
Politicians of all colours – Empty your cup

Slowly we are seeing a new breed of politicians appearing, the serious and with a purpose and with a view, not to contest an election just to be in Parliament and thought they had arrived as a politician. On a personal level, yes, to be trusted and voted into Parliament by the people placing their hopes on them, to serve them and to work for their well being, not for the money that they are going to get.

Though the presence of younger and brighter politicians are starting to change the landscape of opposition politics, the bad news is that they are still trapped by the baggage of the past, of an inward looking opposition crippled by years of division, mistrust, personal agenda and vested interests. The new blood would not be able to achieve anything but more of the same if they did not break free from the clutches of history, to chart a new course to challenge the ailing ruling party.

It was unbelieveable that the ruling party could gain more grounds in the last GE and nearly whitewashed the opposition despite a slate of very good and promising candidates against a series of bad policies that made life for the Singaporeans very difficult and worse in the years ahead. Some last minute stop gap measures and handouts helped to win some votes for the time being. But the inherent flaws of economic and social policies cannot be hidden and kept from affecting the people negatively. Big failures and problems will raise their ugly heads when the pressure and conditions changed for the worst. Today’s Singapore Business Federation’s recommendations to the govt are a polite reminder of the flaws and problems faced by the businesses in particular and the people in general.

Would the new opposition blood be able to make any difference in the next GE? If they continue with the same set up, with all the parties continuing in their bickering, with the leaders all wanting to be Indian chiefs as their main priority, continues to be divided and weak, the game is over before it even started.

The good men and women in politics, both in the ruling party and the opposition, must make a clean break from the kind of politics that we have seen in the past decades and find a new paradigm for a new Singapore. The politics and leadership of the ruling party have become irrelevant and unsustainable. The politics of the opposition is ineffective and a waste of time and resources.

The good men and women in politics, with their hearts in the right place, must know that they need to do something to change the course of politics in this city, to take the people forward with a better social economic formula for a better life. Going forward with the same formula is only waiting for the fuse of a time bomb waiting to ignite and bring an end to an unsustainable social, economic and political model.

Empty the cup, get a fresh start, put down the difference, break ranks from the current parties, put aside the personal dream of becoming a PM, pick up a good team of good men and women, regardless of political parties, form a new party for the next GE. Clobber the new party together by the end of the year and there will still be ample time of 3 years to get noticed, recognized and for the people to believe that there is a real alternative of good men and women to take over from the ruling party, to lead the country in the next lap of growth and prosperity.


Anonymous said...

// The politics and leadership of the ruling party have become irrelevant and unsustainable.//

Aiyo .....

Anonymous said...

// The politics of the opposition is ineffective and a waste of time and resources. //

Aiyo, Aiyo ......

Anonymous said...

// Going forward with the same formula is only waiting for the fuse of a time bomb waiting to ignite and bring an end to an unsustainable social, economic and political model. //

Never mind lah?

Just sit back and watch it implode lor?

Why risk being bankrupted and "paraded in the streets" like a "criminal"?

Anonymous said...

// Clobber the new party together by the end of the year and there will still be ample time of 3 years to get noticed, recognized and for the people to believe that there is a real alternative of good men and women to take over from the ruling party, to lead the country in the next lap of growth and prosperity.//

Can YEW take, say, an African tribal man and "clobber" him together with, say, an over-sized 300 kg burgers and junk food chomping BBW and make them husband and wife?

Anonymous said...

Gallup Explains Trump: "A Staggering 75% Of Americans Believe In Widespread Government Corruption"

"... if a government has an alarmingly high appearance of widespread corruption
-- and that same government creates regulations that businesses cite as a leading barrier to growth
-- then entrepreneurs might be reluctant to stick their necks out to start a business. Or to boom the businesses they already have.

Why would they start or boom a business if they think a corrupt government is creating rules and regulations that don't serve their interests
-- but rather rules that serve the interests of corrupt officials, corrupt politicians, corrupt insiders and corrupt special interest groups?

Any wonder why so many Americans want a candidate who's outside of that system?"


Anonymous said...

Dear redbean
Your persistence in your blogging is commendable.

Personally though, I think the 70% mandate was a good result.
The faster Singapore goes to hell, the quicker it will be for Singaporeans to realize just how incompetent and useless PAP has become.

PAP has the "strong" mandate that they said they needed to make our lives "better".
- so let's see if they can deliver over the next 5 years.

I think it's too late already.

Anonymous said...

"We The People Are Pissed": New Poll Finds Whites And Republicans Are Angriest Americans
If Donald Trump’s poll numbers tell us anything, it’s that Americans are angry.

Angry with what they perceive to be government ineptitude, angry with the economy, angry with US foreign policy, angry with just about everything.

The palpable sense of rage has manifested itself in support for dark horse presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders and is also apparent in “incidents” like that which occurred on Saturday when armed militiamen seized a remote government building in Oregon.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Read the papers today on the SBF submission. I did a short post on it today. Will touch on it a bit more in my next post.

Virgo 49 said...

Actually, the 70% electorate is very very the smart.

Pretending to be daft.

They gave the PAP the mandate so that if cuntree goes into kaput, the full blame is on them.

If opposition captured 50%, the PAP can proportion blame to them.

Let's see the first quarter this year how many Singaporeans in dire straits and how the PAP save them.

The 6.9 m policy is coming to haunt them

Anonymous said...

Not to worry lah, RB.

If there are no protests even in Hong Lim Park by now, let alone on the streets, there will never be.

If I were Hsien Loong, this is what really matters, besides the opposition not being ready to be govt.

Anonymous said...

Heart For The People!

All politicians please listen!

Enter into politic only if you have the HEART
for the people, if not please get OUT!

If financial gain is what you want, do it outside politic.

Hope you are listening!


Anonymous said...

Best Article about the Fate of Sin.

Think the Horrible Man knew it long
ago when he put Sin into Malaysia. However, Sin was not wanted.

He, the Horrible Man had said it many
times that there could be a remerger.

Why was he looking forward to the
Renerger? Did he forsee the Need?

Anonymous said...

Kyle Bass on China's looming banking crisis and the U.S. economy

China stockmarket going down another 7% limit down today.
Does Temasek and GIC have any China investments there?
More bonus for our expert investment teams.

Kyle Bass predicted the China crisis in Oct 2015.
Do you think LKY our great forecaster made any earlier predictions before he died?
Did LKY tell Temasek and GIC to exit China before he died?

Anonymous said...

When China market shot up they quickly announced how much profit they made. Now would they announce how much they have lost in the last few days?

Anonymous said...

Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanJanuary 07, 2016 9:09 am
//Read the papers today on the SBF submission. I did a short post on it today. Will touch on it a bit more in my next post.//

Government's fiscal and monetary ( exchange rate ) policies almost always address only short term demand and growth.

Go read and study the economics development of any cuntry ( over the past 100+ years ) and it will tell YEW so?

Briefly scan through the latest SBF position paper.

Anonymous said...

It said members included economists.

But likely some key ingredients ( to foster sinkieland's international competitiveness ) are ( still ) missing .....

The SBF submission is "timely" but essentially and probably ( way ) over-dued.

Anonymous said...

For another CON-MITTEE ( on Future Economy ) with its "Chairmare" and vice "Chairmare" to "muck" around till end 2016 is total "derelict of duty", "utter bor chap, incompetence" and "unworthy" of the ( positions, ) responsibilities and duties given?

NTD's talk of "auto-cruising" in the past 2 decades is coming home to roost?

If SBF submission is ( way ) over-dued ( for sinkieland to catch up ), what do YEW say of ( the timeline and dateline of ) the report expected in Dec 2016 ( by the CON-MITTEE on Future Economy )?

Anonymous said...

War over and game over liao? Checkmate?

Well, to borrow a ( "famous" or should it be "infamous" sinkieland's ) phrase from a commentator in MSN, SMEs ( and ALL SINKIES ) better "OWN SELF HELP OWN SELF", bcos coming from the ( horse ) mouth of a ( tall ) lao goa, "OWN SELF CHECK OWN SELF" is the "BESTEST"?

And somemore get 70% after saying it?

Who is more daft?

Sinkies or the ( OWN SELF CHECK OWN SELF ) elites?

With 70% ( overwhelming and resounding mandate ), now it is "own self check(MATE) own self"?

No more excuses if CANNOT DELIVER?

How long can YEW muck around ( anymore )?

Pls pray tell?

Anonymous said...

I plan long term, 50 years. By then I will not be around. Collect my millions first.

Anonymous said...

50 yrs most HDB leese coming to end.

Anonymous said...

Rb // The good men and women in politics, with their hearts in the right place, must know that they need to do something to change the course of politics in this city, to take the people forward with a better social economic formula for a better life. //

Sun Yat Sen is known more as an idealist than a real political figure with solid, concrete power .......?

The above-quoted statement makes Sun Yat Sen pales in comparison?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it will happen when there is a "32nd" in the calendar?

Anonymous said...

// On a personal level, yes, to be trusted and voted into Parliament by the people placing their hopes on them, to serve them and to work for their well being, not for the money that they are going to get.//

Ha ha ha ha ha ......

It's so rare that a 70-yo ( to be still ) have such idealism?

Anonymous said...

// The new blood would not be able to achieve anything but more of the same if they did not break free from the clutches of history, to chart a new course to challenge the ailing ruling party. //

More of the same it will be .....?

Till SG100 .....?

How many still around ....?

Anonymous said...

// Big failures and problems will raise their ugly heads when the pressure and conditions changed for the worst.//

Time to sit back and "watch show" in 2016, 2017, 2018?

Anonymous said...

// It was unbelieveable that the ruling party could gain more grounds in the last GE and nearly whitewashed the opposition despite a slate of very good and promising candidates against a series of bad policies that made life for the Singaporeans very difficult and worse in the years ahead. //

Has the ( resounding 70% ) victory made them more assured or even lesser?

Anonymous said...

Is it not ironical?

Anonymous said...

Uniquely "sinking feeling"?

Anonymous said...

// If they continue with the same set up, with all the parties continuing in their bickering, with the leaders all wanting to be Indian chiefs as their main priority, continues to be divided and weak, the game is over before it even started. //

If YEW care drop by some places in Teochew Ah Pek's former stronghold etc, YEW will realise YEW can't expect much ..... forgone conclusion is an understatement?

Anonymous said...

Haha.. ...

Sinkies shall die from cynicism.

Nobody in Sin can be reliable or
trusted. Not even next of kin.

Every man an island unto self.

Safest to stay in cocoon.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree that idealism, to have good men and women to serve the people is a farce.

So another approach would be to tell these people, be realistic and practical, only one can be the PM and earn $10m. But it is not bad to be just a minister and earn several millions. And to get there, first must be able to get elected as a MP.

If they still want to muck around with their half past six slates, they can tan ku ku to even be elected. Want the money, want the millions, get your act together. Do something real and practical. Forget about pride, ego and selfishness.

Think small for a start and hope to win big.