
How far can the govt go to make things compulsory and make the people pay?

We are familiar with CPF Life and the going to be introduced Medishield Life. Both are compulsory schemes and the people have no choice, cannot opt out but to pay at whatever rate the govt thinks appropriate and right to charge the people. Many have forgotten the Home Protection Insurance Scheme which is also a compulsory buy for any new HDB flat owners.

The people are accepting these compulsions quietly mainly for three reasons. One, the schemes are generally good for the people. Two, it is money taken from their savings in the CPF that they knew they may not be able to see them in their life time. So they did not feel the pain for paying. And thirdly, what can the people do without knowing their rights or the govt’s right to legalize such compulsory schemes and making the people paying for them.

The Medishield Life may come in to rub some people wrongly. Many would not be able to pay the premiums in the long term as it is like paying till one dies and with the premiums increasing with age at a time when many oldies no longer have any income or are economically active. So, could it happen that some may have to top up with cash from their own pockets or from family members when govt subsidies are not enough? Here we may inch closer to an area that is taboo, ie taking cash from the people directly for compulsory schemes.

Would this Medishield Life scheme, or later on new compulsory schemes, be introduced and expecting the people to pay by cash? If paying by CPF savings is legal, then there is no reason why paying by cash cannot be legal for govt introduced compulsory schemes of any kind that are claimed to be good for the people.

How far can the govt go with this line of thinking and with more compulsory schemes and expecting the people to pay in cash when there is nothing much left in the CPF? This possibility cannot be ignored and is not far fetched. The people must question how far can the govt go in such compulsory schemes. The govt cannot be given a free hand to keep scheming more compulsory schemes and making the people pay for them through their savings, and eventually may be taking direct cash.

The govt is pro active, think ahead, plan ahead. The people too must be pro active, think ahead and plan ahead and be prepared to pre empt policies that are not to their interests and benefits, to nip future govt policies in the bud.


Anonymous said...

The govt can go very far.

So far that the strongest opposition is a long, long way from catching up, let alone able to overtake it. Maybe already give up from catching up!

And with the help of foreigners, the govt can even go much further, until the govt cannot even see Sinkies anymore.

That's how far the govt can go.

Anonymous said...

The govt will go as far as the people can pay. And people include Sinkies and foreigners.

Hence govt will go as far as foreigners can pay, if Sinkies cannot.

Anonymous said...

They created the monster but do not admit or say sorry. Instead, they continue to play hero. WTF!

Anonymous said...

RB! You asked how far can they go? Actually with 2/3 majority, they can go all the way. So no need to cpcb cuse 60% gave them the power so no need to complain, knn Tio Bo?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> How far can the govt go with this line of thinking and with more compulsory schemes and expecting the people to pay in cash when there is nothing much left in the CPF?

It'll be on a case by case basis, but theoreticalyl there is NO LIMIT.

>> The people too must be pro active, think ahead and plan ahead

Good luck with that. Given the average intelligence of the people when it comes to matters of the political economy, they are an epic failure.

If they had been "proactive" in the first place, they will have not allowed the government to get so powerful.

Singaporeans are NOT proactive. They are a PASSIVE culture. That's not going to change anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

True, they need not go else where to be raped. They are being raped in their own country and by the foreigners as well.

Anonymous said...

You want a choice?
Vote Opposition.

You want PAP gahmen to tell you what to do like the army.
Vote PAP.

Anonymous said...

Actually hor.
Maybe it's like our CPF money always kena gang rape by PAP gahmen policy.
This new Medishield compulsory scheme is maybe just another gangbang of our CPF money.

Do you know when you will ever see your CPF money again?
Do you know whether the Singapore reserves is to benefit you or to benefit someone else?

Anonymous said...

My mum is in her 80s. Her medisave has been depleted by Medisheild. She has never paid for medical bill via medisave nor make any claim from Medishield. She is relatively healthy. It does NOT pay to be healthy in S'pore as your money is still taken away by the govt. I am paying through the nose for mum's medishield top of my own medishield. To me Medishield is a white elephant scheme. With medishield life, many of us will be hit badly.

Anonymous said...

I been been hospitalised twice for operation. Another 2 time for minor day surgery. Never been able to claim medishield as the deductible is so high. Now seeing specialists for age related problems - all paid through cash as medisave cannot be used. To me, both Medishield and Medisave does NOT help with medical expenses for the layman. Now with Medishield Life - it will only get worse NOT better. We are rob dry by the govt. No money for retirement nor medical expenses.

Anonymous said...

The PAP govt has the 60% Sinkie mandate to make Sinkies pay more or delay paying back Sinkie's CPF.

Sinkies don't want to pay more or want to withdraw their CPF earlier?

Then the 60% Sinkies should give their mandate to another party to become govt and which can do it lah.

It's that simple, and the only way to achieve what Sinkies want, tio bo?

But then, except for PAP, no other party is even ready to be govt, let alone to do what Sinkies want.

So like that how?

Anonymous said...

So like that how?
Anon August 26, 2013 12:19 pm

Then make more money for your bank account rather than your CPF account lah.

Bank account, unlike CPF account, anytime and any amount can withdraw one, tio bo?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

With Medisave and Medishield, everyone is paying forward, like it or not, sick or not sick.

Everyone is paying medical bills without being sick.

Anonymous said...

"Then make more money for your bank account rather than your CPF account lah."
Anon August 26, 2013 12:22 pm

Tio. If Sinkies are smart and know how, it is much easier to make lots of money than to replace PAP as govt.

Lust for Life said...

Totally lose confidence in the government and all about their suggested schemes. Don't think they will improve their lives.

Latest news -a listed company called China Minzhong, in which GIC is a substantial shareholder, is found to be a fraud company and the shares are now worthless. This is just one of the SUPER BIG SCREWUPs by our so-called talented government.

Sad to say, when the government got screwed up, it turns around to screw us up even more in order to compensate for their loss.

How long can such situation last?

Are Singaporeans blind? Are Singaporeans still sleeping or dreaming?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Lust for Life, welcome to the blog.

Who should be responsible for this ChinaMinzhong fraud if it is a fraud?

Anonymous said...

If you google China Minzhong and GIC,
it was reported that GIC already fully divested its stake in China Minzhong on 28 Feb 13.

So if like that, not so bad lah.

Anonymous said...

Ya lor. Last time I also divested with great profit those CLOB shares before CLOB investors got clobbered in 1998.

So also not so bad lah. In fact very good.

Anonymous said...

We are a Caring Understanding Nice Timid culture. Gotta love it.

oldhorse42 said...

When CPF Life was made compulsory was there any hugh outcry or protest from the people? People just accepted it and get on with their life. After all, it is CPF what? Just take out as much as possible from your CPF Account to buy additional property, buy shares or stay lst class ward when hospitalised and leave as little as possible for Government to compulsorily acquired.lo. Boh tio?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> People just accepted it and get on with their life.

Exactly. Non proactive people. Always waiting for "someone else" to "do something".

Singaporeans need to Wake The Fuck Up, according to this young, feisty Singapore woman, however I fear that it might be too late :-)

Shhhh....keep sleeping. Stay in your coma ;-)

b said...

A nation of sheep soon begets a government of wolves. (Murrow). Sinkies are more interested in hello kitty stuff than whether their medisave accounts get plundered away by some creative schemes.

Anonymous said...

Little Red Riding Dot and the pack of Big Bad Wolves. Love it.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, they should also increase the interest return on the medisave account. TH afterall boosted 17% return pa.

Anonymous said...

>>9:20 am

Voting opposition is not about whether opposition is ready or not, sometimes it is too tame the power of the ruling party that has gone too far, sometimes it is for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Vote Opposition.
This will ensure that our voices are really heard.

Actually, it's not really that difficult to govern Singapore.
What is really difficult is to govern Singapore without upsetting a 90 year old grandfather.

Not everybody can do.
Even fewer are those who can AND also want to do.
That's why we must pay million dollars for talents like LSS and TPL.

Anonymous said...

How wise can Singaporeans vote to create freedom and make the government pay the bill instead?

Anonymous said...

Your CPF will be freely sucked away if u were warded even in cheapest bed, they will make sure u r propely cared with lots of medications, health and higiene support accessories, whether these are necessary or not, or good to have they decided for u. They hv no pain and shame to waste your CPF, u r the one who bleed while reading your bill. I rejected those unnecessary items when my mom discharged the 2nd time from hospital. U believe the CPF life?

Anonymous said...

We are headed for 7 million people. Who can stop it?

Anonymous said...

The electorates can.
But, are they prepared to
stop it?

Anonymous said...

Mr Gerry and Mr Mander will stop you.

Anonymous said...

If the people are afraid of Gerry and Mander,
then just be 'kuai kuai' and submit.
Do not kpkb.