
How about a Tombang Scheme?

I would like to take up on what Kan Seng said about making the cake bigger so everyone can have a share of it. How about turning this NCMP scheme into a bigger scheme called the Tombang Scheme? The Tombang Scheme shall work this way. The best losers in a constituency or GRC shall be made NCMPs. In this way we can have 84 elected MPs and 84 NCMPs. Then we will have good quality debates in Parliament. And the ruling party has nothing to fear as when voting on any issue is needed, they could easily win by 84-0. The voters knowing that there will be guaranteed with oppositions in Parliament will just vote for the best party and the best party will likely get all the 84 MPs in. And we have a bigger cake to share with the opposition parties. And the opposition party MPs can make all the noises they want in Parliament. This could be an improved system from what we are having now. And if the NCMPs can prove that they are really good, the voters will vote for them in the future. This is good for the country, surely. It gives the people a chance to observe and assess the NCMPs before voting them in. Good huh?


Wally Buffet said...

It's not good.

168 MPs comprising the real McCoys and the Fakes. This will really be theatrically funny although the figure 168 is very auspicious for the country. 168 MPs for a country, one fifth the size of Shanghai? C'mon, stop kidding willya?

Methinks let's do away with all this tomfoolery and revert back to the old system. It's either you're in or out. No two ways about it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wally, I spent 2000 sec to think of this great scheme and you said it is not good, and tomfoolery some more: )

Anonymous said...

But, but.. the ministers will need more assistant ministers, ministers of state, parliamentary secretaries etc to fix all the NCMPs and the questions they will raise in Parliament.

I think the whole scheme is pure nonsense to hoodwink naive Singaporeans. Nothing good will come out of it. And when they tweak the system once again, 84 NCMPs may even loose their voices all together. So, back to square one.

Anonymous said...

The more NCMPs/NMPs the more salaries/allowances we have to pay, but for losers who cannot vote on our behalf in parliament.

Furthermore, the ruling party can also retain their losers through the scheme, so we may not even get a balanced representation.

Not value for money. Nope.

Anonymous said...

Not value for money? It is value for money to the PAP.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE...enough of deaf frogs

Anonymous said...

Time to have the Cabinet downsize to half and their member's salaries rduce by two thirds. The savings can then be used for welfares and a small part of it to engage a few Chinese(fr China) and Indian(fr India) provincial leaders to help run this tiny land of ours'.

Me believes the experiences and competencies of giant nation leaders will surpass any SIN Leader.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Downsizing cabinet cannot do. The jobs are expanding and getting bigger. You would need more people to do the same job.

Anonymous said...

That's why me suggested bringing in effective and efficient foreign Chinese and Indian that will do the jobs for a fraction of what the locals paid themselves.

Competency at low cost is the way to go otherwise the squeeze will become more suffocating.
