
Uighur terrorists actions incited and supported by the Evil Empire

I refer to the recent Uighur terrorists actions in Xinjiang in which scores of innocent people mainly ethnic Hans were killed.

The hidden hands of the Evil Empire are definitely involved in the turmoil in Xinjiang. Until the Evil Empire sincerely and openly declare that it will not support the Uighur terrorists and close down the Uighur separatists office in USA and other cities of the Western countries the incitement to choas and terrorist actions by Western supported terrorist Uighurs will never end. The White or European Americans managed to solve the native American problems by genocide through systematic mass massacre . May be the Evil Empire is hinting to China to learn from them how to solve the Uighur Terrorists problem. Native Indian American survivors of the massacre were put in concentration camps and so China should take a leaf from the  The Evil Empire and deal with the surviving Uighur terrorists similarly. Of course we Chinese are too civilised to do the way of the barbaric white men.
Just round up all the Uighur terrorists and their supporters and legally sentence them to the gallows or the firing squad and leave without a shadow of doubt that China will not tolerate any terrorist acts from any quarter.



Anonymous said...

None the less the Han should stop oppressing my Uighur brothers and also the Tibetans. However you can whine about American. Who are the terrorists and tyrants?...those with power,money and weapons to abuse.

Anonymous said...

"...we Chinese are too civilised to do the way of the barbaric white men."

I am a Sinkie 1st and Chinese 2nd.

So for me, I would use "we Sinkies".

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are too few and Sinkieland is too small to be concerned and bothered about problems in other countries, especially if the problems don't affect us.

Because Sinkies cannot even solve their own problems, eg foreigners replace Sinkies in their jobs and no better alternative Sinkie parties ready to replace the PAP.

Veritas said...

Uighur want independent. But actually many do not know that it was the Chinese Muslim Hui who hated Uighur Muslim independent.

Uighur declared independent when China was in WW2. The Hui Muslim pissed. They attack the Uighur and crush their independence. They handled the Uighur teaching them a lesson. [see this]

Today,Uighur independent is protrayed in western media as "Han" Chinese against "Islam Uighur". All USA and Europe are denigrating Chinese.

RB and SMG, please blog more about this topic. I got a lot of story to tell that will shock the Muslim.

Many Muslim do not know the truth.

This is a long long story. I really hope I have more time to write blog and to comment.

Veritas said...

Sorry the link above wont work. Try this or use the link below. First East Turkestan Republic


Veritas said...

Now the Islamist who got lots of shit stories from USA and western media start to hate China.

The Islamist are now in illusion that China "oppressed" Muslim and they support Uighur terrorist.

Unfortunately most Islamist read too little book. There is no such thing as China oppress Muslim. Chinese Muslim is so integrated that if I quote you the list, you will be surprise these folks are Muslim.

The Uighur terrorst are supported the the so call "Great Satan", that all Islamist hated.

And in China, the Muslim hated Uighur and their independence. All Uighur independence movement was put down by Chinese Muslim. Morover, Chinese Muslim went much further, they sabotage Dalai Independence also.

And there is no such things as Han Chinese oppressing Uighur and Xinjiang itself is not Uighurland.

Only the South of Tarim is Uighur land. Uighur is Tuuk

The other Muslim of Xinjiang like Turkish Kazakh, Turkish Salar all hated Uighur independece. The Aryan Tajik there hate Uighur independence also. And Chinese Hui Muslim is a big enemy of Uighur independence.

If a civil war breaks out, all other Muslim group will join force to teach the Uighur a lesson.

This is a very convoluted history that white man do not want us to know.

Veritas said...

None the less the Han should stop oppressing my Uighur brothers and also the Tibetans. However you can whine about American. Who are the terrorists and tyrants?...those with power,money and weapons to abuse.

You fail your history.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

In fact Japan has been asking Chinese Muslim to declare independence during WW2. Instead of abandoning the Han Chinese, the Chinese Muslim welcome Japan with sword and machine gun.

Chinese Muslim like China so much that they are willing to lay down their life to live under China. They contribute to China war effort further than that.

All secessionist are man-handled by Chinese Muslim including the Uighur, Mongolian....etc

I am from Fujian Quanzhou. My ancetral home town is Islam HQ. I could have Persian, and Arab blood, apart from Malay. Some people from my ancetral village still do not eat pork, even though they are already non-muslim.

Some villages have Koran but they do not understand.

Talk about integration, China is far better than Malaysia UNMO style. And China relationship with Islam, went back far earlier than Malay. My ancestors could highly include Persian, Arabic Muslim (or maybe Indian traders OMG).

No Chinese Muslim ever anyhow call Jihad. The only time Chinese Muslim call Jihad is against Japanese in WW2.

Chinese Muslim is far clever than many Muslim.

I have spoken to many non Chinese Muslim and they told me they are being look down by Arabs. Nevertheless, they still follow the racist and extremist salafi way.

Chinese Muslim is much smarter. They already know Arab despise them. They do not have any interest in the well-being of Saudi or anything in middle east. Their interest is that they got a strong China.

When China become strong, that is the time Chinese Muslim can walk proudly before desert lizard. And this is already happening.

Hope RB write more. I will comment. Recently I am too busy to write blog.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Should China copy the American way in dealing with the natives, the Red Indian Way?

How many of you know how many millions of Red Indians were terminated by the White Americans to solve the native issue, and the Red Indian natives were a majority in North America. The number murdered ranged from 70 mil to more than 100 mil.

Who can beat this record?

China will have no more minority problem if they did what the Americans did to the Red Indians. There are 56 or so minorities in China but why is it that only the minorities in Xinjiang are having problems and lightly dealt with by the govt?

Go figure.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

These days Native Americans own many casinos built on "tribal" land. They pay no tax, are not accountable and generate so much money even casino owners like Donald Trump are jealous.

China's muslims are integrated with the rest of the general population. However when you do "black ops" the key is to foster the breaking away of integrated groups into separatist groups, and a proven effective way is to use anything that is "divisive". Religion and ethnicity are EXTREMELY DIVISIVE.

Don't believe? Take a look in our own backyard: the PAP perennial doctrine where the limits of freedom of speech and expression end is with race and religion. They know how divisive these can be, and can be co-opted by smart operators to fracture integrated society into secular and non-secular factions, each pursuit their own "agenda" in direct opposition to the state.

Human beings are very easily mislead. Most societies are unaware that they are one or at most two false flag or other types of covert ops away from being duped into ideological schisms which pitch family members against each other, leading to civil war at worst, or civil disruption and rioting at best.

Anonymous said...

Cannot blame everything on the evil empire, it takes two hands to clap.

Anonymous said...

Right. Blame the Red Indians for not able to fight back, for using bows and arrows against rifles and cannons.