
When your PC or laptop is hacked?

I had this dreadful experience when this loud angmoh woman’s voice blasted out from my speakers. It went something like this. ‘Please call this number if you want to get your data in your computer back…something like that.’ And a window popped out from the screen with a phone number starting with 800-xxxxx, could not remember the rest of the digits. I quickly switched of my laptop.

This happened last Sat, 25 Jun 16 when I was reading TRE site. Shit! Then the screen went blank. I knew that I was hit. I turned on my anti virus for a full scan and no virus or malware was found! But when I logged on again, I could not access the internet. The indicator went swirling when I clicked on the Chrome icon but nothing happened. Tried several times to confirm what I did not want to know. My photo files were still ok. But my Word’s files were unreadable. A window popped up when I tried to read a file with a Window Word initial and the following sentences. Your Word program needs a converter to read file correctly. This feature is not installed in your system. Please click to install program or something like that. And there were two buttons, Yes and No to click. I refused to click suspecting the worst. My files are held at ransom.

The only thing to do is to seek help. I also bought another PC for immediate use. My friends in mysingaporenews blog were very pessimistic. Big trouble, gone case. Spoke to a computer sales guy. He too said serious and costly.

I asked another guy who told me to reset laptop to factory setting would help. I nearly tried but hesitate as I would lose all the apps loaded. Thought of doing a full saving, lock, stock and barrel, but still hesitant.

Then I tried another way. Eureka, it works. I can now gain access to the net. And I also found a way to read my Word files. Alright, not to alarm the hackers or leak out the secret, I am not going to divulge what I did in this blog. But anyone who wants to know can email me for my solution if they have been hacked. It did not cost me a cent. But I don’t guarantee that it would work in your case but very likely it will.

Redbean – Normal service has been resumed.


Veritas said...

I tried my best not to use anti-virus or firewall software. These are simply very irritating, slows down PC immensely, and make engineering work painful and miserable as many ports are block.

The best way is to create a sand box PC where you always can reset to factory setting.

And a good way to be free of security breaches is not to use PC.

PAP blanket ban internet is a nuclear option and not necessary. Lowly functionaire have no access to state secret. The ban should be on department that have access to state secret.

Anonymous said...

/// PAP blanket ban internet is a nuclear option and not necessary. Lowly functionaire have no access to state secret. The ban should be on department that have access to state secret. ///

This is the typical inefficient PAP mindset of "double confirm".

Anonymous said...

I think this type of malware is called "ransomware"


Anonymous said...

Uncle RB, please be on alert cos the virus can hit again, try to backup all ur files. Seems like the Garmen way of a separate computer systems for its staffs make sense...its a cyber warfare at its highest level..

Anonymous said...

Alright, not to alarm the hackers or leak out the secret, I am not going to divulge what I did in this blog. But anyone who wants to know can email me for my solution if they have been hacked.

Aiya RB, no secret lah. Just shut down and power up again. It happened to me too and I did just that and everything back to normal.

Anonymous said...

No. We must follow PAP gahmen standard operating procedure.

To ensure internet safety for redbean;
redbean must stop surfing the internet.

In order to prevent STD (sexually transmitted disease)
- we must stop having sex.

In order to stop electing jiak liao bee Generals into government
we must stop voting PAP.

Anonymous said...

In order to stop electing jiak liao bee Generals into government
we must stop voting PAP.
Anon 12:40 pm

So that Sinkies like Low Thia Khiang, Chee Soon Juan, Mrs Chiam or even Goh Meng Seng can become PM?

Low Thia Khiang already said he doesn't want to be PM, you know. And WP Gerald Giam also said WP does not want to form govt with other opposition parties. Maybe WP only want to form coalition govt with PAP. If that is the case, perhaps that's why majority voters think it is better to vote PAP.

Anonymous said...

So that Sinkies like Low Thia Khiang, Chee Soon Juan, Mrs Chiam or even Goh Meng Seng can become PM?
July 03, 2016 12:48 pm

Why not?
Do you think all PAP MPs are clone parrots?
Talk to one PAP MP is the same as talking to another PAP MP?
Waste a lot of money voting for so many of them into parliament.

Anonymous said...

"The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other." -- Ronald Reagan


Anonymous said...

Low TK deserved to be praised for his life long contribution to opposition politics.

Low is the only person could expand a party with new members appeared more capable than him to take positions in office.

Low himself ruled out high position for himself but his party s new breeds of politicians appear to have the potential to advance opposition politics to higher level.

Singapore is at a stage of being seized by world highest rental. The economy will implode with the prolonged high rental imposed on tenants that reduce salary to lowest level, or forcing for more foreigners employment passes or employment passes.

Both high rental and depressed salary will drive Pap out of political power in coming 10 years. This will happen as high rental and low depressed salary are the hall mark of pap policy, with one more: high dependency on foreign labor.

The last will turn into another problem when foreigners become terrorists or become over whelming, out number the citizens.

Pap will be voted out due to diminishing support. currently at 61% only just after 12 months of GE at 70%.

Anonymous said...

This is why we must always have diversity of opinion.
- this is why we need more Opposition MPs in the Singapore parliament

- 5 minute video of Putin explain Russia's view of the world


- do you think PAP MPs are beholden to their PAP Ministers for getting into parliament on the GRC coat-tail?

Anonymous said...

/// So that Sinkies like Low Thia Khiang, Chee Soon Juan, Mrs Chiam or even Goh Meng Seng can become PM? ///
July 03, 2016 12:48 pm

Why not?
What's wrong with Low Thia Khiang, Chee Soon Juan, Mrs Chiam or even Goh Meng Seng becoming Prime Minister?

Isn't it less scary than;
Lim Swee Say, Teo Ser Luck, Chan Chun Sing or Tan Chuan JIn becoming Prime Minister?
- or even Heng Swee Keat ... assuming HSK is still interested in becoming Prime Minister?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Not so simple as shut down and power up. I did that many times and it didn't work. But the attack is getting very widespread and furious. My redbeanforum just got hacked and now I could not even post.

Getting the service provider to reset.

It is unbelievable that the whole world could not kill this scourge. It will lead to a crippling of the internet. My new laptop came with so many layers of protection that it mays browsing such a pain.

When would Interpol and the nations of the world do something to stop these crooks? It can be done if there is a will and a coordinated effort.

patriot said...


we face small time interference with our leisure Cyber Activities. Just minor hiccups.

Do expect and this is no exaggeration, that the Next World War will be decided by who has the Ultimate Cyber Warriors.

Nuclear and WMD will not be needed,
those fighting with machine gun and explosive are small time fighters.


Abao said...

Ultimately, you being hacked is your failure at personal level

No amount of firewall and antivirus will stop human weakness.

Please just stick with 1 or 2 firewall/antivirus solutions