
Mexico considering option for a new canal

 It is reported that Mexico is considering an alternative to the Panama Canal as well. This is a gold mine that others are looking to take advantage of with the demise of the Panama Canal, said to be in its last throes due to climate change.

Of course, they are trying to find solutions to the predicament, but once Nicaragua or Mexico gets into the competition, it is all over for the Panama Canal and transit between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are out of USA control.

We all know that new projects have all the built in obsolescence prevention measures built in as far as possible, and learning from experience what to avoid like the effects of climate change.

Nicaragua and Mexico's building of an alternative to the Panama Canal will elicit fierce opposition and threat from the USA for sure. There will be all the hubris about environmental issues and even NGOs working the ground drumming up opposition over the projects and even sabotage. The USA wants total control of all the choke points and any project countering that is against their interest. We all already know that the USA is openly hostile to the Isthmus of Kra project, once news of its intended revival is revealed. That basically is competing with its Straits of Malacca choke point control.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right now, crossing the Panama Canal is resulting in a longer delay due to restrictions over the number of ships passing through and the delay is reported to be costly for shipowners. Some shipowners have even taken the risk of going by alternative routes, also expensive to boot.