
Johore royalty - A people’s sultan

In todayonline it was reported that the Johore Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Ibrahim announced that the royal family would be building really affordable housing for the rakyat. This one the pricing is really affordable, not those you know smell like a rat type. A three-bedroom, two-bathroom landed house would be priced below RM200,000 (S$66,270) and as low as RM70,000. The royal family is replying to the cries by the rakyat that property prices are skyrocketing and becoming unaffordable. If you still wonder what is a caring and people’s sultan of govt, look no further. This is it, no trickery, no fake news, no ‘blufferlogy’. This is how sincere the royal family is about caring for its people, no lip service like understanding their plight. They just do it, with their own money, NOT OPM.

‘ “The project will be under the auspices of the Sultan Ibrahim Foundation — an effort by the Johor Royal Family to ease the burden of the people,” the Johor crown prince said in a statement on his official Facebook page.

He said the housing project is non-profit and will include amenities like a multi-purpose hall, a park, shops and a motel that will also be built and funded by himself and his father, the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar.’ Today Paper

The Johore royal family would be donating 60.7 hectares of their own land to build 1,000 houses in every district across the state. How about that? Can anyone beat that? No bullshit! This kind of leadership would command the respect of the rakyat without saying further. And the cheap housing would be offered to all races with allocation also for the non bumi minorities.

Next time you hear any politician talking about caring for the people, use this as a yardstick to measure his sincerity to help the people, to care for the people.

PS. Do not believe in anyone saying he is going to help you and then take/use your money ‘to help you’.


Anonymous said...

//PS. Do not believe in anyone saying he is going to help you and then take/use your money ‘to help you’.//

Why not? Cannot help you become hawkers meh? How about help you to exercise by rampaging rubbish bins in MBFC vicinity to pick cardboards - courtesy of your (former) blue-eyed "poster boy" (after the 2011 erection)? Certainly not saying anyboLEE's eyes pasted stamps hor ...

Virgo49 said...

In the 60s we have 3 roomed flats at 9800, 70s at 11800/13500.

4 roomer flats at 24500. 5 rooms at 30500/46000.

Then they have the Monsters of National Destroyment with screwed minds to screw the citizens at 100,000 to 1 million for the new flats.

What's Land Cost from State lands underSLA passing monies from one ministry to the others and eclaim cheap public housings at a lost of billions of $$$$.

Changed to TCs with Majors and have whats sinking funds with all funds sank to Tummby Sicks.

Now have also Bones and fully subscribed for further bets.

Your monthly withdrawal guaranteed for now.

Thanking the dafts for their subscribed contributions

Anonymous said...


A three-bedroom, two-bathroom landed house selling
below RM200,000 (S$66,270) and as low as RM70,000!

SGeans can only neck loong loong watch.


Huat ah! Huat ah! Huat ah!

Anonymous said...

In the first world country of Singapore you get the privilege of working at foodcourts cleaning tables when you get to 70 or even 80 years of age. If you are lucky you can compete with PRCs fighting for cardboard collection as a form of exercise. No one left behind has been the motto of the PAP for a long time. Well, it is quite clear to see that there are people who cannot keep up, and it is clearly their own fault. The PAP government has been very generous with their bonuses, especially recently, now the the nest GE is in the horizon. Sheeples will kwai kwai gve them the huge mandate again. It could be 80% this round. What to do? You get the s*** you vote for. As they say, they always float to the top.

Virgo49 said...

Early 80s Melaka apartments with 3 rooms 2 halls and 2 toilets plus 1 balcony at RM55,000 Fully furnished with beds, wardrobes and full kitchen oven and cabinets. (Malaysians at RM35000 not furnished )

Condo at Mahokra at RM108,0000 overlooking the Melaka Stratits.

Compare Sinkieland pigeon homes that time.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ House of Temenggong Rocks!

The famous propensity for violence by Sultan Ib’s father (Crown Prince’s grandfather and great-grandfather) and grandfather is the stuff of legends. They were much more awesome than the Crown Prince of the House of Saud. The former patriarchs of the House of Temeggong didn’t hide the fact that they would smash people who pissed them off, unlike Md Salman who is trying to be “the nice guy” in the ongoing saga of some loud-mouthed journo being chopped to pieces...in a fucking embassy, no less!🤣

Anyway, it is easy for Crown Prince and his dad to appear to be “generous”. Firstly, donating their land is no big deal. Actually the whole state of Johor is essentially theirs...passed down thru the generations since the 14th century.

Also Johor has lots of land. The price---RM200k, is about market for Johor, where developers are “giving away” units as most of them are bleeding money. Johor real estate: OVER SUPPLIED. However, the purchasing power of the RM has been eroded, so therefore the locals---who earn in RM---are screwed by rising prices...not only for housing, but for everything, whilst their wages stagnate or shrink.

To me “rakyat” is just the Malay word for SHEEPLE. These are the folks who don’t have much economic power, and many not much education either. So its very easy to throw them a crumb or two because the “payoff” for the increase in loyalty, popularity and DEPENDENCE is well worth the relatively small cost.

Just in case Mahathir or the “Federales” in Putrajaya have ideas of their own about the states, Sultan Iskhandar and his House need all the PUBLIC SUPPORT they can muster to ward off any threat to the Johor State---which behaves more like an independent sovereign nation, than part of the Malaysian Federation.

Malaysia boleh?
Johor lagi boleh!! 🤓🤑💪

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ end of the road. chia lat!

Can’t really make objective comparisons to our HDB system lah.

Every Ponzi scheme has an ending.The HDB one is nearing “times up” already. The oldies like myself have already extracted the value from the wonderful arbitrage opportunities in the past which we were just PLAIN FUCKING LUCKY to capitalise and build our net worths on. Sorry lah, game nearly over. Young people have missed out. But they live in a new world with vastly more OPPORTUNITY available to them. So the “minuses” (IMO) are mediated by a huge increase in the upside.

If you can recall, there was a time back in the 1990’s where the old HUDCs (the “sophisticated” HDBs of the time) were appreciating at 10-20k per month 🤑
Plus the “illegal” over-the-counter market known as CLOB was going bonkers, and Singaporeans were raking in the dough...those were crazy times.

Like all good things, there is always an end.

As Buffet says, “when the tide goes out, you get to see who is naked” 😂🤣

Anonymous said...

As long as people do not run for cover from the Government with offers of help, I believe it is sincere. With relatives living in JB, I can understand how cheap housing can be even without this offer. And that is not talking about far off places from JB.

Not only are houses cheap, cars are also cheap and parking is practically free. Cost of living in itself is about a third of Sinkieland's. The only trade off is security.

I know, they are telling us land is limited and expensive in Sinkieland. But when it comes to importing millions of foreigners to compete for space, infrastructure and needs, it cannot be the reason. Why are we short of space, water, good jobs for locals and citizens becoming a minority in their own country?

Anonymous said...

Hello 9.59 Anon

You ask.

" But when it comes to importing millions of foreigners to compete for space, infrastructure and needs, it cannot be the reason. Why are we short of space, water, good jobs for locals and citizens becoming a minority in their own country? "

Please tell us who you voted for in the last GE.

Anonymous said...

No need worry too much. It is just a business cycle? Now just (eziLEE) broken below 3,000. The next level to test over coming year is 2,000? As one anon keeps harping (and how lian), what peesai has is $$$ ..... Good lor, has loads of $$$, so sap sap water, no worries?

Anonymous said...

The MIW multi-millionaire ministers still complaining their millions not enough. So what do they want? Increase further more millions every year. They should look themselves in the mirror. Are they worth even a dime? Old goose said if you earn $500,000.00 per year you are a mediocre ( a puah tang sai ) and his wife said the $600,000.00 pay of the former dishonourable director of the Singapore Kidnney Foundation Dialysis is nothing but only a peanut. What has basically gone wrong with these characters? They shamelessly and unethically take so much money from the people and the country and instead of working hard to dedicate and sincerely serve the people and instead of being gracious and graceful with thanks they growl with discontent and insult the ninety-nine percent general public who can't even earn more than 0.01 or 0.001 percent of their humongous sinful salary. So they still look forward for you to put them in power in future. What a shameful dishonourable lot? Real scum on earth.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anon 10.07 am

Irrelevant question! Over the last 33 years as a Hougang resident, and also eligible to vote, I have never voted PAP. The tone of my comments will tell you that. Simple as that!

How about you?

Anonymous said...

I think they are now making a mess of the hawking business and introducing new rules and regulations to make the food business the monopoly of NTUC foodfare and shaft the era of cheap hawker food down the throats of Sinkies.

This is another bullshit propaganda on the pretext of making hawker food more affordable with that 'heritage' cock and bull story to kill hawkers and let cronies run the food business monopoly.

What have they done to the taxi business but only making it more profitable for NTUC comfort. What have they done to the coffee shop business by tendering outlets and thereby forcing vendors to pay expensive rentals to crony conglomerates, which have in turn forced them to charge higher and higher prices. Now who is taking over the 'Kopi-Tiam' monopoly?

All the time they only talk about wages. The biggest factor causing expensive food at coffee shops and food courts are the rentals. Clear and simple.

Anonymous said...


At last GE it was 70%.

You think a lot of things will be different if it was only 50.5%?

What say you?

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 9.59

Trade off Security between Mat Land and Sinkieland???

Don't have the misconception that Sinkieland is safer than Matland.

In Sinkieland even the MRT So called Security Personnel said all people are not trained to handle molesters and other crimes.

We can onmy calI the SPF for help.By that time the molesters already goes Scott free.

In Melaka or even JB, school children everywhere were care free on the streets with what's propaganda of hype up crimes.

In Genting Resort, every ten feet you see a policeman, all able bodied.

You seldom see any patrol men in Sinkieland. Once in a awhile just stroll wayang wayang with tha Grassrots ball carriers.

MOT, with these street wise crime wise third world trashes, Sinkieland be Crime infested when the Economy goes bust

Anonymous said...

Of course votes count n that is the Only thing that speaks to the PeeM & Party Against People. If only 50.5% voted for them you can be sure:
1. They will apologise n pretend to repent n the One will even cry on national Tv.
2. Big "on the surface" cuts in salaries...another Committee formed for such a purpose.
3. No increase in GST n may even cut GST due to adverse global mkt situation.
4. No hike in tariffs, utilities, car park n education fees.
5. N suddenly HoJinx retired. GeIsea n Tummysick suddey have extra money for budget so no need for tax hikes.
6. You wont hear of 3rd Gen leeders like Redshirt anymore.
7. Hdb prices to young families 1st time buyer will be cut significantly.
8. Hawker rental with be taken over by NEA n rental will be cut.


LeeBRA-89 said...

@ Virgo49 October 25, 2018 12:49 pm
// ... every ten feet you see a policeman, all able bodied...//


Over there people dun play play bc the security guard no push over?

Here also no play play cos the guards are more than push over?

Later one finger touch go down the floor sell salted eggs liao jiatlat kena charged manslaughter for "using a finger in contact" with the (far from able bodied) 阿公 security guard?

Advente said...
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Advente said...

8 1:36 pm
Lying with a straight face, without blinking an eye-lid, has become the norm of the day, amongst the unconscionable pseudo politicians (part-timers whose main preoccupation are their own businesses, trades or vacations).

On election time, they say they represent you and take care of you. After getting elected, they actually represent the government, their own party, their big boss and most importantly their own personal agendas and selfish interests.

Their fake news become truths. Our truths become fake news. Then got the cheek to pass new laws to uphold their fake agendas under the pretext of online falsehood?

What about off-line falsehood? Those in prints spreading daily unceasingly, incessantly, relentlessly and persistently without an iota of shame?

Shamefulness and disgrace are words no more existent in their vocabulary? Morality and ethucal values are non-existent?

Such a state of affairs has been developed and evolved over long periods of unfettered absolute power due to the general apathy and unthinking behaviour of the daft sheeples who enjoys being screwed again and again, and still asking for more. Never enough.

For the "winners", greed for power and money is never enough; while for the "losers", stupidity is never enough!

The Eunuch Emperor and debauchery Empress Dowager can spit at their faces and shit in front of them, yet the daft sheeples will not feel any revulsion but still say, "Well done! More! More! We want MORE INSULTS TO OUR INTELLIGENCE, because we have none!"

This is what taking care is about:

You, the idiots, take care of them, the cunning. Not the other way round.

Water from the Johore River doesn't flow into the ocean but flows into some authority's bank account.

Charity is not to help the poor but to help the cunning to keep 90% for themselves.

The mere fact that they demand to be made instant Multi-Millionaires within a year means their minds are already corrupted, yet they tell you that it is to prevent them from becoming corrupt!

A lease for 99 years for the four walls of cheap, mass-produced, hollow bricks, in the air, after which the over-priced money you paid to "purchase" it simply becomes ZERO (all your hard-earned life-long savings dissipate into thin air at end of lease). And that is called ownership! What have you owned actually?

And the blood, sweat, tears and pain hard-earned life-long savings you so unquestionably left it in the CPF (Con People Fund) simply dissipate yearly through the cunning siphoning of "premiums" to the bank accounts of the dubious "insurance company" that pays out less than 9% and keeps the other 91% of your money, through "unconstitutionally forced buying" of the "highly unscrupulous and ruthless insurance schemers' schemes" that deplete and dry up whatever you have painstakingly saved.

By now, you should have waken up. But sad to say 69.9% did not!

So what else can you do or not do?
Suck thumb?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

The House of Temeggong got plenty money lah. They can afford to throw a few crumbs here and there to "help the needy" and continue being greedy, and look FABULOUS.

Chinese investors have pumped so much money into projects like Iskandar. Look up "Forest City" lah. Mind boggling project. Artificial islands...the works. Makes Singapore look 2nd rate.

Dunno whether the Chinese can make money or not, but you can bet the Temeggongs have taken a cut and more to come.

It's easy to be charitable when you're generating money, and also own the bank! 😜🤑

Anonymous said...

We don't believe politicians. Never! Ever!

Notice how in the end the politicians always end up richer and we end up poorer.

Anonymous said...

Sickies need to be fart jiatlat jiatlat in the end for their universe renowned daftness ... Enough said! Time will tell.

Advente said...

Sinkies are worse than sheeples. They are called sleepers and zippers. As far as politics is concerned, the women folks sleep and the men zipped up. One group just refuse to think and the other afraid to voice their opposition to unscrupulous schemes that steal away their blood money in broad daylight.