
The Tramp’s Corner

With million dollar public flats everywhere, Singapore is a country that literary has no slums. The closest that one can get to resemble a slum is the little corner in Potong Pasir, a void deck with an aged and worn out desk and with a couple of make shift dividers to keep the weather away. This little corner in Block 108 was the make shift office of the elected representative of the people where Chiam See Tong used to meet his residents to assist in their problems.

Comparing to the surrounding, it was quite pathetic really. It was not much better than the desk of Chief Minister David Marshall under the staircase in City Hall in 1959. The colonial govt was too poor to provide the Chief Minister a proper office. It is difficult to understand why the richest country in the world, willing to spend billions on make belief gardens, but could not afford to provide its elected members of Parliament with a proper office space to serve the people. It is puzzling to think that a junior civil servant is found necessary or appropriate to ride around in a top end model bicycle that cost $2000 when a $200 would suffice. And the junior civil servants would also have a decently equipped office with very decent chairs to sit on in an air conditioned environment.

Why are our members of Parliament treated so shabbily? Are they not serving the people, not working for the people? Are they not the law makers of the nation? Are they not the leaders of the country, the elected representatives of the people?

For justice and equality, may I suggest that all members of Parliament be given a proper office with desk and chair in a void deck to conduct their meet the people’s session there? I think any security guard would have a more decent office to work in. Maybe the country cannot afford to pay for such an office. It must have something to do with being financially prudent, not to squander public funds too freely.

How many slums corners are there in the island of millionaires and million dollar flats? Can the govt show some decency and respect to the office of the Members of Parliament? Thank God this little tramp corner is gone and not need to be an eye sore anymore. Are there anymore eye sores in Hougang and Aljunid?


Anonymous said...

I feel the same as you. This is an obvious technique to intimitate and belittle one of country's highest office bearer. I cannot think of any country so divided that if you do not vote for me, you are not considered as one of us. A country with two systems! Talk about unity. I don't see how such a system will promote unity and moving all Singaporeans as one people one nation. Maybe the ministers can help to explain.

Anonymous said...

They are not interested in "fighting" for their tables and chairs, and what do you think they will fight for you.

Note They - refer to the Opposition law makers..

theonion said...

Chiam See Tong is no longer a direct MP for the area. His wife is a NCMP not a MP.
Further,all political parties provide their own office from their own party funds.

The govt of the day is already involved in too many things.
Your comments contradicts your independence ideas for the people.


Anonymous said...

Is there any job in the govt that does not require an office to serve the people?

Anonymous said...

theonion. As a government, I will be ashame to show foreign visitors how elected MPs work in their own constituency. MPs that belonged to PAP got decent space and with aircond compfort to serve their voters but opposition MPs are required to secure a place for themselves. Building an office in a void deck needs approval from HDB and that has never been granted so far.

Anonymous said...

onion, your view is same as the govt. RB's view is independent of the govt's.

Are you confused?

Anonymous said...

All political parties are required to provide their MPs from their own party funds??? please, what about possible independent candidates? Must they also construct their own office from their savings? Better to have a state-funded office that goes to ANYONE who wins an election. Also you have to question where those "party funds" come from and if it is fair that the PAP has a monopoly on money-making grassroots kindergartens etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Actualy an MP is a redundant job. Not important. Meet the people only wayang. No need to waste time and money for an office lah.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, we can!"
President Obama,
leader of the most powerful country in the world,
NOT the highest paid political leader in the world.

"Managing expectations a key challenge."
PM Lee,
leeder of one of the smallest country in the world,
most highly paid political leader in the world.

Paid so much to deliver so leetle (little?).


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

How many of you believe that the MP's job is so unimportant that there is no need to provide an MP with a proper office to work in? I

Is there any respect and dignity for such a position?

Anonymous said...

Chiam's corner is gone, but RB, do you know sitoh has built at least 3 void deck offices in the last 6 months in Lor 8 Toa Payoh? Of course it is not called an MP's office, they call ot wellness corner, children's playground etc. And Sitoh claimed Chiam left him no funds? In the last 12 months, he has spent money getting rid of spontaneous (not related to Chiam) gardens and building nice new partitioned planting areas (carefully locked so only certain families can access), new exercise areas, blah bla. All those things cost the residents so much money; there were clearly alot of money Chima left behind from his careful management; Sitoh;s intent is typical of PAP - spend all the money, then ask for riase in town council fees to creat a $100m sinking fund - sinck the residents, happy for PAP cronies bankers who take the money and "invest it" i, errrr, mini-bonds? This sucks big time, MIW politicians are really scums of the lowest order.

Anonymous said...

What are the political affiliations of Potong Pasir's contractors involved in all these upgrading work in Potong Pasir?

Anonymous said...

when a new wife takes over the house, she will eradicate every single thing that reminds her hubby or step-children of the former lady of the house. but the children won't forget. so many blocks to choose from, why must choose block 108?

Anonymous said...

"How many of you believe that the MP's job is so unimportant that there is no need to provide an MP with a proper office to work in?"

You know, I know, and every Sinkie knows.
The whole purpose is to inconvenience the Opposition MP as much as possible.
Make the Opposition MP hunt around for an office space.

Same with the services provided by the town councils like rubbish disposal.
In the old days, rubbish disposal was a centralized service provided by the government.
Now it is deliberately decentralized and the responsibility of the MPs.
So MPs got more work to do.

The whole purpose is to set a high barrier to entry into politics.

Same, same with the high deposit required before you can take part in the general elections as a candidate.

Anonymous said...

“you were a nobody and we made you famous”.

It would seem, everything in Singapore, ... even the toilets, .... have to go through the Millionaires-In-White and their organizations/companies/NGO ??


Anonymous said...

Funny that Singaporeans of other constituencies are ridiculing the Potong Pasir Constituents who had chosen Sitoh over his opponent.

Let us all respect the Potong Pasir Electorates' choice of their MP and wat their MP is doing for them.
Can or not ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cannot. It is about decency and fairness. We are all Singaporeans, carrying the same flag and singing the same song. Elections is a free choice by the people. All parties must respect the result. Once elections are over and new government formed, citizens must close rank and work towards the betterment of the country. Ruling party should treat all citizens the same whether they are residing in opposition wards or otherwise. This is our country, our nation! Get it?

Anonymous said...

Some Singaporeans are more loyal to the lightning flag than they are to the Singapore flag.
Because the lightning flag pays better.

Anonymous said...

Lightning flag pays better I don't mind.
Pay with Singapore taxpayers' money I mind very much.
I want to know where is the money coming from?

Anonymous said...

MP Sitoh is doing exactly wat U People are asking for and that is to develop Potong Pasir to the same standard or maybe better than other constituencies. So, wat the hell are You peasants khaw peh khaw boo for wat?

Got to go imh for check up or not? Yaw pa char. Make so much noise.

Anonymous said...

Develop Potong Pasir using Pro Alien Party contractors is it?

To be President of Singapore, must first resign all political party membership.

To be government contractor, must also resign all political party membership.

Must be political virgin.

Anonymous said...

The voters at Potong must have been let down by Chiam See Tong when the Latter passed on his party leadership to his wife. As was evident in the Last GE, Lina Chiam simply did not make the cut. The arrangement for leadership tranfer was smack of nepotism and the Potong Pasir Constituents clearly were not impressed. The Party itself is as good as in tatters.

Saw the Health Minister and Sitoh holding on Chiam See Tong to support his frail frame. It appeared Chiam's supporters had all left him. He can now go to wellness centres at Potong Pasir to do repair to rekindle the old relationship though it will be futile. But at least Sitoh will be happy to see him around using the facilities.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Chiam See Tong's failings in his sunset years.
He slowed down Sitoh's political career by at least 10 years.

Otherwise, Sitoh would be a Millionaire by now;
and his cronies would also be basking in his glory.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Put aside the political affiliation. I strongly believe that all MPs deserve a decent place to serve the people and the govt should provide them with a small office with a small cap on the untilities bill. Anything more they can pay for it.

This is only decent and decorum. Don't treat the people's elected representatives as tramps.

Anonymous said...

Chiam SeeTong slow down the development of facilities and amenities for 20 years.
Now, Sitoh is doing his best to give Potong Pasir Constituents the very best. But, no one see the fact here.

Pathetic Sinkies!! Only know how to khaw peh khaw boo.

Anonymous said...

Annon 11:14 They are not KPKB for nothing. You must understand that agencies do not readily respond to request when such requests come from opposition ward. Resources are kept at bay by giving all sorts of reasons. You cannot blame CST.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:14.

Don't think you are so naive. You are trying to distort the truth and pass the buck to Chiam when everyone knows it is not Chiam's fault.

Anonymous said...

CST is as nepotic and as dynastic as other despot.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

That I can agree. He was not meant to be a leader. That's why he lost Potong Pasir.

Seetoh did not win the ward. He was given the seat by the Potong Pasirians by default.

Anonymous said...

Seetoh won by razor thin margin so he needs to "buy" the hearts of his residents. One way is to ask his party to help by approving anything he wants.

Anonymous said...

No matter, at the end, Sitoh delivers better than CST and that is what counts.

Anonymous said...

The party is so rich, or is Seetoh so rich? Now he can pay for all the great stuff for the residents.

Cheam poor bugger got no money to pay for anything.

By the way, whose money is it?