
Red Arrows over Marina Bay

Some of the pics I took of the Red Arrows on 18 Oct from the Marina Barrage. Quite a brief display with three passes and all over in 15 minutes. The Brits could put on a better show to show that they still have it as a former world power. The few hundred photographers braving the hot tropical sun with a bright sunny day did not have their fill and were somewhat disappointed as they knew the Red Arrows could show off a bit more.


Hermit said...

US airforce guys perform shows better than in actual combat. If you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Over in 15 minutes? Might as well watch on Internet?

Youtube show even more interesting military displays, and even actual wars.

Anonymous said...

Pilot skill
skill ?

Anonymous said...

Years ago someone passed me tickets to watch airshow. It was hot and noise place. Following free airshow tickets again: thanks give them to others please.
There was nothing worthy of watching except roaring noise. The commentators would excitedly said this and that about the flying machines. How much excitement when the comments fell on NS men s ears. Ya watch airshow when you are kids. The feelings could be different. That has to be before the Internet age. Before kids can have virtual world equipment playing on games.

Red arrows, black knights can hardly excite anyone in current world. Yes there are audience: the PR and new citizens.

Last night had a drink with kakis. The topic of an old man at 70s being alleged to have grabbed some women s pussies. For that he might loss a big fortune. Our laughters was on this old man s silliness talking about groping women s body when he was at 60 year old. That s americans habit. Trying to show off. May be he had not had enough of hands grabbing some meat? I told my friends, he was trying to prove to the listeners he was still manly, may be that was the hidden deficiency.
The red arrow or whatever, was that a color in sky show or reminder of royal airforce power? Here we believe in F35 now. Even F35 may not excite the adults here. Correct?

Anonymous said...

Uncle rb.....the few photos well taken!

Btw, I just want to say the D of P is the smartestest person in this world!

I m D's fan!

D has the most powerful communication skills.....D knows when to say what.......


Must give D credits! Very very good!

加油! 加油! 加油!

Anonymous said...

For a commercial jet pilot, it is the take off, landing and any emergencies that require judgement and skills. When plane is cruising, it is all automated. That's the time to rest and sleep.

Anonymous said...

When plane is cruising, it is all automated.
2:46 pm

Tiok. And that's the main difference between driving a plane and driving a car. When driving a car, one has to be attentive at all times.

Anonymous said...

@ PLA forces fighter pilots go for the KILL

If you refer to Russia , okay ! PLA pilots ... any track records ?

Anonymous said...

@ When driving a car, one has to be attentive at all times.

Now ng see talking about driveless , that's also auto pilot.

Anonymous said...

PLA pilots ... any track records ?
2:58 pm

Got lah, but negative one. Many years back, in 2001, remember the case of the PLA pilot who tried to intercept an American plane off Hainan Island but ended up his fighter jet crashed and his body cannot be found. See link:

Virgo49 said...

Haha, what nonsense

See how the American Pilots made protests when PRC Pilots confronted them flying near their territories

Said dangerous interceptions

PRC Pilots on parade just flew past with pride and do not show circus stunts

This is how first class Air Force behaved and how we diginified Chinese behaved

Not like boaster cocks like the whites and black ants who we called Puah Tang Sai

Why our NDP this year no fly past???

Too afraid they crash into National stadium??

Anonymous said...

@ his fighter jet crashed and his body cannot be found

Crashed in China nearby area or terrority yet cannot be found ? errr think about it actually it's good way to disappear or defect ?

Or is it sharks ?

Anonymous said...

4.04 pm, Knn that pilot is somebody Father, husband, Brother and Son so don't make fun or joke about it lest it happen to your love one too. Knn may be one day u Kena captured by the whites or black ants when u travelled to their countries then Kena sodomised then see whether u still can laugh or not.

Anonymous said...

Best track record of modern airforce is Israel. Up till 1990s Indian airforce also quite good in dogfighting .... but now dunno.

Anonymous said...

@6:01pm hey fuck you cheebye kia. That fucker pilot is a regular who signed on airforce. Anybody who signed on as regular in armed forces must expect to DIE FOR COUNTRY. I have no sympathies for any fucker who signed on armed forces and then kenna killed, or tortured or lose leg or lose arm. That's what they bloody sign on for. And they get rewarded by getting higher salaries and better benefits than most of their peers in civilian life. Nobody forced that fucker to sign on as fighter pilot and become regular in PLA airforce. He could have just served at most 2 years as conscript in PLA army and then fuck off. Most cheena don't even need to serve NS. And it was also his own fucking fault to die as he exercised bad judgment & poor flying skills. Only average skill still want to garang & show off.

Anonymous said...

6.18 pm u are one real motherfucker. In China its unlike Singapore, their arm forces don't get the million salary like here lar. Many signed up to protect the country and not like you only look at the dollar sign in your eyes. Knn a country without true patriots to protect Mother fuckers like you, if the country Kena invaded your Mother, Wife, sisters and daughters may Kena fucked by invaders. You may also Kena sodomised cause all kinds are in the army. So don't talk cock as if it has nothing to do with you. You know if u watched the deliverance movie in the past, they are people who like to sodomised you and ask you to scream like a pig. So be very careful what u said and what u wish for.

Anonymous said...

6.18 pm u are one real motherfucker. In China its unlike Singapore, their arm forces don't get the million salary like here lar. Many signed up to protect the country and not like you only look at the dollar sign in your eyes. Knn a country without true patriots to protect Mother fuckers like you, if the country Kena invaded your Mother, Wife, sisters and daughters may Kena fucked by invaders. You may also Kena sodomised cause all kinds are in the army. So don't talk cock as if it has nothing to do with you. You know if u watched the deliverance movie in the past, they are people who like to sodomised you and ask you to scream like a pig. So be very careful what u said and what u wish for.

Anonymous said...

6.18pm not totally wrong also.

Logically , pilot is more or less quite good pay and since he was portrayed as a hero , a patriot, guess there's compensation from the country or CCP at least to buy the hearts of their people their soldiers. Or at least insurance pay out.

Your guess is as good as mine.

I wondered why the pilot cannot eject.

Anonymous said...

6.32 pm u are very humorous lor

Anonymous said...

8.14am, Knn if u read my first post properly u would notice that I am not talking about whether the pilot is prc or not but rather a fellow human being. Then u went on and on as a prc hater rather than a fellow human being. Are u one of the black ants is it who Harbour racial hatred since time memorial? Is motherfucker like you who only care about himself that this society is burdened with all these rats. It does not matter whether the Pilot is prc or sinkie. The principle here is that without these people to protect your motherfucker ass, u will get your due one day and Kena sodomised one day. Unless u are a homo so you don't mind about it and rather enjoy it as hoping that our country get invaded and you act shy while Kena sodomised. But think of other people. U don't mind does not mean other people also don't mind. Do go watch the deliverance old movie. U may enjoy Kena sodomised but asking you to act like a pig, I don't think u will enjoy it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 8:46, I have just deleted the post 8:14am. Don't waste your time talking to those that chose to wear blinkers.

Anonymous said...

Guess the pilot must be your relative ? How much 白金 you donate to him ? You recite Buddha / Daoist script to 超度 him ? ( Even though far apart, god will know your good will and intnention, guess probably not )

Relax, man

Realistically everyday people pass away whether on the battlefield, terrorist attack ( e.g. Paris National Day - guess no nice words from you any way ), some lost control incident ( yesterday Novena Condo ), natural disasters, accident, sickness, old age ...

If your relatives, friends and colleagues okay. Cannot be everyone you mourn for them else you will have serious depression issues.

Anonymous said...

1.05 pm, u are either delusional, mad or crazy. People talk about moon u talk about Mars alamak.i think as suggested by earlier posts u better go get your fix to be sodomised lor😰😰😰

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