
Would Singapore be renamed Syonan To?

Below are a few paragraph from Tan Wah Piow in London on the naming of a new Singapore War Museum.

‘I was about to release a photo essay on my visit to the London Imperial War Museum on Sunday when I saw the  news about a Singapore museum to be launched on Wednesday.  I was shocked.

Who in his or her right mind would name a museum in Singapore, Syonan? Syonan-To is the name given to Singapore by the Japanese invaders during the War World II.

It is even more bizarre to time the opening of the Syonan Gallery on the day Japan conquered Singapore. To complete the joke, the Singapore government might as well invite the lunatic fringe of the Japanese ultra-right to officiate the opening of the museum.

The decision with the name, and the timing is an affront to the memory of the 50,000 Singaporeans who were executed by the Japanese, the majority of whom were from the 600,000 Chinese communities....’

The insensitivity in using Syonan with ‘affection’ for this war museum is totally unacceptable. I am equally dumbfounded. OK Yaacob Ibrahim in reply to public outcry said this was not the intention. How on earth could a name like Syonan, Syonan To that is a reminder of the massacres of 50,000 Chinese during the Japanese Occupation be resurrected in bold letters in Singapore soil as the name of a War Museum? Maybe this is the second best name. Did they ever consider naming it Yasukuni Museum or Kempeitai Museum to get better impact of the atrocities of the Japanese Occupation?

No one objected to this naming? Sure they did but why continued with it despite the controversial nature of this name? Is there no other option? How about doing the favourite like calling the Singaporeans to give it a name? Or try the second favourite, pay half a million to a foreign consultancy to come out with a better name like Marina Bay? Would a simple name like the Singapore War Museum or WW2 War Museum do?

 The painful memories of the barbaric Japanese crimes committed on our soil are etched deeply in the heads of a disappearing ageing population? Some of the oldies are generous and would forgive the cruel Japanese for their war crimes against out forefathers. But it is something that cannot be forgotten. Some would not want to forget knowing that the barbaric Japanese are unrepentant and trying to whitewash their evil deeds committed during the invasion and claiming they were doing good or did not happen at all. How to forgive and forget when the evil perpetrators did not want to admit their guilt?

Tan Wah Piow has a good suggestion, invite Abe to officiate the Opening of the museum and the Japanese community here and in Japan would be most happy to participate.  We would get a lot of Japanese tourists and Japanese money. Abe would book the first flight here and cancel all his other official appointments just to witness the resurrection of Syonan To, the jewel of Imperial Japan’s invasion of South East Asia. They would love to see what their Syonan To would look like if they have won the war, their prized war loot.

Seriously, is this a name that Singaporeans should be proud of, to be associated with a national monument? Syonan To is the darkest chapter of Singapore’s history. This name should not be glorified in any form but stayed in ignominy. There is nothing glorious or cute in this name. It must be spoken with contempt and not be on the lips of tourist guides and advertising material to be spoken as if it is just another tourist attraction.

Running out of ideas even in choosing a decent name for a national monument? How about getting a foreign talent for a better suggestion?


Anonymous said...

//Who in his or her right mind would name a museum in Singapore, Syonan? Syonan-To is the name given to Singapore by the Japanese invaders during the War World II.//

This naming of War museum by Minion ster Yacult is totally unacceptable & insensitive to the Chinese Community..how would the Muslims feel if the Chinese or other races were to build a Terror or Terrorists Museum, or a Tamil-tiger Museums. The naming of this Sinkies WWII museum only mean 1 thing -- to appease the Japs so that they will invest more in Sinkies..the Japs will be happy to call Sinkies as Syonatonian & called us 'Pakiaro' & the Chinese with call damn '他妈的!' or 'Fxxx yeah!".

Anonymous said...

We have least 2 very important people working with the japaness invading force during the war. If the name Syonan is not choosen to reflect this, how are we going to let future generations going to remember their achievements.

Anonymous said...

Future generations will damn these 2 fellows as " Fxxx-kia-ro"...

Anonymous said...

We should have continued being part of Japan. By now Sinkies lives will be much better off as Japs than as Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

Based on the principle: south china sea islands are not belonged to China as international laws supported by sinkieland, sinkieland was never returned to UK. Japan should still has a claim on sinkieland. Japan is the last owner of sinkieland. It is called syonan. This is the international laws you sinkies fools must follow. Your master is Abe san, not along.

Anonymous said...

If Japan offers citizenship as syonan and can live in Japan, i will exchange for it. I do not want kids having NS and no jobs or low salary in syonan and branded them as sinkie*lan. All sinkielan are foolish to vote for someone who give income to foreigners to depress salary and increase prices especially state own flats prices. Foods and water will be as high as syonan time. Only slaves will want this kind of lives called citzenship.

Anonymous said...

Rb //Maybe this is the second best name. Did they ever consider naming it Yasukuni Museum or Kempeitai Museum.....//


Before the "Terrex incident", mb hypothetically speaking, the idea of "pulling the whiskers of the dragon or poking its eyes were considered"?

Perhaps, before the "Terror incident", the "1st choice" (of name) was "Manchu-To Museum" .......?

patriot said...

Syonan To is memory in a museum.

From the Looks of events
and omens, Sin shall be history soon and be in a museum in Cyberspace.

Remember the So-called Founding Father or the First
Prime Minister Of Sin and one of his President were Japanese Collaborators during the Japanese Occupation of Syonan To.


Anonymous said...

..wat happen 1 day the Japs go to international court & sue the the ruling party Papies that Sinkieland belong to the Japs...generations down the road, many new immigrants will be from China convert to new citizens, wat happen the Japs claim back Syonan To, there may be chaos or revolution by some 'Maoist' party to take over gahnen?...a sign of Sinkieland fall on foreigners hand in the near future is possible..

Anonymous said...

/// Would a simple name like the Singapore War Museum or WW2 War Museum do? ///

How can Millionaire Yak-Cock choose such an obvious name?
Too simple.
Must mental masturbate to come up with a name that can justify the million dollar salary.

After a prolonged period of mental masturbation in their ivory tower, they finally ejaculated the name "Syonan To"

PAP's Singapore - the Global Hub of Mental Masturbation.
Just when you thought it cannot get any more incompetent ... they prove you wrong.

Anonymous said...

This naming of the War Museum as Syonan Museum has deep connotations. To the Japanese collaborators and those who have somehow benefitted a lot from Japanese occupation it brings sweet memories. These Japanese beneficiaries still have love and deep affection for their beloved Japanese colonial masters and thus they have strong attachment to Japan.They totally have no concern for hurting the feelings and the trauma of the hundreds of thousands of those Singaporeans whose loved ones were tortured to death and others suffered tremendously at the hands of the savage marauding Japanese invaders. To this group Syonan brings back sll the traumas and deep seated hatreds of the Japanese. All the pro syonan people care is for their own interest. They go to the extend of rationalising the irrational. To them syonan means " Light of the South." Then why can't they just name the museum as Southernglory Museum since the word light can mean glory to the Asians.

Those who insist on naming the war museum as "Syonan Museum" will be cursed for generations to come. Let's hope commonsense will prevail and who ever is in charge will not spite the interest and concern of the people just to please the petty ego of the power that be.

Eagles Eyes and concerned patriot

Virgo49 said...

Hi Patriot, this is in memory of the traitous many who collaborated with the Japanese to kill and maimed their own kind.

Those hooded men who translated for them naming their own personal grudge enemies for their self Interests.

Why so many so rich after the war????

But anyway, their future generations have to pay for their sins.

southernglory1 said...

Singapore is now a deeply divided society. The cauldron is boiling deep below. Why bring back the spectacle of Japanese war atrocities to haunt the people and hurt their feelings. Let sanity prevail and stop using the name Syonan for the museum less there will be horrible backdash.

Anti stupidity

Anonymous said...

Naming the Museum Syonan is akin to closing Nantah. It would evoke the same sentiments and worse.

southernglory1 said...

The government must take heed of the people's feelings and stop using Syonan for the War Museum.Do not be overcomplacent and treat the people as fools. Learn a lesson from US internal politics and find out why the Americans junked the establishment of crooks and scoundrels and put Trump in power.

Save Singapore before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

Based on current trajectory, Japenise is on course to becum the "5th" (official) language?

Also "peesai" becuming 5th (un)official island of NihonGuo after Honshu, Shikoku, Kyusu, Hokkaido?

And oso a new 5th official race in "peesai"?

A truly multi-cultural, multi-national sin city?

To the "chagrin of Xi Da Da"?

Will there be more "backlash" ......?

Anonymous said...

Mb the middle finger Monkey Pic is meant for many parties ......?

Xi Da Da ...... no offence pls ........?

Din mean u .......?

Anonymous said...

"Why so many so rich after the war????
But anyway, their future generations have to pay for their sins."

They are rich could be their killer instinct nature.
Majority are nice, they obey and do NS. Why are they not rich?
They lack the instinct to go for money and step on others. This is the new theory which is more believable if u want to be rich.

U are obedient, do as a good citizen. That does not mean u are good. If you ask for it: the answer is "u have a sense of entitlement". example: u are not traitor, when u asked for jobs, the state leaders will tell u not being traitor was your duties. Asking someone to hire u because u are citizen is a sense of entitlement. U are not entitled to anything from state or from protecting your so called state.

U want to be rich, u know what to do when there is opportunity.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Sinkie's PeeAyam Peesai & Jinx always like to visit Nihon for the past few years in Dec vacation, maybe they wan to turn this place into a sub-sub province of Nihon --so they named it Syonan To to commemorate the coming of Japs rule in the near future...dun no is Peesai is reincarnation of the Japs kempaitai being reborn into the old fart family as a son so as to take revenge on the Sinkies (see peesai is more pro-foreigners as many jobs were taken away & become jobless is akin a silence genocide, peesai past lives could be a Japs being killed in WWII probably by the then Sinkie Hero Lim Bo sEng /or his squadron, a kinda of karmic effect in Sinkieland..else somebolee would be strike by a tree liao...

Virgo49 said...

Many M/fuckers staying outside Sinking land opened fire from their hips commenting that it is just a name only. Why so hoo has???

They are just waiting for sinking land to sink that to cfn that they are right in been out of sinking land before their demise.

Another lament what fuxkung entitlement mentality!

If you belong to a country and does not have the priority to be first in your country's benefits of entitlements then what the fuck you are called a citizen for???

These m/fuckers are worse than the first generation traitors.

Many are just trashes newly minted Sinkies who want to tell you to give way to them.

Anonymous said...

//Singaporeans are spoilt with benefits and entitlements , to the point where they are "not satisfied" and put out their shameless hand for more and more. //

U r insulting those cardboards collectors, disabled, elderly tissue sellers ..who r doing things to save the environment & reducing healthcare costs thru exercising..even millions ster miws took their hat off them ..these r the most respected 'warriors' that the miws would keep 'cos there r ranked the top even overtaken by Syonanto they will still alive..

Anonymous said...

Rb //Is there no other option? //

During 2016 yr end holidays, holidaying in Nihonguo was fantastic?

The food damn good?

Even their public toilets much better than even those in 6 stars hotels'.........?

Look east (to the land of the sun) is the way to go?

Hai Ya Koo .......?

Anonymous said...

Titled"Would Spore be renamed Syonan To?"

Answer: Yes...double confirm....
Why? The coming erecting of Founders Memorial Hall to commemorate the old fart, prata man & pioneers, is to remember how glorious these people did to Sinkies..in Year xxxx Sinkieland will be filled with new citizens majority from China Chinese. One way to subdue these people is their Leeders or people r equivalent of Synonan or Japs Imperialism. New citizens Chinese will be disgusted to form new party to take over & overule the ruling white party & form a new SyonanTo ..probably rename as Cheena-pinoy-indo-pore ( a new confederation to rule Sinkieland in Yr xxxx)

Anonymous said...

Rb //Seriously, is this a name that Singaporeans should be proud of ......//

With the remake of the Chinese/ Japenise gdn and Changi airport, Wa-Ta-Shi guess throw in the remake with some naming of monuments in Jap name is the ultimate topping?

Time to have a naming contest to rename Chinese Gdn?

Maybe should engage a foreign talent to rename Chinatown oso?

Since there are many pubs and concentration of eateries in some parts of orchard rd, why not name that stretch "JapanTown"?

Also create a Japan Park in west coast area since there is concentration of Japs residing there?

Sim city has Little India (S'goon), Little Thailand (Golden Mile), Little Mya Mya (Peninsula), Little Pinoy (Lucky Playza) ........ why not Little Syonan To or Little Japan?

Anonymous said...

Singapre Chinese Chamber of Commerce should speak up publicly against it.

Anonymous said...

Since the "new water fall" in Changi Jewel hasn't been named yet, how abt call it "Sakura Fall"?

Anonymous said...

Singapre Chinese Chamber of Commerce should speak up publicly against it.
February 16, 2017 12:49 pm

Too busy making money lah.

Anonymous said...

How to speak up?

Ah Na Ta dunno what in their mouths?

This is Yr of xxxx?

Anonymous said...

The Mental Masturbation
" Minister Tan Chuan Jin also said that there is not enough women representation in corporation and that Singapore is “doing worse” than neighbouring countries: "

The Reality
PAP government does not seem to be able to create enough jobs for Singaporeans. Resulting in rising unemployment among Singaporeans.


Anonymous said...

Rb //We would get a lot of Japanese tourists and Japanese money. //


Mb the nearby mrt oso named "Syonan Station"......?

Like that the Jap tourists will be more at HOME and feel more homely?

Anonymous said...

The Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations


SFCCA, highest moral authority in the SG Chinese community.We are counting on you to speak up for us.

To 名誉会长 黄祖耀 会长 蔡天宝 sirs

Anonymous said...

In the yr of xxxx

The mouth full of xxxx?

How to speak up except talk more xxx?

Anonymous said...

AnonymousFebruary 16, 2017 10:51 am
//Naming the Museum Syonan is akin to closing Nantah.//

Is "Ar-Neh-Ta" suggesting change NTU to STU"?

"Syonan Technological University"?

Hai Ya Koo link up with Tokyo Uni offer courses in Jap?

Bring in more Jap Lecturers?

Replace the (half past 6) China PhD-infested NTU with 1st rate Jap professors?

Anonymous said...

"They are just waiting for sinking land to sink that to cfn that they are right in been out of sinking land before their demise."

U r right. The Mai Hua Kong Wey that lost lots of seats in M/election has this golden attitude. Sinkies like to hire them. Peeorang like to give them PR or citizenship.

When sinkieland falls, i can guarantee they are waiting to watch. Some PR refused to let their babies born in sinkieland to avoid NS. They are scared to see their sons fighting with their own state s army. This is real. Only sinkies and peeorang are so foolish treating these anti sinkies PR working here or converted citizens like kakinan.

When war break out, NS men real sinkies are the in most difficult position: inner 5th column, outside enemies knowing sinkieland upside down. Those pledge loyalty to sinkieland and born here are the most pitiful of all. Being led with so many foreigners can turn against them inside sinkieland. NS men always think they can be loyal. They never knew someones are playing them out in war time.

Anonymous said...

So NUS becomes National University of Syonan?

Anonymous said...

National flower no more orchid le?

Change to sakura?

Anonymous said...

Speak mandarin change to speak japanise (campaign)?

Anonymous said...

Rb //Would Singapore be renamed Syonan To?//


U in MBFC wkg near RP?

In case "Ah-neh-Ta" still wondering, mb can go Arcake $$$ changer shops (in RP) chk "banana note" exchange rate ......?

Anonymous said...


The Madness Of Singapore

Just the numerous names alone, suggest that Singapore has had a very colorful timeline and a tint of madness of her own right.

In chronological order, the various names of Singapore are as follows:

1. Before the 2nd century - Sabana.

2. 3rd-century - Pu Luo Chung (Pulau Ujong).

3. 4th to 12th century - Singapore was controlled by different kingdoms in Asia - Mongolian-China, Islamic-India, Buddhist-Siam, Hindu-Indonesia - under different names.

4. 12th century - Sach Ma Tich, Vietnamese records.

5. 13th century - Longyamen (龍牙門, Dragon's Teeth Gate) from Mongolian records.

6. 14th century - Danmaxi (單馬錫) from Chinese records.

7. 15th century - Temasek (淡馬錫) also from Chinese records.

8. 16th century - Temasek , controlled by the Sultanate of Johore.

9. 1819 onward, Singapore was known as Singapura, referred to by Stamford Raffles and the East India Company.

10. 1942 to 1945 - invaded, molested, humiliated, devastated and occupied by the Atrocious, Brutal, Cruel, Deadly and Extremely Sadistic Japanese Imperial Army, Singapore was referred to as Syonan-To by the Japanese Imperial Palace and Japanese Occupation Forces Headquarters in Singapore, Malaya, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.

11. 12 August, 1945 - after the Japanese surrendered unconditionally, Singapore was called Singapore by the Returned Demoralized British Administration and Defeated, Dejected and Rejected British Military Forces.

12. 1963 to 1965 - Singapore became part of Malaysia, and was known as Singapura.

13. 9 August, 1965 - Singapore was declared an independent state under the name Socialist Republic of Singapore, and one year later the word "Socialist" was dropped for unknown reasons.

14. Today, some bloggers and local commentators like to refer to Singapore as Sinkie-Land because of the madness of 70% of her population who possibly/probably have a daft, cowardly, selfish, kia-si, kia-su, kia-toh, kay-poh, kay-kiang, kay-si mentality due to long years of submissive and subservient behaviors. These people are commonly referred to as Sinkies in the local cyberspace. (For those who feel offended, go look at yourself in the toilet mirror and knock your head on the toilet wall and wake up your idea!)

Virgo49 said...

Hi Eagle Eye,

Better option put face into Toilet Bowls and Flushed


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I still got a few pieces of banana currency notes for keepsake.

Anonymous said...

SFCCA, highest moral authority in the SG Chinese community.We are counting on you to speak up for us.
To 名誉会长 黄祖耀 会长 蔡天宝 sirs

February 16, 2017 1:16 pm

Don't disturb lah.
Too busy making money lah.
There is no money to be made over this museum issue lah.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Singapore's leadership is being run by tired old men;
too scared to try new things;
desperately clinging onto LKY's Hard Truths;
without new New Truths to offer for the Future ...

Isn't it time for a new government?

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB,

After Japan merged with Japan, your banana leaf currency notes can fetch millions of YEN.

Good Luck

Bow to the new Emperor.

Majullah Jepen

Anonymous said...


The Madness of Japan and The Japanese Political and Imperial Leadership

These were part of the last Words of General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the Japanese Commander-in-Chief who was responsible for the slaughters, massacres, tortures, rapes, merciless abuses and uncountable horrendous inhuman acts of monstrous proportions indescribable by words; only true feelings and real experiences can understand.

We soldiers had great difficulties in securing the necessary materials to fight and to make up for the lack of scientific knowledge. We tried to fight against the superior forces of the United States and to win the war by throwing away the priceless lives of our nation as substitutes for bullets and bombs. Various methods of horrendous suicide attack were invented. We exposed our pilots to danger by stripping vital equipment from the planes in order to just slightly improve their mobility. This shows how little knowledge we had for conducting war. We made the greatest mistake -- unprecedented in world history -- by trying to make up for the lack of materials and scientific knowledge with human bodies.

My present state of mind is quite different from that at the time of surrender. In the car on the way to Baguio from Kiangan, Mr. Robert MacMillan, a journalist of the magazine Youth asked, what I thought was the fundamental reason for Japan's defeat. Something suppressed for a long time in my sub-consciousness suddenly burst out and I instantly responded "science," before referring to other important issues. This was because my long-lasting frustration and intense anger were loosened all at once when the war was over.

I am not saying that this is the only reason, but it was clearly one important reason for Japan's defeat. If there will be another war somewhere in the world (although I hope there won't be), it is expected end in a short time through the use of horrific scientific weapons. The foolish methods of war that Japan adopted will be regarded as the illusions of an idiot. Human beings throughout the world, I presume, will make efforts to prevent such a terrible war -- not just the Japanese who thoroughly endured the horror of this war. This is the task that is given to humanity.

The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were horrendous weapons. Never before have so many people been killed instantly in the long history of slaughtering human beings. As I have been in prison, I have not had enough time to study the A-bomb, but I think that no weapon will be invented to defend against atomic weapons. It used to be said that it would always be possible to fight against a new method of attack. This is still true. If there is any method to defend against atomic bombs -- the weapon that has made obsolete all past warfare -- it would simply be to create nations all over the world that would never contemplate the use of such weapons.

Yamashita's last words were extremely long. I have only extracted the above portion to highlight the madness of Japan's and USA's leadership who have no qualms of inflicting inexpressible atrocities upon fellow human beings for selfish reasons.

Even today, the madness of Japan and USA continues ......

b said...

USA is ok. They just policing and collecting protection money e.g. 2% of GDP. PAP spent more than 3% on defence lah. Better to outsource to USA. Can prevent parents lost their sons tragic events from happening. Those costs are enormous and painful.

I think the museum should be called barbaric jap syonan museum (ie. BJS museum in short). Any citizen not happy should write a justification.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense?

Even whole ah-si-ang merged oso only 2+ trillion?

Syonan To merged with her motherland economic size instantly about 6 trillion?

Hai Ya Koo?

Sun + Moon + Stars = 明星

b said...

Btw, is yen backed by gold of some other precious metal? Its a currency worse than petrol backed usd.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yamashita was a typical Japanese animal who did not see anything wrong with their war of aggression and did not care a bit about the millions that were killed by the Japanese. All he could think of was the death of Japanese by the two A bombs. What he would like to have were the Atomic bombs to conduct war and win. He was a very frustrated man for losing the war due to the two bombs.

He deserved to be hanged upside and dried under the sun and suffer the pains of his victims ten folds or hundred folds.

Anonymous said...

Virgo49February 16, 2017 4:39 pm
///Mr RB,

After Japan merged with Japan, your banana leaf currency notes can fetch millions of YEN.

Good Luck

Bow to the new Emperor.

Majullah Jepen///

The new name:?

"Greater United Motherland & Syonan To Co-Prosperity Kingdom"?

Due to comfort women, many sinkies might have Jap blood flowing in their boLEEs but dunno?

What war couldnt achieve, now geo-politics realities make every sense?

Anonymous said...

He deserved to be hanged upside and dried under the sun and suffer the pains of his victims ten folds or hundred folds.
February 16, 2017 5:07 pm

Is it better to be a Japanese translator than it is to be a Japanese?
A Japanese translator is loved by millions.

Anonymous said...

/// And there we are, full circle. It’s all about maintaining a peasant class for the privileged. How else will they enjoy a liberal lifestyle? ///


Anonymous said...


The Madness in the Political Leadership of Singapore Part 1

The TWO TOP TRAITORS of Singapore and Singaporeans dared not even mention the word Syonan-To or Syonan verbally (except in their memoirs) when they were alive. They knew better not to cross the line that infuriate and arouse the wrath, hatred, resentment, indignation and exasperation of millions of people who have suffered under the atrocious, brutal, cruel, deadly, extremely sadistic and monstrously inhuman Japanese Imperial Army.

Today, an idiotic Western-Oriented-Descendant, born-with-golden-spoon-and-diamond-studded-plate in the leadership of Singapore, has allowed a Minor Traitor to label a part of the National Library as Syonan Gallery to replace Former Fort Factory, without any consideration for the feelings of those who are still alive and still have vivid memories of the sufferings inflicted upon them, their families, kin, relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, under the cruel and criminal hands of the invading Japanese Imperial military officers and soldiers between 1942 and 1945.

While the Former Fort Factory reminds everyone of the "Surrender of the Japanese Military and Imperial Power totally and unconditionally" - a real disgrace to the Japanese, the new name Syonan Gallery has raised the glory and glamour of the Atrocious Criminals, Crooks, Murderers, Rapists, Monsters and Devils of Japan and indirectly and subtly condoned Japan's past inexpressible inhuman deeds consciously and deliberately inflicted upon the people of Singapore and other parts of the World during World War II.

This extremely callous and insensitive action, approved by the highest authority of the land, is a clear sign of madness, of a mind infected by unthinking, unclear, unfeeling viruses more dangerous than those viruses that cause death to the human bodies.

This madness is inexplicably despicable and inexcusable beyond words. By using "We cannot forget our past" as an excuse to make use of the name Syonan is highly insensitive at the least and monstrously cruel, despicable, heartless and inhuman at the worst. It reminds us that there are people among us who are still in deep love with their past atrocious inhuman masters, who are ravishing in the glory of the Rising Sun.

This is madness of the first order to the extreme! Collaboration with the enemies is bad enough. Collaboration with the enemies after 72 years of their total defeat, disgrace, dishonor, discredit, degradation, ill-repute, infamy and condemnation, in order to glorify and glamorize them whether intentional or unknowingly, is totally unacceptable and should be condemned forever.

It really sicken me deep in my heart. Something is seriously not right. Something must be done to correct this in the future.

patriot said...

Dear Virgo49;

Sinkies is unique in their appreciation of values. lt is the real value of dollars and cents. Not the Value of virtue and justice.

There were Sinkies who worked and collaborated with the Japanese Imperial Army that tortured, butchered, raped, bayonetted infant and plundered the Chinese Race during WWII.
75 years later, the Successors of the Late Japanese Collaborators remain as loyal as their forebears to the Japanese.
They even glorify and edifice the Deed and Atrocity of the Jep in a museum name Syonan Gallery.
The Treachery to the Chinese Race World-wide is just too shameful to mention for self respect.

Btw, my self-claimed 'chap cheng' idol Matilah Singapura deserves much more
respect and dignity than born aristocrat and elite.
Despite being a 'chap cheng'/mixed blood), he has
pride and self respect.

lt was shame to have old Sinkies worked for the Most Evil Japanese lmperial Army.
lt is worse to have successors of the Japanese lmperial Army Collaborators glorifying the Heinous Deeds
for posterity.

lt is claimed that Sinkies are clamouring for a Lee Kuan Yew Memorial. The Syonan Gallery would be most ideal to house the Memorial to showcase the Close Relationship that Sin has with Japan by virtue of the Collaborations of Sinkies wth Japan in the Past and Up to date.

Hope Chinese World-wide will avoid the Syonan Gallery Museum to avoid the Pain and Shame of history.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

If my memory is right, Ford Motor was where the British surrendered to the Japanese. The Japanese surrendered to the British in City Hall at the Padang.

Anonymous said...

Delta Air Lines just gave employees another $1 billion reward
Delta Air Lines announced on Tuesday that the company’s 85,000 employees will receive $1.1 billion in profit sharing.


Do you think the slaves in Singapore will get any profit sharing from GIC and Temasek?

Anonymous said...

Do you think the slaves in Singapore will get any profit sharing from GIC and Temasek?
February 16, 2017 10:08 pm

A bunch of geriatric old fucks in the Ledershit positions.
Fat hopes

Anonymous said...


The Madness in the Political Leadership of Singapore Part 1 (corrected version)

The TWO TOP TRAITORS of Singapore and Singaporeans dared not even mention the word Syonan-To or Syonan verbally (except in their memoirs) when they were alive. They knew better not to cross the line that infuriate and arouse the wrath, hatred, resentment, indignation and exasperation of millions of people who have suffered under the atrocious, brutal, cruel, deadly, extremely sadistic and monstrously inhuman Japanese Imperial Army.

Today, an idiotic Western-Oriented-Descendant, born-with-golden-spoon-and-diamond-studded-plate in the leadership of Singapore, has allowed a Minor Traitor to label a part of the National Library as Syonan Gallery to replace Former Fort Factory, without any consideration for the feelings of those who are still alive and still have vivid memories of the sufferings inflicted upon them, their families, kin, relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, under the cruel and criminal hands of the invading Japanese Imperial military officers and soldiers between 8 Dec 1941 and 12 Sep 1945.

While the Former Fort Factory reminds everyone of the "Surrender of the British Military and Imperial Power to the Japanese unconditionally" - a real disgrace to the British Empire, the new name Syonan Gallery has raised the glory and glamour of the Atrocious Criminals, Crooks, Murderers, Rapists, Monsters and Devils of Japan and indirectly and subtly condoned Japan's past inexpressible inhuman deeds consciously and deliberately inflicted upon the people of Singapore and other parts of the World during World War II.

This extremely callous and insensitive action, approved by the highest authority of the land, is a clear sign of madness, of a mind infected by unthinking, unclear, unfeeling viruses more dangerous than those viruses that cause death to the human bodies.

This madness is inexplicably despicable and inexcusable beyond words. By using "We cannot forget our past" as an excuse to make use of the name Syonan is highly insensitive at the least and monstrously cruel, despicable, heartless and inhuman at the worst. It reminds us that there are people among us who are still in deep love with their past atrocious inhuman masters, who are still ravishing in the glory of the Rising Sun.

This is madness of the first order to the extreme! Collaboration with the enemies is bad enough. Collaboration with the enemies after 72 years of their total defeat, disgrace, dishonor, discredit, degradation, ill-repute, infamy and condemnation, in order to glorify and glamorize them whether intentionally or unknowingly, is totally unacceptable and should be condemned forever by victims and on-lookers, and their future generations.

It really sickens me deep in my heart. Something is seriously not right. Something must be done to correct this in the future.

Thanks to RB for pointing out the mistake about Fort Factory

Virgo49 said...

Soon, very soon, no more harping of millions PRC travellers at Changi Airport making a massage statistics of arrivals at our airports.

This news be capitalised by ROC and PRC and if each of them especially the PRC were to spilt at sinking land, it would naturally sink.

The PRC would scorn the Sinkies going into their country.

Anyway, now most WOGs do not go to China and only the last few elder Sinkies still goes there.

Virgo49 said...

Sorry, forget to add, if tourism business with the retailer's folded one by one, many Sinkies, especially the gaji buta (those blind salaries) por lum par PAP stooges will said.

We are an independent nation and must be able to punch over our Weights.

See empty stomachs, you can punch over your balls.

Anonymous said...

Mr Goh Meng Seng had mentioned in some blogpost that "synoan" 昭南(岛) simply means south glory light. I wish it was so simple. Read further>>

Though the word 昭 may mean light or glory as he explained, in the view of any japanese or any casual or serious historian, looking at the word 昭 unmistakably refers to Emperor Hirohito’s era from 1926 to1989. (The original Chinese character of “bright shining” has four dots below 照. As a Chinese, i would say this is an adulteration of the original Chinese character)
The ascenscion of emperor Hirohito in 1926 started Japan’s infamous Showa 昭和 Dynasty characterised by the decimation of the enemies of Hirohitho, namely China, South East Asia, USA, hey, everybody within 3000km of tokyo.
Therefore “昭南(岛)” is truly a symbolic declaration of the south-most territory of Emperor Hirohito’s Kingdom. It unmistakedly pays homage to the Mother of Warmongers (who escaped the gallows of Execution by Internationl Criminal Court… unlike Tojo Hideki, the partner in crime of the Showa Dynasty of Japan.. who was executed).
Therefore it is a great insult, disgrace and absurdity for Singapore Government to name a musuem to honour the Emperor Hirohito. He is the Hitler of Asia, the mother of killers. Are we crazy?? The government would do well to make UTurn, it is good for bonding with the citizen. There is no shame to make a mistake, but not to correct it is disgraceful irrespectful arrogant and irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

The following are the glaring threats to the Singapore economy, yet those who pride themselves to be world best leaders have embarked upon shoulder-rubbing highfalutin rhetoric to make themselves feel good, instead of seriously coming out with concrete measures to tackle these imminent threats:

1. The Anti-Globalization Movement of the West.
2. The challenges to Singapore's positions as the Air-Hub in the Region.
3. The increasing threats to Singapore as an Entrepot Port.
4. The advancement of clean energy technologies to replace fossil fuels.
5. The increased utilization of robotics and artificial intelligence.

The CFE report is nothing but a re-bottling of reports painted by the Economic Strategies Committee in 2010 and the Economic Review Committee in 2003. A sampling comparison of these reports shows the similarity:

1. Innovation and growth
CFE: Partner each other to enable innovation and growth.
ESC: Make skills, innovation and productivity the basis for sustaining Singapore’s economic growth.
ERC: [Bank] on creativity and innovation to power the economy.

2. Helping incubators and startups
CFE: Research in universities...adds buzz to university incubators.
ESC: Introduce...incubator spaces for creative industries and start-ups.
ERC: Continue to nurture local...incubators and startups.

3. Manufacturing and services
CFE: Build on our strengths in key manufacturing and services sectors.
ESC: Be a key global center for high value manufacturing and services.
ERC: Remake Singapore into a diversified economy powered by...manufacturing and services.

4. Aviation and shipping connectivity
CFE: Strengthen [our] status as a global aviation and shipping hub...and enhance [our] digital connectivity.
ESC: Strengthen our [aviation and maritime] trade linkages and enhance our connectivity.
ERC: Maximize air and sea connectivity to strengthen supply-chain offering to manufacturers.

5. MNC-SME collaboration
CFE: Foster collaboration between larger corporations and Singapore-based SMEs.
ESC: Provide incentives for MNCs to co-develop innovative products and services with SMEs.
ERC: Remake Singapore...where vibrant Singapore companies complement MNCs.

6. Foreign workers
CFE: Ensure that our local workforce is complemented by skilled foreign workers.
ESC: Give employers incentive to retain experienced and skilled foreign workers.
ERC: Ensure that our foreign worker policies...allow companies to employ the workers they need.

7. Intellectual Property development
CFE: Commercialise the research findings and IP of our research institutions.
ESC: Grow...headquarter-related activities, R&D, IP management
ERC: Strengthen R&D efforts...so as to create and exploit IP.

8. Developing workers
CFE: Companies should play a bigger role in developing their workers.
ESC: Maximise the potential and performance of every worker.
ERC: Assist companies with preparation, training and upgrading of their Singaporean workers

9. Global city
CFE: A globally-oriented people with deep and relevant skills, in a smart city that encourages vibrancy, sustainability and connectivity.
ESC: The best quality education, advanced skills, research capabilities, and the infrastructure and connectivity of a global city.
ERC: A globalised economy where Singapore is the key node in the global network, linked to all the major economies.

10. Risk-taking, entrepreneurship and innovation
CFE: Develop an innovative society, where our enterprises and people...are adept at creativity and risk-taking.
ESC: Make enterprise innovation pervasive.
ERC: Evolve new social values which celebrate entrepreneurship and risk-taking.

After two long years of research and study by a huge group of "experts", what has the CFE offered? Zilch! Nothing that is new! It could only be madness that the CFE has failed to make concrete, workable recommendations to really transform the Singapore economy.

Anonymous said...

Its a cut and paste bloody con-job costing taxpayers millions of dollars of manhours. The denial of reality by the incompetent hengsweekeat team is astounding. And the PM would say well done Heng, you get anothern promotion, you work so hard despitr medical, you dine wlk. HENG AH!!!

Virgo49 said...

Hello bro, if you can still sucks the honey as created by the dumb but industrious bee workers
of sinkieland, You want to resign???

You must be out if your mind. Even last breath people proped you up or even liver,kidney,heart or even circumcise transplant, die die stay for the honey.

They even called you Hero.

Standing ovation.

Free, free everything just like lots of principled elites called us mentality entitlement sinkies.

Wonder, who is learning from who??

Virgo49 said...

Yault had announced that the name Syonan will be changed.

Tks to all who bombarded them especially Eagle Eye pointed and poignant article


Virgo49 said...

Credit to Mr Chua aka Redbean.


Virgo49 said...

You have one joker minister praising another to drop the name after their own dumb joker minister put up that name.

It's just like we do no wrong. We punch you and another put koyoh on you.

That's papies style and the daft sinkies loved them.

Sad sad indeed.

PM will said brave of him.

Clap clap to change the name.

Wasting resources and tax payers monies.

After all, it's not our monies.

Ours safe in our pockets bulging with pay day and mp allowances soon.

Huat ah, ong ah, dee see ah.

Not my business ah

Anonymous said...

Why can't they named the Museum as " Sook Ching Japan Massacre " or Japan Aggression?

rex said...

Another suggestion, The Rape of Singapore, 1942.

rex said...

Another suggestion, The Rape of Singapore, 1942.

Virgo49 said...

Have to add DRAGON Fly elaborate and colourful speeches and research.

They are taking the Singaporeans for granted.

They knew it would inflict pains but they still wants us to go thru the pains.

Think many prominent citizens especially the SCCC behind closed doors advised them to be a politicical disadvantage to them.

No doubt they still have lots of time to play with you.

Two years before renewals of their million dollars salaries they gonna go full swing to suck from you.

Starting now from conservancy and COEs.

Just six months before re-election just give the daft sinkies some bones of GST credits and they go wild to vote for you again.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I must say Yaacob is in close touch with the people and with his ears are on the ground. He understands the people's feelings and thus made this wise and difficult choice to change the silly name to something more acceptable.

Thank you Yaacob for being so wise.

patriot said...

So very touched by his crocodile tears
moved by his acting

My toes are laughing.

How does he empathizes with
the Victims and Families that suffered from the most
heinous crimes of the Japanese Imperial Army that
specifically annihilated the


denk said...

"Would Singapore be renamed Syonan To?"


Look to your left, front, right, back....what do u see ?

more likely Sg would be renamed little india by the soon to emerge indian pm.
