
Frank talks and evil schemes in Washington

"Trump praised U.S.-Australia ties on Friday.

The relationship we have with Australia is a terrific relationship and probably stronger now than ever before," Trump said in brief public remarks at the Oval Office ahead of his meeting with the Australian prime minister.

Turnbull told the news conference that he and Trump had agreed on new initiatives to deepen security and economic ties....."

Above is a comment reported by Reuters during the visit by Turnbull to Washington in Feb this year. The two leaders have agreed on a common stand to deal with China. The two countries have many similarities and common interests and both regard China as enemy Number One. They would like to congratulate each other for conquering and occupying native countries in Australia and North America and for terminating the natives to near extinction. And both would be sharing their European heritage, that they are white Europeans and they should work together against China. 

White blood is thicker than water, better than coloured Asian blood. They must have signed a blood pact, to be the rulers of Asia and Asians and would oppose China in every way they could, even to go to war. For starters the Australians would increase its incursions into the South China Sea. In the home front Australia would limit and restrict China's economic interest and trade with Australia. The latest attack is to prevent Huawei from entering the 5G mobile phone market.

Turnbull and Trump must be thinking that they have all the cards to play and the Chinese are hapless and would be pushed around and be beaten. Just wait for the Chinese to take counter measures. The time is near for China to stand up to these white supremacist and invaders and occupiers of foreign land and countries. And China has started to bash the Aussies. No political leaders would be allowed to visit China. China has stopped or cut down its imports of Aussie iron and other raw material. Being the biggest importer of Australian mineral resources, this stoppage has caused a big slum in the Aussie economy. Chinese tourism and students to Australia also went down drastically. Chinese buying of Australian properties also gone to zero causing a property crash. Australia went crying to the US, Japan, Europe and India to buy its products, but none of them could help as their appetite for such raw material are minimal. Even at greatly reduced prices, the Chinese refused to buy Australia.

Asians must be united against the neo invasion and domination of Asia and the rest of the world by the white men. It is time to stand up to the bullying of Asians. Not only Kim Jong Un has stood up, Duterte has stood up, Hun Sen has stood up, Aung San Suu Kyi has stood up, Assad has stood up, and of course Putin and Xi Jinping and many others in Asia, Africa and Latin America have stood up. The latest is Erdogan and his Turkey. Many countries in central Asia and Africa have shown their middle fingers to the Americans and the Europeans in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China.

The days of European Empires and dominance is numbered. They are fighting to cling on to the last few footholds but not for long. The rest of the world are not stupid, though some leaders are still beholden to the evil Americans, the little USAs. There is a new dawn rising.


Virgo49 said...

Thought Today's News Media reported that this Turn Bull had made a U-turn Bull Run or Shits to have Good Relations with China.

They just like the Dotard had been losing supports now at what's Middle Term.

The Democrats are making challenges in the Tussle and they are worried.

Too many screw ups and scandals.

The Whites are now on the decline for paying their sins of what they been sponging from the Rest of the World.

Anonymous said...

What's in the name of Turn Bull? The name speaks for itself.

That is why he is now chummy with the greatest bull-shitter on the planet!

Need I say more?

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The Aussies are running dogs of Uncle Sam. Australia chose to antagonise China by joining Uncle Sam in conducting provocative FON operations in the South China Sea. The Chinese will teach the Aussies a lesson. Trade, tourism and investment will be hit. The Chinese market will no longer open its door wide for products from Down Under. Chinese warships will make more frequent appearances off the coasts of Australia. The white racists still think China is weak and can be bullied. Gunboat diplomacy does not work and is counterproductive as far as China is concerned.

Whoever said...

New Zealand just declared the banning of sales of properties to foreigners, especially Chinese from China.

The next war, 4th World War, will be a Race War and the Final War.

The 3rd World War has already started - it is the War Of Terror and Intimidation.

President Putin knew that the US would come to this stage. That's why he has been preparing Russia militarily to be able to deal with NATO, in strategic partnership with China to deal with USA.

India and Pakistan May go either way. They are very unpredictable.

China MUST be ready to bear the full onslaught of the White Supremacists, comprising Australia, New Zealand, UK, Eropean Union and Israel, leaving North Korea to deal with Japan.

Brazil, Agentina, Chile, Venezuela and Mexico should gang up to deal with USA. But most of their people have White blood. So, this is not a definite reliabilty and outcome.

Anonymous said...

China was an advance country until civil wars and Mao era decimated its progress and allowed the West to pull far ahead in development in many fields. Talented people either left the country or were thrown into prison. Progress was therefore impossible under such a regime.

Now China is going ahead in R & D in defence technology, AI and renewable energy and other sectors. Russia's offer of land to China and others for growing soya beans has already started the West throwing spanners into the works, even before it even started. Have they not read the reports that China has been able to tame even infertile deserts and turn them into land suitable for planting trees and crops? They obviously are going all out to make sure the Russian/Chinese project fails, or the soya bean farmers in US are screwed for good.

Many are talking about the US/Russia cold war decades ago, which resulted in the bankruptcy of the former Soviet Union. And they think the present Chinese stand off and military spending to counter the US will also bankrupt China.

The much talked about bankruptcy of the former Soviet Union going against the USA in military spending decades ago, must be looked at in the context of the financial muscles of the two countries at that time. Then, the US was still the richest country in the world, with money to burn, while the former Soviet Union had a GDP just a fraction of the USA. Of course, going head to head with the USA during the cold war in military spending will bankrupt the Soviet Union. That is a no brainer.

China is not the former Soviet Union and the USA is not the rich gangster it once was. It is itself a bankrupt nation, propped up by the charity of other nations that still support the US dollar. Of course China should not follow the former Soviet Union, but just upgrade it military and naval capabilities sensibly, with more submarines equipped with nuclear arsenals for deterrence. That can provide a counter strike if all else is lost.

While China is helping countries with infrastructure developments, the West is now creating fear mongering that those countries will be indebted to China and be under their control.

What did the USA do to help develop those countries during their opulent days? Nothing but building weapons of destruction and occupying countries with military bases all over the world and creating trouble wherever they go. Much of the underdeveloped countries of the world are seeing the benefits of China's actions while realising that the USA is not out to help but destroy. Parts of Africa and South America are now moving fast economically with China's infrastructure development in those countries. The West is jealous and fearful of China's influence in those countries.

Hence the no holds barred attempts to put China down and out for good. Thankfully, Russia is not on the US side and N Korea is still a close ally.

b said...

USa vs CHina, who will benefit the most? Surely not the people. Stop falling into the trap of bankers ie The bankers have created communism aka another super power to rival usa long time ago and to get back at them for kicking them out in 1776. Pray hard for peace!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

Please feel free to hantam Australia's multi-hundred million dollar PM Malcolm Turnbull. (He used to be a venture capilatalist lawyer and made shitloads from tech startups, IPOs and propetry).

I used to like him when he was championing the Republic movement, but got cut off by monarchist PM at the time John Howard.

Aussies don't really like the guy, but like Singapore, there is no visible alternative presently, so we have to "tahan" Mal and his shakey coalition.

I find this captitualting and fawning to the USA's Washington den of thugs quite disgusting, among other things the Aust Federal Govt does. But...what to do? The Sheeple get the govt they deserve,and like all voting electorates in every cuntry, your basic taxpaying voter is SHEEPLE who invariably will VOTE AGAINST their own best long-term interest.

Fire away!

b said...

''Turnbull left the firm he co-founded in 1997 to become a managing director of Goldman Sachs Australia, eventually becoming a partner in Goldman Sachs and Co. ''

He is exbanker so he likes wars.

b said...

''The Sheeple get the govt they deserve''

- Votes counting are not transparent. At any stage it can be manipulated. IMO, most elections are manipulated.

Whoever said...

The sheep and goats cannot think for themselves, usually. They need a strong, compassionate and wise leader to guide and lead them. If the leader happens to be also the chief of a pack of wolves in white sheep skin, they are bound to be eaten alive six meals a day, till kingdom come.

Anonymous said...

Knn Rb, u are so right

Whoever said...

Reply to b:

@ August 16, 2018 10:03 am

" - Votes counting are not transparent. At any stage it can be manipulated. IMO, most elections are manipulated."

I fully agree with your opinion.

There are several ways Elections and Election Results can be manipulated. Especially when there are no independent international bodies to monitor the entire process of the Election.

The most crucial stage of any Election Process is the Conveyancing Stage, when the Ballot Boxes are being transferred from the Voting Centres to the Counting Centres. This is where low-ranking, ordinary people (possibly soldiers in plain-clothes or civil servants or party members/supporters) are deployed / employed to do the jobs. Can they be bribed, coerced, intimidated, or brain-washed? Nobody knows. But one think is for sure: They can be specially "hand-picked" and "supervised"!

So you form your own conclusions.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Zapper. Previous GE at our Void Decks, when we lined to cast our votes. To my horror, most of the Presiding or even clerical staff striking out our names and given ballot slips are from our RC members.

Tried to protest and ask for the Presiding Officer if this arrangement is prejudicial to the Oppostion Candidates.

Staff said not around and the Mata Matas approached with their six rounds Wembley shooter only for shooting squirrels on their palms ready to cuff you with whatsoever reasons to their advantage.

So, this unfairly advantage arrangement should be abolished. Also, all the ballot boxes should be accompanied by one representative from all the parties to the counting a

We should not have a Singapore Italian Job in our midst.

Now they toying with Electronic Voting. My God, no independent operators and parties to verify the process.

TCB and Singapore Harapan can wave byebye.


Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Turnbull acted like the crazy bull in a china shop. His hostile and belligerent rhetorics as well as actions are bound to ruffle Beijing's feathers. With China buying 30% of Aussies goods and services compared to only 15% by Uncle Sam, Turnbull should not bite the hand that feeds the Aussies. China believes in win-win relationship. Turnbull could not. Uncle Sam decides for him.

Whoever said...

Reply to Virgo49
@ August 16, 2018 12:46 pm

Electronic Voting Machines are dependent upon the software written to operate them.

Any software that is written for such "counting" machines can be easily "fixed". All the programmer needed to do is to put in a "string" to manipulate the "counting". E.g.

1. Count 80% of spoilt votes as valid votes in favour of incumbent.

2. Count ALL ambiguity as valid in favour of incumbent.

3. Count every opposition vote as 2/3 vote, and carry forward 1/3 to incumbent.

4. Count ALL pro-incumbent votes as 1.3 votes.

5. Consider 50% of Absent Voters as present and include them into votes in favour of incumbent.

6. Add 30% I'd voters who are already dead as valid votes in favour of incumbent.

Alternatively, the programmer can set up and fix the algorithm to generate a certain percentage of winning votes for the incumbent.

Such fixing has been going on in many countries using electronic voting machines. Nothing new.

If you are the owner of the machines, you are the controller of the outcome of the Voting results. Simple as that!

Mat Salah said...

USA is forming a Quad comprising Australia, Japan, India and herself to contain China in the Indo-Pacific region. Each member has to send warships to the South China Sea to provoke China.

Anonymous said...

Electronic voting is the final nail in the hands of the incumbent to be nailed into the coffin.

What they can put inside the voting machines is just left to the imagination.

Anonymous said...


6 rounds Wembley? Must be Old Fart's time? Mata no longer use those since 1980s.

Anonymous said...

The US, despite its decades-long status as global superpower and astronomical military budget, hypes up the threat of a foreign country — economic or otherwise — in an attempt to maintain its status as hegemon.

To do this, it employs scare tactics and strong-arm measures to force a conflict and destabilize its target before the latter has a chance to develop. Before long, the country has seen its growth halted and its industries stalled. “Problem” solved, and the US gets to stay at the top of the food chain.

This is the US playbook, no matter who’s in charge — finding an “enemy” and engaging in full-on assault, whether through military might or economic coercion such as tariffs and sanctions. As China has grown by leaps and bounds, especially in recent years, it was inevitable the US would turn its attention towards the middle kingdom.

Trump might even have lost the 2016 Presidential election if he didn't have China to point to as a scapegoat.

Whoever said...

One of Trump's aides (who has been fired) has spilt the beans about Trump to the Australian Ambassador to the USA who in turn reported the matter to Turnbull, who in turn reported the matter to FBI.

Trump is now trying very hard to cultivate Turnbull to his side. This is the underlying reason why Trump is so "buddy-buddy" with Turnbull.
Of course, he has to use another reason (China) to get close to Turnbull.

Anonymous said...

China's economy gonna crash & burn in the 2020s --- which is going to be China's Great Depression years due to massive mal-investments, mis-allocations of trillions of debt & capital, and stagnation of working-age people.

However, like the US in the 1930s, it will be a very VERY profitable time to go in BIG into China equities. Just need to suffer & hang on like hell through very volatile decades in the 2020s & 2030s as China recovers.

Anonymous said...

China's economy won't crash & burn. In fact, India's economy is more likely to crash & burn.

Today, the Indian rupee hit record low of 70.39 against the US dollar.

India's widening trade deficit is raising concerns of weakening macro conditions.

The Indian government is under tremendous pressure to reduce expenditure or raise taxes in addition to existing GST taxes.

Rising fiscal deficits at the state-level and a risk of populist spending ahead of the 2019 general elections is keeping markets on tenterhooks regarding possible fiscal slippage.

In other words, India is in the shit right now !

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

China is well-prepared for trade war with Uncle Sam. Her industrial capacity is more than double of Uncle Sam's: 8 trillion Vs 3 trillion. China is surely closing on Uncle Sam's hegemony through sheer economic power. This has struck fear in Uncle Sam. As China reshapes the old world order, Uncle Sam will no longer be Number One. China is recreating the Old Silk Route into something even bigger, a trade bloc which the world has never seen before. Uncle Sam's antics may slow down the Chinese Dragon but not kill it. The Chinese will recover faster than Uncle Sam once the trade war ends. The Chinese are used to hardship and will tighten their belts. Riots will break out in every Uncle Sam's city once its economy tanks. Trade war is a game for losers.

Anonymous said...

The US is actually very scared of a rising China.

Hillary Clinton has spoken in private of her fears her grandchildren could grow up in a world where China are the dominant superpower.

She said: 'I don't want my grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese.'

The revelation emerged during a wide-ranging series of interviews Barack Obama gave to The Atlantic, in which the President warned of the potential for a future 'conflict' with Beijing.

Anonymous said...

China has a new message for the U.S.: Don’t be alarmed, we’re not that great.

By President Trump’s account, China is an economic behemoth, out to destroy the United States.

In the last few years, he has compared China’s leaders to “grand-chess masters” and accused Beijing of “raping” the U.S. economy and committing the “greatest theft in the history of the world.” Last April, as the trade war with China was seemingly just ramping up, Trump tweeted that it was “lost many years ago.”

China has a different message: "We’re not that great. Really."

In the past several months, Beijing has urged its officials and party outlets to tamp down the swagger about China’s economic strength. Rather than behemoth, Beijing has begun to pitch itself as a humble helper, an aide to countries in need.

Editorials in the state-run People’s Daily cautioned against describing China’s accomplishments as “the world’s first” or “number one in the world.” This kind of braggadocio, writers argued, “could easily make people misunderstand or even misjudge” the country.

At a recent Washington reception, China’s U.S. Ambassador Cui Tian Kai said Beijing’s goal is to develop itself, not to compete with other nations. “China has no intention to challenge the international standing and interests of any other country or the existing international order and system,” he said.

“There is an effort to downplay any potential Chinese threat to the US,” said Bonnie S. Glaser, director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “There is a realization in China that they may have been playing into the hands of their critics in the West by displaying their ambition so openly,” he said.

China’s modesty harks back to the rhetoric deployed by many of the country’s past leaders. “Hide your strength, bide your time,” was one of former leader Deng Xiaoping’s most famous sayings, a guiding foreign-policy principle for decades.

After more than a century of hard work, China has returned to the center of the world stage. But such a large size, such a heavy thing, can’t be hidden by ‘being low key, just like an elephant can’t hide behind a sapling.

Trump Is Trash said...

War On Trump's Dirty War

More than 350 news outlets have launched a campaign to counter Dotard Trumpet's attacks on the free press.

The Boston Globe has called for a US-Wide Denouncement of the Trumpet's "DIRTY WAR" against the media. The hashtag to be used is #EnemyOfNone.

The unscrupulous Dotard Trumpet has belittled and attacked journalists and reporters as "ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE" and also persistently condemned media reports as "FAKE NEWS".

UN experts condemned the pussy-grabbing double-crossing Dirty Trumpet's attacks on the media and said that Trumpet's actions have encouraged and emboldened violence against journalists and reporters, and undermined the existence of the free press.

The Boston Globe had pledged to write an editorial "On The Dangers of the Administration's Assault On The Press" on 16 August, and asked others to do the same.

The initial positive response from 100 news organisations has grown to 350, with major US national newspapers and smaller local outlets answering the call, along with international publications like the UK newspaper, The Guardian.

Anonymous said...

On Sunday, 12 August, the publisher of the New York Times urged Trump to stop using the phrase "enemies of the people" after he launched a Twitter tirade against the media.

Trump's frequent attacks have drawn criticism from even those close to him and within his party.

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci condemned Trump's supporters at the Florida rally on Twitter, saying the behaviour was "not who we are".

Republican senator for Arizona Jeff Flake has compared Trump to the former USSR Dictator Joseph Stalin.

Slowly but surely, the tide within USA is turning against Trump. It is possible that he may not even go on to his second term.

Whoever said...

Tributes To Aretha Franklin - The Queen Of Soul

Aretha Franklin, known as the "Queen of Soul Music", passed on at the age of 76 in Detriot, USA.

The legendary Aretha Franklin was diagnosed with cancer in 2010 and announced last year she was retiring from music.

She had more than 20 US Chart Hits over a music career of seven decades.

She gave her final performance last November at a gala in New York held in aid of the Elton John Aids Foundation.

In a statement, her family said: "In one of the darkest moments of our lives, we are not able to find the appropriate words to express the pain in our heart.

"We have lost the matriarch and rock of our family. The love she had for her children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins knew no bounds."

The family confirmed her death was due to advanced pancreatic cancer of the neuroendocrine type.

Born in Memphis to a gospel singer/pianist and a celebrated Baptist preacher, Franklin was tutored from an early age by such gospel stars as Mahalia Jackson and Clara Ward.

She struggled to find fame in the early years, with record label Columbia unsure how to frame her impressively powerful voice.

Aretha Franklin's greatest hits:

1. Respect.
2. A Natural Woman.
3. Chain of Fools.
4. Think.
5. I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me).

A move to Atlantic Records in 1966 saw Franklin paired with the famed Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, prompting some of her most soulful and fieriest performances.

By 1968 she was renowned throughout America and Europe as "Lady Soul" - a symbol of black pride who appeared on the cover of Time and was given an award by Martin Luther King.

After an eye-catching cameo in cult comedy The Blues Brothers, she scored a number of big hits in the 1980s, including Who's Zooming Who? and the George Michael duet I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me).

She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W Bush in 2005, when she was saluted for "capturing the hearts of millions of Americans".

Ten years later she reduced President Barack Obama to tears when she sang (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman at a Kennedy Center Honours ceremony, having previously performed at his inauguration in Jan 2009.

I first watched her sang for President Obama and the First Lady at the White House. I was totally captivated by their power of her voice at her age of 73. She was just fantastic! There was something in her That I simply cannot find the proper words to describe. That was when I started to find out more about her and her songs. I will always remember her as long as I live.

Rest In Peace, Queen Of Soul!
One minute silence......

Anonymous said...

1.09am, interesting info but Knn what has this to do with RB posting on USA politics though it's related to USA? Posting at 1.09am, u can not sleep Is it and backside itchy? U asking to be sodomized is it? 😀 😰😓😂😥😢😨😅😂

Whoever said...

The Decadent US Society

The largest-ever probe of Catholic sex abuse in the US has just been exposed.

US priests 'abused thousands of children'

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury reported it has found that at least 301 priests sexually abused thousands of children in the State of Pennsylvania alone, over the past 70 years,

It also found that some abusers and those that covered up their crimes were later elevated to senior roles in the church and still in official capacity to influence remedial actions today.

The US leadership, from spiritual to political, has been ethically and morally decaying for the last 70 years, since the end of World War Two.

The decadence has now reached its zenith, with the election of a President Trump who has been well-known for grabbing pussies and committing adultery.

Anonymous said...

U.S. State Department on Thursday announced the creation of the Iran Action Group (IAG) to execute the administration's Iran strategy and pressure the country to change its behaviors.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the group will be responsible for directing, reviewing, and coordinating "all aspects of the State Department's Iran-related activity, and it will report directly to me."

Saying that Tehran has been engaged in "a torrent of violent and destabilizing behavior" against the United States and its allies for nearly 40 years, Pompeo said, "We are committed to a whole-of-government effort to change the Iranian regime's behavior."

The IAG will ensure that the Department of State remains closely synchronized with interagency partners, and lead U.S. diplomatic efforts to "galvanize international support for our efforts."

Brian Hook, the current director of Policy Planning in the State Department, will lead the group with the formal title of Special Representative for Iran.

Washington left the Iran nuke deal on May 8, saying it would re-impose sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the deal.

Pompeo, on May 21, rolled out U.S. new strategy on Iran, outlining 12-point requirements for Iran to change its behaviors.

The U.S. government on Aug. 7 re-imposed sanctions on Iran on non-energy areas, and will slap the remaining sanctions on Nov. 5 that concentrate on such areas as energy, shipping and ports.

For its part, Tehran has said that the U.S. side is unreliable and it will not talk with Washington.

Anonymous said...

South Korean President Moon has proposed to start a joint railway project with North Korea by the end of the year. The biggest challenge to the infrastructure project is the US, which wants to maintain economic sanctions on Pyongyang to force the country to give up its nuclear weapons.

The US imposed sanctions Wednesday on several foreign firms allegedly helping North Korea with illicit shipments of goods, in a bid to increase economic pressure on Pyongyang. Seoul is unlikely to be able to persuade Washington to change its strategy on North Korea. Although Moon has invited Washington to join the railway project by creating a Northeast Asian railroad community with six countries including the US, Washington is unlikely to unconditionally accept the olive branch Moon has extended.

Within the Northeast Asian railroad community, encompassing the US and six Northeast Asian countries including China and Russia, the US is expected to be the biggest obstacle to the infrastructure project. Both China and Russia are likely to approve South Korea's proposal to link railway networks in Northeast Asia with North Korea, because every country in the region will benefit from economic integration.

The question remaining is whether Seoul will abandon the US, a nation from outside the region, from the Northeast Asian railroad community. Many wonder how Seoul will respond if Washington decides to continue economic sanctions on North Korea and reject the railway plan.

Does South Korea have the courage to insist on its railway plan to bolster economic engagement with North Korea, in the face of pressure from the US?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Trump is the finest example of everything American. I hope he will serve a second term to show the world what the USA is all about, without any pretence.

Thanks Donald, for showing the true colours of the rogues and mafias of the USA.

Would the daft of the world come to their senses that this is the real Americans that they refused to acknowledge?

Virgo49 said...

Actually the Whites should not be worried of "THE YELLOW PERIL"

The Chinese since time immemorial have never been United. We have so many dialects, clans and sex, oops sects that never have been United. One trying to updo another. See who's is more superior. Never admitting even though they are dunces or traitors.

You have the Malays calling each other, Blow or Bro or Brooo.

The Indians Neh, oh Nehs.

The Chinese throughout the Universe are just too afraid of each other. Each fearing the other imagined Superiority and always thinking that the other party is going to ride ship shod over him and his family. Their inborn mentality Kill or be Killed.

Descendants from China where famines and hardships are everywhere. Each fighting for survivals. So already hardcore inborn characteristics till today their behaviors.

They are always suspicious of each other intentions and always have the notion that the other party's seemed good intentions had sinister motives behind.

You will never have Chinese been cordial with each other. When they do, it's mostly hypocritical foe the sake of diplomacy or some good returns. Seen your own kind called you, Bro or just simply smiled at you, rush to the nearest Lottery Booth and guarantee you be lucky.

Then we have those smelly prawns, bananas, Peranankan Chinese who felt ashamed to be grouped with the Mainheart land Chinese. Then the Traitors aplenty since the Emperors's time fighting for favours and honours.

That's why the Others knew about this weakness and can manipulate and divide the Chinese. Even our own does this so as to be in powers forever.

We are like the Shifting Sand, Never Ever be United with everyone thinking that they are Superior to the Other and Never will ever give way.

Most also dafts, easily manipulated by this weakness of the Fears of their own kind that even Bukit Batok, cough, cough can be won by an Indian.

Chinese are the most ambitious and Greedy Lots. So a little sugars, they can sell their Souls and everything. MONIES is the Most Important Commodity to them. And Everything besides that is FALSE.

So, the Whites and other coloured beans should not be afraid of the Yellow Peril for when even the World Ended, they will NEVER BE UNITED.

Sad, sad indeed.

Matilah must be rubbing his hands with glee for he is in the category of the Bananas or Anak Kans.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

You are full of imaginative theories.

Anyway, I'm doing ok. The immigrant experience is not new to many Asians as many quit their cuntries of birth to venture to foreign lands. The immigrant experience is also rarely without challenges, sacrifices and massive adjustments. But Asian immigrants in general do very well over the long term.

I'm definite not the only successful banana. There are MILLIONS like me with their own stories of international adventurism and eventual integration into another culture.

Anyway, continue with your theories. None of them hold any water, by the way. But nevermind, continue in your quest to remain the hero philosopher in your own fantasy. ,🤣😅

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all & 716

>> China's economy gonna crash & burn in the 2020s --- which is going to be China's Great Depression years due to massive mal-investments, mis-allocations of trillions of debt & capital, and stagnation of working-age people.

All markets crash and burn regularly, and often with regularity. No capitalism without crashes.

I have experienced no less than 6 recessions in Australia. These buggers won't win any global accolades for their "solid work ethic" 🤣 And to add to the threat of predictable disaster, they love to borrow and overspend. So they will borrow and spend like money is going out of style. 😂

Aussies love their "stuff". The Great Australian Dream: 4 bed 2 bath house with pool and garden, at least 2 cars, a boat, overseas vacations, 4 weeks minimum paid leave a year, up to 6 months full paid and bonused long-service leave after 7-10 years of service (Depending on the company. Aussie backpackers and tourists are well known "invaders" of other cuntries)

Aussies also love real estate. Exactly like Singaporeans. There is a thing called "negative gearing" in the Australian income-tax code. Basically it is a scheme where individuals can minimise their income tax by borrowing to purchase "investment properties".

And since "INCENTIVES WORK", real estate is a vibrant sector---bubbles are common, as are spectacular crashes. We have a very big "sure lose money" property bubble going on right now.

And we know what eventually happens , though no one can predict exactly WHEN the Final Act begins. (In tragedies---like Greek, Shakespeare et al, everyone DIES⚰︎⚰︎ in the final act 💀☠️👻

But real life is never a tragedy from cradle to grave. Everyone has misfortune, but there is RECOVERY.

So yeah. IMO China will experience a mother of all crashes because she is BIG, (and the misallocation of capital in a fucked-up banking system) because she plays at the "high stakes" table.

But that is ok. No cuntry is immune from epic failures---political, financial, cultural...you name it...it will FAIL at some point. And then...RECOVERY.

Crashes are also very necessary to keep the creaking and corrupted, but still very cool, capitalist system working. Bad debt---due to decisions made by humans---is the "froth" which needs to be cleaned out. That's what crashes do: the price (signal) system is "reset".

Anonymous said...

Matilah looks like you are very well versed in markets. You have knowledge of a top speculator. Do your trading n investing matched your observations?

b said...

Matilah must have bought a lot of usd when 1aud=1usd a few years back. Now he must be laughing all the way and very thankful to Trump.

Virgo49 said...

Aussies love Real Estates???

You must be kidding Matilah.

My daughter friends, those who ate too much kantang and married Aussies due to their unmarried status of having too many papers that turned off Sinkie males.All renting apartments or houses.

Also, my spouse ex Aussies Bosses in the MRT construction maintenance line were all renting their houses in Aussies Land.

My son ex Boss what's Sydney Herald Boss brought her RealEstate on Sentonsa and not in Aussieland.

That's why you have so many unsold Real Estates in AussLand.

See Sinkie Land ST the advtgs of their many houses for sale.

The main reasons the Aussies not buying their own properties are mainly they themselves cannot afford them. Unless those with farmland properties from their parents and been farmers for generations.

Most of them moved from place to place in their own country, also many bums on contract jobs even going outstations and hassles in buying and selling their properties.

But the main reasons are that they are promiscuous. Aussies just like the Rest of the Whites and like this Dotard Trump divorces like changing underwears.

Even at age 70, they will fire away and have an infant. Very irresponsible unlike Asians who planned for their offsprings that they are not too old to support their upbringing.

That's why they have to work to their graves for food as they penniless most of their lives.

Another reason is their frequent bush fires.Here today and gone tomorrow. So just rent.

Chow AngMohs simply don't bother of their children's livelihood.
They would not leave any legacy for their children or maybe they have headaches losingcount of how many children they have in their life of extistence.

So dont have to much high regards and in awe of the Aussies.

So chinkee women, don't think you have cosy lives with these Aussies.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 417

No, I'm a fucking lousy trader. I always lose money. I've blown up TWICE already. Sudah lah!

I prefer to put my dough into small, easy to rent apartments in metropolitan "working class" areas---which were very cheap in Australia back in the 1980s. I love them. Not fancy, but they are cheap to maintain/ manage and cash flow is STEADY, even in recessions or deleveraging periods. I like "steady"..

You can get 6-8% yield, If you do AirBNB or My-Short-Stay properly, with some luck you can get 20-25% yield. (yeah, no shit ~25% return!!). My ex bought 3 units which she converted for rental at My Short Stay. 90-100% booked until Feb 2019. If rent out: $400-500 per week. If do short stay: $150-$200 per night. 🤑🤑

"Steady" can be very good.

I have no appetite for risking captial, which is why my emotions always fuck me up when trading. I always think I worked damn fucking hard for my money (which is the only way you make some in Aust)...so I go nuts when I burn cash. They say good traders blow up a few times, learning from those expensive errors. Well, fuck that shit. I've blown up twice, enough pain already lah!

If you trade, you must be able to accept large drawdowns and continue in a steady disciplined fashion, learning from your mistakes. Maybe go over your methods: how you create hypotheses, how you position-size, volatility (long or short??), correctly valuing risk and money management, do simple modelling in Excel...(I like the quant stuff) and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: CONTROL what goes on in that 1.3 kg of wet, squishy biochemistry between your ears ---ensuring that it is not "behaving like a drunk monkey" and fucking up your judgement. Eventually, for me, it does.

Except for 30 yr old blue chips, bonds and gold ETFs in my superannuation (retirement account---very super-conservative), I liquidated all trade positions in late 2006 (didn't get walloped by the GFC! But I didn't make much either...a little more than bank interest ) and haven't been back "in the cyber trading pits" (casinos) since.

That said, there are some EXCELLENT traders in Singapore. I've observed that "Trend following" seems to be very popular in our fair city.

Whilst I have a reasonable---"slightly better than the average working stiff's"---grasp on financial markets...and having read von Mises and others from The Austrian Economics School for over a decade, I have realized that:

"A man's got to know his limitations"

I suck as a trader. But that's ok.

@ b

No lah. I bought some gold at $1500+ 6 years ago. Today's price: ~$1700. Loss ~25%.

@ Virgo

Aiyah uncle, kaninah...please lah. I've lived here 40+ years. I started in real estate as a salesman---one of my first jobs in Aust., where I learned all the "tricks" of The Game.

Lots of Aussies are horrible financial managers. So they PAY RENT throughout their lives---to other Aussies who use the AUSTRALIAN TAX SYSTEM to build up their real estate over time. It is the most consistent game in this cuntry, which is why Australian property goes thru so many bubbles.

When earnings are high, tax liabilities are high. However, the Australian Tax System has mechanisms like "negative gearing" designed to offset your tax bill through property "investment".

That's why when there's lots of money (from commodities) in the Australian economy, there's lots of credit going to property---credit used to offset one's tax laibility.

Hahaha...you seem to think all Aussie ang mohs are one singular set of evil characteristics crafted by your delussional invention. You are mental mate!

Humans come in all sorts of sizes, colours and personalities. Not everyone in the real world conforms to the view you experience through your bigoted filters. 😂

Anonymous said...

War On Trump - Another Front Opens

A dozen former US intelligence leaders have backed ex-CIA chief John Brennan after his security clearance was revoked by President Donald Trump.

The former CIA and national intelligence bosses called the vengeful Trump's move "an attempt to stifle free speech" in a joint statement on Thursday.

Pussy-grabbing Trump is keen to strip other high-ranking officials of access to classified information, US media say.

The nine people currently on a review list have all criticised the vindictive Trump.

Many have also been involved in the investigation into whether anyone on the Trump 2016 Election Campaign colluded with Russia to fix the Election results.

Brennan has been involved in a war of words with Trump over the Trump-Russia investigation.

Anonymous said...

This is democracy evolving into undemocratic rule to stifle truth and freedom of speech.

How much different is this from dictatorship or communism?

If Trump gets his way out of this, the whole world is fucked, not only the Americans!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

That said, there are some EXCELLENT traders in Singapore. I've observed that "Trend following" seems to be very popular in our fair city.

Whilst I have a reasonable---"slightly better than the average working stiff's"---grasp on financial markets...and having read von Mises and others from The Austrian Economics School for over a decade, I have realized that: Matilah

This is still the presumption of many traders and so called analysts. The reality today still escapes them, almost everyone of them. The stock market is a totally different animal, you may called it Dodo. For that is where it is heading.

With high speed computer and algo trading, all trading theories are obsolete, irrelevant. Period. Go and understand the principles of hi speed trading and algo trading and you will know that they made nonsense of all trading theories. They are the nemesis of stock markets. They will destroy all the stock markets as their trading principles are contrary to the well being and the reasons for the existence of stock markets.

The fools running the stock markets all over the world are still in a state of denial or do not know what is happening. The analysts and fund managers are like ostriches.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

HFT is a controversial topic. The more subdued Algorithmic trading systems are part of day to day life... well established already.

My point has always been that like them or hate them, they're not going away. When there's money to be made, rest assured humans will develop creative ways to "win" the game or to "game" the game. Govts and regulators are always late to the party. The party usually crashes before anyone decides on "safety measures".

Protect investors? Gimme a break lah. Investors are THE LAST to be protected. Just look at the crashes since the 1700s lah. Investors ALWAYS get slaughtered. "To Big To Fail" gets out not only unscathed, but often with enormous profits, whilst the rest of us bleed to death. Nothing new. This shit has been going on since the first asset markets appeared hundreds of years ago.

There's nothing new in the psychology of human market participants. In fact, the machines are designed to be "perfect versions" of humans, basically using pattern identification and very fast crunching and interpretation of statistics.

If you think of the old days, buggers would plot daily price action on graph paper. You'd have in your arsenal very long rulers to draw long trend lines, support, resistance etc.

Fast forward decades later and we have machines that can do thousands of tickers at a time, all sorts of complicated math like volatility and correlation, then display the results instantly, you speed up the decision making process. You also speed up the errors, and their impact.

Since algorithms behave in similar ways, when the trend goes bear, ALL THE ALGOS are triggered to sell sell sell... all at once, in nanoseconds.

Got buyers? Of course not! Everyone running away at the same time! 😝😜

Mati lah! Limit down. Suspend trading. (lagi worse)

Yeah, markets are nuts. But they've always been that way lah. Only now it's several orders of magnitude FASTER.

Plus we have insane leverage. And insane derivatives which have bullshit risk profiles. (Lehman Minibonds, "safe" top tier tranches of MBS, CDS etc..."derivatives of derivatives"---lots of leverage there)

You're quite right: can't trust this shit anymore. Insanity + Greed + Risky behaviour.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

HFT is a controversial topic. The more subdued Algorithmic trading systems are part of day to day life... well established already. - Matilah

This is a typical angmoh tua kee attitude. Anything the angmohs said and do must be right, just go with it, established already.

The mini bonds were once established and went bonkers and became leprosy.

The derivatives, high speed trading and algo are established but would go the way of the minibonds and one day would be criminalised.

The stock market in principle is to provide a fair platform for all, no unfair advantage, eg no insider trading, no making false market, no buy and sell to oneself etc etc. Hi speed trading and algo broke all these regulations. This is like the Americans can have all the nuclear weapons, established. N Korean or Iran or other smaller countries not allowed. This is the unwritten law.

What is established based on unfair practices and cheating is criminal and will be criminal when the time is ripe.