
A religious Order for Sin City

The rage against infidelity and personal indiscretion in the media continues unabated. Everyone is taking potshots at the transgressors and demanding apologies or confession. Bill Clinton must be quietly telling himself how lucky he is to be living in the US. If he was our President, he could be stoned to death or attacked in public.

This thing about the high expectation for a high moral conduct could be a manifestation that in a paradise called Sin City, there indeed resided many sinless residents. Only the sinless could dare to demand such a high standard of moral behavior from others, to equal theirs.

And soon there could be a call for a higher standard of conduct from civil servants and political leaders. Do not be surprised that they could demand an annual declaration of fidelity and good conduct like the annual non indebtedness declaration. And all new candidates could be expected to sit through a moral test followed by an interview by a board of monks and priests before being accepted to the religious order. And of course the Prime Minister would then be elevated to the position of High Priest of Paradise. Anything less of a perfect personal conduct would not do.

Just a word of caution. When standing on a high pedestal to pass judgement on personal indiscretion, do not be personal. The power of the internet and the right to freedom of speech do not give anyone the right to personal attacks. Let’s restrain and restrict ourselves to policies and issues. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with policies or be disgusted by them. Every policy can be good and bad to different people. Stay clear from being personal even if in Sin City.


Anonymous said...

I fully agree.

If an ILLEGAL act (the law has been broken) has been committed, then yes, let's pursue the matter.

If it is an IMMORAL act, but no laws have been broken, let's leave it to God to pass the final judgement.

Anonymous said...

You are dead.

Anonymous said...

RBZ, you are right Asians can't think. That's why they bought into clinton'religion :)

Anonymous said...

Not only their religion..their politics...HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

yeee...nose digging is so...dirty...you dig nose..I dig nose...all so ...DIRTY....MUSHAHAHAGA

Anonymous said...

"let's leave it to God to pass the final judgement."

this is a favorite line of idots. ..haaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Someone just touched on a raw nerve, the OB marker is alive and well. Long Live Sinkie/Chow PAPPY

Anonymous said...

k sham

Anonymous said...

The imagined god is okay, it does no damage.
It is the preacher that Sins, for he/she is real.
Toying with kids, keeping money from donation, invading the modesty of follower, lying with nonsense and what not, are all deeds of religious culprit. God is just a tool of their Sins/

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 10:06. Hope you don't mind that I deleted that post on Tony. My apologies.

Anonymous said...

At least you are polite.. and you are consistent

Kaffein said...

To put the matter straight, I will like to state that I do not condone infidelity. Affairs outside marriage not only affect both parties but immediate families and kids.


It is funny how Singgies pick on 'yet to be proven' Yaw's infidelity and go on a witch hunt. Hmmm don't we have anything else better to do than to be judges? What crime did he commit.

Again I stress that I am not condoning his adultery, if assumed he did commit it.

Seriously if he had erred and it took place in the past and has since reconciled with his wife, what is matter? If his wife doesn't condemn him, who are we?

This event clearly shows that:
- Singaporeans are generally not 'politically mature' enough to differentiate between political integrity and personal discretion.
- We don't know what constitutes personal space vs public figures, and privacy vs rights.
- We act no better than any paparazzi in digging past faults, and could jolly well end up like the ones who killed Princess Diana. We actually love to see 'blood spilled'.
- We are deprived of good journalism with good insights and smart analysis. We have been fed too much with the MSM's style of dirty politics against oppositions and being the PAP's mouthpiece.
- We have problems seeing our own shortcomings and sit on a high horse to sprout judging words or advice nobody cares. Sound familiar to a 90-yr-old man I once admired.

Stop this nonsense witch-hunting and fuelling useless talks of scandals.

C'mon Singaporeans - we can do better than that.

Anonymous said...

You need a good dose of curry powder in your coffee

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Sexuality and libido are view differently in different culture. Sukarno's sexual drive was associated with power and greatness. Mao's sexual interests was never seen as negative, akin to the emperors of the past and fed to make him happy.

Solomon had thousands of wives etc. The Roman's past time was orgies and so were the past times of many modern day rich and famous. It is an indulgence of those who can afford it in all corners of the world.

Then hypocrisies are also everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Gods can be angry also.

Anonymous said...

We are entering a new order. Either you call it, or you will be bulldozed.

The horsemen are coming.

Anonymous said...

Wow , RB , first time you exercised censorship ?? Pray tell what's so sensitive abt that Anon 10:06 post? I read it before it disappeared. Hope this is not the start of a slippery slope, RB. MAny people can handle the truth , actually.

Anonymous said...

hehe truth ? Did apollo land on the moon? nah, the truth is, it did not. it was just govt bs. shhh... somebody is easedropping.... did i hear something ?? let me tell u a secret, area 65 is real. Aliens landed there, it is true, another big govt cover up. ask the right people, birds of same feather flock together, let the truth be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Prease lah , Anon3:35. It's area 53 . Looks like u are another phuck wit who can't differentiate science from fiction.

Anonymous said...

Duh. Area 69

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 3:25, nothing that serious. Just a little irrelevant and unnecessary: )

Anonymous said...

Yawning Bread was told to delete some comments. Do visit his Site to read it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Went there and seen. While we kpkb about issues, let's not get carried away by attacking anyone in particular and get ourselves into trouble. No need for this kind of trouble.

Anonymous said...

Ok RB at 4:09 , point taken. But must admit the sroobal effect is sending ripples through the local blog sphere, undeniably. OB markers abound , alive and kicking.

Anonymous said...

Sin is loosening up. Now we are slowly opening up to satires and political humoring on stage - ouch.

When you look up to the Clinton, you should also painfully laugh with the letterman.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When Matilah is talking about Jesus, just ignore him as another crank.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I protest. I'm not just "another crank", I consider my brand of crankiness a bit more special.

anyway, you can always count on me for a comment on Jesus, Alaah, Boodah and other fictitious (i.e. non-existent) religious characters from which the majority of human beings derive their "morality" from.