and 45 mins to 1 hour to eat leh??

City Square Lavender Cakes still long queue.

Nonya Penang Laksa still in demand.

RM2000.00 can spend until obese there without paying Sugar Tax.

Also there they served you even cup of coffee.

Here even you paid S$10.00 still have to queue up and scorned by our local millionaire hawkers and still have to deposit tray and return tray like fools.

Everything you paid extortion price and still self service.

Really treated as fools and slaves to the PAP.

virgo49 said...

Should be queue two hours to be chopped chopped by the Malay Irrigation Officers sometimes on our Passports and sometimes on their desk pads.

Queue 45 mins to one hour for Kam Long Curry Fish Heads.

After your curry, going back and find no chop chop on your passports that is on the Officer's desk pads then prepare to stay at their Resort Hotel not at Genting for next 14 days and kena eat Soto Mee blancha by Matahtair.

Then shits also come out fire by Kam Long's curry.


Anonymous said...

@ virgo49 December 07, 2018 5:12 am
//RM2000.00 can spend until obese there without paying Sugar Tax.//

Original comment: //Going to convert the S$2,000+ RM changed recently at Change Alley to Rupiah liao //

(Young) BRO VIRGO,

Do you have a proper pair of ⭕⭕ or 📟?

$2000+ RM and RM2000 is a lot of diff ...


Anonymous said...

S$100 = RM304 ?

S$2000+ = RM6000+ to RM8000+?


Virgo49 said...

Wow can stay at Melaka one year.


Anonymous said...

The KSL hotel already many hundreds per night. Stay 3 days 2 nights more than 20% gone?

Go premium outlet one bag easiLEE 3 to 4-digit?

Quota no GST $600 per pax after 48 hrs?

3 pax quota $1800?

3 days 2 nights finished liao?

One year in Melaka?

EveLEEday eat porridge and salted eggs?

Anyway already converted Rupiah abt 30,000,000 ...

Going to BarThum later 850am ferry ...

Already bked hotel in Nagoya ...

Going try different seafood restaurant every night ...

Plus take the official taxi not cheap ... Pt to pt abt 120,000 Rupiah

No Go-Jek motorcycle taxis or pa-ong motorcycle cheap 10,000 Rupiah but "very dangerous" mostly ... Try bef one time almost kena accident ... The first and last ...

Cheers ...

Virgo49 said...

Aiyo, Melaka own apartment.

Nasi lemak, One Ton mee at RM5.00.Cheaper if you take less ingredients and mee order small some more cheaper.

Water elect only less than RM50.00.

Conservancy at RM68.00 plus free parking.

RM8000.00 can stay one year.


Anonymous said...

@ Virgo49 December 07, 2018 7:27 am
//Nasi lemak, One Ton mee at RM5.00.//

ALAMAK, nasi lemak rm5?

Kong cum?

Famous ALI nasi lemak mayak bagus sedap only rm1.50?

Anyhow spend $?

No wonder our caring paternal garmen need help YEW budget your quah cha png and only give out in drips and drums a few hundred eveLEE mth, if not YEW like many oldies PHUA KAY very fast empty liao then still have 20+ years to live, eat what?

Our garmen very strict but probably correct policy lah, should "incarcerate" oldies quah cha png lo(oooooooooooooo)nger if not very fast HABIS liao ...


Virgo 49 said...

Chinese one with chicken wings and sotong lah. Transparent cuttlefish not Mats nasi lemak.

Tesco Black Nescafe Medium size bottle can last one month without diabetes eat with Gardendia bread at only RM2 plus.

Unlike your Big Fish Big Crabs Big Meat Singaporeans Diabetes and Cholesterol Die oops Diet.


virgo49 said...

Tesco Black Classic Nescafe Msized Bottle only RM9.90 i.e S$3.10 without Diabetes.

For info.

Anonymous said...

@ Virgo 49 December 07, 2018 8:33 am
//Chinese one with chicken wings and sotong lah. Transparent cuttlefish not Mats nasi lemak.//

Nasi Lemak Chinese?

Got Chinese Prata also?

Or Indian Kuay Chap or XO ChaTaoKueh?

Authentic original version and cheaper don't want?

Insist on PHUA KAY expensive spending?

Anonymous said...

@ virgo49 December 07, 2018 9:35 am
//Tesco Black Classic Nescafe Msized Bottle only RM9.90 i.e S$3.10 without Diabetes.

For info//

New Delhi train station authentic original sedap mayak bagus mutton bryani 30 rupees, ie, S$0.55. For info.

(Dun kong cum pay 10 times the price eat non-authentic version)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

Forget all the "dark cloud" predictions lah. Malaysia is still a great place for Singaporeans to visit.

SGD is your POWER TOOL. Your power-SGD will get you great value in Malaysia. Forget about the politics lah...Malaysian's who run businesses are only too glad to take your money.

Wah, live in Melaka for 1 year...chia lat lah. Have to buy new clothes. Minimum 10kg increase in weight! 🤣

Anonymous said...

@ virgo49 December 07, 2018 9:35 am
//Tesco Black Classic Nescafe Msized Bottle only RM9.90 i.e S$3.10 without Diabetes.

For info//

China Jin Lo(oooooooo)ng Golden Dragon Premium tea RMB10, ie, S$1.90 without OXIDANT.

For info.

Ps: Dun Mak Chiu Pak Jiao Paste Stamp see as RM10. Read properly RMB10, ie, Ren Min Bi (人民币, Chinese currency)

CNY (Chinese Yuan) also can (not Chinese New Year). For info (especially those eCONomic ignoramus)

Virgo49 said...

Mutton byrani eat hospitalisation or six feet underground or incincerated into dust.

Sinkieland high class resturants also makan mati.

Wah piang Melaka Satay Chulut open air with flies still.safe.

Anonymous said...

//Forget about the politics lah...Malaysian's who run businesses are only too glad to take your money.//

Too late lo ...

Already boarded ferry.

Sg time 9.50am

Indo time 8.50am

Still have Sg signal ...

Going change to BarThum SIM card soon once Sg (signal) disappeared.

Not going take the cheap Go-Jek motorcycle taxi, ie, will take tradtional taxi and can "blog" all the way from ferry terminal to Nagoya ...

Going buy their 12,000 Rupiah,ie, S$10 atas full sq size butter plum Kueh Lapis (sold in peesai for S$65 at BangBangTakSolo) for snacks all the way with their super BarThum kopi (w/o DieBetty). One box S$10 can last for 3 days snacks and the ferry trip back snacking.

Allowable baggage merchanise ordered by a Barthum towkay commission covers the trip liao ...

Come back same baggage allowable merchanise for frens and relatives gift exchange...

No need spend BIG BUCKS @ OrhGuiRoad for Xmas gifts

Balance Rupiah deposit there for future ATM if run out local currency ...

Dun be Phua Kay and eveLEE time kpkb garmen for Quah Cha $$$. Meant for Quah Cha and not Genting or BarThum trip

Hope the garmen think of more schemes to "incarcerate" another 10 years lo(ooooooo)nger so that the oldies quah cha $$$ won't be squandered at Genting or BarThum ...

Anonymous said...

Comment not referring to anyboLEE in particular who goes frequently twice a month to Genting or BarThumb.

Anonymous said...

EveLEEthing is so cheap in BarThum!!!

Bot 1 pack of 10 sticks Gudang Garam nearby the ferry terminal. Only S$1+

The first stick lighted first puff dragged the cigarette around 1/4 up, so SHIOK!

1 full 1.5l bottle of mineral water only abt S$0.10+ ...

Traditional taxi is expensive though.

1 short trip abt 120,000 Rupiah

Hotel chk in abt 2pm local time

So going for good lunch nearby Nagoya

Previous trip 3 pax local zichar abt S$15

Eat so Full until almost vomitted.

But the gong gong seafd there quite potent. Eat already at nite strong urge to do the tinkie so better dun eat if not going with wifey or gf

AnyboLEE need Kueh Lapis can kee chiu here

Just now above comment typo should be 20,000 Rupiah for the arguably best quality Kueh Lapis in BarThumb, abt S$18 (still S$47 cheaper than in peesai).

Now into the 4th stick of gudang garam. Damn shiok.

In peesai, haven't smoked for several yrs. Picked up this stupid habit when in slavery guard duty during publiv holidays and Sundays. Damn sian so eveLEEtime buy 1 pack gudang garam and 1 pack lucky strike bef book in for guard duty early morning especially during Sundays.

In between duty 4 hours rest so probably read at least 100 books from national library during the 2.5 years before going to uni ...

Good and bad. Good thing is plenty of time to read a lot. Bad thing is plenty of time to smoke a lot.

Sometimes between duty 4 hours smoke like half pack lucky strike until tje throat also almost burst amd set on fire literally.

But acter reading so much during ns when at uni was able to "smoke" for those qualitative modules until the Prof got "cancer" liao reading mind exam scripts and term papers ...

Anonymous said...

Oops typo again

Kueh Lapis should be 200,000 Rupiah per box (Square Shape full size), not the half size.

If bulk buyng from their factory outlet lagi cheaper ...

Anonymous said...

One word of caution though. One local towkay mentioned many factories closed in the last few years and at least 60% factory workers lost their jobs.

So their local eCONomy probably not doing well ...

One Go-Jek car ride only abt Rupiah 15,000, ie, abt S$1.20. And the driver was an ex-MNC snr engineering mgr.

But prefer pay more to take traditional taxis

Need be vigilant when moving ard.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Batam is a great place to spend CPF money. That's why we need to force the govt to give it back. Can you imagine the Batam economy of oldie sg guys have their CPF?