
The war in Syria going to blow up

The Turks down Russian SU24 fighter jet yesterday when both sides were supposed to be fighting the ISIS. Putin called this a stab in the back while the Turks are claiming that the Russian jet entered their territories.  Such silly behavior is very typical of some Asean countries, thinking they could pull the whiskers of a sleeping tiger. The Russians with Putin in charge would not let this event go unpunished. Turkey can expect a few bombs at their radar stations or airbases or a few F16s to be shot down by the Russians.

Turkey is behaving like little pesky countries thinking that with the US behind them they could go around shooting at anyone, including a nuclear power like Russia. There is no way they are going to get away with this silly act. The Russians are prepared to take on the Americas and Turkey is a push over.

This is a lesson that the Philippines and some Asean states must take note. Don’t try this silly trick on China. They will give them a blue black even if it risks the Americans joining the fray. There are things that silly pesky countries can do, there are things that they better not do.

The war in Syria will cross over to Turkey and the innocent people of Turkey will be the next war collateral. It is really baffling to think that leaders of a country could act in such a silly manner and think they could get away with it.

Well done Turkey, welcome to the war zone.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Relac lah. No big deal. Some military cock up, that's all. Probably some gung-ho young "by-the-book" officer with serious career ambitions gave the order to fir on the Russian warplane in order to "make a name" for himself.

Got tan chiak on the bola?

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful world!

Peace No War! Peace No War!


Anonymous said...

That why they are called turkeys! The Russian will have them for their Christmas eve dinner.

Veritas said...

Right now USA with her prostitute media keep on inventing words like Islmophobe to go against people who dare to speak the truth against barbaric Sunni.

Islam is not necesssary violent and Ahmadya is never violent, Shia uses of violent is quite discretionary and only Sunni act like fucking barbarian.

Is it racist for European far right to hate Sunni Islam? The answer is a big NO. Imagine a Yazidis girl whose tribe got murdered and rape by Sunni for 1000 years, and this Yazidi girl just escape from ISIS sex slave camp.

If she say "fuck Sunni", I cheer for her. I cheer her courage and her sense of justice.

Sunni always claim people discriminate them but what if Sunni behave like Amish or behave like Bahai?

Do you think people will hate Sunni. In fact, everyone in the world has been restrain with Sunni, while Sunni keep giving whole world shit.

Sunni always want to avoid the topic that people hate them because they commit too much shit.

Anonymous said...

Its getting messy in that part of the world. I see no end to the problems. Perhaps the prediction of WWIII may come true.

Anonymous said...

RUSSIA will support the Kurdish and create "luan" in Turkey.

To be safe Sinkies should not go to Turkey for business or holidays.

Anonymous said...

If Turkey dare to shhot down a Russian plane, it means Turkey not scared to lose a war with Russia lah.
If the Sinkie opposition dare to fight PAP in an election, it means the Sinkie opposition not scared to lose the election lah.

Anonymous said...

Would Turkey be 'rewarded' by the EU for its act, by allowing Turkey to join the EU.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Putin would be considering a regime change in Turkey soon. That will be a good opportunity to do an Iraq in Turkey to avenge the loss of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Now that the Russian bear been stabbed in the back bleeding, the American bald eagle is seen circling in the air, unlike some other eagle species, bald eagles rarely take on evasive or dangerous prey on their own. The species mainly target prey which is much smaller than themselves.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The Singapore Lion is King of the beasts and the jungle.

May the big-ass nations of the world fall at our feet ;-)

Kow tow, bitchez!

Anonymous said...

The mother of all 'luan' would want to the Russian bear die of fatal stabbing. But not the Giant Panda and the Persian cat, which would quickly help their injured friend to a safe place and lick the wounds.

Anonymous said...

The developments are getting more intriguing.
Who is friend, ally or enemy?
Anyway one looks at it, peace will be hard to come by anytime soon. If anything, events will get more exciting if Iran, Turkey and others get into the fray.

Anonymous said...

Rb not caught in the MRT Breakdown this morning ?

How come no write up abt it here ?

Rb no more enjoying beef stew and
Sirloin Steak cos the Khaw is sick and
no more healthy or has become useless?

Not worth for praise or even mentioning

Anonymous said...

@AnonymousNovember 25, 2015 3:29 p.m.
//Rb no more enjoying beef stew and
Sirloin Steak cos the Khaw is sick and
no more healthy or has become useless?//

Heard about mad-"khaw" disease. .....?

Soon "beef" and "milk" produced from mad-"khaw" could be banned from AIM-A-TEE .....?

$8 cow + $2 "aim" = $10 ....... ? Greatest irony? World's Cheapest deal in the most expensive city?

Anonymous said...

Chua Mui Mui's infinitely distance uncle : // Well done Turkey, welcome to the war zone.//

Well said .....

At the current rate, after the dust settled, middle east might not look better than the European Continent in 1945.

25% unemployment-hit Greece certainly look a lot better than many middle east countries at this moment.

Anonymous said...

Rb // The Turks down Russian SU24 fighter jet //


SU-24 is just a bomber ......

2 upgraded F16 against 1 bomber built when the British military base was still in sinkieland ..... where got fight?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Russia in no win position. ....

Sending all these lao pork car, oops, lao pork planes to Syria .....

Any reason why the Russians are doing that?

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousNovember 25, 2015 2:31 p.m.
//The developments are getting more intriguing.
Who is friend, ally or enemy?
Anyway one looks at it, peace will be hard to come by anytime soon. If anything, events will get more exciting if Iran, Turkey and others get into the fray//

With many producers in the US Shale Oil industry "dying", this is one scare tactic to drive up prices?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are right the SU 24 is a bomber. It's design is more like a fighter bomber, not the B52 type bomber and can take on a fighter.
In this case they did not expect the Turks to fire at them and was like a target practice. And if they carrying bombs, with the bombs they would be weighed down and would be slow and heavy.

Anonymous said...

Bad news at Middle East.
However, good news at S E Asia.
Ch News Asia reported that Sin
will have more wealthy residents
in the future.

With PAP at the control, we shall
have good news, even if the World
is in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousNovember 25, 2015 4:57 p.m.
//With PAP at the control, we shall
have good news, even if the World
is in big trouble.//

Now world not yet trouble already one BIG BAD NEWS!

Yr end for all the foot soldiers servants only 0.65mth reduced from 0.8mth 2014.

Kns reduction of 25%. Meanystirs likely get 20 to 30 mths. Good news for hu?

Anonymous said...

After "ERECTION Shiok shiok finish", immediately kena "DUMPED" liao lo ......

Anonymous said...

Jiat Lat!

Like that how to bao ang bao?

Coming 2016 CNY many poor kids going get minimalistic $2 red packet?

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year but no happy leh?

Adults no happy?

Children also no happy?


PAPIGS 20 to 30 mths sure HAPPY lah?

Pls get out of papigs elitissssssssssssst face?

Anonymous said...

The paradox of thrift in action?

Anonymous said...

Retailers can kiss gooooooood bye to their hope for year end bonanza sales?

Anonymous said...

The last engine or flicker of growth for 2015 oso kena papigs snuffed out leow?

Anonymous said...

2016 CNY reunion dinner menu for papigs :

1) ALASKAN airflow king crab?

2) Tasmanian Sea fresh air flown oysters?

3) Peruvian top grade palm size fresh air flown abalone?

4) Shark Fins for gargling before and after dinner?

5) Bird Nest soup for rinsing their fingers after eating the lobsters and king crabs?

6) Napoleon 1815 wine to wash down with the airflow oysters?


100) Airflown newly baked caviar cheese cake from Paris ......

Anonymous said...

2016 CNY menu for their poor heartlanders?

1) Big pot of cheapest rice from AnTi-U-See?

2) 1 Big plate of salted eggs ......?

3) 1 Big giant bowl of salted vege?

4) 3 cans of "fake" 爆寓 aka salted black fish ......?

5) 5 cans of pickled chye sim .....?

6) 1 plate of 咸鱼 。。。。。。?

10) dessert is 1 small tub of homemade artificial colored agar agar by the ever tired less home maker and heroine of the hdb pigeon holes .....?

Anonymous said...

Happy SG50!

Anonymous said...

Huat ah!

Only 4 der ......


Anonymous said...

In a simple economics algebraic equation, given:

Y = [1/1-c1 ](c0 + I + {G - c1T} - LS), where LS is the receipts from land sales,

It is NOT HARD to see sinkies are sucked DRY by surplus in the public sector .......


Any wonder why more than 50% are threading water every month, month in month out, barely managing to keep their heads above water, bobbing up and down ....... Double gazillion PUI! PUI! PUI!

Anonymous said...

Per capita GDP means nothing to the men, women, children, oldies, babies in the streets ......

Per capita consumption means EVERYTHING to them. ......

Go see singstats.gov. sg for the yearly private consumption in the past 5 years and then divide by the population of each year .....

Per capita consumption has been like falling off a cliff since 2011 ......

The men, women, children, oldies, babies are not doing well at all ......

The result of the next PE will likely tell .....

Ge 2015 likely is an anomaly and mai hum probably knows ......

Anonymous said...

@AnonymousNovember 25, 2015 4:57 p.m.
//Bad news at Middle East.
However, good news at S E Asia.
Ch News Asia reported that Sin
will have more wealthy residents
in the future.

With PAP at the control, we shall
have good news, even if the World
is in big trouble.//

YEW fartking, heartless and self-serving papigs?

NODX falling for the past 10 out of 12 months! That shows how "capable and good" PAPIGS and MTI LIMP CHOW KHIANG are? More like jiak sai and jiak liao bee? The worst and MOST MOST INCOMPETENT meanystir in papigs history?

Bringing in billionaires only further aggravate and accelerate living costs driving the ordinary men, women, oldies in the streets into more desperate dire hardships and deprivation! YEW blardy CON YOU DOOOOOOOOOOGS!

Anonymous said...

Limp Chow Khiang thinking act bluuuuur, stay low profile, INVISIBLE then sinkies daft never take notice his colossal INCOMPETENCE and BIG TIME MESS UP?

Old man 50 years of hard work destroy in one blardy economics ignoramus engineer hands?

Pls step down to save some karma for your offsprings than cause starvation and extreme hardship to hundreds of thousands of poor sinkies if not millions! The MTI international economics shoes and modern macroeconomics hat just TOO BIG for your deformed engineer feet and square peg in round hole engineering trained ( shit ) brain! YEW screwed up MOH when there! Screwed up MND when there! Now screwed up MTI since wearing this super OVERSIZE shoes and hat! YEW look so clumsy and totally hopeless ....... Do the right thing before YEW bring more disasters and irreversible damages to sinkieland's livelihood!

Anonymous said...

Con You was and is a deity.

His Son iis an idol.

No one is comparable.