
Stop this ‘local’ shit

PRs are not locals but foreigners. Locals are the citizens. This deception of calling PRs locals to conceal the employment of citizens in the job market must cease. Let’s tell the truth. Let’s face the truth. Let’s be honest and transparent. Or else don’t talk about trust.

When statistics are used, when Singaporeans want to know how many citizens are employed versus foreigners, ie, PRs and non citizens, please tell us the truth. People who have been telling everyone to be honest and transparent must be honest and transparent to be believeable.

What is the percentage of citizens being employed in the banks, both local and foreign? The people want the truth. What is the percentage of citizens, PRs and foreigners in the various banks here?

Cannot tell? What is there to hide? The truth cannot be hidden for long. The citizens know what is happening. By not telling the truth it only makes thing worst and leading to mistrust. Who is standing on the roof shouting to the people about being honest and transparent?


Anonymous said...

Aiya, there are a 101 truths which cannot tell, so why must tell this one, you tell me lah?

And some more PAP can still win 60% votes without telling, so why need to tell?

You want the truth? Then win over the 60% votes from PAP lah. Can or not?

Anonymous said...

Please lah! Don't alarm the daft Sinkies.
Sinkies don't want to know the truth. Sinkies cannot handle the truth.
If Sinkies really want to know the truth, we would have voted Opposition a long time ago.
If we want to know the truth, we would vote more Opposition MPs into Parliament to find out the truth.

Please see Jack Nicholson's two minute video defence of governmental secrecy in the movie 'A Few Good Men"


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

ya, that was abusive Jack at his menacing best.

Anonymous said...

But actually hor.
In PAP's case.
It's actually "Too Few Good Men"

Maybe Tin Pei Ling's younger sister will also be standing for elections as a PAP candidate in GE 2016.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When good men stay away, it is a sign of serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tin Pei Ling's younger sister will also be standing for elections as a PAP candidate in GE 2016.
11:30 am

She is an only child lah, so where got younger sister?

Read here https://www.facebook.com/tinpeiling.official/info and do your homework first and don't anyhow write on RB blog.

Anonymous said...

When good men stay away, it is a sign of serious trouble.
RB 11:43 am

Lagi serious trouble because good men also stay away from opposition.

Everything serious trouble lah, lagi jialat.

Anonymous said...

You think there is TRUST between the citizens and the PRESENT govt?

WHAT SAY YOU..............

Anonymous said...

@October 01, 2013 12:01 pm

Tin Pei Ling is an only child.
Don't have younger sister.
Wah! Die liao!
PAP will be short one talent for GE 2016.

Anonymous said...

That is why the foreign ah neh bank also state local 80% of their staff lor

Anonymous said...

You want the people to trust you, start by breaking up PRs from citizens in job data.

oldhorse42 said...

Success of policies lies in trust in Govt said PM. Do the people trust the Government? If not, why not?

Has the Government been fudging statistic like using ambiquous term like locals to hide the true number of foreigners?

Can the Govt be trusted if it refused to disclose the assets of its ministers,

Well to-night CNA will talk about public trust in its SG+ program at 8 pm. The Straits Times rated this program as "Must Watch"

So watch it red beanies to find out whether it is Govt that is untrustworthy or the people that are suspicious.

Anonymous said...

"Success of policies lies in trust in Govt" said PM.

So ... ?
What are you going to do about it Mr Pee Am Lee?

Anonymous said...

You want the people to trust you,...
Anon 1:51 pm

People already trust them what. Of course not 100% of the people lah but 60% is good enough already, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

PM Lee only said "...trust in govt", but he never said 100% of people trust in govt hor.

So similarly cannot expect 100% of citizens as locals also what, tio bo?

So maybe locals (60% citizens and 40% PRs) also can lah.

Anonymous said...

PRs cannot vote but citizens can vote.

And so what even if citizens are a minority or even zero among the locals in employment?

Because majority 60% citizens still voted PAP, tio bo?

So this is what really matters.

b said...

'The citizens know what is happening'

- really? if they really do, they will not keep voting for the same party. the problem with the country is 60% of the voters are blur like toad. anyone given this much power will do things that is bad for the people.

Anonymous said...

Those who really knows already emigrated and thats the reason there are 200k locals overseas (excluding those living in malaysia and nearby region but still registered in spore). THats easily 10% of the natives here. If this place is good, why do they go overseas? THe foregners who came here will only treat this place as a transit to OZ, UK, USA. THis shows how 'good' pap system is. It really sucks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe in some companies, citizens are a minority or even none, but in other companies, and maybe a lot more, the reverse is true.

But PAP govt look at the big picture and noted that as a whole, nationwide, 60% citizens are still happy with PAP. So OK lah.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Does the govt trust the people it wants to trust the govt?

Anonymous said...

Are the Rulers worthy of trust?

Anonymous said...

Actually this claim that converted citizens likely to vote incumbents may not be true. Since many years ago, it is so common to hear new citizens and PRs bad mouthing the ruling party and even old man. Some were even much ruder than netizens by distastefully and disdainfully saying that old man should keep his "blo-dy mouth SHUT!" Many ( whether citizens or PRS ) even often repeated their to go back their home country when they made enough or after they had gamed the system and made quite a pike from their assetd here

Anonymous said...

Can you trust someone who say A BUT do B ?

Anonymous said...

by now many would notice how they choose the words :

when they needed to push the blame away or to scold, scare and belittle the people, they use "singaporeans, citizens"

when it comes to twisting the truth or pulling wool over our eyes, they use "locals"