
Singaporean FT no good, foreign FTs betterer

Chen Show Mao was and is a Singaporean, studied here, served his NS before venturing abroad to make his mark. He is the role model for Singaporeans who want to make it good in the international scene, to compete with the best in the world and to be recognized as one of the best. He has returned home to want to serve the country in Parliament. His absence from the country is now frowned upon as a misgiving. Instead, foreign talents that took up citizenships here, did not do NS, are preferred as more desirable candidates to assume political office. Is this how we should treat our very own citizens, our very own talents vis a vis foreign talents? If this is the mentality, Singaporean talents better think twice before taking up that offer to work overseas. When you return home to roost, you will be watched with suspicion, that you are a lesser Singaporean than a new citizen. Your motives will be questioned. On the other hand the motives of new citizens are honourable or must be honourable. When we question our own sons for their motives for returning home, something is seriously wrong, insanity. When we don’t trust our own children but someone who just walked in and be easily convinced by this Ginny comes lately, what are we telling our children? Yes, foreign talents are better than our own children. Instead of challenging him on what or how he could contribute to the country, his integrity and ‘motives’ are now the subject of scrutiny. Basically, it becomes an assault on his character, and all because he went to find his fortune as a Singapore foreign talent.


Anonymous said...

That bum matilah is right. Politicians are all crooks and cannot be trusted. Ask them for their motives and they will answer like an angel. They are the servants of the people. They will not raid the reserves. They will not raid the treasury. They all are goody goody honest crooks.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I read this guy commenting that because Chen Show Mao was working as a foreign talent, he was deemed to have abandoned Singapore. What cock is he talking about when the govt too has been encouraging our local talents who have been displaced to find jobs overseas! So the govt asking our talents to abanddon Singapore?

And there was this chicken who was questioning Chen Show Mao's sense of duty! This man served his NS diligently to become an officer. And for those cocks and chicken who don't understand the sacrifices a young Singaporean has to make in serving NS, let me enlighten them a little.

NS is not just about a young man sacrificing 2 to 3 years of the best part of his youth to the country. It is not about another 20 odd years of reservist training, and inconveniences, and the toll it takes on his career family. There are more to it.

NS is the sacrifice of parents, wives and children, when their son/husband/father went away to serve the country, to defend the country and to die for the country when called upon.

NS is the sacrifice of the whole family for the country. It is the highest sacrifice a young man and his family can do for the country, and for a pittance. Not the kind of sacrifice where one can still recoup several millions a year and several millions for a life time.

Please do not belittle NS and the sacrifice and the sense of duty of a NS man!

Anonymous said...

Well said bro chua chin leng
thank u for speaking for us our bro Mr Chen show mao and us Ns, ex Ns brothers.U understand us better.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 840

I told you so.

NS should be hammered and ridiculed and pro actively avoided until the whole damn thing dies and goes away.

And fuck the feelings of 'the NS man'. No one has a right to not have their feelings hurt. If they want to really serve in the military then fucking SIGN ON as a regular. It isn't as if there isn't any option.

I repeat: any parent worth their salt should do whatever they can to prevent their sons from 'serving' (ha ha ha -- forced to serve means SLAVERY) NS.

NS should be renamed: NATIONAL SLAVERY.

Fuck Mindef, fuck the mininster for defense and fuck National Slavery!

Anonymous said...

and fuck matilah singapura

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

To find out a person's true intentions is virtually impossible -- a waste of time.

Most of the time we are not even aware of our intentions -- they are subconscious. And given the scientific fact that our conscious awareness is 0.2-0.5 seconds 'later' than our subconscious... you will need more than chit chat to find out -- if it is at all possible -- a persons intentions or motivations beyond the point that we all know that intention and motivations are based on self-interest.

The better questions to ask is:

Can this fucker do his job? Is he worth the $15k of peoples' tax money?

That's all. All politicians are skilled in telling fucking bare faced lies. However some actually can do their job properly. Like Saddam Hussein and Hitler -- their job was to kill and torture people and they did it par excellence.

Anonymous said...

Folks, let's not sink into the gutter by spewing unnecessary vulgarities and vitriol - it stinks!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks anon 1:21 for reminding them not to get too friendly.

Guys, cool it okay. Thanks.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

As far as NS is concerned, only those who have gone through it appreciate the pain and angst that came with it. Some got into girlfriend or family problem because of it. Some got into jobs and income problems because of it. Some personal problems.

And we have jokers thinking that it is a boy scout movement and a holiday camp. Some died, some seriously hurt, became invalids, some kena tekan by assholes....

We NS men are proud of our little contribution to our country and our fellow citizens. We should not allow any asshole to pooh pooh our sacrifices.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

One more thing, all responsible Singaporeans owe themselves s duty to root for good people to take up political leadership. We have a few good ones standing up now. They should not be condemned by assholes out to discredit them.

I hope more Singaporeans will put in effort to stand up for these people, defend them when they are cruelly attacked for nonsensical issues. I would want to shoot those jokers who fire their cannons wantonly. Oops, cannot say shoot. I mean figuratively.

These brave young men and women are standing up to give Singaporeans an alternative voice. The Singaporeans owe them to walk this road safely and to shield them from mud slingers.

Anonymous said...

These brave young folks are starting to take artillery fire from the BIG GUNs - a cabinet minister, no less!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The big guns must talk sense. The people are watching and if he spouts nonsense, it will fall flat on his face. The servants are not stupid. Or the masters are not stupid. I am confused which is which now. Too many smoke bombs.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

What shit are you talking about ‘sacrifice’. You dumb motherfucker – you don’t even know what the word implies.

When you say ‘sacrifice’ it is understood that uch a decision is made by the individual voluntarily.
When it is forced – i.e. not voluntary – then it is slavery -- the person forcing you has no concern for your 'right' to choose.

Can you understand that douche bag cunt?

Anonymous said...

Dear me. This pariah is acting cute or thinking he is cute. Luckily there ain't many such things around.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 321

Fuck you and the DNA that made you. Who the fuck made you king of the world telling redbean and myself how to behave?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon 3:21, thanks for your concern. This dumbass is like that when he had too much of toddy. And in such a state he would try to act friendly by becoming his natural self. That's the time to ignore him.

And I can't praise him for that either. He dislikes people praising him. Wait for the effect of toddy to go away and he will be his abnormal self again.

Let him take his snooze inside a kangaroo pouch.

Anonymous said...

Much as me dislikes to differ with Mr Chua, me cannot help in this One;
"NS is the sacrifice of parents, wives and children, when their son/husband/father went away to serve the country, to defend the country and to die for the country when called upon.

NS is the sacrifice of the whole family for the country. It is the highest sacrifice a young man and his family can do for the country, and for a pittance. Not the kind of sacrifice where one can still recoup several millions a year and several millions for a life time".

Get me and other Singaporeans excused from CONSCRIPTION and we will FOREVER GRATEFUL TO YOU.

One of the most undemocratic crap and greatest abuse of society is to force a fellow being into doing something this being has no liking and intention to perform.

Me likes to make it clear here that given choice, most will not do National Service.

Mr Chua and Others are hoping and looking for Mr Chen Show Mao to look after our society simply because we don't have GOOD PEOPLE IN OFFICE. IF our INCUMBENTS ARE GOOD, then I believe Singaporeans NEED NOT be desperately looking for good and moral calibres.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Get fucked redbean.

I don't drink toddy and today I'm perfectly sober.

However tonight, is a different story.

Anyway to the anons out there, here's some free 'questionable' advice from Uncle Matilah:

only fools take praise or criticism to heart. There usually are ulterior motives behind praise and criticism.

If you enjoy someone praising you too much, you might not notice his accomplice behind you and therefore being in a state of joyful unawareness, will surely be fucked in your arsehole -- non consentingly and brutally.

To quote a line from the story of the Trojan Horse:

"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts"

Anonymous said...

These dogs and bitches are really the kaki tangan, the foot soldiers, of the pap.

It reveals, the truth about pap's manpower - highly educated fools up there are half- and lame-brains forming the vast based of the pyramids supporting the ed fools at the apex.

It's a simple matter of that is how pap operates.Someone who knows told me once, that in SIA, only at VP level and above, you are allowed to THINK. The rest of the people, including managers are really glamourous foot soldiers who are not supposed to think, but to do and die!

Anonymous said...

This crass person is a coward not to attach his/her real face to his/her post.

What's the point of degrading yourself by resorting to vulgarities? It doesn't get your point across. It only shows the kind of background you hail from, how ill-bred you are, and the kind of parents you have.
We don't have to know what kind of people your parents are; we just have to look at you.

没家教! 没文化! 没礼貌! 没教养!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon 3:02, he will not change. The more you complain about his action, the more KL he will be. I have tried but failed. Just take it that he has drunk too much toddy and ignore him when he is like that.

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