
Myth 163

Singaporean inflation Why are people grumbling about inflation? This is the biggest myth. Singaporeans are all coping very well. If it is troubling Singaporeans, then we will have street protest and other forms of demonstration. The fact that all is peace and quiet is a testimony to our well managed economy. Many have been living in abundance all these years and at the worst would only need to adjust their lifestyles a little. Maybe for those who are going for annual holidays, they can consider nearer destinations or make one or two trips lesser. Everything is well.


Anonymous said...

Yes, everything is well....
Now, repaeat after me, everything is well, everything is well...

Anonymous said...

Everything is well and we are all happy. I am tighten my belt one more notch and have gone from one meal in restaurant a week to one a fortnight. I have also stop going for holidays, just stay in Singapore. No more turning on fan in the house. I take bus to local shopping mall at night for cool atmosphere. Everything is well and OK. Why are you all saying otherwise??

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

when coming to belt tightening, singaporeans can be ingenious. i will spend more nights in 7 eleven when i need the comfort of aircon.

Lost4ever said...

The top are getting better off.

The middle and middle low has been well contained.

The low and out have no means but to wait for hand outs.

The BIG ROD is always there, dun tell me u will risk your own well being and your family to go on the picket line...

Ours's is a migrant society, Sooo no one will risk your life for another, just like I asked myslef, why do I need to do National Service to protect this new comers who take SGP as a stepping stone while taking our jobs from us.......... YES, its full of frustrations... but we will continue until a few more General Elections, as the pain is still bearable.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i read in the paper of suggestions that taxi fare must go up significantly and a schoolboy said it is ok to pay more. he is very likely from a well to do family who has not earn his first dollar and don't mind paying for high taxi fare.

and it will be nice if most singaporeans can say the same.