
The Americans should have learnt from us

The US could have avoided the subprime crisis if they were willing to learn from us. In fact they would have become a much richer nation if they were to implement the same immigration policies as ours. They would have their property prices shooting to the sky and benefit all their property owners who would then be able to sell them at enormous profits to the new immigrants. All they need to do is to let in 10 or 20 million new immigrants who would then need to buy up the properties to stay. And if they are more aggressive, they could let in a 100m, and the US will be boom town Charlie. All the original Americans will be laughing to the banks by just selling their properties or looking at their market values.

It is a sure win formula. Dumb Americans. They could have turned a crisis into a great opportunity. And to think that they have been coming here to get good advice or words of wisdom. I think they never bother to listen when they were here, just pretend to listen but not letting anything to get into them.


Tau Suan said...

I left a logical and reasoned comment. How come it was not published?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Tau Suan, Welcome to the blog.

Something sticky. I saw your post appeared and disappeared. Please try to post again.

Anonymous said...

Erh, our sure win formula can only work in overpopulated, land scarce, near dictatorial, and of course needing talented politicians able to shaft unpleasant medication down the throats of daft citizens without a murmur.

In other words, what can work in other places cannot work in red dot, and what can work in red dot cannot work elsewhere.

It is that simple an explanation that I have heard for well over 45 years.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha, you are right on this. That is why we used the phrase, uniquely Singapore.

Just pulling everyone's leg. How could the US copy any of our solution when they can't even pay their president half of what our junior minister is getting?

Anonymous said...

The Americans, evangelising the world over, can't they ever solve their own mess with what advices they proffer to the world?

Anonymous said...


If our GDP were as big as the US, and our politicians apply red dot's system of pegging their remuneration based on GDP size, gosh that will be out of this solar system!

Thankfully, for the Americans, those politicians in US are 'daft' to agree to be paid a pittance compared to ours. But, of course, they are deemed to be corrupt according to our politician's power of presumption.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Indeed the American politicians are daft. They are daft to accept the pittance as compensation for the big jobs they are handling. And they are bigger dafters for accepting such a low salary and be seen as corrupt some more.

Really daft Americans. That is why I say they should learn from us. Demand big salary that are befitting for their jobs and then go around the world and say they are not corrupt because they are paid so well and no need to be corrupt : )

Anonymous said...

Give the man a lion, oops sorry a tiger.

Anonymous said...

yayaya, the moment the American leaders tell people how much they are paid people straight away can conclude, corrupt leaders!

Some will say, no dignity leaders.

The said...

/// Erh, our sure win formula can only work in overpopulated, land scarce, near dictatorial, and of course needing talented politicians able to shaft unpleasant medication down the throats of daft citizens without a murmur. ///

Indeed. If I can paraphrase Molly Meek, this formula can only work because of our dense population, erh, densely-populated nation......

Anonymous said...

That's the right word Molly used. Dense population, dignified politicians.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I must agree with Molly. For a while I was wondering why our politicians are all so dignified looking, everyone looks goof to be the EP. Oops, I mean looks good. Typo.

kopi o said...

The Americans are where they are today because they have politicians who are paid peanuts. So peanuts can only attract monkeys. The talented are all in the private sector, like law, engineering, software (think google, microsoft) , finance. Even the judges are leaving in droves to work as lawyers working for firms. Surely if the president of the US is paid only say US300k a year, a judge cannot be paid more than him. But then policy makers hold a very important job and responsibility, they make policies that affect many more people than if that person is in private sector.

So there we have, a person paid little, that makes decisions that affect the masses.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

pay millions also can get monkeys and making monkey policies.

kopi o said...

From 3rd world to 1st world in 1 generation on monkey policies. Truly talented monkeys then. If that is true, they are priceless.

Anonymous said...

How can US even compare to Singapore ? US is so corrupted that executive that abuse authority and power, and lose billions and millons of dollars for self-interest are sent to jail. Just look at Enron and Worldcom, whereas our old fart and his family lost extraordinary amount of singapore money and still can happily lecture on lesser mortals on high ground and still live a Emperor's life. Don't even compare a rambutan with Durian !

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ho, ho, ho. The Americans are our indisputable role model. What ever they preached we do. Even when they knew that what they preached were disastrous and gave up on them, we would continue, relentless, since the American had said it was ok. And we would prove the Americans wrong, no right, that their original thesis were right.

The examples are how the financial industry should be run, how small banks must merged into one or two big banks, big muscles and too big to fail. Deregulations to allow the unscrupulous big funds to do as they please....

We will do better than the dumb Americans. Yes the daft Singaporeans are smarter than the dumb Americans.

kopi o said...

"... lose billions and millons of dollars for self-interest are sent to jail. Just look at Enron and Worldcom" ....... Rightfully so, these people who cooked their books, deceived investors for own gains, they were righfully sent to jail. Such dishonest people can be found anywhere, not only US.

Now, back to the problems in US. The US is in deep debt hole. Why ? Because of their Social system and poor governance. But they can't turn back the clock and stop all the benefits. They know they are in deep abyss, and actually they know what needs to be done but cannot implement. Why ? Because of democracy, partisan politics and a weak governemnt.Obama and his advisory team can put forward his proposals but it cannot get passed into law!

Back to Singapore.

"our old fart and his family lost extraordinary amount of singapore money". We all know : -$2 + $6 = +$4. No point harping all the time on the negative $2 for they have more than make back your money for the whole year. They are graded, audited and compared with peers of other SWFs. There will always be losses in investements but as long as gains more than offset losses, we know, it is ok. And it is this family who brought us from a nobody derelict fishing village and kampong and attap house part of malaya to where we are today. People seemed to have forgotten that.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Kopi o, welcome to the blog.

The Americans have turned themselves into a belligerent and arrogant Evil Empire. They do no want to scale back their wars against the world. And they are bleeding their Treasury for it. They will pay for their conduct of wars.

kopi o said...

The US is one of the few big elephants. Is it Evil and arrogant ? Nobody is perfect. Without the US, Iraq will still be in Kuwait. Without US as a counterweight in Asia, China may be running around unimpeded, they may even claim s china sea as their territory. US is acting like a world policeman for which the world needs one, and unfortunately, bleeds their treasury.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about the US Treasury. The US can print monies, the US can borrow monies, the US can owe infinitely.
Americans have been living as the richest and most powerful people on Earth on borrowed and freely printed monies. So, worry not for the US, BUT, do worry how It could wrought havocs on others and enjoys doing so.
It is not just Arab Nations that are victims, the other nations are also the preys of the US.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

At the moment they are holding the world at ransom, and spending like a duke by printing money. S$ to US$ used to be 1:3, now it is 1:1.2.

The days of US$ becoming banana notes are nigh. When China dumps, the whole world will dump. Now it seems unlikely as everyone will suffer equally bad.

If there is anyway to destroy the Evil Empire, it is to make it a bankrupt. It will come soon as they keep on printing and spending like there is no tomorrow.

A gold nugget will be a gold nugget. A piece of worthless paper will become a piece of worthless paper.

Anonymous said...

Calling the US a Evil Empire is far too much, I totally dont agree.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon. You have all the right to disagree: )

But bear in mind that the US has been tagging many countries with the evil tag. Then try to remember after the atom bombs on Japan, not counting them, the korean war, the vietnam war, the Cambodian war, the Laotian war, the middle eastern wars, the Afghan war, the wars in latin America, in Europe and Africa, how many million people have been killed by the American bullets?

Put all the evil countries branded by the US together, the number of people killed by the Americans overshadowed them.

It is an understatement to call them Evil Empire. They are still killing the Arabs and Afghans daily, not just combatants but civilians, mother and children as well, in the name of freedom and the free world.

notanotherspinstory said...

Eh uncle, Americans not dumb leh. PAP is dumber for investing in US government bonds. Who's the sucker now? We are actually paying their debt for free.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In this sense you are very right. The Americans are printing money for the countries of the world in the trillions. This means they got trillions of dollars to spend for free. The only cost to them is printing, ink and paper. Simply ingenious.

Then there are several trillions of bonds that they sold to the world.

Add these together, imagine the among of free money they got to spend.

They had a real good time. But I think they will squander this arrangement when the day the world decides to dump the US dollar.

If the US stock market continues to fall, the end is sooner than you think. It will be a financial crisis worst than the Depression.

All will suffer. But America will be history.