
How inspirational!

Many the world over were overwhelmed by the inspirational speech of Obama. It has to be after so many years of discrimination. Many are still alive in America and can attest to what they had been through. The installation of Obama as the most powerful man in the world, in the most powerful country, is enough inspiration for many. But like all American Presidents, the inauguration speech is a very important speech. And it is meant to inspire the Americans to greater heights. LKY used to inspire his generation of Singaporeans in his speeches. He had many admirers among the oldies and the baby boomers. Could our new leaders inspire with their speeches? I think this will be a tough call when they themselves cannot be inspired by $2m or $3m a year, and still looking forward for more. How could they ever think of inspiring people earning $2-3k pm? On what basis would such lesser mortals be led to that feel good feelings from an inspirational speech? And to cap it all, some even think that $200-$300 is good enough to live on for a month. Any leader who can live on that kind of money will be inspirational for sure. I will be very impressed if any leader can inspire a human bean to believe that $200-$300 is good enough and make them feel happy to carry on living.


Anonymous said...

Late President Suharto of Indonesia and Marcos of the Philippines were as impressive in their earlier days as leaders.

Of course we do wish that Obama maintains consistency from start to end. The impression he projected thus far is very good.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

isn't it strange that the saviour is an african that once was fit to be a slave?

Anonymous said...

'Fengshui lunliu zhuan'-'Every dog will have its' day'. Nothing is too surprising.

And stop calling Obama saviour, he is no miracle though maybe a good man.

He has proven(up to now). But untested(for the rest of his tenure).


Anonymous said...

You sounded too religious.

This to be added to the above post.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi patriot, a saviour needs not be a religious figure. he can be a lesser mortal too : )