
Neo colonialism - When state institutions start to buy up Singapore

‘The Indian Express, 5 Mar 2013

The State Bank of India (SBI) is investing in accommodation-based property in Singapore, ensuring higher grade housing requirements of its expatriate staff, a media report said today.

According to the report, SBI would want to purchase at least 10 to 20 more units to house staff as it ramps up its local presence.

SBI had recently advertised for purchasing high grade apartments, ranging from 1,100 to 1,400 sq ft in size, near to main schools and rail-based transit system….’

When national institutions start to buy up Singapore piece by piece on top of rich foreigners doing so, the developers and property owners will all be laughing all the way to the banks.

Is this a good thing for Singapore and Singaporeans? I reckon soon Singaporeans will be selling out every thing and finding out that there is no place left for themselves except to go somewhere else. The short sightedness of the Govt is becoming legendary.

Singapore is going to be bought out by foreign countries without needing a military invasion.


Anonymous said...

India, China or whoever.
There are obvious reasons why Singapore is a choice. Singapore can afford to make hard bargains. No freehold for foreign investment. 2 years or less leasehold. Review the agreement evry year. No offence but Indians make cunning 'lawyers' in every sense. China is just plain 'rogue'. PAP must very well learn frm the FTA fiasco. Dissapointed with MIW.

This is not racist. This is our birthright. Our forefathers has long abandoned their motherlands. Singapore is the motherland. We are obligated to protect it as we always been. To those idiots who says we are migrant society : Pls diam and go wherever that pleases you.

Anonymous said...

We sold Christmas Island, and now we are selling the whole country. What's going on? Are the leeders blind or stupid?

Anonymous said...

"Our forefathers has long abandoned their motherlands."

And our Traitors have long abandoned Singapore and Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

We sold the Christmas Island and now are thinking of selling the whole of Singapore. Are the leeders blind or just being stupid? What do you think?

Veritas said...

Many PAP leaders policies are amount to treason. Singapore is not a big country like USA. We are a small country. If you allow foreigners to buy up our properties without restrictions, soon we are will be drive into the sea.

Many countries much bigger than us prohibits or place huge restriction on foreigners owning properties.

In Switzerland, foreigners cannot buy property in places like Geneva or Zurich. Below are further restrictions of Swiss.

a. Foreigners who actively seek to buy a Swiss property should understand that they can as a non-Swiss family only buy one property. The size of the property can be of up to 200 square metres in living area. For chalets the plot area is limited to 1000 sqm. When the child of the non-Swiss family reaches the age of 20, he/she can purchase one property in their own name, having proved their financial independence.

b. Certain Cantons restrict the time within which the property can be resold. The limits vary from Canton to Canton - for example it is not unusual for a buyer to have a restriction of resale within the first five years of ownership. After the time has elapsed it is possible to resell the property, either to a foreign or a Swiss buyer. The rules may have exceptions that after certain criteria are met, the resale would be possible at an earlier stage.

The reason why we cannot have car, landed property and more greenspace is because PAP sold us out. Now PAP want to dig up Bukit Brown to free up more land so that they can import more foreigners.

Anonymous said...

Many countries much bigger than us prohibits or place huge restriction on foreigners owning properties.

I shall save my prayers from cursing.
Those who profiteers will get their comeuppance. Afterall, we will eventually die.

denk said...

if u dont buy the washington consensus
uncle sham will bring *democracy* to u

plus bit of destabilisation ?

An alliance willing to defy the UN and to use first-strike nukes as
it sees fit will not hesitate to fudge a little chaos in order to
secure long-term power projection bases in Asia. The United
States has fudged chaos in the Philippines before.
The first President Bush saluted America s first covert Filipino-
Muslim freedom fighters, and his son s inner circle has its own
reasons to resurrect the secret Muslim army trick. As soon as
Arroyo signs the Pentagon s proposed mutual support
agreement, any unrest in Sabah, Zamboanga City or Mindanao
means the US must intervene.
The Rand study advised the Pentagon to keep the zone warm
militarily. That is the purpose of the current rolling series of anti-
terror exercises against the CIA s Abu Sayyaf Group. That was
also the likely purpose of the terror-bomber rescued by the Bush
White House.

Future events will reveal America s game plan for Southeast
Asia and who the confederates are.
Last month, after a series of disturbances in Sabah work camps,
Malaysia expelled an estimated 30,000 undocumented Filipino
laborers from the troubled state in North Borneo that so many
CIA plots seem to target...a state where the Bangsamoro army
claimed in February to have 50,000 insurgents armed and
funded by the USA and other super-powers.
To protest the expulsion, Arroyo immediately moved to renew
the Philippine claim to Sabah. The President has ordered her
chief Army officer to prepare for all emergencies and to develop
the new rules of engagement we need . To guarantee the safety
of returning workers, she has proposed the permanent stationing
of a Philippine navy ship off the Sabah coast.

On October 6, she called for even closer security ties with the
United States.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Govt should seriously and quickly consider de Souza's recommendation to apply Australian property laws here. If Australians are prudent enought to protect their continent, it is reckless not to protect this little piece of rock.

What do you think?

denk said...

n if u endorse the washington consensus lock stock n barrel
u gotta *open up* wide



like myanmar n................sg

Anonymous said...

Stop calling these pap leedership, but calling them traitors and everything about selling off the country start make sense.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In 1867, Russia was in debt and in need of cash, and fearing the loss of Alaska to Britain, outrageously sold Alaska to the USA for a princely sum then of $7.2m, a piece of land 1.5 million sq km. the price worked out to be 4.7c per sq km.

It was the greatest Russian folly of all time.

Would any modern leader, with the wisdom of hindsight, sell land just for money, a depreciating asset that may even become worthless over time?

Anonymous said...

Even malaysia only allow foreigners to buy two properties. When an ahneh took over as FM, the country is already slowly experiencing india invasion. Most condos are full of ahnehs now. I hope sinky can rejoin malaya one day and we can use cpf to buy house there so can escape the ahnehs. most of them are noisy, stinky, bad behaving and uncivilised.

Anonymous said...

And they continue to rape small young girls despite being in the internet age. How can this type of people be allow into our society?

Anonymous said...

India, pinoys and jipons will be creating a lot of chaos in the coming years for asia backed by their big brother. Wealth will change hands and weapons dealers laughing all the way to the banks.

denk said...

dont miss the forest for the tree
once u see the big pic
everything'll be crystal clear....

*The case in Burma n else where , for those in power in the West, is very simple: the Chinese out and the inhuman fukus regime in*

*with the eyes of the world focused on the Southeast Asian country, a much more significant and covert war is taking shape: a proxy war in which the United States and its allies use a variety of violent and non-violent means in their quest to block Chinese economic investment and development in Myanmar n else where
Additionally, we see India, and other nations traditionally at odds with China, being used by fukus as a wedge to pry Myanmar n others out of the Chinese sphere of influence.

Anonymous said...

what is fukus?

denk said...

fukus = fuck uk + us

Anonymous said...

STFORUM Print edition

- Jolly Wee

"SINGAPOREANS are most concerned about cost of living issues ('Cost of living issues top concerns: Poll'; Feb 22),
but what concerns me is that
many people here attribute the rise in cost of living to factors outside their control,
and expect the Govt to increase social spending to help them."


Anonymous said...

STFORUM Print edition

- Ho Yew Kee

"THE Govt has done exceptionally well in financially managing our country,
where we usually have more than the budgeted surplus at the end of each financial year.

Is our Budget realistic if we are having such huge surpluses frequently?"


Anonymous said...

The Void Decker

[A one-of-a-kind union that rejects minimum wage]

"Every good party needs a clown to provide the laughs,
and it was Zorro Lim on the PAP roster yesterday.

Instead of speaking up for the workers that he is supposed to represent,
he is strangely the one voicing the objection..

This must be an absolute one of a kind.

Nowhere in the world will you ever find another union chief who argues against higher wages for workers.

Over the past two weeks,
netizens have lambasted leaders of business and restaurant groups
for their lobbying against the tightening of foreign worker supply.

Even if we criticise them for engaging in their usual scare tactics,
we must realise that they are doing this to protect the interest of their members.

Similarly, it is normal for MPs and NMPs to speak up for the different groups they represent,
whether in an official or unofficial capacity.

Everyone plays his part to ensure balanced representation in parliament.

except our union chief."


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Myanmar must learn from the fiasco that Gen Mubarrak did in Pakistan when he went to bed with the US. War was brought into the country immediately.

His ousting and ridding the country of Americans have led to peace returning to Pakistan.

denk said...


nepal, another staunch ally of china, has fallen to fukusi[ndia] shenanigans.

denk said...

btw this is what happened to bhutan n sikkim, as per....

Baburam Bhattarai
*In Sikkim, a small state that adjoins Nepal to the east, India established a “protectorate” in 1950, and in 1973 the King was deposed in a coup crudely engineered by the Indian intelligence agency. Sikkim was thereupon annexed by India. Bhutan, a kingdom next in line to the east of Sikkim, like Nepal and Sikkim borders both India and China. When, in 1964, the Prime Minister of Bhutan moved to have a balanced foreign policy between China and India, he was assassinated by Indian operatives and the king’s younger brother, Lendrup Dorje, was put in his place. Bhutan has kept its formal independence, but ever since there have been Indian army posts inside Bhutan at the border crossings with China. Nepal has been a harder nut to crack.*

but fukus has finally cracked this nut via india n irony of irony....
Baburam Bhattarai, the current pm , is in the pocket of the indians he so despised.