
Return my citizen's right

The first right that the people should ask for is the right to stand as a candidate for the Elected President of Singapore, regardless of his status in society. This right has been taken away from every Singaporean when conditions like one must be running an organisation with how many million dollars worth or must be a very senior civil servant or a CEO of such and such a big company etc etc etc or else not qualified. What it means is that losers and hardlanders are disqualified immediately. As citizens of this country, born and bred, sacrifice the best part of our life to do National Service, this right to stand for election as an Elected President is our basic right, our intrinsic right. Every Singaporean must have the right to this office if the people so decide to elect him or her. And he will have all the supertalents and councils to advise him on what to do and not to do for the good of the country. Should not be too difficult a job. All the position need is a person of good character and respectable in the eyes of the people. What say you people?


Anonymous said...

Take your time. Get enough people to form the 2/3 majority in parliament, then talk about change.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

actually singaporeans agree that this is a good thing, i mean to qualify as president with special conditions. see, no protest. i conclude that mine is a voice in the wilderness.

singaporeans do not want to be president and would leave it to the best and able to be their presidents.

Anonymous said...

Many top leaders of the world would not qualify to stand for election as our President.

It is a very difficult job because he has to sit down every day to count the reserves, with over 40 more years to go. Ong Teng Cheong tried to count but lost the key to the safe and his way in the istana. This present President already has devoted about 10 years counting. They estimated it will take 50 years to do it. You want the job redbean?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

ya,ya, i want, i want.

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't want it? Just do as you're told and receive 3 millions yearly. There's no responsibility and no accountability. It's a dream job, just wayang here and there and if you screwed up, there's always someone to pick up the pieces. But it's fucking costly for taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Next Presidential election stand up and be counted then, but make sure there are no skeletons in your cupboard or they will spare no efforts to dig it out, at all cost. But, sadly, none of those who visited redbean's blog will be disqualified, for obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, last sentence should read: But sadly, those who visited redbean's blog will be disqualifed, for obvious reasons.

Anon 3.32pm

Anonymous said...

Redbean you want to be president? Dream on mate. You are born on the wrong side of the road. You must be in the inner circle and an elite. You are just one of those unfortunate who will never qualify to hold the post. Sorry, please do not apply.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

much as i would like to stand, as anonymous said, we are all disqualified.

am i a lesser singaporean or are we lesser singaporeans? it is our right to stand as long as other singaporeans are willing to vote any singaporean to the position. all singaporeans must be equal in this area.

Anonymous said...

You are right, we are all equal, but in Singapore some are more equal than others.

Anonymous said...

we could for this example norminate an independent recruitment company and if you want the job that pays $3m, just submit your resume lor. best man win, this is so fair. no need to pretend nobody is interested, no need to go look for them, just let them queue the way they do for lottery tickets and wait for the jackpot.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

with that kind of money, i too will be queueing up. it is easier than striking toto. and once hit, it lasts for 5 years.

and don't degrade the office ok. $3.7m is only the basic. Another 9 to 12 mth bonus. and don't forget, after 55 yr old, got pension some more i think. someone needs to confirm on this.

so it is easily more than $5m!

Anonymous said...

Did I hear people shouting: Ya, Ya, I want, I want.

Mockingbird said...

the Prata Man is a very prosperous man. Need to carry pappy balls to be Singapore's president right?

Anonymous said...

it seems increasing clear to me that we have set up too many restrictions and rules, doing too many things, and thinking too much when many things can in fact be done very simply. is this why we ended up with so many deputies, assistants, secs and councils of advisers to assist the top guns to do their work? in hk everything is left plain and simple.. if you work hard and do the rite things and have a shinning star above, you become a tycoon. and if enough people likes you and think that you can, you become the head of state, as simple as that. if i am not wrong, the top dog over there dun even have a degree, yet is doing remarkably well for the country. without our type of rules to select the top man, hk still continues to prosper and do exceeding well year after year. on the other hand, despite all our rules and pre-requisites, we still do not have as many tycoons and rolls royces as hk, only more millionaire ministers and deputies. shudnt we emulate hk, have less rules and give more responsiblity to anyone who works hard and has proven to be capable? by doing simple things in simple ways, we may then have no need to hire so many assistants all over the place. this is just my food for thoughts.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous,

you should write your 'we' with capital letters...WE.

for we means a very small and select group, the rulers.

WE are now telling the world that this IS the model forward. what i am seeing is that this is the way down.

Anonymous said...

Someone is even bragging that Russia and China are trying to copy our style of Government. I think that is giving oneself too much credit.

Russia and China went through civil wars and revolutions, survived disasters of great magnitudes and have sent people into outer space. And we are harping on the fact that they are trying to learn something from us, presumably thinking that we have the best Government in the whole wide universe.

Every country has something to learn from another, not necessarily because they think you are the best in everything in the world.

Anonymous said...

I am 62, reasonably literate and was very hardworking while I could. Now I have been retired for 14years which is a long time of self-study and meditating on national affairs. I am a good singapore and can be a good president, I am sure.
Wish somebody can lead this country to the stage when people like me can get the chance to stand for election to the presidency, an Apolitical post.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi 62, welcome to the blog.

there are many able and good men like you. and that is what we need for a ceremonial president. good, decent and respectable singaporeans.

singaporeans cannot be made less equal to other singaporeans because of wealth or status.

a good singaporean is a good singapore, rich or poor, high office or low office.

we must be equal among equals.