
An open plea to the Prime Minister – The fate of Singaporeans

This is a very sad letter from a citizen to the Prime Minister on how local talents are rapidly being replaced by foreigners under the open leg wide wide policy. Foreigners are brought in with very high pay and Singaporeans are sacked and have to go to 3rd world countries to earn lower pay while leaving their family members behind. And more 3rd world talents are brought in to fill the gaps. This is the process of Dalitisation of Singaporeans. Here is the abridged letter from Delwyn Yee. Full letter posted in The Real Singapore.

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

My name is Delwyn Yee Zheng Ting, aged 21 and I wish to discuss a very dire issue regarding my father Dallas Yee Kok Keong aged 48.

My father is a very hardworking man who was working for Jaguar Landrover as a manager and was forced to resign by his superior who is a Canadian. This particular superior was a bully. He draws a high salary and would always push all the work to my father who was already very busy but my father was way too good a person to make a fuss with him….

3 months ago, my father was called up by his Canadian boss and was told that my father had to either resign or be sacked by the company. The reason he gave was they thought my father would also resign like the rest of the managers. They told my father that the company had already employed someone else to replace him. This was even before my father’s resignation….

My father had no choice but to resign and was told to leave the company immediately….

Thankfully, my father, having a good reputation in the industry, was immediately approached by Jaguar in the Philippines. He had to accept the position because he had no choice. He left with my younger brother and sister and my step mother. I am now studying in Poly and cannot go with him. Now I am living alone in Singapore with my family so far away. Is this fair? Is this fair to me or my dad?

I really hope that you can come up with something to bring justice. Why are so many foreign talents allowed to work in Singapore even when they didn’t have the necessary skills?.....

I know foreign talents are important. But my father is also a talent. He has 30 years of experience in the industry and has been hard working. Why should he lose his job for no good reasons and now have to leave Singapore to work in the Philippines?

Please understand that I miss my father and my siblings. I am now all alone in Singapore. The foreign talents came in to Singapore and now Singapore talents have to leave and families break up. Is this what Singapore should become?

Your faithful citizen
Delwyn Yee Zheng Ting


Is this an isolated case or this is the trend? Is this good for Singaporeans or killing Singaporeans. How many of you agree that this is good? Don’t answer first, wait till your turn comes to be sacked by the foreigners?


I do not see anything is going to change as they are going to stick to their tough and hard policies. What suggestions? Deaf frogs would not listen. They are too full of themselves.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you


Anonymous said...

How much could this man be paid in pesos to be enough when converted to S$ to support his family? He probably has to relocate his family to the Ppines to take in the lower value and the lower cost of living to survive.

Compares to the Pinoys here remitting strong S$ back to Ppines and into pesos?

How to rob a Sinkie from his livelihood?

Anonymous said...

Without an independent union like in Hong Kong the construction industry in Singapore is now dependent and 'hooked on cheap labour with wages comparable to maids from neighbouring countries.

Anonymous said...

For a company in Philippines to hire a Singaporean for posting in the Philippines, it must be that this Singaporean is a real talent. Not like the many fake ones that come to Singapore. Which raises the question why does the Singapore govt allow such a situation to happen? Tighter control and closer scrutiny over employment of foreign talent or posting of foreign staff into Singapore should put a stop to it.

Anonymous said...

Beware Beware Beware

I can only feel sorry for
Delwyn Yee that his father
Dallas's lunch had been
"stolen" by a foreigner.

Why why why.

Virgo 49 said...

Thanks to the 60 percent daft sinkies who voted the PAP traitors into power every elections.

Time will come soon for your turn.

Anonymous said...

"But my father is also a talent. He has 30 years of experience in the industry and has been hard working."
Delwyn Yee

His father is only 48 years old and has 30 years of experience in the industry?

Meaning his father started work at 18 years old in the industry? No need to do NS meh? Not true blue local born Sinkie?

Anonymous said...

Agar agar (around) 30 years experience is possible lah, maybe also exempted on medical grounds from NS lah, and also no study at poly or U lah.

Anonymous said...

I think Delwyn is writimg to the wrong Prime Minister.
He should be writing to Low Thia Khiang.
Somebody who represents Singaporeans in the Singapore Parliament.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should write to Prime Minature. After the humbling by the British, he may have learned to be humble to ill-treated Singaporeans. But, I only dreaming lah!

Anonymous said...

His is not an isolated case, I can assure you.

I am personally facing similar situation, but would rather spend my time searching for a new job, than to waste my energy & begrudge the political foreigner from another first world country who terminated it, due to his own insecurity. Too many cases like this, long enough to see this unfolding everyday.

The solutions that MOM aka Tan Chuan Jin has, is to hire PR agency to manage good propaganda. I wish him luck in 2016.

b said...

There is only rich poor divide. The foreigners are let in excessively to distract the real problem in this island/world.

Anonymous said...

Look at the murder case in HKG. Make sure Fts do not do the same here. Talent my foot!

Robert C H Chia said...

Sad but not unexpected. It is a direct consequence of unbridled capitalism and the free market imperative which lends itself to systemic manipulation by those in positions of authority. Labour is a `resource hence `disposable`; instrumental expediency and self-interest trumps social conscience and all notions of gratitude and loyalty. Welcome to the dog-eat-dog world of global capitalism! Is this the kind of future for Singapore? Maybe the response by those in policy positions will yet again be TINA. Or can we reasonably hope for a genuine rethink?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Misplaced trust and responsibilities.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>>>Is this an isolated case or this is the trend? <<<<

I think the important trend to pay attention to is to make sure our young ones don't become SPOILT and SOFT and degenerate into The Expectation Mentality .

Hopefully this balls less twat is an isolated case, and hopefully our youngsters will have better CONTENT in their individual characters.

If I were his dad, I'd be ashamed.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@jelly 1147:

>>>>Thinking everyday is a party <<

It is for me!

Too fucking bad if your life sucks ;-)

Anonymous said...

When our young become dalits, they would be made to work real hard just to be dalits.

Anonymous said...

VTO is the answer.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Indeed the story sounds onesided...

Maybe his dad doesn't care about what Delwyn just did. Posting a message with his full name all over... Lol... Instant infamy.

But who knows? Probably half the story may be true or not too.